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http://GoodCreditUnion.com Good Credit Union removed my bankruptcy in 10 Business Days. I had been trying for the last 8 years to get this bankruptcy off my credit. I had success with Equifax and Transunion but Experian would not work with me. I merged my company Business credit America with Good credit Union and they proved to me how valuable they could be to me and my company. I sent them my credit report on 11-28-2012. They mailed out the letters to Experian credit bureau round the 9th or 10 of December. I pulled my credit report 12-17-2012 and the bankruptcy was removed. Thanks Good Credit Union.

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Diva's Unlimited Inc. Ten Year Anniversary

Hey Friends,Diva’s Unlimited Inc. (DUI) invites you to get involved. Help us make a difference in the lives of many as we celebrate A Decade of Making a Difference in the Community through our Ten Year Anniversary - Black Tie Fundraiser on November 14, 2009 at the fabulous Georgia World Congress Center to an anticipated crowd of over 750 patrons.The evening will begin promptly with an elegant reception for our VIP attendees including a Silent Auction, followed by a showing of beautiful designs from some of our favorite designers.DUI has embarked upon ten years of defining images; introducing Atlanta to evolved fashions on the runway through Philanthropy. We believe we serve as a leader for our community service efforts exemplified beyond any of our productions.Advertising Opportunities Available in Diva's Unlimited Inc. 10 Year Commemorative Book ... Support a great Cause and get noticed by many ---- Business Card $50, 1/4 pg - $65, 1/2 Page Ad - $85.00, Full Page Ad - $125 and Back Cover $200.00 http://www.eventbee.com/view/duianniversaryVendor Spots available for only $100
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Why Liquid Vitamins?

When choosing your nutritional supplement, liquid vitamins are definately the way to go for maximum absorption. No athlete that wants to perform at their peak should be without 1st being on a daily liquid vitamin supplement such as GBG liquid vitamins for Energy.The B vitamins are a group of eight individual vitamins, often referred to as the B-complex vitamins. So now you can begin to understand why Kellogg’s and your mother made sure you included these essential vitamins in your diet.Vitamins are molecular compounds made of organic chemicals that cannot be produced by the human body, but are necessary for its survival. Organic means they contain carbon, and in addition to which they are made up from hydrogen, oxygen, and a few with nitrogen and/or other elements in lesser quantities.Some of the other aspects of health that vitamins are concerned with include the formation of proteins crucial for blood clotting (vitamin K), inhibition of oxidation in body tissues (vitamin E), and the production of collagen (vitamin C). One-A-Day vitamins are one of the biggest rip-offs in the world, but since they are made by Bayer Aspirin, what else would you expect.It is difficult to compare a product like One-A-Day with a product like GBG vitamins. According to the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) liquid vitamins are 98% absorbed while vitamins in tablet form are only 10 - 20% absorbed. That means when you take tablets like one a day, 90% of the vitamins could be flushed down the toilet.Watch this video for more information
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