Posted by Nadira Haniff on November 26, 2008 at 1:00am
THE LAW OF COUNTABILITYThe ‘Law Of Countability’ as described by John Maxwell, is a critical one in building teams and in effective teamwork. This is especially crucial when the stakes are high.People working towards a common goal, depend on the input and execution of tasks by each other. In fact tasks and accomplishment hinge on each other completing theirs. So the ‘Law Of Countability’ is not only important, but it ultimately determines the altitude a team will get to.Maxwell says the formula for ‘Countability’ is not complicated but its impact is powerfulThe formula for ‘Countability’ is as follows:1. CHARACTER: Character makes trust possible. Trust makes leadership possible. I you cannot trust someone, you will not count on them. Building a team, begins with building character in the individuals who make up the team2. COMPETENCE: Competence matters. Without competence, one person can put the entire team in jeopardy. Without competence the burden of the other teamsters become heavier3. COMMITMENT: Teams succeed or fail based on the commitment of teamsters to each other and the team. If a good team player ‘breaks a leg’ the others carry him to the top of the mountain. Many a time it is not about being the first one to the top of the mountain but that the whole team makes it to the top of the mountain4. CONSISTENCY: Consistency in a team is a key component. It keeps the flow of teamwork and reduces the need for other players to add to their work load if everyone stays consistent. Your consistency builds great confidence in you by you teammates5. COHESION: Cohesion is the glue which holds a team together. It is the journey to a worthwhile common goal that gives a team its identity and provides a foundation on which a team stands on. Maxwell describes it as ‘a pride in the ability of your group to function at a higher level than possible for the individual. The unit doesn’t shine because you’re a member, you shine because you’re good enough to be a member”Maxwell continues, “Without cohesion people aren’t really a team because they’re not pulling together. They’re merely a group of individuals working for the same organization.” So today as a leader or an aspiring leader, ask yourself, ‘Am I a team player?’ And do I have and exhibit the characteristics above clearly, in a manner that my team depends on it?” Your answer will tell you the whole story…Nadira Haniffwww.180DaysToGreatness.comwww.180DaysToProfit.comFollow me on Twitter
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Posted by Nadira Haniff on November 11, 2008 at 1:00am
Entrepreneurs today are struggling. A few are earning but the greater majority of people are not able to earn enough to sustain themselves in businessYes the economy is damp but business stimulates the economy. So the need for entrepreneurs is greatToday I see an incredible interest in business and more are taking the plunge headlong into entrepreneurship. Commendable & I applaud youHowever, the statistics of entrepreneurs making money is not on the rise. In fact, the numbers are staggeringNow, being in business and staying in business does call for some overhead dollars. Even the basics – maintaining a website, small advertisements etc. The struggle is, entrepreneurs without a foundation in business or no hands on real marketing plan are destined to go around in circles for yearsSo many get ensnared in all the gimmicks online and set themselves back many yearsWinning in business hinges on solid business principles, a decision to win, robust skill set and a kick butt marketing, tactical plan of action – add daily support to reduce the window of errorsThere’s a huge difference between spoon feeding and giving people the right tools, skill set and game plan to go win in businessMost do not have a business background nor do they understand the changing face of marketing online and offlineBut as entrepreneurs today, if you don’t snap out of it, and begin separating fact from fiction on the internet and take responsibility for your future and business you are in for a bitter dose of reality – a lot of effort, no progress, no money and not too much further from where you startedThe dawn of a new era is here, listen to the call and move with a sense of urgency and get the answers – it’s your time!(This is for you if you are a small business owner, mlm marketer, internet marketer, entrepreneur, work from home, earn from home, direct marketing entrepreneur)Nadira180DaysToGreatness Creator & Coachwww.180DaysToGreatness.comFollow me on Twitter
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Posted by Nadira Haniff on October 9, 2008 at 12:00am
My friends. Today is an incredible day. A day filled with hope and promises of great things to come. You have a feeling deep inside that you are a winner, you have what it takes to win in business - but there is this nagging feeling of how, how do I do it? You feel somewhat handicapped, somewhat unsure of your direction...The binary jungle of the internet is swarming with lures and traps - waiting for the unsuspecting. With 1.6 billion people traversing the internet and many are marketers, mlm networkers, business people of all sorts looking to increase their profits - the lures and traps are guaranteed to work. The promise of fast cash falling from heaven, like this
is emotional electricity - and will have you reaching in your already emptied pockets! So many gurus have worked their magic yet the numbers remain staggeringly high of those who fail in our industry - a whopping 95% or more!What's wrong with our people? Are they dull, lazy, just don't care for their families? What's wrong here? It is the tough question that you are going to be hard pressed to find a truthful answer...What I can tell you is:(1) You are a champion. You have the capability to do incredible things in life and win for you and your family(2) Choose a solid, stable company with great things to come in the next 5 years - ride the wave(3) Establish an identity for yourself. In the world of business, nothing is totally guaranteed. Be ready!(4) Winning in business, is not difficult - but it is very elusive - because the truth about winning in business is clouded & guarded. But remove that cloud and the real core of winning in business comes down to mind set & skill set. But it is a skillful blend in the world's best kept secret recipe! And in our very confusing world, most miss the right mix of those 2 ingredientsShout if you need help! Only then can you be heard:)I believe our world's greatest asset is our people. I respect those who move with a sense of urgency and are not paralyzed by the uncertainty of tomorrow...Together We Are UNSTOPPABLE...Nadirawww.thecalltogreatness.comwww.180daystogreatness.comFollow me on Twitter
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It is indeed the perfect day to talk about LEADERSHIP and LEADING WITH STRENGTH. Leadership is one of my favorite topics of discussion because it encompasses so much and also can be interpreted in several different ways & styles.A leader is someone who assumes that role. Sometimes we have leadership thrust upon us, but nevertheless, that role has to be accepted. How many times have you heard "be the leader people are looking for"? I am sure many times. But how does one become the leader people are looking for? What steps do we take to get to that point?We have discussed several of those steps this week, but in a nutshell let's recap. Leadership is not a role that is favored by many in the corporate world or otherwise, because it comes with responsibility and expectations. It comes with being there when it is expected for you to be there. But in as much the role of a leader maybe somewhat big to fill, it has the sweetness of all the rewards that we seek. Financial & spiritual as well as many other aspects of our life.So having said that. And knowing that as networkers and business folks we want to be the leader people are looking for...let's simplify and implement step by doesn't have to be overwhelming or intimidating... just embrace each step one at a time...TOP 10 DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF A LEADER(1) A leader is mentally prepared to move forward steadily(2) A leader has a game plan laid out to follow(3) A leader understands that the plan is not set in stone, but will need fine tuning(4) A leader believes with all his/her heart and soul in the himself(5) A leader believes with all his heart in the mission(6) A leader believes with all his heart in his/ her team(7) A leader knows that failure is not an option even though he/she may fail forward(8) A leader is prepared to be in the front line of battle, doing it first(9) A leader knows that there are many challenges ahead(10) A leader knows that there is no prize without the price & so begins with the end in mind...Teamsters, go forward boldly and become the leader that's in's there, just believe and follow with action...Nadira Haniff/ Coachwww.NadiraHaniff.comwww.180DaysToGreatness.comFollow My Twitter
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