What does it take to find your passion. Four years ago I got serious about this, I walked away from the co-operate world to find my passion and make a living doing that. I have have had speed bumps, I have had detours, I have had disappointments, I have had failure, I have wanted to give up on pursuing my Dream.People have laughed at me, asked me what in the world was I doing why did I leave the comfort and stability of a paycheck? All of this was needed for me to reach where I am today. If I did not go through this I would not have found my Passion.Everyone wants to do what they love to do, there is no doubt about that, but how many are willing to go through all the the ups and down to get there. well if you want to be fulfilled in life you will take the risk. Risk it all to get to a place that you can truly look back and say it was all worth it. "CAUTION !! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO QUIT THEIR JOB" Calculate your risk! Be smart about it.Being true to yourself and following your Dream takes work. You have to be willing to work on yourself. Relationships in life are the tools that are used to help you navigate your life and find the true meaning of life. Look around you, which relationships are causing you pain? When you take the time to review those relationships and take inventory of what is really going on inside of you, you will find that this is your moment to face life's obstacle so that you can reach your destiny. Once you take the time and work on the most painful relationships, you will come out a winner, whether you have to let go of that relationship and move on, or make it more healthy is all the work you need for personal growth.Now you are ready to move into personal development. You will find that you are becoming more energized to start working on the things that you have always wanted to do. There is no more hindrance, you have worked on the most difficult tracks of life. You are now ready to go and rise up to your full potential. You can face anything, nothing will move you as long as you keep your head up!Start with thinking about what comes naturally to you, what do people say, you are so good at? I love to write, I write and write and write, I always have something to write about, I always have to write a shopping list even when I will not follow through with it, I just enjoy writing. People noticed and they always told me you are a writer. I had to one day say "yes I am a writer", then I started writing stuff that I could share with others, other than writing a grocery list or writing in my journal. I took the time to share my talent, and gift.Once you open one gift, the other gifts in you will start screaming to be opened too. You will start to realize there are so many boxes that needed to be unwrapped, you might not necessarily like some,but they are still yours to keep. DO what ever you want to do with them, you can give them away, keep them, or sell them.What gifts are you willing to give away today? Those are the gifts you are willing to give back for example doing Volunteer work. What are you willing to keep, those are the ones you use to enjoy your past time. What are you will to sell? Now these are the gifts you use to make money. Are you with me so far?Follow your heart and Find your passion.
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Posted by Nadira Haniff on September 11, 2008 at 12:00am
HAVE A PLAN BWe are into another fast moving week! The news headlines are somewhat gloomy with all the economic pressures that people are dealing with. Today, I spoke with a 57 year old, wonderful woman. She was in tears describing to me her job of the past 20 years, from which she was just let go. I felt awful for her, not so much because she was laid off, but because she has no Plan B in place. Her Plan A (job) is now in shambles, and without a Plan B working for her, she is on shaky grounds. Her financial house is swaying with the times. Not a great place to be for sure. In fact a very uncertain place. So the message today is, don't wait until your Plan A is in jeopardy to get your Plan B going. Job security is fading into the past. Relying on anyone besides yourself is a bad play. The sooner you recognize that, the quicker you can get a Plan B set up and firing to stabilize and secure your financial house. Don't get caught with your pants down!If you have a Plan B (your business) already set up, then you've got to kick into high gear and accelerate your growth. Your business needs to be organized so that it brings in short term income and you build towards the long term residuals, without quitting along the way. Let's do it!TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN or WOMANThere is one commodity which is so slippery that many times it escapes and we are not quite sure where it may have disappeared to. Once gone this commodity is irretrievable. What is that commodity? It's TIME!One clear reason that many home based business owners have a tough time getting off the ground is time management. It is poorly addressed.A large portion of home based business owners are working part time or in some cases full time. So yes, time is limited in any given day. Add family, overtime, errands and a number of miscellaneous issues, and yes, it does narrow the time down. However, despite this limited time frame to work your business, it is possible to run a super successful business.But the fact is, your business will work when it is treated like a business. And for your business to work for you and return a profit - you have to work it! Below is a simple chart to use to allocate time. Time is divided into 8 groups. For example 'Household Tasks' may include, sweeping, washing dishes, laundry etc. So put your activities into one of the 8 groups. For everyone, your situation is unique. So work with that. Now, for 1 week, you need to track yourself diligently and fairly. No cheating. You would be amazed to see where the hours are disappearing."Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst" ~William Penn24 HOUR CHALLENGE
(1) Make a chart like this. Keep it simple. Don't complicate things. This is a daily tracking device. So you would need to duplicate this 7 times for the 7 days of the week to track accurately.(2) Be aware of time. Be conscious how you are spending your time, so you can record effectively. The numbers in the 'Hours' column are a sample. As you track your time, you will insert the correct numbers for the day there and eventually totaling up for the week.(3) Track yourself for this week, today all the way to Sunday, and account for your time. No cheating!(4) Assess where your time is going by the end of the week.(5) Are you happy with the way your week went? Did you get the results you were planning to achieve this week? If not, you must change some things around. For your business to turn a profit, time has to be allocated to engage in the revenue producing activities which would allow you to earn a profit.(6) So let's get pro active about our future and make today count.