magic (10)

Have you heard of this television show? I have been anticipating the debut of this show on the Centric Television Network, for a few weeks now. It's a reality TV show highlighting the life of a few  millionaires (Chyna Bethley, Dorothy Cook, Helen Dela Houssaye, Bryant & Deborah Huff, Robert & Nicola Jackson, Kenny & Chante Lloyd, Lidia McKinney, Erika McQueen, Erwin & Twiler Portis, and Stormy Wellington). I know, I know. Sounds like every other reality show in existance, but this one is different... It's different because these millionaires didn't inherit their money. These millionaires aren't has-been actors or associated with Hollywood. These millionaires didn't even get their money from growing a successful "bricks and clicks" business. These millionaires are the result of building successful Network Marketing businesses. Or in other words, Multi-level Marketing (MLM), or Direct Marketing business. says, these millionaires earned their money " a relatively short period of time and at relatively vibrant ages". The purpose of the show (besides showing off the lifestyles of these network marketing business owners) is to launch a contest between the millionaires to find  and groom the next successful business owner.

Turns out, Amateur Millionaire's Club (AMC) has been brewing for a few years and it finally debuted on Saturday July 7, 2012. This show was in true reality TV fashion, including "unscripted" drama, events, and the lavish lives of these millionaires. BESIDES all of that, I really enjoyed the message being sent that Network Marketing really works and ANYONE can do it.

My dad hit me up to the Network Marketing game about 10 years ago. The simple business model, compensation plans, and low start up fees (in comparison to a franchise) is what caught my eye. Ever since then, I have been in business somehow through a Network, Direct or Internet Marketing company. Along with the other services I offer, this business model has just been the best choice for me. As shown on the AMC, Network Marketing is a very lucrative business. Especially as a first business model. Not only do you OWN a business, but you learn key business skills along with marketing strategies, all with a team of people that are really looking to see you succeed. Because if you succeed, they succeed! Recently, I have been exploring the world of internet marketing. It is just like network marketing except you do mostly everything ONLINE. It is very convenient and you get the same results, if not better! It is definitely a good business model to look into to supplement your current business. You can find out more here =>

After watching the first two episodes of the Amateur Millionaire's Club,  I enjoyed seeing what these people have done for themselves and how they are still on their grind. It is great motivation to actually witness the fruits of the labor of those in the same position as yourself. Stormy Wellington stated in that, “There was a point in my life when I understood that I was the creator of my own destiny and I knew that I had to get myself out of the (debt increasing) situation that I was headed towards".  If you have not had a chance to catch this show, I encourage you to do so, or check out a few of the millionaires on Youtube. You will  definitely learn SOMETHING.

"Referred to in Success Magazine as a group that spreads wealth, reaches new heights, and creates purpose driven opportunities; the Amateur Millionaire’s Club is vastly redefining wealth in the African American community as the world knows it" (

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Ardyss Life - Body Magic and LeVive

Body Magic: drop 2 - 3 Sizes in 10 minutes or less; guaranteed. Imagine no gastric bypass surgery, no lipo-suction, no tummy tuck, no dieting, and no exercise! Visit my website (click here) and then call me with any questions. Need a recession kicker?....., then visit my site. Body Magic garments for men and women to align the spine and uplift and boost where needed. This garment will make you feel sexy and gorgeous without feeling uncomfortable; reshapes your body and reduces your size.

Also, try LeVive which is the liquid multi-vitamin consisting of various healthy, all natural herbs. The whole family can use this product daily for better health. LeVive is a diet essential super blend: Mangosteen, Noni, Acai Berry, Goji, and Pomegranate. A diet essential super blend for joints, cardio, weight loss, asthma, etc.

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Discover The Secret Of The Magic!

The Body Magic is the best weight loss system that you will find, this garment is far more superior than any other reshaping garment on the market. Ardyss International has 22 garments in their product line that will be custom fit just for your body. Body Magic garments are designed for small to plus size women who want to improve their overall appearance giving a women back her curves and maintaining proper posture.The body magic is your answer to a new and better you! Some people have claimed that the garments has helped them avoid surgery. So for eliminating sagging areas on your body, please wear your garment until you get the results that you are looking for.So if your curious to see if this really works, just look at some of the before and after pictures,they are very surprisingresults that you are going to love.So click to see how you can start your New Year with a new you!!!
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Body Magic

Hello,I have some great and exciting news! For all who have not heard about body magic, I have the link to the web site where you can find out all about it. You can join and become a representative and create wealth for yourself. Or if you just want to order the body magic suit, let me know and the more I order at one time, the less it will cost. For example, if I order five at a time, the cost will be $95.88 per person; otherwise, you will pay $178.80 for one. So, it is better if I can order it for you with other orders; you can save $82.92. All prices above is with tax, shipping & handling charges. So, check out the web site and if you are interested let me know. you,Dr. Hooks
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Who Is Gee Renee..Anyway?

Hi everyone, Gee Renee here. I wanted to post this short bio, introducing me to the BBWO community.

I was born and raised in The Bronx, NY, and am the 2nd eldest of 7 children. I have always been a trend-setter and a go-getter. I was the first to do many things in my immediate family; from breaking my leg to leaving home, to graduating from college, to getting married. I am also a born-again believer in The Lord Jesus Christ

For the past 18 years, I have been honored to be married to who I call "the greatest living Jazz Pianist", Mr. Levi Barcourt (bar-coo). Together, we have 3 beautiful children, who I know will one day leave indelible marks on this world. In addition to being a mommy and a wifey, I am also an entrepreneur.

After working in Corporate America for 16 years; 13 years ago, I was privileged to stay at home and become a full-time Momprenuer. I've owned my own baking business; worked as a church administrator, and as a network marketer. Currently, I am a first-time author, writing my first book, a baby name book, entitled, "You Were Destined To Be."

My current online activities includes that of an Internet Marketer. I promote cash leveraging programs, and am passionate about helping others "Create Wealth so they can Leave a Lasting Financial Legacy." Offline, I am also the co-owner of LB Music & Entertainment, Inc., a premier entertainment company, serving the NY Tri-State regions.

If you'd like to learn even more about me, please check out my profile at: As a member of BBWO, I am seeking to network with and befriend women who are driven to succeed, and have a will to fulfill their God-given destiny.

I'm looking forward to building additional syncopated and synergistic relationships here!

Remember, "Destiny is Not left up to Chance…It's a Matter of CHOICE!!!

Peace & Blessings,
Gee Renee

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If you are looking for a way to drop up to 3 dress sizes in 10 minutes without the hassle of diets,pills or surgeries then this is for you.The Body Magic is a reshaping garment by Ardyss International. Ardyss offers you this extraordinary garment specially designed for every woman wishing to look and feel better.For those times when…• You have a date and would like to wear that dress that does not fit you anymore,• You don’t feel well about your body and weight,• You don’t have enough time to work out,• Or you just want to look more beautiful everyday for that special person.Ardyss has created Body Magic to help you to have that perfect body you wish!You won’t believe it yourself!
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Have you heard of the income opportunity where a man or a woman can lose 2 - 3 belt sizes in 10 minutes without pills, exercise, dieting, or surgery? Well, when I tell you that the opportunity is knocking and you just have to answer the door!!!Ardyss International has changed America with their nutritional products, skin care line, and the line of 20 therapeutic reshaping garments for men and women, specifically our flagship product - The Body Magic.The Body Magic reshapes and restructures your body and internal organs putting them in the right place so you have the proper support and alignment in your body, where you are able to dispel waste, alleviate extra weight on your pelvic area, as well as lose the weight you are wanting to lose....without diet, exercise, surgery, or pills!!!I know...unheard of right? WRONG!!!!Not only will you be able to get the hour glass figure but you will look great and feel better.ALSO....this is a great income opportunity for those who believe in healthier lifestyles and wanting to look great too! Contact me for details or please send any referrals my way.I would love to explain the products, the company, and the income opportunity to all!Be blessed and have a fabulous day!Morgan N.
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