There are many ways to get followers on Twitter. There are
authentic ways and there are gimmicky ways. You want to make sure that you don’t
do the latter if you want to have any level of sustained success using Twitter effectively.
So what is one quick and easy way to attract more Twitter
Retweeting. Yes you read it right. Retweeting.
With this method, you take the original twitter message
someone else has posted, and rebroadcast that same message to your followers. When broadcasting the message, you should
definitely give credit to the original poster. I know at first it may sound like this will only be good for the original tweeter, but
retweeting can actually benefit you just as much if not more because;
1. It provides added value to your followers.
And you do want to provide added value correct? This will
definitely increase the know, like and trust factor. You are also more likely to attract followers. Providing quality content is always a great way to build your business no
matter what platform you use.
2. It will enhance your brand.
If you point a reader to a source of good information that is truly relevant and beneficial to them, the amount of trust that they have in you will increase.
3. You build relationships with the original tweeter.
Of course you shouldn’t retweet simply because you want
someone to retweet yours, however, giving will enhance your chances of
receiving reciprocation.
It’s all about providing value to your followers so don’t just retweet any and everything.
The bottom line is retweeting is a great way to add quality
and value to your Twitter page. If done right, retweeting can help
you educate your followers, build your personal brand, increase
future traffic, and connect you to other great people in your
On the flip side you want to be careful that you don’t use
this incorrectly, retweeting can actually hurt your personal brand and future
traffic. Keep your focus on treating your followers like gold. Don’t ever send
them to inappropriate websites or spam them with one sales pitch after another. I
share more about the proper ratio in my WWV Ultimate Twitter Challenge.
Always keep in mind that you want them to trust what you
have to say and the way you do this is to tweet added value content. Content
that will support them in finding solutions for their problems. You want to
stay top of mind as the go to person for what they’re looking for when they
need it and want it. Do this and you will increase your chances of getting the
results you desire.
How will you use this information? Learning is good, however, application is key.
I invite you to join other savvy business owners and aspiring as they turn their Twitter Frustration into World Wide visibility and explode their business success online! Take the Challenge. I will help you set the foundation to extend your reach 1000s and explode your business success online without the stress. Go to the WWV Ultimate Twitter Challenge enrollment page here.
Talk soon!
Want to use this in your newsletter,Ezine, on your blog or
website? You can as long as you include the following blurb.
Robin Tramble CEO and Visionary of Robin Tramble
International Empowers Savvy Women, Aspiring, New and Enterprising
Entrepreneurial women to manifest their bold, brilliant, confident, empowered
self, get laser focused and unstuck so they can get out there in a big way while
prospering and make a difference in the world “authentically!” Robin was named
1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter and is an Empowerment and
Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist. Robin invites you to
apply for her World Wide Visibility Social Media Strategy Session by going towww.wwvsocialmedia.info