distractions (1)

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It's already been stated that one critical thing to your breakthrough is to make the right mindset shifts.

Andone of those shifts is a shift to a success mindset. I've sharedessential keys to mindset breakthroughs, the importance of a successmindset and today I want to share one of the hindrances to a successmindset. One hindrance is that of not being aware of fatal distractionsand being overcome by fatal distractions.

One hindrance to a success mindset is that of not being aware of fatal distractions and being overcome by fatal distractions.

The following are the definitions as found in the dictionary.

Fatal: a: causing death b: bringing ruin c: causing failure

Distraction: a: the act of distracting or the state of being distracted; especially: mental confusion

Wecould say that it represents bringing ruin to our mental focus. Anotherway to look at it is causing death and mental confusion with regard toa desired outcome, destination, etc.

Let's move on and I'd like to present another view of fatal distraction.

Onetypo, two typos, three typos, four? This was the pattern that followedas I continued to read. It was a good book, something that wouldbenefit my spirit man tremendously. I felt like I was being lifted,challenged, restored and then it happened.... The power of the readingwas diluted and my attention was drawn to the errors. I'm not sayingthis to draw attention to the errors found in books or other readingsas now you may look for errors in this article. (smile).

When Isaw the first one it wasn't a big deal, then the second one and I saidto myself wow two on one page. I turned the page and saw yet anotherand actually stopped to make sure the error was there.

What wasthis? Why am I so interested in the errors that are here? It wasn't theerrors I was interested in it was a fatal distraction. The word fatalmeans "causing or ending in death." There is definite opposition to oursuccess and the goal to make sure that we die spiritually and/orphysically. You will be presented with distractions the bottom line isthat many are meant to be fatal. It took me sometime to stop what I wasdoing to refresh myself with devotion, devotion that would give lifeand refresh my vision.

Watch out for fatal distractions. Don'tlet distractions break your focus or intercept your endeavor to makemindset shifts. Being consumed by fatal distractions can send negativeenergy to your subconscious mind.

Maybe you're trying to getclear on your goals, vision and purpose you must do whatever is neededto overcome the fatal distractions that will come. Defuse the power ofthe opposition to your endeavours.

When you pray turn off theringer on the phone if you must. Have devotions at the time of daywhere there is the least traffic going through your home.

Howmany fatal distractions have you been presented with? Is Father Godtrying to get you to the next level and can't because you aredistracted by altercations that seem to occur often? Is He trying towarn you of your lack of spiritual development but you are beingdistracted by your commitment to your job and the promotion that mayfinally be realized? Maybe there is a witty idea and invention that istrying to be made available to you and yet you are more focused onanother situation. Block the distraction! Press in, stay close, anddraw nigh to Father God. Realize a mindset shift to success by beingaware of and overcoming fatal distractions.

Are you dealing with dis-empowering behaviours? Want to unstop the blockage to your empowering success?

Maybeyou'd like to remove the emotional baggage, phobias, and toxicbehaviors from your life. Are you afraid that you will succumb to yournegative thoughts and self talk? I know you long to be free to live themost delicious abundant life available to you. Did you know that toxicbehavior and thoughts can also induce unhealthy habits, weight gain andchronic illnesses. These behaviors are at the root of your lack ofpersonal, spiritual and business success.

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fatal distractions?

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