All year long I was thinking about my business and how I put myself in a box. I was feeling stuck in my business and felt like I should have been further along than I was, that's when I realized that I had put myself and my business in a box. I am out of the now and I want to share how I got of the box. I am not stuck anymore I am sure that my business will hit the goals that I have planned. I am offering a FREE CD, so if you are interested in getting unstuck you can get your copy by going to
Greetings everyone,Constantly asked, "How do you market for attorneys?" My cookie cutter answer is, "I grassroots market by using direct mail and community marketing." Now the cookie cutter answer is not working anymore.I practice guerrilla marketing strategies to make the phones ring for law firms that need it the most. Lucrative firms use a few guerrilla marketing strategies, however they are financially stable to market the "RIGHT" way. Which I whole heartedly agree is the best way in the correct circumstances.The heart of Guerrilla Marketing is fighting to protect a way of life. Everyone is quick to share with you the right way to market business for law firms, however when there are bill collectors knocking on an attorneys professional and personal life it is time to look for alternatives to traditional or the right way to market. Keep in mind, law offices have staff employees and their way of life is also in question.Law firms are businesses just as others. They flourish, have rocky times or close. The bottom line is do you give up or throw that Hail Mary pass? When I am contracted, I understand what is at stake.There are rules of advertising that attorneys must abide in marketing clients. I know them like the back of my hand. I explore alternatives marketing to people who are need of legal services, that have not been used, that are within the realm of those rules.Along with being a legal marketing virtual assistant, I am a strategist. For example, for direct mail startegies, names from various county and city jails are collected and then mailed. There were about 5 of us from different firms that showed up like clock work to view and write down the names from the jail docket book. This is a log of all people who have been arrested. That means that there were 4 to 5 letters hitting those mail boxes at the same time. I needed those names first, remember I am protecting a way of life, I wrote a letter to the Sheriff asking if the firm could get a print out of the jail docket after 3:00 daily at a cost that he deemed appropriate for paper, ink, and the time of his staff.Notice the time frame. In this jail, the book was put out at 10:00am daily and taken by 2:00pm that means that we were not getting some names until the next day. The sheriff agreed to twice a week after 3:00 at 25.00 a docket, that was 50.00 weekly. This freed me to capture the names from the city jails. Not everyone arrested made it to the county jail. It took the other firms almost 3 months to catch on. For three months we had that area on lock down. I also doubled back to jails after 5:00 and included those names in the days mailing. What time do most offices close? I dropped the mail at the main branch at the post office dock because we were usually past the regular time.My services are not long-term, once the firm or attorney's quality of life is secured, I take my leave. Usually six to eight months. During this time I spend one on one time with each staff member sharing instruction of management of client-relations. The attorney must be walled in by a trained staff to realistically and suceessfully keep up this pace. A trained staff is key when marketing in this manner.I agree with marketing the right way, however there are instances when it is appropriate to throw that Hail Mary pass.It is Always a Blessing to Share, Dream a World!Lisa Henry, "A Real Guerrilla Marketer"www.SweeThorn.comRead more…
Talk about finding yourself. I really love doing what I do. I write novels. I help make good writers and teach them how to promote their work to bestseller status. My novel is "The Mayor's Wife Wore Sapphires," an urban political thriller. Do stop by and sign up. We have a blast.My class: ~Easy Way To Write the Bestseller-Kind-Of-Novel in 90 Days~ starts Nov. 19, 2008.all members VIP members get 50%"The place where writers make money"
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Peace my Beloved Family,For as long as I can remember I have desired to help people to be greater than themselves. In my typical style, I knew I would do this in a very BIG way. Even though I didn’t always know what helping people looked like for me, I knew healing was a major part of who I was.Through years of self discovery, soul searching, and studying various healing arts with many talented teachers and healers, the picture became clearer. As a result, Avalaura’s Healing Center was born. One thing I’ve realized along my journey is no matter how much you’re able to see, the full picture is always greater. It exceeds your wildest dreams and it can only be revealed to you when you are ready to see it. What’s presented to you is only a glimpse of what’s to come if you ALLOW it. Oprah often says “What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.” This has been the great truth of my life.I’m very humbled by the healing work I’ve been blessed to do over the last three years. I love hearing the inspirational stories from the people I’ve served, seeing their smiles and receiving their embraces. But through it all, I have always known there was more, that the work I’d begun was just the beginning. Being a healer brings many blessings, but it also brings great responsibility. Ayi Kwei Armah states in his book The Healers:“A healer needs to see beyond the present and tomorrow. He needs to see years and decades ahead. Because healers work for results so firm that they may not be wholly visible till centuries have flowed into millennia. Those willing to do this necessary work, they are the healers of our people.”This belief embodies the spirit of every aspect of the work I do. I know I’ve been blessed with a powerful gift and I’m determined to share it with the world. Many people have asked me, why did I choose to be a healer and how did I become interested in holistic or alternative healing? And I tell them very simply, this is the work I was born to do. This is not something I woke up one day and said, “ooohh wouldn’t it be cool to heal the world?” On the contrary, it is a powerful energy, a feeling, a passion that surges through every part of my being. I sleep with it, I eat with it, I laugh with it and I heal with it. This is what God has intended for me and I graciously accept the call. I am always searching for another way; a better way. I’m always working to improve my work. I’m always trying to figure out; how can I do more, how can I help people heal faster and how can I help people heal permanently. Finally in my search, I have found the ultimate healing. I have found that better way or rather it found me.My experiences in India expanded my awareness to further allow what God has intended for me. When I returned to the U.S., the next phase of my journey began. In my meditation I was introduced to the greatest healer I have ever known. He is a Muslim Sufi who comes from a long line of healers in the Gambia in West Africa. Although I was just introduced to him, God had been preparing him for me for four years. He was waiting patiently for me to arrive. And when I did, he embraced me as his child, as his friend, and as his student. Since the moment of our physical meeting, he has taught me everything that he knows; everything that Spirit has taught him. I can not tell you what a great blessing and gift this is. I am not Muslim, I am a woman and I am an American. All of these are obstacles to learning these sacred traditions and wisdom teachings that God has opened the way for me to receive.Through Marabout Spiritual Healing, I have been invited into a secret world that many will never have the privilege to witness. The Spirit world has embraced me with open arms and has shown me that miracles do exist. Through my work with Spirit; Spirit can create miracles in the lives of many. This allows me a unique perspective, a vantage point or as Armah says the ability to “see beyond the present and tomorrow.” This is the vantage point that I graciously share with you. Armah also states “Healers are just awakeners of a people who have slept too long.”Wake up! You have slept too long! It pains me to see people suffering unnecessarily. Agonizing from disease, limiting beliefs, curses and other evil influences and self imposed limitations. I feel frustrated when I hear the many stories of people poisoning themselves with chemotherapy to “cure” cancer, people enduring surgery for something that can be healed naturally, people experiencing the symptoms of sickle cell or HIV because western medicine has no cures, or people taking numerous medications for diabetes or high blood pressure when a healing herb is the answer. I am so tired of poverty consciousness and other limiting beliefs where people believe they don’t have the time or money for the very things that will change their lives. But instead spend their time and money on things that will never yield the results they seek.Wake up! You have lost your way. You have been conditioned to believe that the world you live in is reality. So when a doctor tells you there is no cure for a disease, then this must be true. Many of us believe constant suffering and enduring one bad experience after another is a normal part of our human existence. This is not so. The real world is the unseen world beyond us that governs our “reality.” And in this world EVERTHING IS POSSIBLE. There is a cure for everything; everything can and does heal. For what has been created can be destroyed and what has yet to be created, can be manifested. This is the work of miracles. This is the work of Spirit. This is the work I am humbled to help you use to change your life. But……Only if you believe!Only if you allow it!Only if you realize there is a force greater than you that allows healing beyond your greatest imagination!Only if you decide to stop complaining, stop procrastinating, use your Divine power and take your life back!Only then can you begin to witness the greatness God intends for you. There is a better way; don’t be afraid to believe in it, even if you can’t see it. Don’t be afraid to embrace it; when your opportunity for true healing is presented to you, even if you don’t understand it. Wake up! It is time for you to believe and embrace a better way!Love & Divine Healing,Avalaura
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