self-promotion (2)
Ok, yes, it does seem like i" have a new gimmick every wook, right? But this is a good one. As I am trying to nurture my inner writer, I accepted, with great pleasure and more than a little trepidation, the 60 day Squidoo Challenge. I "met" the originator of this challenge on Twitter and joined right away. I am on day 4 of the challenge, and believe me, writing on a different topic every day is not easy, but somehow it is rewarding.
What is Squidoo?
Briefly, Squidoo is a website where everyone can be an expert. As a member, or lensmaster you create a page called a "lens" and on this page you write about your topic of choice. You can write on anything from your latest museum visit to how to train your dog. You are also able to add video from YouTube, pictures and even add your Twitter feed.
Why Build a Lens?
Building a lens is helpful for a number of reasons. With a lens on Squidoo, you can"
- show what you know about a particular subject or subjects
- increase traffic to your website
- earn money for you or your organization
Best of all, it's free to join and to create. The only thing that you have to give up is your time and the energy it takes for your brain to create/find topics to write about. (And sometimes that's the hardest part!).
For all of you who are nurturing your inner writer, this is a good place to begin. Check out the 60 day Squidoo Challenge or my lenses here:
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