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Who does your hair? Name your Stylist or Barber, Shop Location, State why you like your beauty professional.

It's time to show some love for the Hair or Barber Stylist in your life.
Appreciating the time,care and advice that your beauty professional
gives to you. You may visit your stylist weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
By giving a Shout Out to your Stylist, they may be featured as a
Spotlighted Stylist on

Place your Stylist name, location and why you appreciate your stylist or barber in the comment box or visit my Blog at

Image feature Stylist Tanisa Brassell owner of Stylistix Salon 1105 N. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK

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(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or a transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free; you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010/2011



Alliance Data Scholarship

Sponsoring organization: Alliance Data Scholarship is open to: High School Senior, Undergraduate Academic / Career Interest: Minimum GPA: GPA requirement not reported State restriction: No state restriction requirements were provided Application deadline: Consult scholarship provider Award range: $5,000 Renewable? Consult scholarship provider Citizenship: Website for Application Download: ..." target=_blank ...

Eligibility Criteria

Must demonstrate unmet financial need

Application Requirements

Consult scholarship provider

Institutions that Scholarships Can Be Used At:

UNCF member institutions


United Negro College Fund
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, PO Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031

Phone: (800) 331-2244

p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A. c/o



*As part of .E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

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Create Your Online Branding Strategy in 5 Easy Steps

As a small business owner building your brand online is essential in this new economy. A few weeks ago I attended a webinar presented by Coach Tanya, of, a branding consulting company in Dallas, Texas.

In the webinar, Coach Tanya detailed these five steps to online branding. Follow these five online branding tips and you’ll be on your way to creating a solid brand for your small business.

  1. Develop a Visibility Strategy. Be seen and be heard. It used to said that– “it’s who you know”, but in this new economy, it’s “who knows you” that matters. To accomplish this strategy, create a blog for your business, use social media such as Twitter and Facebook but don’t forget about affinity groups like LinkedIn and Ning. Create a profile and get active on these sites.
  2. Be Known for Something. Become a thought leader. Define your strengths. What comes natural to you? What are you good at? What makes you think “I can’t wait to do that again?” Determine whatever it is and become a known leader in that area.
  3. Decide Your Style. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean it’s right for you. When it comes to marketing your business online, there are so many ways to do this. There’s social media, article-writing, press releases, blogs, etc. and so on. Don’t try to do it all. Test them out, then decide what’s right for you and go with that.
  4. Manage Your Time. Outsource what you don’t have time to do yourself. A tool like HootSuite is a real time-saver when it comes to posting to your social media accounts. Another way to save time is to hire a virtual assistant or outsource company to handle administrative or marketing tasks you don’t have time to do yourself.
  5. Monitor Your Brand. You can measure how well your brand ranks online by using sites like and These sites will let you know how strong your online brand is currently and give you some tips to leverage your online clout.

Dana Williams is an Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant specializing in online promotions for small businesses. Visit for her special report "Internet Marketing for Small Business".
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Tip of the Week

Whatever you focus on expands. If you continuously focus on negative things or how much you are lacking then you will continue to attract those types of things into your life. If you continuously focus on positive you will get positive. Your assignment today is to change your focus.

I am a living witness that once I changed my focus on positive things that is what I attracted into my life. Something that I also do daily which is a great help is to have a gratitude journal. I write in my gratitude journal each morning before getting dressed. Adopting this habit has helped prepare me for an awesome day. I suggest you try it also and tell me your results.

Have a wonderful week!

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(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or antransferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free! You have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application.. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day,
highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010 / 2011


The Lillian and Samuel Sutton Education Scholarship

The Lillian and Samuel Sutton Education
is available to undergraduate and graduate students who are
majoring in education. Undergraduates must
have a
minimum 2.5 GPA; graduate students must have a minimum
3.0 GPA
. All applicants must be U.S. citizens. NAACP membership and participation is
highly desirable.

Provided By: NAACP
Deadline: March 25, 2011

Type of Award: Scholarship

Amount: $2000

Awards Available: Unspecified


p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A. c/o NORRIS COLEMAN @

*As part of S.E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our
Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to
italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in
their vocabulary.

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New Pattern: Belle Cloche Crochet Hat

A new crochet hat pattern from This Is Crochet by TurquoizBlue





Belle Cloche

One hat, multiple looks.

This asymmetrical cloche is worked in the round in single crochet. The increased length on one side is created by adding half-double crochet. Two columns of eyelets grace one side through which either the self-tie or purchased ribbon can be threaded, or wear the hat without any embellishment as a simple cloche. Weave the self-tie vertically through the eyelets, draw up the self-tie and make a bow to create “pillbox” or “turban” looks.

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