Dr. Margaret Hill announced she will be running for the San Bernardino City Unified School District School Board. The announce came a week ago and with it... an enthusiastic committee and a lifelong community of support from those she has dedicated her entire life to is!.

Since 1971, Dr. Hill has opened her heart and soul to youngsters through her distinguished years of teaching and education. Through her commitment to excellence and upward learning, Dr. Hill's career evolved to Vice Principle of Curtis Middle School, Serrano Middle Schooland San Bernardino High School. In 1988, Dr. Hill became Principal of San Andreas High School. Today, Dr. Hill is Assistant Superintendent - San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools and has recently received an Honorary Doctorate Degree, Educational Social Justice from the University of Redlands,

Along her path, Dr. Hill has become an ICON of the Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and has been recognized with success distinguished awards such as: Order of the Eastern Star Community Service Award, the Boys and Girls Club of San Bernardino Appreciation Award, and the Association of School Administrators Valuing Diversity Award to name a few.

These awards and many others are just a small THANK-YOU to all the BIG life long changes Dr. Hill has instilled and thousands of peoples lives through her teachings and endless involvement with community outreach organizations such as: Highland Woman’s Club, the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation, Kiwanis of Greater San Bernardino, Inland Center Kiwanis, Highland Family YMCA, East Valley YMCA, Time for Change Foundation, Sheriff’s Department Information Exchange Committee, the San Bernardino Police Department Citizen Advisory Group, Mustard Seed Tutoring, Inland Empire Stop the Violence Foundation, San Bernardino Community Hospital and Community Action Partnership. Dr. Hill is one of the founding members of the CREST (Community Reentry Education/Employment Services and Training) Program and also has her own non-profit, Maggie’s Kids Foundation.

WHAT ARE GOALS DR. HILL WILL ACHIEVE as an ELECTED Board Member for the San Bernardino City Unified School District;

  • Reducing the Dropout Rate
  • Improving Student Safety
  • Increasing Student Achievement and Staff Accountability
  • Improving School and Community Relations:
While these goals may seem like cliches for political "likeness", these and many other objectives are the heart, soul and lifelong attributes Dr. Hill has devoted to every person and entity was has been a part of...get her students to graduate, be concerned about the safety of all students at all educational institutions, instill self accountability for successes and to always keep communication between students, parents, faculty and the political and governmental entities.

  • Going to her FaceBook Fanpage and "like" it. Then share the page with your friends. http://www.facebook.com/MargaretHill2011
  • Volunteering to distribute flyers, posters, walk the communities
  • Attend various FUNDRAISING events
  • Send in financial donations...contributions can be made to Margaret Hill for School Board 2011 and mailed to PO Box 726 Patton, Ca 92369
  • For more info on how to be supportive, call Erika Johnson 951-314-7802
SUPPORTING DR. MARGARET HILL to be ELECTED as BOARD MEMBER for the San Bernardino City Unified School District....means.. YOU SUPPORT 40+ years of educational and community service!
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Regardless of whether you voted Democrat or Republican in this week’s election, you’d have to agree that the political campaigns of both major parties could give us semesters worth of information about marketing. Through television ads, e-mail and viral marketing, campaign speeches and debates, the candidates aimed to sell you on their brand and ideas, hoping to seal the deal on November 4th. Here are four marketing lessons of the campaigns:1. Tell your story. The candidates gave you their personal information, and how they came to run for office. Followers responded to John McCain’s military service, Barack Obama’s family history, Sarah Palin as hockey mom, and Joe Biden riding the train to and from Washington every day. Their resumes and life stories came out early and were repeated often.In this increasingly connected world, we are learning more and more about each other. Through social networking sites, blogs and websites, you have the opportunity to tell your personal and professional story. Let your current and prospective clients know who you are and why you chose your profession or started your business. Be clear about the services you offer and those you don’t, developing your own professional platform. Just as a candidate would in a campaign ad, let them know what you do best. (See if you can do it in 30 seconds!) But most of all, let clients know how your skills and services will benefit them.2. Become the solution. Obama offered change from typical Washington politics; McCain claimed to be a maverick, breaking rank with his political party for the greater good. Marketers call this the Unique Selling Proposition: how your client’s life, business, or project will improve if they choose you. Let them know what you offer that your competition doesn’t. Differentiate your business, and when they hire you, stay true to your promise.3. Become a community organizer. Build a network of friends who believes in you and your business and will work on your behalf. Your community includes employees, colleagues, friends, and clients. Listen to their story, show them that what you have to offer is the solution to their problem (or the problem of someone they know), and they will be happy to spread your good name. As we know, word of mouth is the best form of advertising. The candidates had thousands of volunteers knocking on doors, making phone calls, attending rallies, wearing buttons and t-shirts, and posting signs.4. Tell your story to the world. In 2008, it’s so much easier. You don’t need to pay for television or radio advertising, unless that’s where your audience is. You can utilize the Internet and wireless devices to spread your story inexpensively and build relationships. Use frequent e-mails to update clients on your company’s employees, services and projects (remember to give them a way to unsubscribe). Use a blog to link to your favorite articles or post your ideas on current industry trends. And by becoming active on social networking sites, your friends and connections can link you with theirs, thereby giving you those hundreds or thousands of volunteers who will spread your name. Just think, Obama even used text messaging to announce his Vice-Presidential candidate in the middle of the night, and it made those who subscribed feel important.By studying the marketing strategies of an unrelated industry, you may discover new approaches not being used by your competition. Your best marketing ideas may come from the least likely places, even political campaigns.© Copyright – Karen A. Davis. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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In the dictionary definition, democracy "is government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." In the phrase of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."Democracy is supposed to be set of ideas and principles about freedom. We have been told that is consists of a set of practices and procedures that have been set forth by our forefathers consisting of these four basic elements:1. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.2. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens.4. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.Today we have the opportunity to exercise what we believe as a collective group of citizens.What will we do with this opportunity? We will get drunk and raise the roof, what are we celebrating? It will be time to roll up our proverbial sleeves and improve upon whatever we are doing to be individuals that model the behavior of new president. Let's be sensible and really make a difference.President-Elect Barack Obama has shown us what it takes to fight for what he believes in. He has shown us that he believes in the America we were destined to be. Not just a super-power globally, but a country that takes care of its citizens.Be proud, be happy, be mindful the now the work has just begun.Omitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect"
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Don't confuse potential clients

As all of you well know, here on BBWO, you can receive a lot of mail from other members here. Think about what kind of mail you're sending. Is it the kind of correspondence that brands you in your field, or do you allow personal feelings and political leanings to guide the type of correspondence you send out?I wrote a brief article about my uses of Twitter (you can read it here) and one of these tips was not to get embroiled in political or social debate. I am not on this board, or any other, to inform you, my womenpreneur colleagues, about my feelings about Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain, Gov. Palin or Sen. Biden. Honestly, why would you care? All you care about, if you're interested, is whether my megamix whip really works on problem dry skin!I've also seen "debates" on Twitter degenerate into nothing but a name-calling contest and "jokes" about the people running for office. What is the point about us debating about social and poltiica issues? If you have a strong belief and I have a strong belief, it is doubtful that a few words back and forth or a blog post is going to change our minds. What's more, my strong belief in whatever, may offend you and cause me to lose you as a client or potential client.So, before you send that email blast about the evils of the Bush administration, the underhanded-ness of Sen. McCain or proof positive that Sen. Obama is a closet Black Panther and a Muslim to boot, please, think about the perception that you (as a representative of your business) may be putting forth. Is it the image/impression you want to leave? If so, please, do continue with your process. If not, think about the impression that you want to put forth, and go about creating that "brand" and promoting your business.
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What is on Your To-Do List Today?

Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones died yesterday ...When I saw the news through my Google alert, I went to my To-Do list. And found the notation:"Contact Tubbs-Jones office re: Medicare Improvement Bill, see attached email) for interview on Cleveland Talks! Provide local cell# for callback."(btw: I produce several talk shows on BlogTalkRadio. Cleveland Talks! is one of them.)You see, I was a constituent. I was on her email list. I let my voice be heard, regularly. I always got a response. I did not make the call on that day. Too busy, schedule too full on that day, moved to the next day, then the next ...Facing the list again last night, a note scribbled in haste, I had to pause. I did not complete the task. A missed opportunity. I have to cross it off the list now. I had to pause. And write this blog.Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones was an icon in the truest sense of the word. Not a self-proclaimed "Diva" - a word so overused in today's culture that it has become meaningless. She was approachable, accessible, a sister, a mother, a community advocate, an effective politician, a neighbor, a girlfriend, and strong ally that worked tirelessly through a life dedicated to living honorably. And, pursuing the greater good.When I was a child, they taught Civics, and Social Studies, and Good Citizenship. And Community Service. (btw: that was before "community service" was categorized and issued as a punishment because the county jail is too full to contain another community delinquent)When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronaut. Or, a Supreme Court judge.My love for mathematics ended at trigonometry. So, in college I majored in Political Science and moved to the greater Washington, DC area to earn some cash and continue my education. I did not become a judge, or a lawyer, or a paralegal. Although, I did serve as a court recorder for a brief period (Think electronic recordings, microphones, wires). The guy crawling under the table adjusting the cable connections just before the BIG briefings on the Hill. I was "that" guy - or gal. It was fun. Then I moved on. But I hung around the scene for 2 decades and worked it. Part of "the entourage" and "in the know" - it was an addiction. A drain. A thrill. And I loved it. Then I moved on. Or, I should say that I moved "back" - to oHIo.And people ask me, "So, what do you do [now]?"And I asked myself that last night. And this morning, my hometown is in mourning. What DO I do, for the greater good?I try to think more about others than myself. And when I fail to do so, I try again. (Note to self: try again)I amplify the voices of others (btw: see Encourage Me I'm Young). I write inspirational books for adults and chapter books for children. I tutor inner city children in the gymnasiums of schools in "academic failure" and teach Bible lessons in church basements to adults. I bake cookies and give them away. I don't complain about my neighbors hedges being too high, unless I am in the mood to help trim them. Or when the neighborhood fireworks display runs on until 3:00am because, after all, it's only once a year. God bless America!I stopped hating on Oprah, and Rosie, and Brittany, and Paris, and Condi, and all the others whose lives I DO NOT know and handle pressure that I can not imagine. I buy bags of peaches or beets when I visit the local farmer's market. I hate peaches and beets. But, my sister loves them. I feed the birds. And the skinny neighborhood cats. I plant flowers that attract butterflies so that the little children can chase them. I give treats to my little dog and bring enough to share with his little doggy friends. I try to care. About things, about people, and their situations. Locally, globally, eternally.I lift young people on my shoulders and say "Can you see the future? I can. And it's glorious. And it's all for you. Can you see it? I can. I can see it in you."(btw: Please listen to Cleveland Talks! E-City Teen Entrepreneurs)This is about Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones.And my To-Do List.Before I cross that missed opportunity off my list, what will I replace it with?What will I do today, instead?What will you do today? (note to self: try again)Thanks for reading my blog.(btw: please listen to Tony Reeve's "In The Know" podcast with Former State Senator State-Senator-Lesley-Les-Miller"">Leslie Miller)And do something today...for the greater good.
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Germans Celebrate Obama In Special Way That They Don’t UnderstandHa ha, here is some great newspaper from Nazi Germany that comically names the White House “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” because a slave may soon call it home. This is very offensive, according to the Internet, and of course we all know why: what a nasty way to detract from Obama’s writing skill, by comparing it to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s! Have you actually *read* Uncle Tom’s Cabin? For the whole story go to AndyClyde's RiveRun Forum
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