Check (10)

Are you a small business owner that hates tax season?  You have to think of how you can reduce your tax bill and walk away with a nice tax return.  In this video I'll share with you a few resources that could save you thousands of dollars in your small business.  Many small business owners accountants, CPA's, or Attorneys don't share these writes with the majority of their clients.

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Are you in bad need of money for your business but you have bad credit.  In this video, I teach you a process to acquiring a loan for your business even with bad credit. I give you the break down on what you need to set the business up properly so that the business qualifies for that loans.

Even more I teach you how to find investors for your business.

Read more… Have you ever wrote a bad check and now you can not get a checking account? Well, you're now alone.  In this video, I'll show you, how to get a new checking account as well as show you how to contact ChexSystems to remove youself from their database.

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How does incorporating your small business benefit you?  In this video, I'll share with you 7 of the great benefits of a corporation.  You'll also learn how easy it is to save thousands of dollars in your small business.

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10744098097?profile=original  If you’re an entrepreneur or veteran in your business, and you’re finding it difficult to borrow money, then you may need to look at the foundation of your business. It’s unfortunate a lot of financial institutions loan officer do not have the knowledge to help you qualify for funding.
As a business owner for over 10 years, I am very familiar with the stress that comes about when you need money either to expand your business or just trying to make payroll. I discover 4 years ago about business credit, and I took all my free time to learn as much as I could about it. Many used this method to acquire funding, because their personal credit was destroyed.

A few things that I learned from studying business credit was that in order to obtain funding you must have a strong business foundation as well as good personal credit. Although, those facts made since, it made me feel discourage and uncomfortable, but as I educated myself more and took action, I felt a sense of relief.

I’ll like to share with you those steps I took to build up the foundation of my business in this outline.

 1st you must pick a favorable lending code. In the business world they call it SIC CODE or NAICS CODE. I made a video explaining these terms on my youtube channel on my website  Some of the favorable lending codes with be the following niches such as technology, education, retail, wholesale, and telecommunication.

  2nd step to building the foundation of your business is the structure of the business. Banks and Credit Unions are biased to the structure of the business. The majority of business owners are focused on either a S-Corporation or an LLC. However, banks favor C-corporations, because it’s look at as an entity that can vouch for its own credit, built up correctly. Another reason the C-corporation is preferred is because you can raise capital by issuing stock in the company.

 3rd step in building the foundation of your business is the registration of the company online. There are several avenues you need to take when registering your business. You would start with the business credit bureaus. These would be Experian business, Equifax business,, and Dun and Bradstreet. Once you’ve register with those, you move on and register with the government systems like,, ORCA, MBA, and SBA. After, you’ve completed those you’ll register with the top search engines like google, bing, yahoo to name a few. The purpose of doing all of this registration, because this acts as a third party verifier. I discuss more of this in my ebook THE INSIDER BANK SECRETS.

 4th step in obtaining business funding is opening up 3 business bank accounts (checking, savings, and expense). By opening these accounts, you are establishing a relationship with the banks as well as building business credit with the credit bureaus. In my ebook I teach you how to make a small budget go a long way when building a good business relationship with the banks.
If you wish to learn more tips and secrets on how to build business credit to obtain funding join our community and forum at

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 How to Build Business Credit without Net30 Accounts. 

In this video I explain why net30 accounts are not necessary for business credit funding. I have stated over the year that if people want to get approved for revolving credit they have to do several things, starting with their personal credit.

1. Repairing your personal credit so you can be a guarantor on business credit cards or loans is important to the business.  If you feel that repairing your personal credit may take to long, then find a service that offer cpn's or scn's. 
Click on the link

Some business owners have elected to add someone with strong credit on their board to be a personal guarantee for the company.

Click on the link

2. Building the business foundation to acquire funding.  As a small business owner you need a website and social media, as well as, registering the company.

3.  Business owners need to file financials and ucc-1.  This is what the banks look for in a business credit file.  These documents are what is used to help get the business loans and revolving credit cards.

4.  When you receive your articles of incorporation, you need to go open up 3 bank accounts (checking, savings, and expense).  In the ebook I teach you how to properly use those bank accounts to build a relationship with the banks. 

5. Purchasing the Dun and Bradstreet credit builder package is a good way to expedite to build up your business credit file.

Check out the ebook

Read more…  Understanding a 80 Paydex Score and Business Credit Score/Rating

In this video I explain to you the difference between a paydex score and a business credit rating.
First, understanding that a paydex score is based off a customer paying 3 to 5 trade credit vendors on time.  Trade credit vendors commonly called Net30 Accounts give credit to start-ups or established companies. There is not a lot of factoring that goes into it.

Now lets look at a few important things that are used to factor a business credit rating.
1. A company's size and it's structure pay a key roll in it's credit rating.  I explain these factors in my new ebook "The Insider Bank Secrets." 
Click here to get the book

2. The industry risk code or SIC CODE AND NAICS CODE also help to factor your business credit rating.  In my new ebook, I give you examples of good and bad risk codes in helping you to obtain business credit funding.

3. The outstanding balances of your accounts payable will also affect your business credit rating. 

4. Paying your bills on time or earlier help determine you a good risk as well as your credit card utilization.  Having high utilization, but low credit card balances also has an impact on your business credit score.

5.  Having good public records and updated financials help boost your business credit score.  When file those ucc-1 financials statements showing you paid a loan off, or paid a lien in full you are showing lenders your business is a good credit risk.  Always keeping up to date financials on file to show the growth in your business also has a positive influence or your business credit rating.  I explain all these steps in my new ebook "The Insider Bank Secrets." 
Click on the link to get the book

6. The length of your credit history for the business also is important.  This show the business has stability and profitability over a period of time.  In our business credit forum, we show our members how to create this history.

Click on the link to get the ebook and check out the forum.

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Check Your Spelling

Having a good command of the english language is not only important verbally but also in the written word. That brings me to the subject of spelling and how important it is to check it BEFORE submitting a press release. Misspelled words will make your credibility come into question—especially if you’re an author. One might wonder if your book is also filled with typos and other grammatical errors.

OK, so here’s a made up press release with some of the most commonly misspelled words. How many did you find?

***The first person who correctly guesses the number of misspelled words will win a free copy of my BAMedia Contacts Directory.*** (Cut and paste press release in email with misspelled words highlighted in bold. Submit by December 15 to ).

New Car Dealership Comes to the Triangle

Congradulations to Taylor’s Automotive for finding a location in Raleigh to set up they’re new automobile dealership. The Mayor says, “It is a priviledge to have such a fine business here. Their the epitomy of what automobile companies should be like.”

Andy Taylor, owner of Taylor’s Automotive says the location came highly reccomended to him by people in the community. “We initially thought being next to a cemetary would be disasterous for our business but that’s not the case at all. We don’t think we will loose any business by being in this location.”

To celebrate they’re grand opening, Taylor Automotive will be inviting the general public in for a pig pickin’ complete with all the fixins’ including marshmellows. “We don’t want to embarass anybody by doing this. We just figured that since we’re in the south, it’s our perogrative to do what we want to make future customers feel welcome.”

To registrar for the celebretion in advance, please call Taylor Automotive at 919-555-1919.

The grand opening is tenatively set for November 21.

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"The World's Most Powerful Money Making Black Business "If you are ready to make a difference in your Community, this is the place to be. Join me now what are you waiting for ? time is of the essence. Just think, this site will teach how to become prosperous as well as how to make residual Income.You can use video and audio post cards this way your friends and family can hear you and see you while you introduce your new found secret. Yes to me it is a Gold mine, for a very small investment of $14.00 you get a wealth of help and encouragement. The gift… ContinuePosted by Ruth Clements on August 21, 2008 at 6:54pm — No Comments
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