mlm (56)

What if?!?


It is amazing how those two small words could have so much impact on the world and your personal life. When I drive into Newark, NJ I see a big billboard with those two words plastered on it. Just the other day, I was watching the lastest version of HG Well's Time Machine staring Guy Pearce, Yancey Arias, and Mark Addy and marvelled at the fact that the whole movie was based on those two words. What was really good was that it clearly pointed out the hope and the danger that those two words hold.


Now you may ask, "What is the danger of What If"? If we dwell on the past with negative lenses on, What If can turn into a S&M Fest of self-loathing and self-defeating talk. It can lead us to dark places where we ponder on the possibilities of things which can't be changed. And we maginify our failures, or perceived failures. It is not a good place to be. Especially if one is striving to build a business.


Does this mean that we can look at the past? Not at all. It's just that when we look at the past we want to look at how we can make improvements in the present and the future. Speaking about the future, What if if used the wrong way can be just as detrimental as looking at it in the past.


The issue with the future is that we can get trapped in to all sorts of limiting thinking which block us from progressing. We can look at all the things which can go wrong and hold them as if they had already happened. What if when used properly can help us reach high heights. Instead of "What if this doesn't work" why not focus on "What if this does work"? Rather than "What if I fail?", why not "What if I succeed".


What if is a powerful statement and situation. We can let it keep us or drag us to bottom or it can bring us to the top. The choice is your.


About the Author

Clarence Coggins is an Internet Market. He has extensive experience with applying Web 2.0 technology in the promotion of business and educational ventures. He also works a Leads Broker with the Silver Fox Leads Factory to contact him you can email or call him at 973-943-4073.




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This is one of the best pieces of advise that I have been given. Many times we feel that things aren't working for us. Maybe we aren't making as many sales as we wanted. Or we aren't recruiting the number of people we thought we would because they just don't see what we saw nor are they willing to take a look. 


It could be that all the people who are associated with are mocking you or urging you to quit. I was listening to a CD Making the Shift by Darren Hardy, Publisher of Success Magazine  and I heard him share the story of a very special crab that lived in the ocean. It was said that is crab was very smart and very nimble. That there was no trap devised that it could not get out of. 

Yet, thousands of these crabs were caught each year. They were caught not because they were unable to escape on their own. They were caught because their associations held them back. Have you ever felt like your associations held you back?


My suggestion to you is find new associates. Get new leads. Go to places you haven't gone before. Success requires change. It requires changes on the inside and on the outside. When you feel like you want to quit, that's the time you really want to get busy. But you don't want to just be busy. You want to be active to the right things which will lead to your business success.


I hope that you enjoyed this post and found it of value. I'd loved to see your comments. 



About the Author

Clarence Coggins is an Internet Market. He has extensive experience with applying Web 2.0 technology in the promotion of business and educational ventures. He also works a Leads Broker with the Silver Fox Leads Factory to contact him you can email or call him at 973-943-4073.


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Testimonials tell the story of Leads can Lead to Success with A little investment and persistence


Have you really wanted success? Has success seemed to elude you? Have you ever wondered why other people have been enjoying more than you do?


It is not because you are not smart. It is not because you are a bad person. It is because other people have plugged into systems which generate them cash flow.


How well do you think sand sells in the desert? Do you think that the Eskimo needs to buy more ice? I know those seem like obvious questions, but they are relevant. In business especially when dealing with Home Based Business people the successful ones are focused on one activity. That activity is acquiring the next customer or business partner.


So when one them is approached with another opportunity, their usual response is how is this going to help me fulfill my main purpose of acquiring the next customer or business partner. This is where being able to offer a tool or service that will help the home based entrepreneur get what they want.


The question on your end might be “How does this help me fulfill my purpose of getting my main product sold and getting people to join my organization?” The way it helps you is that it helps you to build a relationship with your potential prospect. While you are reaching out and building relationship why not earn some extra money. In the video you will see several people who have been having outstanding success offering lead generating tools for a 1 time fee. Watch the video and see if it something that will be helpful for your venture. If it is you can get started at

Up-Grade Ultimate Cycler Testimonials By... by 1leadsbroker

About the Author

Clarence Coggins is an Internet Market. He has extensive experience with applying Web 2.0 technology in the promotion of business and educational ventures. He also works a Leads Broker with the Silver Fox Leads Factory to contact him you can email or call him at 973-943-4073.


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Top Reasons people hesitate to Join your Business


-They feel it’s too complicated (don’t think they can do it)

-They feel you won’t be able to help them to become successful (either too familiar with you or lack of trust)

-They don’t have a passion for the industry you are in (People is our business not products J)

-That lack belief in the industry

-Other reasons…who knows J

The point of it all is that…there are many reasons why people don’t join your organization but are you going to quit because of it? I hope not..some of these reasons can be overcome by your own investment in your personal investment or by building your posture when talking to people. And some people will never be interested and that is OK…really truly it is OK.

Think about this…there are 100’s of churches all over your city and some people join a particular church for their own reasons some of which have NOTHING to do with you so why take it personally?

And some people will never join anyone’s church.

so why take it personally?

I had lots of passion and drive but LACKED skill so I invested in myself and my training that is the best thing we all can do. If this is you and your tired Of Struggling In Your Home Based Business While You Watch Others Make Money Hand Over Fist? Find Out What It Really Takes To Succeed Big Time ==>

To work from home and connect with me personally inbox me at


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Do you think Like a 98 or 2 Percenter?


98% of the population excuses away all their vision, their dreams, their goals, and then the next step they do is they excuse away yours.  They tell you that you’re stupid if you go after your dreams in bad economic times like this.  They lost their dreams and now they are going to try and pollute yours.

2% will encourage you to be all that you desire to be and say nothing is impossible you work hard and go for it!  That’s what 2% knows that’s what they say and that’s how they live and they’ve got the results in their life that proves it.  They aint no talk and no action they’re talk with results!   But 98% of the population gave up their dreams and are going make sure they can pollute everyone else around them and make sure they give up their dreams to.  Why?  Because when you actually go after your dreams yourself it makes them feel a little uncomfortable.  Why?  Because they realize that something was possible.  Because they realize when they see you go after it it sheds some light on them… They wonder “if”.

98% of the population destroys their dreams and destroys others dreams and 2% of the population says WOW there is a lot I wanna do!  2% of the population is not limited by their bank account.  YOU are not limited by your bank account you’re limited by your brain and your lack of understanding that your dream somebody else is living it!  Someone else found a way to do it! How they did it is they grew their income circle to finance their dreams.  That’s the difference between 98% and 2%. 98% shrinks their dreams to be just a little bigger than their income so they don’t die.

A man without a Vision WILL Perish. What’s your vision?  Is your vision just big enough to pay off debt?  Is that all you wanna do is make ends meet??  If your vision isnt worthy of you getting out of bed every morning then your vision isn’t big enough.  If your vision isn’t big enough to get you over your biggest fears then your vision isn’t big enough.  If your vision isn’t big enough to cause other people to want to follow you with it then your vision isn’t big enough. If your vision is about You making Money then it isn’t big enough.  You better spend some time growing your vision. What is it?  Where you going?  If you don’t know where you’re going no one else can follow you.  They already know how to go no where!!!

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Hello Community, Yes this is EXCITING NEWS!!! It is an industry first and you can get in for $19.95!!!

I have a whole lot of fun sharing this info. Join with me

At your service,

Rickey with Juniques Multi Cultural Connections

623 455 6364

WHEW! We have been waiting a LONG time to
LAUNCH Micore'….but the FACT IS you can ONLY Launch

an MLM company ONCE! We knew we had to do this

As a result SO MANY great things will be

Micore' is about to be promoted highly in
This weekend at Bronner Brothers a whopping
5,000 flyers were passed out! Soon MASS emails will

be sent, radio interviews and commercials

released,group meetings to see some of the new things

before the launch, and a street team to PUMP ATLANTA


The Micore' Launch will have Hairlarious

Comedy, a Weftabulous Business Opportunity
presentation, and
Weavealicious Caviar Hair!


An ARMY OF ONE, loaded with our new Zebra
Sample Kits
and new Product Packs....and Powerful New
Plan....and exciting new system
take back the hair extension industry....and
keep that
money in our AMERICAN pockets!

You represent a Network Marketing Company

that owns its
own hair factory in India which makes the

THE INDUSTRY. Who else dares to Warranty

their hair for 1-Year!

You represent a Network Marketing Company

that is probably
the only company in the hair industry to
educate its customers and representatives with
information that is
untaught in the marketplace that is loaded
with misinformation.

You represent a Network Marketing Company
that will soon introduce
a mascara that will help grow eyelashes and
work to eliminate
the need for false eyelashes!

You represent a Network Marketing Company

that is GOING to have 100,000 or more Consultants with their
own Hair Business
(costing only $19.95 a month), earning a
full-time or part-time
weekly income as well as a monthly residual
income for years...
which means paid-for hair!

Micore' is the END OF NO FAIR HAIR!

You represent a Network Marketing Company

that is about to offer Health Insurance and Dental Insurance

at a special Group Rate to our Independent Contractors, which

after January 2014 will be mandatory to have! (Leaked that one

for excitement)

You represent a Network Marketing Company

that cares about you
and wants to see each one of you succeed!

Visit the  for

more details,

We can't show you the New Micore'!

Committed to your success,

Derrick Alexander, CEO


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Have you heard of this television show? I have been anticipating the debut of this show on the Centric Television Network, for a few weeks now. It's a reality TV show highlighting the life of a few  millionaires (Chyna Bethley, Dorothy Cook, Helen Dela Houssaye, Bryant & Deborah Huff, Robert & Nicola Jackson, Kenny & Chante Lloyd, Lidia McKinney, Erika McQueen, Erwin & Twiler Portis, and Stormy Wellington). I know, I know. Sounds like every other reality show in existance, but this one is different... It's different because these millionaires didn't inherit their money. These millionaires aren't has-been actors or associated with Hollywood. These millionaires didn't even get their money from growing a successful "bricks and clicks" business. These millionaires are the result of building successful Network Marketing businesses. Or in other words, Multi-level Marketing (MLM), or Direct Marketing business. says, these millionaires earned their money " a relatively short period of time and at relatively vibrant ages". The purpose of the show (besides showing off the lifestyles of these network marketing business owners) is to launch a contest between the millionaires to find  and groom the next successful business owner.

Turns out, Amateur Millionaire's Club (AMC) has been brewing for a few years and it finally debuted on Saturday July 7, 2012. This show was in true reality TV fashion, including "unscripted" drama, events, and the lavish lives of these millionaires. BESIDES all of that, I really enjoyed the message being sent that Network Marketing really works and ANYONE can do it.

My dad hit me up to the Network Marketing game about 10 years ago. The simple business model, compensation plans, and low start up fees (in comparison to a franchise) is what caught my eye. Ever since then, I have been in business somehow through a Network, Direct or Internet Marketing company. Along with the other services I offer, this business model has just been the best choice for me. As shown on the AMC, Network Marketing is a very lucrative business. Especially as a first business model. Not only do you OWN a business, but you learn key business skills along with marketing strategies, all with a team of people that are really looking to see you succeed. Because if you succeed, they succeed! Recently, I have been exploring the world of internet marketing. It is just like network marketing except you do mostly everything ONLINE. It is very convenient and you get the same results, if not better! It is definitely a good business model to look into to supplement your current business. You can find out more here =>

After watching the first two episodes of the Amateur Millionaire's Club,  I enjoyed seeing what these people have done for themselves and how they are still on their grind. It is great motivation to actually witness the fruits of the labor of those in the same position as yourself. Stormy Wellington stated in that, “There was a point in my life when I understood that I was the creator of my own destiny and I knew that I had to get myself out of the (debt increasing) situation that I was headed towards".  If you have not had a chance to catch this show, I encourage you to do so, or check out a few of the millionaires on Youtube. You will  definitely learn SOMETHING.

"Referred to in Success Magazine as a group that spreads wealth, reaches new heights, and creates purpose driven opportunities; the Amateur Millionaire’s Club is vastly redefining wealth in the African American community as the world knows it" (

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Happy International Women's Day!

On March 8 of every year the world comes together to celebrate women's economic, political and social achievements. March is also Women's History Month. As you go through the day, take time to remember all the women that came before you and made it possible for us to own businesses. Think of the women that made it possible for us to go to work. Many strides have been made for women and it wasn't that long ago. A lot still has to be done but we are definitely on a roll. So, today remember those women and keep striving towards making your mark on the world. How are you going to do that? What are you doing today in your business to make your mark?

Women are leaders everywhere you look--from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes. ~Nancy Pelosi



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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I know, I know. I'm sure you're thinking, for real Tamara? You're quoting Tamar??? (For those of you who are unfamiliar, she is one of the Braxton sisters on the reality TV show, Braxton Family Values. The show stars Grammy Award Winner Toni Braxton and her 4 sisters and their life.) I know Tamar can be a bit dramatic but you must admit it's interesting that she actually adds ".com" at the end of a subject or when she is appalled with something. Or as she says, when something is "infinity" or more.

So, today I'm not appalled by anything I'm actually proud, "infinity" and more! I'm proud of the people who are making strides every day and accomplishing goals for their life. I'm proud of people who are taking control of their life and "firing their boss". And I just wanted to say, You'! I have the pleasure of working with 5 intelligent women who all have business launches coming up within the next month and I love to see their passion. They are working hard to get everything in order and ready for their debut to the world as an entrepreneur and I know they are not the only ones. So congratulations to whomever you are. Whether you are just starting or been on the grind for a long time. Keep up the hard work and remember, You'!

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Has this ever happened to you (because it has to me)? You come up with a great business idea, research it online and find either someone is already doing it or you start to think of ways to be "different". This extends your launch date and eventually the idea just fades away. Here's another scenario, You subscribe to the blogs and publications of business persons you admire and every time they send an email blast you change your direction, operation, or business idea completely, putting you back in a stagnant position, unable to get any business idea off the ground. Not you? Well, good for you. But for those that this applies to, I feel your pain. We've all been there before, in a place of bewilderment about what you should do and how to actually begin. Furthermore, the problem with the scenarios above is that you never get around to building a brand, hence why your business hasn't gotten off the ground yet. Once you F.O.C.U.S. things will start to fall in place:

 Figure it out- What do you want to actually do? Why are you going into business? Why would someone want to work with you as opposed to a competitor? Answer those questions first. They will help you develop a foundation.

Omit distractions -As demonstrated in the scenarios above; it is easy to become distracted. Stop reading every email blast and changing your business direction, stop google-ing people to see what they are doing and changing your website format, stop youtube-ing people to see what they're up to and changing your programming. GET RID OF THE DISTRACTIONS.

Create your Motivation Board- This concept is explained further in The Motivator, but you should have a board with a visual representation of your dreams and goals for your life and for your business. If you don't know where you are going, how will you get there?

Understand your competition- But don't follow their every move. Of course you should know what your competition is doing and make sure you're staying ahead of them. But you cannot be consumed with every aspect of THEIR business and expect every aspect of YOUR business to run smoothly. Learn to balance and have faith in your brand.

Set deadlines- If you have been sitting on an idea for too long because of fear of what others will say or whether people with work with you, STOP! You will never know until you actually launch it. So set deadlines for everything and tell someone you trust so they can hold you accountable. Set a deadline for your website to be done, for your next program, for your next book, for your next business launch! Just do it!

F.O.C.U.S. on what you need to do so you will actually do it. Without on your business needs you will undoubtedly have the same results in 2012 as you did in 2011, nothing. Make it a year for…GREATER! Need help staying focused and motivated in your business?

Get your copy of The Motivator for FREE for a limited time! Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Be Featured!

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services! Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Make it a year for...GREATER!

"Better days ahead, I'm living in the promise of God

A new day is here and I have a fresh expectation

Got  new perspective, loud and clear

 I'm not moved by what I see only what I hear

 I hear GREATER for my life!"

 -Tasha Cobbs

Happy New Year! I am so excited for what this year will bring for my life and yours. I know God has a lot in store and I'm excited to see the results. This is the year for GREATER. No more room for excuses or set backs but time for greater expectations.  As you begin to plan and execute, declare that it is a year for GREATER and make it one. If you are still sitting on a business idea because of finances or fear of what you think others will say, today is the day to be GREATER. Only YOU can make it happen, so what are you waiting for?  What are your fresh expectations for 2012? Please share your thoughts.


Need affordable guidance to starting a business? Check out The GPS Plan: Build a business in 90 days!

Do you need some motivation? Just released and for a limited time...FREE The Motivator

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Take a Chill Pill

Wow! We’re already in the 2nd month of 2012. Hopefully you’ve been on the grind and closer to a launch, re-launch or continued success. Hopefully you’ve also seen some improvements in your business. Unfortunately, sometimes with all the hard work comes exhaustion. Are you all blogged out yet? Do you have computer “pink eye” yet from staring at it all night? Do you need to catch up on some beauty rest from some all-night planning sessions?  I commend you on all your hard work and encourage you to keep pushing through until you get your expected end results. BUT sometimes you need to step back and ‘take a chill pill’. Remember that saying? It was used to tell someone to calm down if they were stressed out about something. So I’m telling you now, “Take a chill pill”. Take some time (an hour or two or one day-JUST ONE) to calm your nerves and just sit back and relax. Put your phone away, computer away, stay away from emails and the business phone for a bit and just…chill. Although it’s not mentioned often it is important to keep a healthy balance between business, family, and you! Starting and running a business can be hard so congratulations to you for working so hard. You’re doing a great job, keep up the excellent work. And when it becomes too much to balance remember to… ‘take a chill pill’!



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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All Fresh Out of Excuses

You've heard it all already: What are your goals for 2012? Be sure to write down your plan and strategies for 2012... That is all fine and dandy. And actually activities you should be doing but the bottom line is if you don't know why you're doing them then you're not going to achieve anything in 2012. Sorry to be blunt but let's be real. If you haven't gotten past your excuses for why you haven't done anything in 2011, you're not going to do anything in 2012. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You know, those excuses you come up with when you're telling people why your business plans haven't moved past just a mere idea, for example:

1. " Oh yeah girl, I want to start a basket-weaving business but I am looking for business loans" (Don't have money)

This excuse MAY  apply if you're trying to open a mall or restaurant chain. But if you are starting a small business, that will mostly be web-based then this is NOT a good excuse. There are so many FREE sources out there that will get you up and running with a website, social networking sites, and ways to market, in no time. The most you would need (besides getting the basket weaving materials) would be $50-$200 MAX (And if you don't have $50 to spare, to start your business, then you absolutely need to start your business!). You would definitely need to buy a domain name ($15 more or less), and perhaps a website host (but not needed at first) and then design everything on your own. This is all something you can do if you free up an evening after work. So that excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT!

2. "I want to start a wood-carving business but girl, my boo would not support me!" (Family/spouse are not supportive)

This can be difficult to handle but you have to distinguish what type of support you're "not" getting. If you have family members telling you, "you will fail" and that "you are not capable of starting a business on your own", then unfortunately, you may need to excuse some people from your life. Or at least, not share with them what you're doing because that is negative energy.

On the other hand, you might have people who don't say those things but won't buy your products, attend business meetings with you, or want to hear all you go through. THAT'S OK! You're in business for yourself, so do it yourself. Once you're laughing to the bank, they'll want to hear all about what you did and you can decide how much information you want to share then. :) This is not being mean or discounting anyone's opinion, but the biggest part about starting a business is exuding your self-confidence. With confidence comes a responsibility of doing what you are motivated to do, REGARDLESS of what others say. You are going to have people talk about you, you are going to have some failures, but if you focus on your motivation and goals you WILL be prosperous. You cannot care about what others think or what they may say. Even if they think this is just another one of your "crazy" ideas or something you've never tried before. Step out on faith and do what you gotta do! So this excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT!

3. "I want to start a calligraphy writing business but I"m scared, girl!" (Being afraid)

Congratulations! At least you're admitting it now. :) Surprisingly, this is not a rare excuse to have. Starting a new business is a new venture. Anything new, can be scary at times. So it's completely understandable if you are afraid. Some people are afraid of what is needed to start a business, some people are afraid of the outcome of having a business, and some people are afraid of the success they can attain from a business. That is all apart of human nature which is why you must have faith and be motivated to accomplish more than the average person. You won't know what you're capable of until you try. Remember, "Do not be afraid... for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught" Proverbs 3:25-26. Now this excuse is..ALL FRESH OUT!

4. "I want to start an iron sculpting business but I don't know where I'd begin!" (Don't know what to do/lack of education/unaware of competition)

This will require some work on your part. In order to know what to do, you will have to research, read, and talk to some people with experience. That is not hard to do if you focus on the goals you are trying to accomplish in your business. Get books about starting the type of business you're interested in and read it in sections. Don't start at the beginning if you don't need it. Go to the chapters that are relevant to you.

Luckily with starting your own business, you don't necessarily need an MBA to run one (although, more education never hurts), but you definitely need to read more about what you need and talk to people with some experience. If you don't know anyone with experience then Black Business Women Online and TheCEOmamma Network are great resources to reach out to knowledgeable women, that are willing to help.

Most importantly, you must be aware of your competition. Who else has successful iron sculpting, calligraphy, or basket-weaving businesses online? What types of specials are they offering? What type of newsletters or perks do they offer their customers on Facebook or Twitter? You must be aware of these companies so you know what to do and what not to do. You can't be like others, but by observing the competition you can get more ideas and perhaps build a successful competitive company. So this is excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT.

There are a lot of resources that will help you get rid of all these excuses. Stop going around talking about what you want to do and actually DO it! 2012 is the year. You've had these ideas for a while now is the time to do something with them. Be different from others around you that are stuck in the same "talk about it, but NOT about it" mentality. Make 2012 a year of checking goals OFF of your list as ACCOMPLISHED! You can do it, you just have to stay focused and motivated. Write down your goals for 2012 for your business and then institute a plan.

If you need help with manifesting your business ideas and dreams, this may help. The GPS Plan includes a business plan and schedule, domain name, website, getting you started, and more! This deal is ALMOST free. I want you to start 2012 out right! Contact me for more details at

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Share Your Story

 GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story".
After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services.
After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!
Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Why Empower Network?

Empower Network is a great way to earn another stream of income and empowering online marketers to grow their business.  It's a simple 3 step viral blogging system that's plug and play ready, the blog is aged with a ready to go WordPress and it's considered an authority site.  Remember, the blogging system is already ranked high with Alexa, so this allows your blogs to get ranked faster on search engines and Google.  This is half the battle if you're trying to get your blog up and running without the hassles of creating one from scratch.  Alexa Rankings for Empower Network

You actually have a sales funnel that your leads go through, along with auto-responders, capture pages and the behind the scene psychology of attracting your prospects to your blog.  All you need to do is blog daily and get traffic to your blog, tell others and get paid! 

Empower Network simply gets you up and running to post your blogs.  What's awesome is that you receive 100% commissions and your money is deposited straight into your bank account, instantly! 

This network started October 31, 2011, and to date, has paid out over $1M in 100% commissions to 9,000+ members. That's MOMENTUM in two months!  This is a great vehicle to help newbies that are struggling in either network or online marketing that may have never generated any income.

There are 3 levels to get started: Level 1-$25, Level 2-$100 and Level 3-$500.  Each level has intensive training to get you started, weekly conference calls.....and more!  If you get started for $25 and someone joins, you just broke even your 100% commission and its residual income every month.  So image if you purchased the Level 2 $100 and someone joins, you just got paid $100 with residual income and the same applies with the $500 level.  You only get paid on the levels you own (which you now have resell rights), if not, then that money gets passed up.  Once someone joins you directly or through someone on your team at whatever level, you'll receive an email saying, "Congratulations, You Just Received A $25 commission." 

Empower Network was created to help the average marketer brand themselves, make 100% commissions and simply "empower" you to become a better online marketer and help others.

I have included a video from two women that explains why you should get involved with Empower Network. 

Video from Tracy Walker on Empower Network

To learn more about Empower Network and would like to get started or you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

My Empower Network Website

To Your Success

Sheila Caldwell

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As we all know, we need more prospects in our business and upfront cashflow.  In most businesses, people lack marketing training and don't have a network to succeed in their primary business.  You need a system that generate leads and leverage a list of leads to convert into your primary business.


You also need a system that will teach you about Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to market yourself and earn income, how to dominate PPC, article marketing, and blogging.


This online industry is mainly about building relationships, being a leader, providing value and learning how to make additional income outside of the primary business.  You need the right system, the right mentoring and marketing training and a funded proposal.


If I offered you a way to generate quality leads/prospects, training on how to recruit, how to attract people to you, how to generate traffic to your website, generate more profit to your primary business and help build your downline, would that be something you're interested in?


Please visit my websites for more information on lead generation and more!


To learn more about my marketing system, visit:



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How Health Brings Wealth

Have you ever thought of this concept? That maybe by having a healthy lifestyle you can actually make a substantial living? You could experience freedom and create your own retirement plan? You could be at home with your kids more and make decisions on whether you want to work or not? If you said "yes" to anything above, then there is a way to help you.


I have discovered a company that has not only laid the foundation for an opportunity

that would span the spectrum of wellness but actually has a great line of products. These products contain antioxident properties good for streghthening the immune system, supporting cartilage and joint funtion, promoting a healthy respitory system, and make you look good too!


But it’s not just this product that can benefit your health and life but it can also benefit your income. Offering a lucrative compensation plan, this company is second to none in helping others build a successful business. Whether it is part time or full time. The bottom line is your not selling a product; you’re building an empire.


I work with a team of dynamic individuals who have the passion, proof, and resources to build a team of successful business owners. All you have to do is, get started. Stop questioning yourself and procrastinating. Research shows that the main reason why most people do not start a business(or do things to better themselves) is due to fear of failure. Well , let me tell you now, there are going to be times in your life when you fail. It's inevitable, because we're human. The difference between you and others that fail SHOULD be that you get back up and try again. That’s evidence of a true and successful “go-getter”. If you don't believe me, read the biographies of "go getters" like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, and Carlos Slim Helu. So, if you’re ready to change your life-story then let us help you!


Click here for more information => I’m Ready For Change



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Market your business and get paid!

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Contractual Agreement

So, lately I've been talking to my friends who either own businesses that offer services or are thinking about it. And one of their biggest concerns is creating and having a contract. They've been asking questions like, "Why would I need one?" and "What would it say?" etc etc. So, I figured I would address this issue in this week's posting.


 Who needs a contract?:

First, let's discuss what type of small businesses would need a contract.  Any business that is providing services as an independent contractor like an event or wedding planner, buying or selling goods without an established distributor, distributing equipment, or selling or leasing  real estate. You also need a contract if you have partners, employees or even selling your business. Having a contract would first guarantee your services to your customer and THEN ensure that they pay you! Also, with business partners, things can somtimes get sticky so you want to make sure everything is divided properly, to avoid nasty break ups :).


What exacly is a contract?:

Now, what IS a contract, you ask? Well, The World English Dictionary defines a contract as the following: "to enter into an agreement with (a person, company, etc) to deliver (goods or services) or to do (something) on mutually agreed and binding terms, often in writing." In order for a contract to be valid, both parties need to sign and agree on terms listed in the contract.


What type of contracts are there?

There are two different types of contracts. First, there is an Oral Contract which is when people speak on the terms and conditions of the business transaction. Contrary to popular belief, these are legally binding contracts. The only thing is it is harder to prove who said what in a court of law.


The second type of contract is the Written Contract. This is the most common type of contract and obviously easier to prove in the court of law. Usually a contract is written to determine the job that needs to be done and what is going to happen after that job is done. If the people who are involved with the contract, do not keep up their part of the bargain, they can be sued. 


What should it say?

Well, there are several contract-writing softwares out there that can help you with the actual wording of the contract but I will give you a general idea. Remember, you want to be very specific about what is said in the contract.  Unless you are a lawyer, you don't have to use legal terminology you just have to be clear on the expectations of both parties.


You want to make sure you have the following features in your contract:

~Date of contractual agreement and expiration of contract

~Name of everyone involved- i.e. customer, owner

~The services taking place for the contract- i.e. Company agrees to decorate Customer's house by 5/6/12.

~The payment amounts and DUE DATES- i.e. Initial Deposit, Amount Due after decorating is done

~Any interest that would take place if the payment is not made on due date

~Expiration dates for the contract

~Terms and conditions if contract is broken- i.e. If either party does not adhere to terms on contract legal action will take place

~Terms and conditions for someone to cancel or break contract before due date- i.e. If Customer breaks contract before job is done, the deposit is non-refundable. If Buyer breaks contract before job is done, the Customer will receive their deposit via mail.

~Signature of both parties


If you include all this in your contract, you should be fine! All grounds should be covered. Make sure you go through every aspect of the contract with your customer, answer and ASK all questions. Do not assume that they understand all the terms of the contract. Make sure you also review your state's laws on contractual agreements. They might have certain things that must be stated in the contract.


Lastly, at the end of the day, if you're still unsure about the validity of your contract or NEED that legal terminology included, then consult a lawyer. They will be able to help you ...for a small fee.


For online resources or sample contracts you can visit these sites:

allbusiness.comsample contracts - sample contracts 



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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