contacts (2)

Who's Who in the Media

If you're trying to get some media exposure for yourself or your business, one of the most important things you need to know is "Who's Who" in a newsroom.  Not understanding who calls the shots for precious airtime will have your hopes quickly fading to black.

Here are some of the key people to know in radio and television:

News Director/Assignment Editor - Determines what news goes on the air. Handles all news releases.

Editorial Director - Person to contact to offer editorial comment or to respond to a station editorial.

Community Bulletin Board Director - Person to contact for announcing meetings and other community-related (normally FREE)events.

Public Service/Community Relations Director - Contact for public service announcements (PSAs), pubic affairs talk shows or community calendar listings.

For national talk shows, the key contact is the Producer. For example, Gina Sprehe was one of the many Producers for the Oprah Show. Having her direct email and phone number was a BIG PLUS for contact purposes.

It would also be in your best interest to find out the NAMES of all media contacts and establish a relationship with them so they become familiar with you when you call or write.

If it's your time to shine, the BAMedia Contacts Directory can help you turn on the spotlight.  Get your copy here for the low price of $29

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