believe (7)

I have been abused
Mentally, Emotionally & Physically
I have been betrayed
Lied to and cheated on
I have had my belongings and money taken from me
I have lived with a crack addict And had to live his life instead of mine
I have been hurt so bad All I could think about is how to end my life.
                                                                        Worst of All ...
I have lost myself
The me that was is no longer In my mind, the only way out was to get out.  My mind was consumed with what I needed to do in order to end my life and be sure everything was in order so no one would be left with any of my problems.  I had these thoughts on two different levels.  1st I knew I had to do something to myself before things got so bad that my husband would do something to me and he would have to pay for it.  I couldn’t let my death be on his hands.  2nd I knew that I caused my children too much pain and stress and they would be better off without me.  The hurt I felt for causing my family pain and stress was too much to handle and this was the only way to make it up to them.
I know some of the things I am about to disclose are considered taboo.  I know this because when I tell my story, I suddenly have no friends left, no one wants to associate with me for fear my bad luck might rub off on them. 
I’m telling you these things in hopes of helping someone else who may be going through the same types of pains.  My life was turned upside down and I was ready to give up.  The things I will be telling you in the next few posts may not seem real and may detail some shocking events, however I can guarantee they are real.  Please don’t judge me until you hear the whole story.
  If you have ever been abused…If you have ever been betrayed…If you have ever been hurt so bad...If you ever felt like dying was an option to relieve the pain… Have you ever wanted to be loved so bad, you turned to someone or something that harmed your life in ways you never thought possible?
Everything in life is a gift from God.
He has allowed us to live through every experience
He has given us knowledge and wisdom from every experience.
We do not know his reason
Maybe it is so that one day we can help someone else in the same situation.
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How Much Do You Believe In Yourself?


Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours. It is powered by your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In other words, your success is measured by the strength of your belief.

What is it that you desire? Often people do not have a clue what it is they want, they just know what they do not want. Now is a good time to evaluate your goals and determine the end result you want to achieve. Put your goals in writing and place them where you can see them throughout the day. Read them frequently to keep them fresh on your mind.

Be inquisitive. Research and learn as much as you can on how you can achieve your goal. Use all possible resources such as books, CDs, courses and people. Yes, people. Talk to as many people as possible who are already successful in what you want to achieve. Ask, ask and ask some more about what they did to reach success. Do not limit your contacts to only the people you already know.


Introduce yourself by phone or mail, explain your purpose for contacting them and ask for a tip. The worst thing that can happen is that they ignore you. The best thing that can happen is that they become your mentor and offer support and encouragement. Chances are you will receive at least one great tip from many of the people you contact. This method is the least expensive and most rewarding.

Be unique. Next, take the ideas you learn, embellish them and come up with your own creative process. Think of how you can approach your goal in a way that no one else has. Dare to be different. Don’t be afraid to take risks. What do you have to loose? Write out a list showing the worst things that could happen and then list all of the best possible outcomes. Always maintain your concentration on your desired result.

Be better than your competition. When you were a child and saw your older siblings or friends riding a bike (without training wheels), you didn’t look at their scraped knees and elbows and say, “Whoa, I could get hurt doing that.” Instead, you begged to try it for yourself. With a great deal of practice and often pain, you gradually learned how to maintain your balance.


Before long you were trying to “out do” your friends with your speed or fancy tricks. When you fell, you would get back on and try again with even greater determination. From your very first effort, you believed in your mind that if you got back on, you would eventually learn to ride. I bet you even knew in your mind you would be the best in the neighborhood, in your school, in the state, in the world!

Be positive. If you see obstacles before you, then you will also only see problems. If you have hesitations that you plan will not work, then it will not work. If you are influenced by the power of  negative people, then you will never be any better than they are. Believe in yourself and what you are capable of achieving.   


When your desire to succeed is stronger than the pain, fear or frustration of failing, there is no turning back. I challenge you to view your goals just like you did when you were a child before you learned about self doubt and negative criticism. Remember, anything is possible as long as you believe. Make a commitment that you will not let anything or anyone, including yourself stand in your way of reaching your goals.

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Motivational Quote of the Week- 11.29

"You can take action, you can make a difference, and you can respond in a positive, creative way to any situation. You can do whatever must be done to live the life of your dreams. Yet in order to do so you must first believe that you can. In order to do so, you must let go of the limiting beliefs you use to hold yourself back..."

- Ralph Marston

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If you're anything like me, you probably compare yourself to others sometimes; and for me, this is especially true when it comes to other entrepreneurs.

Amy Dubois Barnett, author of "Get Yours: How to Have Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More," has this to say about making comparisons (this applies to guys as well, by the way):

"What she's got, that's nice for her. But you, girlfriend, are unparalleled. Your life and your path are your own. Learn from others' successes and failures, but do you."
For the most part, this quote encourages me when I feel down. It also helps me remember that I should think about my assests and what I have to offer instead of concerning myself with what others are doing.

How do you stop this habit?

  • Become aware of what you're doing. Comparing is usually done without you even really thinking about it. The solution? Watch out for those thoughts. If you're on the lookout for them for a few days, they'll be easier to recognize, and soon, it will be hard not to notice them.
  • Stop. When you see that you're comparing, take a moment, and realize what you're doing. Don't criticize yourself or feel bad-- simply recognize the thought and gently alter your concentration.
  • Recognize your blessings. You'll be much better off if you focus on the things you already have-- shelter and food, the people in your life and the fact that you're still breathing!
  • Focus on your skills and talents. That doesn't mean boast and brag, but you should feel good about them and use them to your best advantage.
  • Be okay with imperfection. Realize you aren't perfect, and you never will be. Of course, you should always strive for excellence, but don't think you'll be the "perfect person." Your flaws make you you so you're already perfect.
  • Don't belittle others. At times, we criticize other people to make ourselves feel and look better. Doing this, however, is damaging, and in the end, it hurts you, too. How about encouraging someone instead?
  • Concentrate on your journey. Regardless of what society thinks and portrays, life isn't a competition-- it's a journey, and you should only be concerned with yours.
  • Embrace having enough. By wanting what the Jones's have, you won't see that you have everything you need. Realize that even if you only have the basics and people who love you, you are blessed.

Feel free to share your tips below!

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Why I Was Created

These words was written by John Rohn. His words said everything about why I was created.Sometimes you can’t make it on your own.Combine your knowledge; none of us issmarter than all of us.Welcome greatness; it lives all around you.Choose to think the best about others.Choose to believe the best about others.Be enthusiastic!!!Put people up; not down!Develop the ability to find the abilityin others; it’s “Priceless”!!Help others be liked.Help others be right.Help others be comfortable.Help others be winners.Get your ego out of the way.Replace “I” with “We".Inspire someone to bethe best they can be.Think like a person of action.Act like a person of thought.Have no regrets.Commit yourself to something bigger than yourself.Act as if what you do makes a difference.It Does!!Go for it!Start an epidemic of enthusiasm!Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.Don’t waste your time waiting for inspiration.Begin and inspiration will find you!Be on a mission!Never let weeds grow under your dreams.Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.Never chase a lie.Never laugh at anyone’s dream.Never make excuses.Make promises sparingly.Keep them faithfully.Have no limits.Never kill an idea.Pursue character before prosperity.Be loyal.Ask “What if?”Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you don’t have time to criticize others.Create an atmosphere of forgiveness.Make your word your bond.Don’t be little; be BIG!Learn to say NO! to the good.So you can say YES! to the great!Be unpopular when necessary.Never be ashamed of what you believe.Never let up when you are ahead.Don’t blow your own horn, or you just might miss the music.Let others lead small lives, but not you.Let others argue over small things, but not you.Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.Never be afraid to dream; be afraid not to.Never be afraid to live; be afraid not to.Never be afraid to love; be afraid not to.Never be afraid to laugh; be afraid not to.You’re ALIVE, “live it that way!”
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