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Does Eating Right = Weight Loss?
Yes it does. But the only catch is, knowing what eating right is. And trust me it is not what we have been taught. Such things, as soy, pork, nuts, sport drinks, diet sodas, low calories foods, and fat free foods, are not the foods and drinks for eating right. Your body, as I have stated before, is not made of chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors and flavorings, these things should be avoided. I read the status of a young woman on facebook several weeks ago. Saying that she eats right, but still can't lose weight. And she mentioned how frustrating it was for her to try so hard and still not be able to lose weight. Well I wanted to make a comment, but I opted to write an article instead. Because I realized that it was more than just this young woman out there having this problem. As the saying goes, it is not your fault, but it is your problem. And unfortunately a lot of us fit in this category of problems, problems, problems. When you are unable to fix a problem, it means that you have reached the limit of your knowledge in that area. And it is up to you to seek and find the solution to your problem(s). Running into this invisible wall on your weight loss journey, can really take the wind out of your sail. Doubt, frustion, the loss of will-power are fast eroding the core of your desire. It makes you question yourself...why is it not, working? It's not working, because there are food items in your diet that does not allow you to lose weight. And if you are extremely over weight you may be exercising, when you should be stretching. Whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, plenty of good water, coconut water, fish, and chicken,
minus the sugars, breads, alcoholic drinks, smoking, potatoes, and hard to digest meats, is the only way that the weight will began to shed. Despite popular belief, you can't lose weight eating what you want. There has to be a letting go, a cutting lose, never to return again of certain items, and foods from your life. You should never try to obtain weight loss by taking chemicals. Once you stop taking the chemicals the weight will return with an attitude, meaning more of it and quickly. You have to change those habits, and those foods. So, the young woman's problem is still with what she is eating and her exercising program.
The difference between exercising and stretching, is that exercising is mostly for cardio, and stretching is for toning, improving circulation of blood through all organs of the body, strength building of your core, and rapid weight loss.
The next time that you are comfronted with a problem. Just seek more information in the area, and keep reaching for success. Remember, success is not on a earthly plane. You have to reach up to touch the stars.
Read more articles like this: B-Magazine
Are you eating enough? Are you eating too much? These are two important questions if your goal is to lose body fat. To determine your daily caloric intake visit http://www.acaloriecalculator.com/ and input the required data. It’ll also tell you the number calories you need to consume if your goal is to lose body fat. The goal is to reduce your calories by 500 each day. You can do so by a combination of eating less than your target daily caloric intake and exercising.
If you’re unsure about the number of calories in your favorites, simply visit http://www.calorieking.com/foods/. You’ll discover that your favorites like a Chef Salad… or that blueberry bagel…or that raspberry tea may not be the low calorie food or beverage item you thought.
Have a healthy day!!!

Just for You... A Free "Say No to Yo-Yo Dieting" Gift Pack!
Discover How You can Look and Feel Amazing, Get in Shape, Stay Active and Start Living a Healthy Life... for FREE!
- A revealing talk on how to lose weight for real and keep it off forever!
(audio and PowerPoint slides included) - A special interview with my colleague Melissa McCreery who's gives you strategic steps
to stop emotional eating. - My information packed "Fitness-4-Life Newletter to help you stay on track with your fitness goals.
- And my special Ebook on 100 Ways to Lose Weight and Live a Heart-Healthy Life.
Before you read any further, grab a copy of my Free 7-part Ecourse: (included with this Gift Pack)
"How to Burn Calories While You Sleep."
Dozens of Jennifer Hudson's family and friends joined her on her weight loss journey, and collectively the group had lost 1,935 pounds. Whats keeping you from doing the same?
Why Weight?
It is time to make the first on the journey to losing weight. Why Weight? The failure to make the move is surely yours and ours not to do what is required of us when it comes to taking care of our bodies. We are its care takers, we are the watchman, we are not to let anything enter or put anything into our bodies that is harmful.
We are have our first Annual Calorie Drop that will be on facebook this coming March 19th. Make sure to participate. All you have to do is press the above picture and it will take you directly to the community page on face book. Give us your information and we will send you and invitation to the event so that you can track what you have given up for that month and what you will not allow back into your bodies ever again. We will Calorie Drop from the 19th of March until the 19th of April and we will share information and we shall move forward never to look back lest we turn into a pillar of salt (smile).
What the Calorie Drop is all about is learning how to change our appetite for the wrong foods, because you can change yout taste buds. Try eating healthy for a week and watch how your body will crave what is healthy. Some of us may not know what healthy is. Well lets say that if you learn how to start cooking for yourself this will be a start of healthy. Healthy is simple foods, such as beans, fruits and vegetables with homemade cooked breads. Drinking clean water is also a good start along with teas and good lemonade. When it comes to sweeting your teas and lemonades use honey or brown sugar, please stay away from the killer of your body and that is white sugar. If you are ready to start your weigth loss program please click on the Buy Now button and we will email your link and you can get started right a way.
Why Weight? FaceBook Community Page
Are you struggling to find time to make changes to realize the fit and fabulous life you desire?
Know you need to incorporate an exercise plan but become anxious at the thought of adding anythingelse to your schedule?
Wish you could find a way to exercise without theconventional routine work-outs? Or at least get started without routinework-outs?
Request your FREE copy of my Brand New Special Report "Empowered to Get Fit On The GO!"
Empowering insights shared in this power-packed ebook will inspire you to pursuit your desire once again. Includes creative exercise ideas for the savvy woman who has little or no time to get and stay fit.Go to : http://tinyurl.com/getfitonthego
Suze Orman is one of my favorite financial gurus. One thing, she has always stressed is that health and wealth go hand in hand. Often, when people are financially unhealthy, they are usually physically unhealthy. Taking of yourself and reaching your weight loss goals, increases your confidence and productivity. When you feel good about yourself, your outlook on life is better. Losing weight can be one of the biggest challenges anyone faces. I have successfully lost 80 pounds and I am seeking to help and motivate others. I invite you to check out my blog Healthy Girl Now- http://bit.ly/gszQEw
Subscribe by email or RSS feed and one person will be selected to receive a 1 year subscription of one of the following-
Weight Watchers
Black Enterprise
Welcome to my New Blog
I decided to start my blog with the new month of October. I'm feeling great because I have started this month and the best way. I now weigh less than I have ever weighed in my adult life. This is such an accomplishment for me. Although I have lost and kept a lot of pounds since 2003, I have had my share of battles. Sometimes I felt deprived and frustrated that I must be concerned with eating healthy and exercising. However, I realize after seeing the results I've been seeing, it is worth more than the cookies, cakes, donuts and pizza that I have passed up. The thrills of eating those are so temporary and the results and are not what I want, the extra weight, and clothes not fitting right.
On the other hand, eating healthy makes me feel physically better and more in control. I enjoy seeing the numbers going down on the scale, my clothes fitting like I want them to. Don't think that I'm obsessed with losing weight or trying to reach a ridiculously low number. I'm just getting closer to the healthy BMI which will no longer classify me as overweight.
Now that I've expressed my excitement, I want to know how or will you start your journey this month?
As my site suggests, start living today! It's well worth effort.
CONTACT: CAROL DUNLOP AT 678.498.4001 Ext. 1
Woodstock Personal Trainer Gets Exposed to 500,000 new Viewers
OptimumBodySculpting.com is happy to announce that owner Carol Dunlop is now a regular guest blogger for DietsInReview.com. Ms. Dunlop brings her knowledge and experience in weight loss techniques to a captive audience. Catch her blogs and nutrition tips starting mid July at www.DietsInReview.com.
Woodstock, GA – July 13, 2010 – Optimum Body Sculpting is proud to announce that owner and personal trainer, Carol Dunlop, is now a regular guest blogger for DietsInReview.com. Ms. Dunlop’s blogs will be listed in the diet blog section.
As a certified personal trainer, owner of Optimum Body Sculpting and weight loss expert, Ms. Dunlop will provide DietsInReview.com’s visitors with tips, practical advice and motivation needed to lose weight and keep it from coming back. Ms. Dunlop is dedicated to helping others create the body they’ve always yearned for and uses her passion for fitness to motivate others to accomplish their fitness goals and maintain a positive self image.
“I am excited to be a part of the blogging team at DietsInReview.com. I have a lot of valuable information to share with their readers and I know that they can learn a lot from the information that I will be providing to them for the betterment of their health,” said Carol Dunlop.
Carol is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. She hosts the Fit4Life Radio show which airs weekly on Tuesdays at 11:00am EST and also serves as a fitness mentor on www.totaleefitradio.com, which was created by 8-Time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney.
Carol is a content provider for www.nursetogether.com and www.shapefit.com and is also the creator of the “How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off, for Good!” Lunch-N-Learn webinar series.
To contact Carol, please go to www.optimumbodysculpting.com and learn how to receive your Free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep.”
About Diets In Review:
DietsInReview.com is a leading diet and healthy lifestyle site, featuring more than 435 diet, weight loss program, diet pill and supplement reviews. Additionally, the Diet Blog is updated daily with the most need-to-know news and tips about weight loss and the Diet Chat allows dieters to share their experiences. Find hundreds of free recipes that support your diet and an interactive BMI Calculator. DietsInReview.com is the source on the Web for all things diet.
Losing Weight With Youngevity
Hitting a brick wall while losing weight, is the most disappointing thing that can happen to anyone. The wall of disappointment leaves you with the thought
of...what's next? What do I do now? Just when you were feeling good
about yourself and had just a few pounds to go (they are the hardest
ones). One thing you don't do is give up, keep striving and for God
sake keep stretching and exercising . For those stubborn pounds that won't leave Youngevity can
help you knock down that wall, and you will be able to see your way
again. Sometimes we women have it so hard just to lose a few
inches...we may need just a little help to get the job done. Youngevity
is a healthy alternative to using the synthetic chemicals put in the
diet pills and the other products that they claim help you to lose
weight. Press the Youngevity link to view
all of the products available to you.
Get the facts and do something about it - A Must hear!- "Sistas and Heart Disease" on Sumatra BlogTalkRadio - http://tobtr.com/s/881381
Tired of Yo-Yo Diets? Ready to lose weight the right way?Well, there's nothing like a healthy competition to get the weight off. I challenge you to become a Big “Loser!” Take charge of your health – You will learn the secret to dropping the weight naturally, no fads here.By joining the challenge, you will learn how putting some simple steps into place will help you:• Lose weight• Have more energy• Feel better about yourself• Have more confidence• Live life more abundantly and• Keep a number of life-threatening diseases at bayClick here for more info on the FREE Teleseminar!
There's an old quote that says, "Exercise daily, walk with God." As women in the business world, it's easy to forget to take care of your most important asset-- YOUR HEALTH. If you've been struggling to lose weight, I'm sure you've come to realize that you can't do it on your own.
My new eBook, Fight Fat With Faith: Biblical Strategies For Weight Loss-- gives you both practical and spiritual tips to losing the weight and keeping it off.
Here are three ways to start a successful weight loss journey:
Change how you think about your weight loss. Forget all of the times you've missed the mark. Start making better choices within the next 24 hours. There will be times when it's not easy, but remember-- you must forget those things that are behind and press toward the prize. As a woman thinketh...so is she.
Have realistic goals. You don't have to set out to lose 75 pounds in the beginning. Setting unrealistic goals, leaves you discouraged and demoralized when you don't reach them. Start with a goal of losing 5 to 10 percent of your current body weight. So if you weight 200 pounds-- set a goal to lose 10 or 20 pounds. Once you achieve this goal, it will be easier to lose more.
Let go of all excuses. We all have excuses for not eating right and not exercising. "I'm too busy to cook." "I can't afford a gym membership." "I don't have the energy to exercise." "It's my metabolism." These negative excuses keep us in a cycle of failure when it comes to losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. If you need wisdom on how to fit fitness into your lifestyle, pray and ask God for guidance. In James he says, "If any of you lack wisdom...let her ask God, who gives [it] generously without finding fault." (NIV)
In addition to a lower quality of life, the risks of being overweight are many (heart disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and some cancers). Initially, commit to cultivating a healthy mindset and the lifestyle changes (eating habits and exercise) will come naturally.