wildflower (2)

Can You Grow Anywhere?

There are “wildflowers” that grow in their natural state rather than being cultivated in the parks or gardens, yet, they tell of the splendor and brilliance of God’s glorious design. While not all “wildflowers” are bad, God has placed them in unique places, i.e. highways and by-ways, meadows, pastures, and fields. Remarkably, they can also be found in remote and secluded territory.The Lily of the Valley is a type of believer that grows in the deep and difficult places of life. This serves as a reminder that others have gone before us, yet, they were able to develop, blossom, and mature during their demanding seasons. It also serves as an indication of God’s power to keep us during our personal wilderness and valley experiences and an amazing glimpse that beauty can be seen even in the most unpleasant circumstances.Are you like a wildflower? Can you, through the rigid conditions of life’s journey, develop, blossom, and mature to your full potential? Do you permit the power of God to flow through you even when things are grueling, strenuous, and testing? Can you grow “anywhere” God chooses to plant you? Finally, the most challenging question, can you allow the brilliance of your life to shy away and go to seed when it is over? For he that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it (Matt. 10:39).Our “wildflowers” should be God’s gift of uniqueness that conveys and radiates His love, grace, and strength in us for others. Psalms 2:1 says, He is the Lily of the Valley and the Bright and Morning Star. All of this can be seen in a “wildflower”.Tilt your heart towards the SON!Pastor Narda GoodsonFirst Lady of Whitewright, TexasOfficial Website: http://anointedarrowsproductions.org\Social Network: http://christianwomenpredestinedbygod.ning.com/Copyright 2008 Gospel "PiLLs". All Rights Reserved
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There is a lot of work and responsibility that goes with owning a large piece of land. Everyone can see the weeds, tall grass, and wildflowers if it is not properly maintained or cared for. What’s ironic is that these never-ending menaces do not need our permission to breed, they just do. They automatically develop because this is its function.Do you know your function? Do you know what you have been created and designed to accomplish in life? While there may be more than one answer to this question, our personal resume of accomplishments, while noteworthy, does not exceed the importance of our faithfulness and commitment to it. Luke 12:48 says that to whom much is given much is required.How well are you maintaining your garden of life? To maintain means to keep something in working order. A beautiful lawn or garden doesn’t just happen by chance. One must be reliable and devoted in order to enable its beautiful life to continue.We may not be able to stop weeds and tall grass from producing, but we can surely stop them from taking root in our lives by paying attention. When we neglect to weed-eat and prune our personal life, we give place for the uncultivated character or behavior of our flesh to produce in us rotten outgrowth.What is your land producing? Do people see the weeds, tall grass, and wildflowers in your life or do they see the wholesome fruitfulness of a well-kept garden?Tilt your heart towards the SON!Pastor Narda GoodsonFirst Lady of Whitewright, TexasOfficial Website: http://anointedarrowsproductions.org\Social Network: http://christianwomenpredestinedbygod.ning.com/Copyright 2008 Gospel "PiLLs". All Rights Reserved
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