boss (5)

Have you ever thought about how much money you make for the company you work for? Have you ever considered how much less you are making than your boss who is no better qualified than you? Have you realized that you are working to make someone else wealthy? Every day you spend countless hours generating income for someone you probably don't know and for a business you definitely do not own. Unfortunately, in this economy no job is secure. So, where do you find the security? What does your future look like?

If you see more prosperity in your future, then you need to take control of your life now. And that means, working for yourself! You need to put yourself in a position to FIRE YOUR BOSS! Set your own hours and reap the benefits of your hard work.

My mom had an “Embrace the Entrepreneur Within” luncheon, to empower women in their lives and in business. We had 12 to 15 women there that all had positive comments about the illustrious speaker, Melissa Taft. She spoke about the steps needed to be taken to make a change in our lives for the better. She talked about asking yourself questions like: Are you going through life, KNOWING it's not how you envisioned it yet doing NOTHING about it? and Are you aware of your displeasure and doing all you can in your power to change your life??? She described how there are different stages to our development in life and wherever our competency level is, is how our life is developing now. So when are you going to take control of it? When are you going to get smarter about your situation and change it? When are you going to stop making excuses about your life and start making progress? 

So, today the question goes to you too! Are you living your life in complete denial, ignoring all the failures around you, saying, “Oh well, it’s life!”, OR are you stepping out on faith, and taking actions to change your life? The bible says " without deeds is dead" James 2:26. If you're wanting a change in your life, you should be praying for a change. You should be taking action and doing things like:

  • Giving up habits you know aren't good for you.
  • Following through with personal goals
  • Doing all you can to get a financial promotion
  • Or even better, creating an exit strategy and taking steps to FIRE YOUR BOSS!

Do something for yourself and your family. Make a move to impact your life. Embrace the entrepreneur within and see how your life will change. 


Make a disposable income, blogging and become famous online too! Find out how here => BeFamousOnlineToo!

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There has been a incredible shift in the world around us.  From the Northeast hurricane, to many people stepping out on pure faith and starting new businesses, ending unhealthy relationships to even finally taking health seriously. We’re all being charged with “purging” something. In the midst of this though…doesn’t mean there are challenges or days when you simply want to “quit”.

::The client money isn’t coming in on time

::The husband just “ain’t acting right”

::The kids are a mess at school

::Your stress level is out of wack

::Your business is good…but it’s not “great”

::You seem to be working harder for the same result.

::You feel enslaved to your purpose.

As women we come as a package deal and with that means that often overwhelming feeling of wishing and wanting to just “quit” – to let it all go. To throw in the towel and just let the sh!% it the fan!

I know that feeling and I have to have a “come to Jesus”  meeting with myself. And get real.

It’s time someone offered you a dose of truth…and that is


Truth be told, women of color tiptoe around our issues in our lives and ultimately our businesses. We don’t invest in ourselves however we expect others to invest in us.

Do you? Do  you invest in yourself or do you quit at the thought of doing the work

QUIT at the thought of truly asking for assistance and support in growing your business or how women like Cameka Smith (founder of listed BOSS Network) has done by fostering a community of women entrepreneurs who network for good?

QUIT feeling like you can’t really work with other women because “they always want to take what’s mines”. And the hard work of learning to trust your own “GET IT GIRL!” so you can work with other women without the “crabs-in-the-barrel mentality” like LaShanda Henry (founder of Black Business Women Online) did with her girlfriends

QUIT at the thought of truly (and I mean truly) investing in quality mentorship and guidance and humbling yourself to end the thinking that you must do everything on your own or that perhaps Women of Color can’t produce high quality events and workshops that are impactful and profitable like thePOWER CIRCLE Conference & Expo happening Jan 2013.

What’s my point? I’ve been in a “Inner BITCH” release pilgrimage for some time involving releasing all the GUNK that was stuck in my belief system for too long.  My sister on this journey of complete liberation and I have been charged with not only calling ourselves out…but other women. Particularly women of color and Black women more specifically on how our emotional wellness is the TRUE source of abundance.

If you’re still reading I offer that I realize this post is making tons of assumptions about you – the reader – but perhaps it’s not. Perhaps somewhere inside of you, a-lot of this rings true. If not to this extreme, perhaps in your own self-sabotaging efforts to define “success” merely as the sum of your bank account or based on the number of episodes of  Donald Trump’s
The Apprentice” you’ve been able to copy-cat in your own business journey.

Whatever it is…there is a time to call it quits, but not on yourself…but on the nonsense that is causing many of us to live beneath the truth of our possibilities. The truth is that there is another more authentic way of living and creating and this video offers a bit of that truth.

Join me Friday November 9, 2012 here.

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Embrace the Entrepeneur Within

Have you ever stopped and thought about how much money you make for your boss? Have you realized that by not working for yourself, you are working to make someone else rich? Every day you spend countless hours generating income for someone you probably don't know and for a business you definitely don't own. Unfortunately, in this economy no job is secure. So, where do you find the security? What does your future look like? 

If you see more prosperity in your future, then you need to take control of your life now. And that means, working for yourself! You need to put yourself in a position to FIRE YOUR BOSS! Set your own hours and reap the benefits of your hard work.  

My mom had an “Embrace the Entrepeneur Within” luncheon this weekend, to empower women in their lives and in business. We had 12 to 15 women there that all had positive comments about the illustrious speaker, Melissa Taft. She spoke about the steps we need to take to change our lives for the better. She talked about asking yourself questions like, are you going through life, KNOWING it's not how you'd like it and doing NOTHING about it or are you aware of your displeasure and doing all you can in your power to change your life??? She described how there are different stages to our development in life and wherever our competency level is, is how our life is developing now. So when are you going to take control of it????

So, today the question goes to you too! Are you living your life in complete denial, ignoring all the failures around you, saying, “Oh well, it’s life!”, or are you stepping out on faith, and taking actions to change your life? The bible says " without deeds is dead" James 2:26. If you're wanting a change in your life, you should be praying for a change. You shoud be taking action and doing things like giving up habits you know aren’t good for you or following through with personal goals or doing all you can to get a financial promotion or even better, taking steps to FIRE YOUR BOSS!

Do something for yourself and your family. Make a move to impact your life. Embrace the entrpeneur within today! We can help you today! ==> CLICK HERE

Tamara Garrison-Thomas 

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I Fired My Boss...

When I walked out those doors I said I wasn't going back and I meant it. I didn't know how it was going to happen and apart of me feared facing the reality of what would happen if it didn't but THANK YOU GOD for hearing my prayers... and I mean I PRAYED! I still can't believe it's real!

I just couldn't do it anymore. If I said that part of me wasn't thinking "What the heck are you doing girl?" I'd be lying. But that fact of the matter is I just walked away from a Fortune 50 company not a Fortune 50 paycheck and the sad part is I realized that it was never going to happen. I earned my Bachelor's degree while pregnant with the twins and then spent my Master's program pregnant and dealing with the new baby. In between degrees (and in a period of 1 1/2 years) I applied for eight promotions and received eight denials, some without any explanation. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was applying for a position within my own department, having my supervisors tell me I wasn't qualified, hiring a mail and file clerk giving her a minimum $20-$30k increase and then asking me to train her. HA!! If that isn't the biggest slap in the face, but I digress...

Needless to say I began to plan my exit strategy. I wish I had a great elaborate story for you that speaks of how I waltzed into my boss' office on a random day and dropped the bomb on them. How I stuck it to "the MAN" just when he thought he had me down but that's not what happened. The truth of it all is that I devised a plan. My exit strategy was well thought out and I had the great benefit of working and building my business with the security of having a job and being on maternity leave allowed me to be at home full time with nothing to do but learn while receiving a paycheck. Still, without gaining and applying knowledge I know that this would have never happen and that without deciding to take action I could have just as easily been returning to that dead-end job.

I know know you're thinking "Girl in this economy? People are dying for jobs and you're giving yours up?" YES!! I am! See when everything in the world is going right people get complacent. Dreams fade away because jobs are secure and many just coast along earning what they feel is a decent paycheck. But the last few years has shown many of that nothing is guaranteed. A new supervisor that doesn't like you, changes in policy, a failing/failed economy can put you on the wrong side of poverty faster than you can blink. Maybe you know someone this happened to... maybe it happened to you. Regardless, now is the time to take control of your own destiny... to fight the power so to speak. The greatest movements in history that produced real change came when people decided enough was enough and claimed freedom for themselves.

As I've said many times my reason for creating Maven On a Mission was not so much about internet/network marketing and signing people into my opportunities but more about giving moms who want to be home with their children the opportunity to do so. I've learned so much in the past 6 months to a year about being a real entrepreneur... an UNSTOPPABLE ENTREPRENEUR that I can't wait to share with you all. So much value has been poured into me knowingly and unknowingly that there is nothing for me to do but to pour it back out. I genuinely want to see you home with your children (or working from home period) if that's where you desire to be.

To those of you that have been following this blog, thank you for your continued support and to those just joining, welcome, welcome, welcome. Stay tuned... this is going to be a ROCKIN journey!

Wishing you growth and prosperity!


P.S. Over the next week I'm going to be announcing so be on the look out for my posts.

P.P.S. Click here to get access to the industries BEST and most affordable systems that will teach you how to build you business online, provide extensive marketing training from the industries top leaders AND allow you to earn income on 10 affiliate streams. Go on.. click here
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Fired @ 54, not supervisable!

I went after a job in a place where I believed I could make a difference providing a service to Black people, my people that I feel most connected to. The revolutionary side of me is passionate about affecting social change and making a difference. All fired up after finally completing my undergraduate degree I was idealistic and proudly anticipating working at a Historically Black College.My intent was to connect with African American parents and students to assist them in securing funding through Financial Aid effectively as someone who understood the anxiety they may have been experiencing. My belief is that I understood the challenge of feeling intimidated and overwhelmed but together we could come up with a plan that worked to the advantage of the student and parent and secured their admission, tuition, and housing requirements.The work proved to be more than challenging and even though I anticipated it to be difficult I expected to be trained well enough to meet the challenge. A very wise woman that had been in the industry for almost 30 years taught me as much as she could in between the demands of her own student load and time lines.The office operations were flat and loosely structured and the environment was highly charged by politics and big egos. When I needed help I would go to my co-workers and make every effort to get the right answer for the best outcome. In almost every instance, I received a different answer no matter who I went to. Seasoned individuals performed procedures the way it has always been done like before computers became the focus. It was effective in its time although time consuming. Fairly new professionals performed procedures in whatever way allowed it be done the fastest. Mistakes were made but time lines were met most of the time.Read moreOmitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".
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