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Who Is Gee Renee..Anyway?

Hi everyone, Gee Renee here. I wanted to post this short bio, introducing me to the BBWO community.

I was born and raised in The Bronx, NY, and am the 2nd eldest of 7 children. I have always been a trend-setter and a go-getter. I was the first to do many things in my immediate family; from breaking my leg to leaving home, to graduating from college, to getting married. I am also a born-again believer in The Lord Jesus Christ

For the past 18 years, I have been honored to be married to who I call "the greatest living Jazz Pianist", Mr. Levi Barcourt (bar-coo). Together, we have 3 beautiful children, who I know will one day leave indelible marks on this world. In addition to being a mommy and a wifey, I am also an entrepreneur.

After working in Corporate America for 16 years; 13 years ago, I was privileged to stay at home and become a full-time Momprenuer. I've owned my own baking business; worked as a church administrator, and as a network marketer. Currently, I am a first-time author, writing my first book, a baby name book, entitled, "You Were Destined To Be."

My current online activities includes that of an Internet Marketer. I promote cash leveraging programs, and am passionate about helping others "Create Wealth so they can Leave a Lasting Financial Legacy." Offline, I am also the co-owner of LB Music & Entertainment, Inc., a premier entertainment company, serving the NY Tri-State regions.

If you'd like to learn even more about me, please check out my profile at: www.myspace.com/gee.renee. As a member of BBWO, I am seeking to network with and befriend women who are driven to succeed, and have a will to fulfill their God-given destiny.

I'm looking forward to building additional syncopated and synergistic relationships here!

Remember, "Destiny is Not left up to Chance…It's a Matter of CHOICE!!!

Peace & Blessings,
Gee Renee

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