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FIRST-TIME HOME BUYERS ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR A NEW $8000 TAX CREDIT. YES, THAT SOUND YOU HEAR IS OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING.As leading advocates for homeownership, REALTORS® work closely with Congress for legislation that supports home buyers, likethe recent stimulus package that gives fi rst-time home buyers a tax credit of up to $8,000.* The credit, combined with today’s low interest rates and increased affordability, make buying conditions more favorable than they’ve been in years. Repayment is not required and it is available for homes purchased between January 1 and December 1, 2009.Homeownership is an investment in your future. Work with a REALTOR®, a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, who can explain the process and show you options that best fi t your situation. To learn more, visit HousingMarketFacts.com.EVERY MARKET’S DIFFERENT, CALL A REALTOR® TODAY...Denise R. McCoyRealtor/Employer Housing Specialistdenise.mccoytilson@ReaRealtors.com(916) 534-5239Share with a friend:http://www.realtor.org/pac.nsf/files/Fence_Sitters_8000_PDF.pdf/$FILE/Fence_Sitters_8000_PDF.pdf
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My Valentine's Day Gift to You

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!February 14, 20087 p.m Pacific“Come on over and accept my gift—just because I care about you.”Marti TuckerHi,This Thursday is going to be awesome. I’m going to tell you about the easy way to sell20,000 books in six weeks. So come on over to my free teleseminar and hear how you will be empowered to change your literary and financial lifestyle without any of the struggles I had—It’s my free gift to you.1. How you can sell 20,000 books in six weeks without pain2. First steps to making it happen3. Plan to make big literary money, not crumbs4. Plan to make big literary money without be afraid of it5. Plan to speak big literary money from your mouth and create it from your actions6. How to stop accepting pennies for genius from your heart7. Plan a literary career, not a one-book shot8. How the New Image Writers Empowerment Circle offers celebrity to your literary and financial lifestyleDon’t miss this one: IT’S YOUR VALENTINE’S DAY GIFT FROM ME!Dial in: 218 486-1616Code: 475229 #Date: Thursday February 14, 20087 p.m Pacific 10 pm. Eastern 9 StandardMartha “Marti” Tucker, author, publisher, Book Coach, Think-out-of-the-Box Marketingwww.urbanclassicbooks.comwww.myspace.com/author_marti_tuckerwritelink3@yahoo.comPlease e-mail me. Place in subject line: “Will attend.”
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