too (4)

Have you ever thought about how much money you make for the company you work for? Have you ever considered how much less you are making than your boss who is no better qualified than you? Have you realized that you are working to make someone else wealthy? Every day you spend countless hours generating income for someone you probably don't know and for a business you definitely do not own. Unfortunately, in this economy no job is secure. So, where do you find the security? What does your future look like?

If you see more prosperity in your future, then you need to take control of your life now. And that means, working for yourself! You need to put yourself in a position to FIRE YOUR BOSS! Set your own hours and reap the benefits of your hard work.

My mom had an “Embrace the Entrepreneur Within” luncheon, to empower women in their lives and in business. We had 12 to 15 women there that all had positive comments about the illustrious speaker, Melissa Taft. She spoke about the steps needed to be taken to make a change in our lives for the better. She talked about asking yourself questions like: Are you going through life, KNOWING it's not how you envisioned it yet doing NOTHING about it? and Are you aware of your displeasure and doing all you can in your power to change your life??? She described how there are different stages to our development in life and wherever our competency level is, is how our life is developing now. So when are you going to take control of it? When are you going to get smarter about your situation and change it? When are you going to stop making excuses about your life and start making progress? 

So, today the question goes to you too! Are you living your life in complete denial, ignoring all the failures around you, saying, “Oh well, it’s life!”, OR are you stepping out on faith, and taking actions to change your life? The bible says " without deeds is dead" James 2:26. If you're wanting a change in your life, you should be praying for a change. You should be taking action and doing things like:

  • Giving up habits you know aren't good for you.
  • Following through with personal goals
  • Doing all you can to get a financial promotion
  • Or even better, creating an exit strategy and taking steps to FIRE YOUR BOSS!

Do something for yourself and your family. Make a move to impact your life. Embrace the entrepreneur within and see how your life will change. 


Make a disposable income, blogging and become famous online too! Find out how here => BeFamousOnlineToo!

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I know right? Only 90 days until 2013. And if you haven't thought about it yet, ask yourself... what have you done in 2012? If you own a business, have you met your financial goals for 2012 so far? Have you met your customer service goals for the year? Did you even start the business you wanted to or are you still thinking and talking about it? What about if you have started a movement, does the world know about your cause? Did you get the job or start the career you wanted?

Well, if you haven't met your goals, I'm here to tell you that you still (or ONLY) have 90 days to reach your goals for 2012. You should start a countdown now to push yourself to meet your most important goals. If you are looking to get started in 2013, this is a great time to begin your planning process. You should be planning how you are going to be successful in 2013. You should be writing your business plan, looking for investors, or figuring out how you are going to finance your business.

For some of you, the answer will be positive. For those of you that have met your goals so far, I applaud you for working so hard! For those of you that do not have a positive answer, this is not to make you feel like a failure but it is a friendly reminder to wake up and ask yourself, WHAT HAVE I DONE IN 2012??

Let's get to work and make the last 90 days prosperous!

We would love to hear from those that have had a good 2012, how did you do it? What advice do you have for those still trying to meet goals in the next 90 days?


If you are looking for a business model where you can gain FAME, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, and FUN, I have an option that can make you a famous blogger within the next 90 days! Just think of me as your agent :). Find out more information here => BeFamousOnline2 Info. OR you can join my Be Famous Online 2 Team and start working with me here => BeFamousOnline2 toward your journey to Be Famous Online Too!

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Alright. Maybe you're not famous yet. But if you are striving to be, these tips may help you move toward your goal.

Blogging Tip #1: Choose the best time to blog- As I have stated before, it is not necessary to blog everyday. As you may overwhelm your readers (unless you are a gossip blog). However you should come up with a day or two throughout the week that works best for you. Make sure you post EVERY week on those days, so your readers know when to expect something from you.

Blogging Tip #2: Work with someone who knows what they are doing- Just like famous people have managers and agents, you need a coach to help you build your blog, business, or brand the way you envision it. They may be able to expand your vision and take you to another level. Of course managers, agents and coaches do not always come for free, but there are affordable ones. You need to get out there, find someone you like, and see if they would like to coach you.

Blogging Tip #3: Posting pictures on your blog- One suggestion is to either Google "public domain pictures of ______" and insert whatever you are looking for in the blank. Another suggestion is if you find a picture on another site, make sure you reference the site and author in your blog and you should be covered. You can also become a member of picture sites like and These sites offer public domain pictures in any category you can think of. Some pictures need to be paid for but offers a lot of free pictures.

Blogging Tip #4: Which blogging platform would you get the most visibility with? Visibility meaning...FAMOUS! Which platform will get you noticed on a Google search, etc?  There are several options for you to create a free blog, but I know of an option that might as well be free, that offers visibility and puts you on track to become famous online! You can find out more information here => OR you can join me here (for close to free) and start working with me here => on your journey to Be Famous Online Too!

These tips are just a FEW of what you should know about blogging. There is so much information. What other questions do you have about blogging?

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Posted by Anita Moore

When should you give your kids a credit card? Should you wait until they're 18 and off to college? Or is younger better? This can be an explosive topic for parents, many of whom have very strong ideas about what's best for their teens when it comes to credit. A new ABC News poll found that 71 percent of parents are opposed to giving kids a credit card before the age of 18, even one that has a restricted balance and is linked to a parent's account."GMA" assembled a roundtable of moms and dads with children between 8 and 17, who were passionately divided about the topic. Some said children need to have access to credit to learn how to use it safely, while others were adamantly opposed to the idea. Most parents agree that kids should learn to save and budget and should earn their own money. But when adults are struggling with their own credit along with the increasing and complex material needs of children, it can be difficult to decide when to help them get plastic. What's the Appropriate Age? Mellody Hobson disagrees with the majority in the ABC News poll, and advises getting your child a credit card linked to your account at 16. She thinks 18 is too late because, at that point, you no longer have total control over your child's spending and credit habits. Parents should look at 16 as a milestone age, she says. We already equate turning 16 with getting a driver's license, 18 with the right to vote and 21 with the right to drink. Make 16 the age you start teaching your child about financial independence and responsibility. Benefits of Giving Your Teen a Card-You Can Monitor and Control Activity A credit card can give you some control over your child's spending and credit management skills, especially before they go off to college, Hobson says. You can discuss with them the proper way to use credit before they get a card of their own, kind of like credit with training wheels. You get to see all of your child's transactions in your monthly statement if they are an authorized user on your card, and you will be able to better recognize any impending issues and problems they might develop in the future. MY VIEWS: View the video and tell me what you think? Personally this has made me recognize that I can handle finances with my sixteen year old son differently. I’ve been holding a credit/debit card for him and when he gets paid, I would take a few dollars from him and match it and put it on his debit card for when he started college, but now I see that I need to give him the card so that he can learn how to handle his credit himself. Even though I still feel a child shouldn’t get a credit card until he has a job, this is a good eye opener. What’s your opinion? Kids Won't Have to Carry a Lot of Cash There's one other really big advantage to giving your 16-year-old a credit card, Hobson says. By giving your child a card, you're making sure they will not be carrying a ton of cash which can be very unsafe for them.

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