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Etsy Store Feature of the Week

Many of us have heard of “The Lady in Red,” well meet the Lady in Pink. Now is the chance to decorate your life. Wraynes Den has a unique collection of ACEOs (Art Card Edition and Originals). My personal favorite is…well I’m sure you can guess. Created with a combination of stamps, colored pencils and pastels this beautiful piece of artwork would definitely look great in The Pink Locket showroom. Check out more of Wraynes Den work on Kamilah C.The Pink Locket
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"Natural, " "Pure," "Safe" are the hot new buzzwords popping up all over your local beauty isle. Cosmetics so natural and pure you can sleep in them? Whoa! That's a pretty bold claim. But, companies are not afraid to bank on it. With talk of Global Warming and Eco-conscience sending the world in a panic everyone is trying to become more green-friendly and aware of the items that touch their hair and skin.Mineral makeup is supposed to contain all natural elements from the earth, broken down into the smallest particles so as to be absorbed into and help heal the skin. But, according to WebMD article I found, these new lines or mineral-laden products can either be the best thing smoking or the greatest beauty scam of all time.Not all of these Mineral come from the Earth and some can actually exacerbate your problems.Bismuth oxychloride, the main stuff that gives your skin the "glow" while using mineral makeup, is a byproduct of lead and copper processing.
"Bismuth oxychloride is considered a skin irritant and can cause itching and rashes and in large amounts it can cause cystic acne as well – it's one of the ingredients you should try to avoid if you have acne or Rosacea or sensitive skin,"read the rest of story
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