pre-paid (1)

Ok, I rose this morning (Thank you Jesus), got the kids on the bus by 6:30, received a few phone calls around 8'ish, ate a miniature Snicker's candy bar and a few chips and began networking......Well to start, my goal today is to enroll 3 people today into the service in an attempt to help them to restore their credit to its rightfull place, follow up with some customers that have gone through the process and offer them the opportunity to join our business. So far I have a 12 noon appt. and a 6pm appt and several phone calls to make in between, but I am on a mission today.I Plan on getting one recruit today as well.My mission: Help others while also helping myself. Put God first throughout the process and build an entire team that wants to go out and change the world.Point Blank: People need what our company has and I must to do today what others don't so I can have tomorrow what others won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dedicated to changing lives and creating a legacy,Credit RestorerIndependent Agent / National Sales to get my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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