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Identifying Career Purpose - Vlog

This month in Say YES to Purpose, we talked about the purpose journey.  In today's vlog, Vaneese Johnson, Career Reinvention Coach, talks about purpose as it relates to your career -- Identifying Career Purpose

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Every Experience is a Life Lesson

Throughout our lives, we all have moments, seasons, where we experience life at it's best and it's worst.  But what do you do with those moments?  Do you say, "I'll never do that again".  Maybe something like, "Now I know what not to do", or how about, "What did I learn from all this"?  Every moment is a lesson and it all depends on how you perceive it and what you do with it.

We can very easily make our bad experience worse when we reflect on it as such. But what about the flip side, what did you learn from this experience?  How can my life be better because of what I've gone through?  Here's how...


Learn from it and move on!


No need to dwell on the negative, you'll just keep yourself stuck in the same mindset, without even realizing it.   And then everything around you will start to take on the same negative thought process.  Your job, your relationships, your mood, your happiness, everything will start to take a downward turn.  And the reality is that you have allowed it to get to this point because you just could not let it go.  Your thoughts kept the cycle going.

At this moment, make a choice.  A choice to be better, a choice to not allow this to destroy you, a choice to release the negative and move on.  Start to feel better immediately.  Remember all the wonderful people and great things in your life that you love and surround yourself with greatness.  If yours is a story you feel comfortable in sharing, then do that.  There is enormous gratitude in knowing that you have helped someone because of your own testimony.  Feel good again and don't let this experience deprive you of another minute of your very precious, very beautiful life.

Here's the formula:

Learn From It

Make A Choice

Release It

Move On

Feel Good Now


With Love and Gratitude,

The Black Woman's Rule Book


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