It is my exciting pleasure to introduce to you the first ever MALE entrepreneur on PeopleWhoProsper.com. Brian Howard started in the restaurant industry then was introduced to the Network Marketing industry and has been in ever since. Brian shares his journey in business and what it really takes to be successful in the industry. I enjoyed hearing his story and hope you do too!
1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?
My story is really simple I was born and raised in Dayton, Oh. I grew up in a single parent home until I was a teen. It really did not feel like a tragic situation because I have an incredible family that always made sure that we were taken care of. I found my way into playing athletics and got good enough to walk-on the football team at Eastern Michigan University. I strongly recommend that everyone take part in some sort of team sport as you learn more life lessons on the field than in the classroom. I came to learn that playing professionally was probably not in the cards for me so, I started working in the most profitable industry that I knew of that required the least amount of training. The restaurant industry is probably the most misunderstood industry in all professions. I learned how to grow a big business. The only problem was I was always doing it for someone else. I found out that I would never really have what I wanted working for someone else.
Because of that realization I believe that the universe sent me a message. I was shown Amway and the direct sales industry. The men that introduced me to this industry were some of the sharpest people that I had ever met. I wanted to be a part of what they were doing and I wanted their life because they were not only living life but living it with style. So I went to work introducing this company to all my friends and family. All of them thought I was crazy and should pursue something more concrete. I came to the harsh reality that I was not as sharp as I thought. I needed better skills. I started to attend seminars, reading all the books, listening to the tapes and began my journey of personal development. I was still in the restaurant industry having a pretty good life just not what I wanted. I also fell away from the networking industry as I did not understand the nuances of being an entrepreneur.
Years pass and I was re-introduced to the networking industry by a very successful attorney in Las Vegas where I currently reside. The company is a great company that has helped a ton of families become financially free and out of legal and identity theft troubles. But, there was a problem with the field leadership and communication issues, so after a year and a half of menial success I decided to let that company go. I'm glad did because in order to move on to the next you must let go of what's behind. I cultivated a strong relationship with a real leader. I was introduced to a brand new company that is organizing the natural products industry the way that Google organized the internet. The opportunity that I have been searching for is here.
2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?
The reason I have been wanting to be a part of this industry, "start a business" is because of the challenge. The challenge to become the person I have been sent here to be. My mission is to help as many people that want my help become the person they are meant to be. Whether we are in business together or not I want to help raise the vibration, conscience of people and the planet by being a better person every day. The network marketing industry is perfect because it is a personal development business wrapped up in an incredible compensation plan. The more you give, grow and help others become successful, the more successful and prosperous you become. That is my theme to life. Help more get more.
3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?
The things that inspire me are people who overcome physical challenges. That's another reason I love sports so much. I get motivated by seeing others not give any excuses and never giving up on what they want to accomplish. I like watching the "My Wish" segments on Sports Center. It is where children get to hang out with their favorite sports star for a day and have their dreams come true. Truly brings me to tears almost every time.
4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?
I have several mentors: Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Curtis Jackson, Brian Tracy, Sean Carter, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Oprah Winfrey. Just to name a few. I find myself gravitating toward great people. I love seeing the confidence they exude. It lets me know that no matter how bad life seems to be you can always make a change and get on a new path. Mentors are very important, they are the teachers who come along and show us that there is a way and they say let’s work together until we figure it out. A great teacher will not only let you know that you are in the mud but, they also throw a line to get you out.
5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?
I would tell someone who wants to get in my business to be prepared to be disappointed by people that you think want your help but don't know how to ask. Adults have a strange way of saying something to appease people they love, instead of being mature and learning to communicate and deal with their problems. Their problems usually belong to someone else, if you know what I mean. I cannot say that I have not done the same, I just wanted to take personal responsibility for the only thing that I can control, me. If you can master your emotions you can make a lot of money and have a lot of friends. You can get started in this industry by finding someone you trust or you can contact me and I will share how to be on my team. Go to wannafollow.me/brian, watch my partner on YouTube, then you can call me at 702.755.2647 and leave a message. This business is super simple but it will require hard work for the next 2-3 years. But if you follow the system you will never have to work for anyone ever again. We are the best of the best and we want you to join us at the top.
6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?
If you have an entrepreneurial spirit know that you will have moments of great joy and massive disappointments. The secret is to discipline your disappointments and delay your gratifications. You must know that what you are doing is very admirable and should be looked on with pride because the entrepreneurial spirit is what built this country. If it were not for entrepreneurs we would not have electricity, houses, airplanes, computers, or any other convenience way have today. Entrepreneurs create jobs, solve major problems, invoke a different mindset in the way we view the world and how we can make it better. What a great way to live.
Thank you Brian for taking the challenge and sharing your story. I hope someone has been inspired by Brian’s story and remember if you are interested in working with Brian, contact him for more information.
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