Today's big question is "Should Our Children be born with Silver spoons in there mouths?" The answer is "Absolutely". Gold or Platinum is even better. As mentioned in our first blog it is the obligation (as parents and guardians) we have in sustaining our cultural heritage, and investing all our talents wisely. Scriptures tells us throughout that we are to be prosperous an wealthy in silver, gold, and land. We must ask ourselves especially for our children's sake "will this appreciate in the future". The very first item that our son received after he was born was a sterling silver rattle and spoon. Today at age three his favorite word for when he sees at toy is "foolishness". On the other hand, if you give him a piece of silver or gold he will gladly take it and play with it. My point is this is what he knows and will continue to know. The seed has been planted. Meaning that when he is old enough to do so, he will share knowledge of wealth and prosperity through scriptures. Yes knowledge is very powerful. There are other items that have great value like old cars, trains, trucks, etc.It is tradition for people to give money only instead of toasters, blenders, silverware, etc at Jewish weddings. The idea is that Jewish young adults get an opportunity to start their lives without unnecessary financial burden as long as they take the money and invest it wisely in gold, silver, land, etc. It is also the norm to pass property and businesses to children when they become young adults.Shalom,Tamar