Achievement (10)

Don't Forget the Achievers

In recent weeks we have seen the stories of the deadly confrontations between young Black men and law enforcement all over this country.  And in Baltimore we saw the anger and frustration of some of its residence manifest itself in the destruction of their own neighborhood.  I have heard some commentators opine that these actions are the result of institutional failures of government and business to address the systemic problems Blacks, and in particular, young Black males, face everyday in their communities.


There is no doubt that the concerns are real and they have to be addressed, but it is also true that sometimes a thug is just a thug.  You can try to deflect responsibility, but the reality is that some people make the conscious decision to be unlawful.  So when some try to give these thugs a pass, what they do is divert attention from those young Black people who have chosen to do it the right way.


This is graduation season, and we have more Black men and women graduating from college than at any other time in history.  They have chosen to be more.  And it is hoped that them being more will allow of us all to be more.  We need to congratulate these students who didn’t take the easy way out.  Those who put in the effort to obtain an education.  And while they may not quite understand the importance of their achievement today, it is certain that their educational achievement will have a positive impact on their communities.


So if you see someone who is graduating college, congratulate them for persevering.  And thank them for choosing to affect change in a positive and constructive manner.



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4 Reasons to Set Fabulous Goals

(From my book, How to Change Your Mindset + Live Your Most Fabulous Life)

Goal setting is the first step in successful goal achievement. If you don’t set goals, the other steps in achieving them can’t happen. A few reasons you need goals:

  1. They provide clarity on your vision. By not having goals in life, you’ll just be running around without ever accomplishing anything for yourself. You first have to create what you want in your mind (by setting the goal), and then your desires can become a reality.
  2. Goals give you one focal point to concentrate on. While your vision and purpose gives you a wide focus, your goals provide laser focus on what, exactly, you need to spend your energy and time on.
  3. They move you forward. They represent the inner desires that motivate you and are what push you to keep going when things get rough.
  4. Goals help you become the best version of yourself (your most Fabulous you!). They can help you reach your highest potential, and without them, you subject yourself to the normal, daily actions that make you feel comfortable and safe. And while those actions may feel good, they keep you from growing and don’t allow you to be the best you that you can be.

Have a goal you want to achieve but need assistance getting started? Or, do you need someone to hold you accountable for taking action on your goals? Goal-getter Sessions are for you! Learn more here, or email me: coaching (at) jamieflemingdixon (dot) com.



Dreamer. Lover of life. Goal getter. These are just a few words to describe Jamie Fleming-Dixon, inspirational writer, blogger, editor and F.A.B. Life Strategist. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of For Colored Gurls, a blog that inspires and empowers women to live their most Fabulous lives. Additionally, she is owner of Mocha Writer, a boutique copy editing and proofreading service.

Jamie is also the author of How to Change Your Mindset + Live Your Most Fabulous Life, a motivational book, providing practical tips for creating a more positive mindset and living the life of one's dream. She has been featured in several websites, blogs, magazines and Blog Talk Radio Shows, including, AfroElle Magazine and Prominence Magazine and was recently named one of the 2012 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs on BBWO (Black Business Women Online). Get inspired on her blog,


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Preparing for a Successful 2011!

2011 is right around the corner, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to start planning! Here are a few tips that may help:

  1. Write down your goals. Think about each area of your life (financial, spiritual, career, health, etc.), and write down a few goals for each one. Just be sure you don’t have too many because that may cause you to feel overwhelmed and decide to give up. Also, be very specific about your goal. So, for instance, if your goal is to lose weight, don’t just write I want to lose weight. Instead, write I want to lose 15 pounds by July.
  2. Create an action plan to achieve your goals. Once you’ve written them down, you need to come up with a plan to achieve your goals. Using the above example, if you want to lose weight, ask yourself: What am I going to do to get to my ideal weight? Your plan could be to throw out all the junk food in your house, bring your lunch to work three days a week, and hire a personal trainer.
               If your goal is to start a business, your action plan could be write a business plan, create a website and marketing material, and work with a business coach.
  3. Create a vision board. So, you’ve figured out what you want to achieve next year. Now, it’s time to visualize your goals coming true. One way to do this is through a vision board. To make one, you’ll need a poster or cork board, tape, glue or tacks and magazines (or other photos). As you flip through magazines, cut out images and words that resonate with you and/or things related to your goals. Some things I use are pictures of women I admire (like Kimora Lee Simmons and Oprah), words like ‘success,’ ‘inspire’ and ‘fabulous,’ and photos of women doing things I want to do more of such as exercising.
  4. Affirm. After you’ve done the above, it’s a good idea to write some affirmations concerning your goals. Of course, at the beginning of the year, you feel super positive and optimistic, but sometimes, if things don’t go as planned or in the time frame you want, you may start to feel discouraged. This is where affirmations come in. So, if you start feeling discouraged (or you just need an extra push), read and/or write some affirmations. Some tips for writing them:

– Use present tense. Positive affirmations work better when stated this way. So, instead of saying, “My new business will be successful,” say, “My new business is successful.”
– Keep them positive. Instead of saying, “I don’t eat junk food anymore” (a negative affirmation), try “I eat healthier everyday,” or “I am motivated to eat healthier.” Affirmations work best when you actually feel yourself being joyful when saying them. Additionally, use words that have power.
– Make them short, and be as specific as possible. By keeping them short, your affirmations will be easier to say and to remember. And by being specific, you’ll get exactly what you want. So, if you want to make more money, affirm an exact amount, i.e., “I make $1500 through my business each month.”
– Repeat your affirmations often. Especially when you’re feeling down.
– Believe. Now, you don’t have to necessarily believe your affirmations initially, but as time goes on, you should definitely start believing what you’re saying sooner rather than later. The quicker you start believing you can have what you want, you will.

Do you have more tips to prepare for a successful new year? Share them below! : )

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If you're anything like me, you probably compare yourself to others sometimes; and for me, this is especially true when it comes to other entrepreneurs.

Amy Dubois Barnett, author of "Get Yours: How to Have Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More," has this to say about making comparisons (this applies to guys as well, by the way):

"What she's got, that's nice for her. But you, girlfriend, are unparalleled. Your life and your path are your own. Learn from others' successes and failures, but do you."
For the most part, this quote encourages me when I feel down. It also helps me remember that I should think about my assests and what I have to offer instead of concerning myself with what others are doing.

How do you stop this habit?

  • Become aware of what you're doing. Comparing is usually done without you even really thinking about it. The solution? Watch out for those thoughts. If you're on the lookout for them for a few days, they'll be easier to recognize, and soon, it will be hard not to notice them.
  • Stop. When you see that you're comparing, take a moment, and realize what you're doing. Don't criticize yourself or feel bad-- simply recognize the thought and gently alter your concentration.
  • Recognize your blessings. You'll be much better off if you focus on the things you already have-- shelter and food, the people in your life and the fact that you're still breathing!
  • Focus on your skills and talents. That doesn't mean boast and brag, but you should feel good about them and use them to your best advantage.
  • Be okay with imperfection. Realize you aren't perfect, and you never will be. Of course, you should always strive for excellence, but don't think you'll be the "perfect person." Your flaws make you you so you're already perfect.
  • Don't belittle others. At times, we criticize other people to make ourselves feel and look better. Doing this, however, is damaging, and in the end, it hurts you, too. How about encouraging someone instead?
  • Concentrate on your journey. Regardless of what society thinks and portrays, life isn't a competition-- it's a journey, and you should only be concerned with yours.
  • Embrace having enough. By wanting what the Jones's have, you won't see that you have everything you need. Realize that even if you only have the basics and people who love you, you are blessed.

Feel free to share your tips below!

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Juniques Marketing ( recieves an observation fromKatrina Gurl, author of The Balcony View( that will make 2010 a fantastic year of achievement for anyone who recognize and accept this observation.No limits. 2009 is the done with my doing year and now 2010 starts with NO Limits
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*Is your small business massively successful despite the economy - despite your business history - despite your doubts?*Are you working less and earning more?*Is your life filled with joyful prosperity?*Do you know how to set MAGNETIC goals AND achieve them?If you said Yes to every question you can stop reading this message. If you said No this message is for you!Magnetic Goals That Literally Draw You Toward the Financial Success You Know You Deserve!You’ve probably heard that the Small Business Administration estimates that fully 56% of small businesses will fail within four years and even more will fail after that. You don't have to be a statistic! You CAN have the thriving business you dream about!Join Award Winning Entrepreneur and Small Business Advisor, Cathy Demers, as she reveals how to set and achieve Magnetic Goals and unleash the potential in your small business. Now is the time to have financial freedom and security while you make a difference in the lives of others.The Fr*ee Teleseminar takes place on Wednesday May 13, 2009 6pm EST and if you can’t attend register anyway and you’ll receive the audio replay.*** This call will fill up fast – so please register early! ***Click Here for all the Details and To Register: http://magnetic.eventbrite.comMagnetic GoalsGoal-setting is one of the most critical processes in any small business but few know how to set goals that have true-magnetism and literally pull your thoughts, your energy, and your resources towards success. Magnetic goals define the path you will take, and create the opportunities you need, for full achievement of your vision for your small business and your life.Cathy Demers, award-winning entrepreneur, is going to share with you what Magnetic Goals are, and how you can use them to draw business success to you while you do what you love.As an added bonus, Cathy will teach you why it's important to "measure what you treasure" and give you great ideas on how to "get what you count" in innovative and fun ways. This is a sure-fire and simple strategy to combat the number one killer of focus and motivation - lack of clear and demonstrated progress.You will be amazed at how easy and effective this is!If you want to:· Secure your business success and your personal prosperity while you serve others, regardless of the economy or other circumstances· Truly enjoy the process of building your small business each and every day· Unleash the potential of your business and build fantastic momentum· Reduce your stress and workload while you make more money· Learn How To Use Magnetic Goals and Draw Financial Success & Security To YouTo sign up for this FREE, LIVE teleseminar, just click this link:*** This call will fill up fast – so please register early! ***And, If you can't attend register anyway and you will receive the audio replay.Here’s what folks are saying about this Cathy’s knowledge and expertise in Business Development:“Cathy has the greatest grasp of personal and professional vision, mission and goal setting of anyone I have ever met. Pamela Cournoyer, Communicate With Class, Oregon“Cathy is not just a business academic. She has won several prestigious awards that attest to her knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge. She is also a sought after business coach who has guided many budding entrepreneurs along the road to success in their chosen field, myself included. What’s more, she makes it fun!” Vicki Lennox, Brisbane Australia“…she's helped me achieve greater insights in terms of the direction my business needed to go… has wisdom about how organizations function, clarity on the power of establishing long term successful human relationships in the context of a business environment, and most of all cares deeply about the success of her client. She has integrity, insight and natural smarts on what needs to be done.” Dr. Gabrielle Lacelle, Clinic Director, Chiropractor, Coastal Health ArtsPlease Register Now by clicking this link: http://magnetic.eventbrite.comClarence Coggins, Crown Prince of Web 2.0
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What are you Proud of ?


By : Lisa Nicole BellLos Angeles,CA ( What are you proud of? Take a minute to think about that. What have you accomplished in your life that you are genuinely proud of? And how often do you think about the things that you’ve done that you’re proud of?A few days ago I was taking stock of the things I accomplished in 2008 and the things I’m working towards in 2009. I realized that in 2008, I set my goals and went about achieving them, but I realized that I didn’t spend enough time celebrating my accomplishments as they occurred. I reflected on several things I did and realized that I was exceptionally proud of a few accomplishments in particular.Celebrating our accomplishments is important to our personal development. Oftentimes we move from one task to another, checking things off of our to-do list without ever pausing to appreciate the fact that we’ve accomplished something worthwhile. Celebrating our accomplishments is essential to the development of our self-esteem. Think about how you would have viewed something as significant as your college or high school graduation if there were no ceremony or celebration and you simply moved on to next stage in your life with no fanfare. You may have felt that your hard work didn’t mean as much as it should have or that your completion of your education was not important to your life. However, the reality is that graduations are wonderful times that should be celebrated and honored. These kinds of occasions get attention, certificates, parties, and more. We reflect on graduations and other accomplishments of that sort with great pride in part because of the emphasis placed on them.Consider celebrating your other milestones the same way. If you get a promotion, celebrate! Promotions are rarely given in haphazard ways, yet some adults seem to disregard them. If you lose 10 pounds, celebrate! If you set a meaningful goal at the beginning of the year and you accomplish it, celebrate! Instead of quickly moving on to the next task, take a moment to bask in the glow of achievement and enjoy having reached your goal. Celebration not only evokes feelings of happiness and hope, they help us remember how capable and talented we are. When challenges arise, we can reflect on the skills we used to achieve other milestones and then solve problems with confidence.Today, I’d like you to make a list of 10 things you’re proud of. These could go back as far as elementary school or be as recent as this morning. Spend some time reflecting on each accomplishment, event, or thing and ponder what it means to your life. Allow yourself to be reminded that you are an accomplished and wonderful person who has many more great achievements ahead.Lisa Nicole Bell is an inspiration expert, author, and entrepreneur. Her book, Divine Inspirations, is currently available at She will conduct a FREE teleseminar on recession-proofing your mind on February 9.
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