season (4)

Click here and start your financial legacyAFRICAN AMERICAN CONNECTIONS INTRODUCING THE MEMBER MERCHANT PROGRAMFOCUSING ON THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY,African American Connections has created a program to help the start up to season business owner to excel. Offering state of the art e commerce stores with a turn key setup for only $29.95 month!!! Recognizing and accepting African American only retain 3% of their spendable income, African American Connection has spared no expense to create a winning member merchant program check it out at
Click here and start your financial legacy
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Holiday Season Request from Darlene Robinson

This is Darlene Fobinson from the Black Business Network. I’m asking for your support to make at least one purchase from a black owned business at the Black Business Network this holiday season. By supporting one of these black owned businesses will make a huge financial impact for that biz. Do you think you can go to the website today and look at the products and pick out at least one product to add to your holiday shopping list this year? We would really appreciate your support in recycling your dollars with a black owned biz this holiday season. A small purchase as little as $5, $10 or $20 will make a huge difference in the bottom line for that business and their families.One of my favorite businesses at the black business network called Products of the Earth who are making their products by hand. These PRODUCTS ARE SUPERIOR THAN SO MANY OTHER products out there on the market today. They are all natural and some of the best products i have ever used. There is also a black computer company, plus health and nutritional products, cosmetics. inspirational, motivational and educational clothing, books, cds ,dvds. Then my two favorites the President Obama figurine and the African Genesis program that provides families with an educational course to learn about our African heritage to earn a free trip to Egypt just by successfully completing a 2 year course!When you buy from one of these businesses it not only helps out that biz, it also helps me out because the money i earn from these sales will help me to build my family’s funds to get back into a home. Many of you may not know that my family was evicted from our home on July 4, 2008. We were victims of identity theft when someone forged their name on the deed to our home in Sept 2006 and tried to sell our home right out from under us. God blessed us with the knowledge to start a business that helped other families who were victims of fraud or facing foreclosure due to predatory lending practices.Because we fought for over a year and used all of our savings, until we ran out of funds. Sold our daughter’s car, my husband’s 2 trucks and even our piano. If it hadn’t been for the help from family & friends and the Grace of God we would have been homeless. My family is trying to get back on our feet financially and the majority of our monies go towards keeping the business afloat. We have lived in a 400 sq ft guest house of a dear family member since July 2008. I want to be able to give my 2 children the ultimate present of moving back into a house even a rental before Christmas this year. We need to get the rest of the money for the deposits and getting the utilities turned on. So can I count on you to make a least one purchase at today to not only help me out, but also to help a black business prosper this holiday season?Don’t forget to visit the website today to place your order for timely delivery!Thank you for your continued support by reading my emails and listening to my voice mails. May god bless you and your family this upcoming holiday season and hope you have a prosperous new year!Darlene Robinson and familyOrlando, FL
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