estate (36)
Beyond buying a home for your family, it may never have occurred to you to invest in real estate. You may think that you do not have the experience or the money to even know where to begin. However, a small initial investment could result in high returns for you, by either giving you the capital to grow your business or a new professional direction. There are a number of reasons investing in real estate may be a smart move for your business or your personal finances:
Fixing up and flipping low cost homes could be an added source of income
One-time or ongoing property investment offers a high ROI
Finding cheap commercial assets or land to expand your business
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) offers an affordable way to invest in real estate, as they regularly hold auctions and have an online marketplace where they sell assets from failed banks. As there are no bid minimums at the auctions and bids can be placed in person or online, the FIDC offers an easy and affordable way for first time investors to get involved in real estate.
Why is it good for women, minority and small businesses?
To ensure a diversity of participation in the Owned Real Estate (ORE) program, the FDIC welcomes and strongly encourages small, minority and women investors and individuals to participate in the bidding under the program.
As minority-owned businesses typically receive less capital than non-minority-owned businesses, investing in real estate is an alternative way to build capital. Women are also becoming increasingly empowered to invest in real estate and they’re finding that there is always a profitable strategy regardless of the current market. You no longer have to have a wealth of experience or a lot of initial investing money because of the opportunity to buy affordable previously owned properties and flip them for a high return.
If you’re a first time investor, starting with an FDIC auction is great because of the lower prices of property sold through their Owned Real Estate Marketplace and the no bid minimum.
The FDIC’s Minority and Women Outreach Program also exists solely to make investing in real estate a reality for women and minorities who may not have been aware of the opportunity. They are eager to offer assistance and education so that you’re well informed on your opportunities for growth.
What if you have no idea where to start?
The FDIC holds information sessions specifically designed to expose and educate small, minority- and women-owned businesses to investing in real estate, as well as individual investors. The sessions focus on the process of acquiring real estate through the ORE Marketplace and any upcoming auctions. In November, there are three information sessions in Birmingham, AL (Nov. 12th), Hickory, NC (Nov. 13th) and Atlanta, GA (Nov 14th). The information sessions are free and also provide a great networking opportunity for attendees.
If you’re not located near or in any of those states, the FDIC also offers 30-45 minute webinars. There are five webinars in November, on the 5th, 7th, 18th, 19th, and 21st. As space is limited, you will want to register for your desired date as soon as possible.
To learn more and register, visit the information session and webinar registration page. 1-888-883-3013
Women Entrepreneurs, they wanna get into real estate investing, however they see it as a challenge.
I'm not excluding you gentlemen, but this here is mainly gonna be directed towards an overall, but mainly towards the women entrepreneurs to help them, just as well as the gentlemen, how to get into real estate investment, okay? And the first thing you have to do understanding that even though [01:32] ____... Number one, you have to have... You have to clean your credit, okay? And the reason that I say clean your credit, it's because even with hard money lenders, they're not trusting. Some of them, if you've been out there long enough, they'll deal with you. But if you're a newbie coming into the game, hard money lenders, they're gonna see what's on your credit. They're gonna look and see if you ever owned any type of real estate before. Because again, as I told you all before, your credit is your personality. Your credit tells a lot about you, whether it may be true or not, it does say a lot about you.
That's the reason that I try to encourage you all. First, fix your credit. And it doesn't take a long time to fix your credit. I know there's a lot of credit repair companies out here that have disappointed many of you with the credit process. That's the reason that, with our program, I implemented the escrow accounts. So, that way, it protects you as the consumer, as well as making sure that the job gets done. That means that you put that money in escrow, and the repair company cannot access that funding until they are able to show that they have cleaned the credit, at least between 75% to 80% of that credit. So, there's no way that you're gonna be taken advantage of, not if you're coming through my company, okay? And we have four different divisions that deal with credit, plus an in-house attorney, which is very good. 1-888-883-3013 1-800-652-7157 In this video, I explain, why many businesses fail.
Many people imagine having a business already exstablished just like a full grown plant. However, they don't full understand that they must do the following steps in order to see it grow to its full maturity. Lets look at how you grow a plant. You pour the dirt, plant the seed, your water it often so it won't die. So basically you have to take time to nourish the business just like a plant.
There are specific reasons a businesses fail. It starts with money. Most people will borrow from their retirement plan or 401k, they borrow from their friends, family and relatives, the borrow from their saving and credit card.
Now they've dumped all this money into a business that sells tangible products. When they need money to restock they have no one to fund their business. Another reason many businesses fail is because of the market they are trying to cater to may not be responding to their product. For instance you can not stick a Louis Vuitton store in the hood, because people making between 25k to 35k don't have the means to buy 1k purses.
Another reason many businesses fail is because of their product. Most people sell a product because of the trend and it's making money now. However if you learn to do what you love and make that a product then you'll have less competition. Especially if you further your education on that product. Stop doing thing because it's trendy and making money now educatte your self on what it is you love to do and you'll always make money in your market.
I get calls from a lot of people that want to get into real estate however they know very little about real estate investing. They have very little knowledge about buying a property and what is it going to take to get that property back on the mark to get a good rate of return. Now with wall street buying residentual real estate from the banks for pennies on the dollar it better to focus on buying commercial real estate.. You get about 5 or 6 partners together and buy a strip mall and rent it out to people that are starting new business.
I hope this video was informative to someone, thank you.
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I wanted to share an interview I did recently with
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Time For Spring Cleaning Your Finances Staff Writer
Spring is a time for renewal, a time for out with the old, in with the new. So, while you’re cleaning out the closet and the garage, it’s a good time to give your finances a good spring cleaning, too.
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Brigitte Sporrer | Getty Images |
Think about it: The government is already forcing you to do an audit of what you made and what you spent last year with your taxes; what better way to kick procrastination than to take that momentum and check off everything on your financial to-do list—from rebalancing your 401(k) to reviewing your life-insurance policy, checking your credit score and planning out your spending for the year?
“You get involved in your day-to-day life. You’re busy trying to get ahead, taking care of the kids, earning a living and enjoying yourself a little bit. Organizing your finances isn’t something people typically enjoy doing,” said Marie Hoffman, who runs, a web site designed to help Boomers with money management. “But if your goals are to keep your financial house in order and make headway on accumulating assets, then this is just a chore that needs to be done like cleaning the bathroom — so do it!”
Chantay Bridges, a real-estate agent in Los Angeles, and her spouse have always been diligent about their finances but a recent death in the family, and subsequent conversations about was there a will, what would happen to the kids, etc., made them expand their spring checklist this year. They suggest you:
- Check yourr credit scores.
- Get your legal business in order (A will, living trust, etc.)
- Make emergency plans. (Buying gold and silver, stocking up on emergency supplies and establishing emergency contacts)
- Check all of your policies to make sure they’re up-to-date (insurance policies, bank accounts, investments, wills, etc.)
- Make sure your beneficiaries are correct.
- Do a debt check — Is everything paid off or is there anything outstanding?
- Check interest rates on your credit cards and any outstanding loans.
- Check your 401(k)s and get financial advice on their distributions.
- Take stock of stocks — check in to see what’s performing, what they should sell and if there’s anything they can write-off due to low or limited dividends.
VLS is truly excited with the growth and support of our affiliate partners since we officially started in mid 2010. Putting all the elements together for a good recipe as a real estate service and referral provider has been an awesome experience, and we know that the best is yet to come in real estate leasing for us!!!
As we all know real estate leasing is HOTTER than ever. What are the predictions for commercial and residential leasing for 2011? Rents will continue to increase in prime markets and remain steady in areas where there are more vacancies.
Commercial Office Leasing:
Office Leasing activity will remain strong in 2011, especially as entrepreneurs, small businesses and companies begin to grow and expand their employment levels. The vacancy rate for office space will decline in the range of 1 to 1.5 percent and virtual office services will increase tremendously.
Residential Leasing:
The demographic trends are changing from longtime renters buying to longtime home owners renting. It's all about choice!
Baby Boomers are renting their homes to downsize or move to warmer climates, but not necessarily buying a second home, but renting by choice without having the hassle of owning.
On the flip side longtime renters are going for the "American Dream" of home ownership. There are alot of great deals and incentive programs for first time homebuyers to purchase by choice.
I would say this is a good look for real estate leasing in 2011!!!
Lin Gordon
Virtual Leasing Solutions
Lease freakin' you out ... well you are not alone and if the lease doesn't freak you then something is definitely wrong. The lease as we know is a complex document and it is meant to be that way. It is full of legalese and I can say in my 10+ years of being in the commercial real estate leasing, lease administration and property management industry of reviewing leases I have yet to see a simple lease. The lease is so complex that major companies hire its own legal and accounting departments to handle its lease issues. So, if the major companies takes such precaution where does that leave the little man. Think about all the commercial tenants, landlords and property management companies that don't have these resources or for that matter who are clueless. Yes, the lease should freak' people out - it is so convoluted.
How do we get pass this over rated document? Knowledge, preparation and prevention should always at the forefront when addressing any concern dealing with the lease. The 5 W's, how and if should always be addressed in each provision prior to executing the document.
A simple notice provision, as it may seem, could trigger default, litigation and fees. How? To not send notices as specified, not in the t time frame, etc. Yes, a simple notice provision could trigger a disaster if misunderstood or overlooked.
Yes, the lease should be freakin' u out, if you are not knowledgeable, prepared and able to implement prevention measures to stop you from being in a bad situation. You shouldn't learn about the the various situations your lease can put you in as you go, but prior to ... through research. Believe me it pays off.
In truth knowledge is expensive and very few people are giving this kind of knowledge away. And the profit margin is high for the attorney, accountant, property management company, etc. which stand to gain through individuals not being knowledgeable of the lease, the situations that revolve and/or may revolve around the lease. Yes, the lease should be freakin' u out.
I know the lease can freak the tenant, landlord and property management company out having been in the role of the property management company/landlord and tenant ... that is why I can honestly relate and talk to all parties and tie these roles together and say one does not work without the other.
Don't let the lease freak u out. Study to show yourself approved, not ashamed and able to speak up for yourself.
Tune into Know Ya Rights - CRE Lease Talk blog radio, also for tidbits. CRE Lease is keeping it real and bringing the commercial tenant, landlord and property management company information based up on over 10 years experience, knowledge and education in the commercial real estate property management, lease administration and leasing industry.
All rights reserved. 2010 © Commercial Real Estate - CRE Lease Talk, Inc.
I recently met with a potential client yesterday; this client which of course will remain nameless had two very large life insurance policies (amounts I will not disclose). My goal for the meeting was to illustrate to him how he can still obtain the same amount of insurance he currently has and pay less in policy premiums. His response to my illustration was what would happen to the payments that I have made for over 15 years. Now, its not important for me to write word by word the whole conversation me and client had, but what I want to point out is, there are some individuals that believe that their insurance payments are a form of investments and that if I exchange one policy for another I’m going to lose the amount that I invested in the policy; another fallacy is how long will it take me to rebuild my savings with this policy? Well insurance is to help and assist you with risk, Life insurance is to help, manage and protect your love ones from risk that may occur in the event of your death. So my goal to any client or potential client; what was the goal when you purchase this policy, is it to pay any expenses at the time of death, create a legacy your love ones, or to assist you with your with Estate planning goals; now those are just some examples on how life insurance can help you manage risk. My goal with this writing is not to put down any type of life insurance product, I’m an advocate that Term, Whole Life, Universal Life and Variable Life have their place, but my goal is to always find out what do you want to accomplish by purchasing Life insurance.
As you’re sitting in front of your TV watching your favorite program, you haveto wonder what it would be like if you could escape all of your financial drama.You’ve probably sat there wondering what you could do to put yourself on theroad to earning endless amounts of cash. Starting a career as a Real Estateinvestor could be the answer for you! If you are living paycheck to paycheck andhave no idea how you’re going to survive this economic crisis, now is the timeto start thinking about being your own boss and stepping out on faith. Spring isHere! Invest for your nest!
I realize that everyone doesn’t have the power to sell Real Estate but nothingbeats a failure but a try. You will never know what’s out there for you unlessyou take the necessary steps to become educated and do it. The idea is to thinkoutside the box. There are countless Real Estate investors who never thoughtthat they would be able to climb their way to financial freedom until they triedit. Owning a home is a great investment. Being able to fix and flip homes for aprofit is not only a great way to build wealth but it’s a great way to buildstability and character. Having the right attitude and a keen business sensewill take you far in developing your Real Estate business. Don’t let life passyou by! Spring is here! Invest for your nest!
No one wants to think about getting old and not being able to enjoy life. Beingable to provide for your family is the single most important priority in life.It is time to take action. Get started on your Real Estate dream. Don’t worry ifyou don’t have perfect credit or a massive amount of cash in the bank. There areways to fund your dream. Talking with an experienced Real Estate professionalcan help you get started. Don’t wait around and let your dreams slip away.Spring is here! Invest for your nest!
Take the first step toward building your dreams! With my free seminar, you canand will learn about how to purchase your first property. Join my freenetworking site at To register, visit my website or call 866-758-3555 to attend the FREE Training Seminar to uncover the truth about becoming successful in Real Estate investing.
Annetta Powell
Queen of Real Estate

Real Estate has been a dream come true for many that have hit the bottom and discovered that there was no way to go but up. Owning your own business is a wonderful and challenging decision. Buying and selling homes for profit can catapult you into a world of financial wealth if you stay focused and build the right team. From experience, I know how it feels to want to be able to provide for yourself and your family but there isn’t enough cash to go around. I know what it’s like to want to be able to do something and can’t. The bill collectors are calling everyday, all day. The bills are piling up high and you don’t see a way to pay them all off. I’m here to tell you that Real Estate provided an outlet for me. After turning my first profit from fixing and flipping my fix home, I felt like I could do anything. I KNEW I could do anything. Don’t defer your Real Estate Dream!
There are always risks involved when it comes to money but you have to be disciplined and determined to handle the pressure that comes from starting your own Real Estate business. If you are up for the challenge then Real Estate can and will bring you endless amounts of success. With every home that you buy and sell, you will be able to expand your business and continue to grow financially until you have built yourself an empire. No more living paycheck to paycheck. No more dodging the bill collectors. You will have the tools that you need to create a world of financial stability for you and your family. Don’t defer your Real Estate Dream!
Don’t worry about being an amateur, there are tons of Real Estate professionals who are willing to answer any and all of your questions regarding the business. The key is to network with people through referrals. You want to make sure that they have a proven track record of success and professionalism. This is how your Real Estate business will thrive and you will be able to profit for years to come. Get smart about Real Estate and take advantage of any and all information you can find. There is an answer for every question you have. Don’t defer your Real Estate Dream!
If you are worried that you don’t know enough about Real Estate, I urge you to take my free seminar. With my free seminar, you can and will learn about how to purchase your first property. The best advice you can ever receive doesn’t cost a thing! To register, visit my website or call 866-758-3555 to attend the FREE Training Seminar to uncover the truth about becoming successful in Real Estate investing and get on the path from Rags to Real Estate!
Sincerely,Annetta Powell
The Queen of Real Estate