All year long I was thinking about my business and how I put myself in a box. I was feeling stuck in my business and felt like I should have been further along than I was, that's when I realized that I had put myself and my business in a box. I am out of the now and I want to share how I got of the box. I am not stuck anymore I am sure that my business will hit the goals that I have planned. I am offering a FREE CD, so if you are interested in getting unstuck you can get your copy by going to
Have you ever been a victim of the “Martha Syndrome”? (See Luke 10:38-42). I have. I was busy, busy, busy, yet I had lost sight of the needful thing. I could not hear God’s voice, yet I knew He was trying to speak to me. Then one day I hit a wall (figurativelyJ). I could not do one more thing and I wanted to quit everything. Lying in bed, trying to figure out how to live there, I heard, “You can’t quit.” Then I heard the phrase, “Mary, Mary.” I thought, “Why am I thinking about the singing group Mary, Mary “? Then I heard, “They’re Mary, Mary because they sit at the feet of Jesus and hear My Word and they are able to do what I’ve called them to do.” That was my light bulb moment! In all my busyness, I neglected my sustenance – His Word. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches…apart from Me you can do nothing (John15:5). When we abide in His Word, we abide in Him.I now seek to rest my physical body and calm my mind, so I can clearly hear His voice. You see, God is always speaking, yet we are not always listening. I never want to be in that place where I felt so lost again. Yet, if I should stumble out of The Way, I’m grateful to God that He knows how to bring me back to that place where I can sit at His feet again.Peace.
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