butterfly (6)

"For Colored Girls"

I truly enjoyed Tyler Perry's new movie. Well, maybe an understatement; I loved the movie. Even though I sat in awe AND cried during most of the movie. I pledge to see it again and once it comes out on video (oops, that shows my age a bit), I will own it. Come visit my blog IAmSocialButterfly, to see what I had to say about the movie. I hope you would drop a comment over there as well.
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Ahhmazing to Renew

My Business Sisters and I are embarking on a business retreat to discuss our business next weekend. What this time away from home will do for me will be simply ahhmazing. I will renew myself, recharge, and have a greater since of direction at the end of my overnight stay is a nice hotel.

Today, the Spirit within guided me on one of my latest blog post. As a contributing blogger on Women of Color in Business, my post are geared toward empowering women. I have offered some cool and easy tips for anyone to implement into their lives and by the end of that read, you will surely be empowered to take action and RENEW YOURSELF!! Feel free to read some of my post at I Am Social Butterfly

Jenise Bradshaw
Free Spirit Accessories

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Women: Stick Together

I was having a conversation with Tee89 over at Fabby Girl, about women sticking together. Iwas never one to have many female friends growing up, but now as anadult, I see the value in having female friends. It's just two sexes onthis planet. And, the males have dominated it, but last I heard, theearth was called MOTHER EARTH. So, women, take heed in our power. Someof us are fragile, weak-minded, strong, strong-willed when we are byourselves. Imagine when all of us with our many talents and weaknessesand strengths bond together.

When you have time, read or just scan through this article. It is about a women gang for justice. Enjoy!!

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Mike Filsame is giving away access to his infamous Butterfly Marketing Software for free. To get exclusive access to this product click here

For more details/info look up mike filsame and butterfly marketing. You will be completely satisfied with this free software and it will help you grow your business tramendously!

Be Blessed

~Tamishia Clayborn~
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