Thinking (4)

Every Experience is a Life Lesson

Throughout our lives, we all have moments, seasons, where we experience life at it's best and it's worst.  But what do you do with those moments?  Do you say, "I'll never do that again".  Maybe something like, "Now I know what not to do", or how about, "What did I learn from all this"?  Every moment is a lesson and it all depends on how you perceive it and what you do with it.

We can very easily make our bad experience worse when we reflect on it as such. But what about the flip side, what did you learn from this experience?  How can my life be better because of what I've gone through?  Here's how...


Learn from it and move on!


No need to dwell on the negative, you'll just keep yourself stuck in the same mindset, without even realizing it.   And then everything around you will start to take on the same negative thought process.  Your job, your relationships, your mood, your happiness, everything will start to take a downward turn.  And the reality is that you have allowed it to get to this point because you just could not let it go.  Your thoughts kept the cycle going.

At this moment, make a choice.  A choice to be better, a choice to not allow this to destroy you, a choice to release the negative and move on.  Start to feel better immediately.  Remember all the wonderful people and great things in your life that you love and surround yourself with greatness.  If yours is a story you feel comfortable in sharing, then do that.  There is enormous gratitude in knowing that you have helped someone because of your own testimony.  Feel good again and don't let this experience deprive you of another minute of your very precious, very beautiful life.

Here's the formula:

Learn From It

Make A Choice

Release It

Move On

Feel Good Now


With Love and Gratitude,

The Black Woman's Rule Book


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The Pathway To Your Joy In Two Words

Have you ever wondered how people live such awesome lives.  They have great wealth, abundant joy, successful marriage, nice house, wonderful spouse, great friends, awesome kids, beautiful cars, and travel the world year round, the list is endless.  Have you ever wondered how they achieved it all. Some might say they worked hard for it, they inherited it or they got lucky.  There is a strong commonality in the lives of those who live life abundantly and it is a belief that dates back hundreds of years.  Books have been written about this topic for ages and it is available to everyone who can apply it's rules to their life. All you have to do is INTEND IT!That's right, intend it.  Whatever you want for your life, you must intend it. Let's take a look at the meaning of the word. To have in mind as something to be done or brought about.  You 100% intend to have a wonderful life, intend to have a loving marriage, intend to be successful, intend to be great, intend to be healthy, intend to be happy!  For all the things you want for your life intend it.  Expect that it will happen and remain focused on only those things.  Don't allow any contradiction, doubt, disbelief or denial to enter your mind.  Dismiss those thoughts immediately and replace them with the positive thinking that what you want is on it's way, everything you need is flowing into your life right now.  And feel good about it, get excited about it!Go to a quiet room in your home, take a pen and paper with you.  Now, sit quietly and think about what you desire most for your life.  Be very clear with yourself, be very specific.  Now that your mind has become clear on what you want, write it down and read these thoughts everyday.  When you do this continue to imagine yourself where you want to be, continue to remain positive and continue to feel good about it and watch it appear in your life.  And finally, be grateful and thankful for what your life already has, so that you can continue to feel this way when your life begins to produce more for you.With Love and Gratitude,The Black Woman's Rule BookHttp://
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Maybe you've heard of the book "As a man thinketh."It's a very popular book, however, not as popular as thebible which is where the scripture "As a man thinketh in His heartso is he" is found. Proverbs 23:7What about the power of your words?You can create an atmosphere for healing, peace, Faith and prosperitythrough the words that you speak and you will maximize the impact throughthe word of God, but only if you know how to use it.It is important as women of Faith that we equip ourselves with everytool within our reach.Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21What are you speaking? Look around you, take inventory of your life.What fruit do you see? Some of what you see is a result of yourwords of life or death. That may sound harsh,however,the damage yourtongue can do to your life is harsh.There's life in the word of God and when we speak life words filledwith the word "confessions" we build a life of POWER!!Take a look at the scripture below for some of the benefits ofrestraining your words.Proverbs 17:27-28: "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent."It's not easy when you try to do it in the flesh. You must build upyour spirit which will strengthen you.Another thing to consider on the flip side is that your words are powerfuland we are responsible for every word we speak. So whether you desire totake action and use confessions to frame your world or not there is arepercussion."But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken." Matthew 12:36What can you do about it?What if you had a resource that shared additional insights on the powerof Confessions and listed confessions that you could use to power up?Introducing "Confessions good for the soul, spirit and body!"This is a power-packed resource full of insights and confessions to empoweryour life and assist you in framing your world with the word of God.You'll find confessions on healing, peace, faith and prosperity.There's also a limited customized eBook option.You can pre-order this powerful resource for a limited time at a savings.Get "Confessions good for the soul, spirit and body" by clicking here.You shall have what you say!
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