quit (5)

Quit Playing and Get It Done

How many excuses can you come up with before you actually get work done? Excuses help pacify the fact that you aren't producing. It's time to stop making excuses for yourself and get the work done.


Just think of every excuse you make for yourself as a step further down the ladder of success. Who intentionally wants to take steps in the wrong direction? I know you don't!

As a woman you have to accept responsibility and provide accountability for the things you do and don't accomplish. Your main purpose as woman is to reproduce! That doesn't change when it comes to the work world either. This is your time to reproduce, that is multiply. By multiplying you can increase in all areas of your life.

You bring things into existence with your creative abilities. That means you supply your life with the things you desire by making it happen. Why deny yourself that? I challenge you to declare right now that you shall not be denied because of laziness. Declare that you will stop playing and get what needs to get done, done!

Remember F.O.C.U.S.!! Follow one course until successful.

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I Quit!

Yup! I quit Garrison Prosperity Solutions, Busy925.com, EVERYTHING! Ok. No not really but I have felt this way before. Haven't you? Maybe on your job, in your life or in business. You get that feeling of frustration, worthlessness or failure and just want to quit. Give up. Move on to something else or maybe even nothing at all. You get tired of kissing your boss' butt, of the incoming bills, mortgage payments or even trying to find customers and attract people to your company. It all just gets to be too much sometimes. I completely understand this feeling BUT the people that get through it are the ones that become inspiring success stories. I was even more reminded of this today from my Pastor who just so happens to also be my Father-in-Love.

In being the first Sunday of 2013, he preached on the subject of having a Fresh S.T.A.R.T.:

S- Stop making excuses - Excuses of being overwhelmed, sick, tired, having no money, working too much, working too hard, feeling like what you're doing is not enough or not generating results you want or expected, not knowing where to begin or how to move on. Stop the excuses.

T- Take inventory of your life - (This is my explanation) Create three lists:

  1. What in your life, job, business is working?
  2. What in your life, job, business is NOT working?
  3. What would you like to do differently or add to your life, job, or business?

After doing so, take the "NOT working list" and THROW IT AWAY! STOP DOING THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT PRODUCING THE RESULTS YOU WANT. Especially if you've been doing them for a while and they STILL aren't WORKING.

A- Act in faith - Take the "WORKING" and "TO DO DIFFERENTLY" list and start working on them. Keep doing the things that are working well for you. But for the things that you want to do differently, step out in faith and do them. Praying that the end result will be successful. Even if it is not, praying all will be done as it should be.

R- Re-focus your thoughts - Even though it is not the first of the year anymore, you can still make resolutions, or revamp your resolutions. Gather yourself and get back on track. FOCUS!

T- Trust God - PERIOD. He will make sure everything will go as it should.

Psalm 118:8 “It is better  to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the  LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

So sure, have your frustration, feelings of worthlessness and failure but don't quit and don't give up. Commit to a Fresh S.T.A.R.T., it will all be worth it!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas





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Let’s face it. Life can be hard. Thus the reason I’m passionate about empowering women. There are many temptations along this journey to quit. You don’t have to quit. I know that’s easier said than done.

Believe it or not I have felt like quitting. What? The Empowerment Diva?
Yes, moi. However, I do feel blessed to have conquered many fears, opportunities to lose hope and throw in the towel. How? My faith, life skills, embracing the process, mastering my mindset, having an appreciation of life, embracing an attitude of gratitude, being authentic, giving value,being committed to my core values, connecting with mentors, loving and being loved by my family and more!

I’d like to dedicate this poem to you. Whatever you do get clarity of your purpose, goals and be a tenacious woman with a resolve of no retreat. Stand strong in your faith and embrace Divine influence.

Keep learning. Keep reaching. Don’t be an island. Connect to an accountability partner.Don’t be afraid to let go of Dream killers, toxic and negative people. Live long and prosper “spirit, soul and body.”

You can make it. Soar above your challenges and manifest “Your Diamond Life!”

Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and debts are high,

And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

For life is queer with it’s twist and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he’d stuck it out.

Success is just failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of the cloud of doubt.

And you never can tell how close

It may be near when it seems so far.

So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,

It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit!


Say this “I will not quit. I have everything I need within me.

If I just don’t quit. The best is yet to come.

I will not quit!”

The Authentic Life Empowerment


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Do you dread going to work? Feel like you were made to something else with your life other than working for “the man?” Or is your hobby starting to pay you more than your day job? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then it’s time to move on and follow your purpose. But first, we must identify the risks and rewards of quitting your day job and becoming an entrepreneur. Finally, we will learn 10 key strategies for implementing your purpose because although entrepreneurship may be calling you, are you really ready for it?

Okay! Let’s be real, here. There are risks to quitting one’s job, but many are just plain myths that need debunking because they are preventing you from following your purpose. Here are the top five myths to reasons why not to quit your day job:

· I will have no Health Insurance

· I will lose or not have Retirement Funds

· I will be homeless

· I need thousands of dollars to start my business and to survive

· There is no security in entrepreneurship

Now here is reality. First, you can purchase private health insurance that may cost more, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Google health insurance options online such as www.ehealthinsurance.com or call your local insurance agency such as Nationwide Insurance or State Farm. Second, you can rollover your 401(k) plans or others into a ROTH IRA. Talk to your financial advisor/planner for more information as they are a resource that everyone should use to help make sound financial decisions like quitting one’s job. Third, your home can be protected through insurance and other special programs. Again, speak with your financial advisor/planner to learn about your options. Fourth and most pivotal to your success, is plan, plan, plan, budget, budget and here, again, is where your financial advisor/planner will come in handy. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? Visit your local Small Business Administration technology center or go to their website at www.sba.gov. They can provide you with a plethora of information on funding options and more. Finally, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. If you plan smartly and be clear about your objectives, quitting your job will not lead you to the unemployment line.

Now, as previously stated, you must plan smartly and be clear about your objectives. Quitting your day job is a big step, and one must not become caught up in the myths about the rewards of being your own boss. So, here are some myths about the rewards of quitting your day job.

· I don’t have to answer to anyone

· I can set my own hours and work when I want

· I have an idea that is going to make millions

· I can go on vacation when I want to

Stop right there! If these are the reasons you want to quit your day job, you and your family are in trouble. The reality to entrepreneurship is that you do have to answer to someone – YOUR CUSTOMERS/CLIENTS. Entrepreneurship is not an 8 hour job, but a 24 hour job. Most businesses, depending on the industry, do not see a profit for the first 2-5 years. And can you say TAXES, EMPLOYEES, MARKETING and RENT/LEASE FEES? Finally, who’s going to cover the shop when you are on vacation? Many entrepreneurs have not made that leap to business owner where the company can now function without the owner/founder’s presence. You are the sales clerk, janitor, cashier, secretary and CEO until the business has “arrived.”

The bottom line is that the decision to quit one’s job is very personal and subjective. It is not something that can necessarily be predicted as being the right thing or the wrong thing to do at the time of the decision-making process. But is something that can work to you and your family’s advantage if it fits in line with your purpose and with careful planning.

So, are you ready to turn in your resignation? Wait! I want to leave you with 10 key strategies for implementing your purpose before you take that leap of faith into entrepreneurship.

10 Key Strategies to Implementing Your Purpose

1. Create a list of the things you are good at and enjoy doing: What is your calling? Write down your vision

2. Create a list of pros and cons about your current job: Be real and not just make up excuses here. Perhaps you will find that you might not need to leave the job just yet, but can leverage a raise or a newly created position tailor-made for you.

3. Plan a long-term and short-term list of goals that relate to 1 & 2: Speak with a counselor at a local women’s business center to help with this.

4. Tell your Crying Angel Network or your business consultant/coach your ideas and goals: Get a fresh perspective from someone who is not your family or circle.

5. Before quit job, see if you can negotiate a part-time deal: Don’t leave until all avenues have been exhausted – keep a part-time job until income from purpose super cedes or matches income from job.

6. Research access to capital: Capital can come in many different forms such as friends, family, loans, and savings. Bottom line: you must have a money plan.

7. Live within your means: You should start a budget and have been living by it at least 3 months before quit your job, if possible. If not, call your financial advisor/planner immediately.

8. Network, Network, Network: You can use the traditional (i.e., BNI groups, workshops & seminars) and/or non-traditional (i.e., post office, birthday parties, grocery store), but you must learn how to network and use your net to work for you.

9. Talk to your spouse before you jump into the water: Get their support or understanding, if not both, because this decision will impact them for a long time to come. They need to know where they stand in all of this because they will be making sacrifices with you. This is not about just you.

10. Keep a sense of humor because you are going to need it: That’s right! Laughter is the remedy for insanity and depression, so keep laughing and enjoy the journey.

One of my favorite inspirational quotes says, “Ambition knows no obstacles” (Chinese Proverb). I want to add to that that ambition is a curse without careful planning. That is not to say that you will be able to plan everything out, but when the bumps come up - and they will - you, your company and your family will be better equipped to handle them.

~Copyright © 2010 Rebekah L. Pierce. Mrs. Pierce is the Founder and President of The Girlfriend Connection (formerly Average Girl Magazine LLC). She is also a playwright, former radio talk show host, motivational speaker, teacher, wife and mother. Visit www.thegirlfriendconnection.yolasite.com for more information.

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Martha, Martha

Have you ever been a victim of the “Martha Syndrome”? (See Luke 10:38-42). I have. I was busy, busy, busy, yet I had lost sight of the needful thing. I could not hear God’s voice, yet I knew He was trying to speak to me. Then one day I hit a wall (figurativelyJ). I could not do one more thing and I wanted to quit everything. Lying in bed, trying to figure out how to live there, I heard, “You can’t quit.” Then I heard the phrase, “Mary, Mary.” I thought, “Why am I thinking about the singing group Mary, Mary “? Then I heard, “They’re Mary, Mary because they sit at the feet of Jesus and hear My Word and they are able to do what I’ve called them to do.” That was my light bulb moment! In all my busyness, I neglected my sustenance – His Word. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches…apart from Me you can do nothing (John15:5). When we abide in His Word, we abide in Him.I now seek to rest my physical body and calm my mind, so I can clearly hear His voice. You see, God is always speaking, yet we are not always listening. I never want to be in that place where I felt so lost again. Yet, if I should stumble out of The Way, I’m grateful to God that He knows how to bring me back to that place where I can sit at His feet again.Peace.
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