URBAN CHRISTIAN CREATIVEJanuary 28, 2010 - - (Detroit, MI) - - Urban Christian Creative (UCC) is a new online social media network for christian creative-types. As President of Echelon Entertainment, Tavares Carney saw the need to bridge the gap between Christian creatives. Having established herself as a Christian book reviewer, Carney says, "I found myself promoting to book lovers, only. I thought - how can I help the authors reach larger audiences?" Now, Echelon Entertainment aims to cross-promote works of Christian creatives - authors, musicians/singers/songwriters/music producers, filmmakers/actors/actresses, production companies, record labels, marketing and PR professionals, publishers, fashion designers, graphic artists, radio and TV professionals and more.In coming months, Christian creatives and professionals from several industries will be recruited to the network. If you or your business is related to Christian entertainment, UCC is the place to be.To join UCC, please visit Urban Christian Creative.
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Posted by Karmen Booker on January 29, 2010 at 12:08am
In the world of marketing and Internet advertising, there are several ways to make your business work and get your products noticed. One way is the use of banners. Banner advertising has increased more and more. Internet advertisers are using them in order to drive visitors and potential sales to their websites.Banner marketing is a cost-effective excellent way to promote brand awareness, increase visitor traffic to your website, and generate sales. It is the equivalent of newspaper and magazine advertising in the online world. Banners capture the attention of the visitor, and can display a variety of images and information including a company logo. An Internet Advertising Banner can be linked to a specific page on your website that is relevant to the products or services being advertised.To Start Using Marketing Solutions That Work, see the following Special Promotion, and ORDER YOUR BANNER AD TODAY!!!
This has been a hot topic for so many entrepreneurs yet it is often a difficult one to grasp. I put together this three part series to better help you understand Niche Marketing. When you are operating your own business and have a passion for what you do, it becomes so easy to envision yourself selling your product or service to the masses.Even though it seems to be a great idea, it is really illogical. Trying to pursue your marketing efforts in this manner will cause you to loose focus because you won’t be able to establish a concrete plan due to not having an actual market to target.So how do you define your niche market?In my first business, it took me a while to figure out that I actually needed to define my niche market because I was sure, everyone would want my product. Once I finally realized that was not the case, I had to reevaluate my situation and start over from square one (Yes, start over. What, you didn’t know building a business is a never ending process?)First, you need to take some time to really determine who your product or service will benefit. For instance, the services and products I offer are designed to assist women entrepreneurs, so women entrepreneurs are my target market.Women entrepreneurs make up a large group in the entrepreneurial world so next, you would need to define your niche market within that group by breaking it down even further. You can start by deciding out of the products or services you provide, which has the most need or highest demand.Out of the many women entrepreneurs, my services and products are best suited for those who are seeking marketing training to learn how to build a business on a budget. So, now that I’ve discovered my niche market, I am now able to focus my marketing efforts on those specific women entrepreneurs.Finding your niche market will allow you to design a marketing plan more relevant to the specific audience you intend to serve. Thus helping you build a more efficient prospect list and give you a more receptive audience to introduce your business to. With this approach to marketing, you will find that you will have easier success at quickly generating exposure and sales in your business.Next Post: Where Do I Find My Niche Market? Part 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tamyka Washington is a Direct Sales business owner and has been marketing online for over 13 years. For more business building tips visit her website: www.theceomamma.comRead more…
Step Into BalanceDay 4: Who's Values?If you want your life to honor your values, meet your needs and reflect your priorities, you have to be willing to step up and make that happen.Take Off Your MasksDay 4: Call on God's HelpIf you get real with God about the masks that are preventing you from moving forward as your true, authentic self, He will be faithful in providing you with the strength and support you need to live without them."Every woman deserves a Coach"CLICK HERE for more information
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Posted by Lhiane Lewis on January 27, 2010 at 5:07pm
In the past, I thought love is patient and willing to wait till the end. But after almost 18 years in Canada, I realized that true love really hurts, especially if you saw the person you love has found someone else. A promise indeed is made to be broken. It’s hard to pretend that you’re happy but deep inside, your heart is aching. It’s just like you’re hit by thousands of needles. *major ouch*When I was young, I had a friend named Robert. Actually he’s my best friend. However, as time goes by I felt something different for him. Yet, I’m really shy to tell him the truth, that I have a crush on him.He’s a good looking guy with teary eyes and fair complexion. Actually, he has all the traits I’m looking for a guy. But then, there’s a single problem. At that time, I was about to migrate to Canada to manage my dad’s wholesale clothing business.Just the same, I told Robert how I felt about him. I told him he was everything I was looking for in a guy. I was surprised because he hugged me too tight and gave me a cute bracelet, asking me to keep it until the day I came back from Canada. He told me that no matter how many years it will take, he’s willing to wait for me.Fast forward to 18 years, I came back to San Diego due to a financial crisis. My dad’s wholesale clothing business went bankrupt. I came back to the old house and looked if Robert was still there. But instead of finding Robert, I saw a girl named Jane. I asked her about Robert and according to her, Robert is her boyfriend. After long years of waiting, I realized that I’m so stupid.It was only then that I finally gave in to the long years of pain and sadness I felt of being away from Robert. Tears fell down from my eyes, and I didn’t even bother to stop it. When Robert finally came, I pretend that was ok. I forced myself to be happy for him, but I just can’t. When I left their house, I left a part of me in there. I’m still trying to get back the love I lost until now. I still love him so much. Yet, it’s hard to accept the truth that his heart belongs to another woman.
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I met a lady and she has opened my eyes to a new world. Her name is not important right now, her story is amazing. She shared with me an emotional story of hurt, pain, suffering and abuse. But that is not the story that opened my eyes it’s the story that came after that. As a child she group up exposed to substance abuse, sexual, physical and verbal abuse. She was not able to fully enjoy the things as a child should because she was forced to face the reality of the circumstances that her parents had placed her in. With little knowledge of what she could really be, she fell into the cycle: “Now even though I knew I wanted to be different than my parents, I found MYSELF falling into the very same cycle of drug addiction when I turned 18. From that point on MY life and everything spiraled downhill.” She shared.It spiraled to it’s lowest point when she decided that life was no longer worth living and she tried to kill her self, but as you know when you are called for a purpose God will see fit to make sure that you serve it. So after 12 long years of substance abuse pain and suffering a transformation began.Now this is the story that I was talking about, Johnetta Webb now Minister J. (keeping it real) Webb began to transform into the creature that she was created to be. She was restored through focusing her life on Christ and the purpose that she was called to serve. She transformed from the victim to the victor. She did not stop at that because when you are called you have to walk in your calling. How could she do this, was my thought and she said “God saved my life and that is what opened my eyes; it seemed like for the very first time I began to feel life was indeed worth living and I began to seek God in a way like never before. I began to go to church and really dive into the Word of God and little by little those issues that stemmed from childhood, I began to break down.”Minister J. Webb life is purposed for helping others. Through a ministry God's Helping Hands Ministry, created by Minister Webb and her husband Minister George Webb, they are touching lives everyday.Minister J. Webb currently launched an online ministry for addicts and alcoholics to seek support and help in their journey to break free from the addiction. Hope and Deliverance Ministry is a place where you can go and get support from someone who knows where you’ve been and can share an emotional story to show you that it’s not too late. The ministry is open to those in need and those who want to inspire and empower those seeking help.
I encourage you to look at the site and see the mighty work she is doing. If you know somone who is seeking or needs help in this area share this site with them. It is so great that a woman of God has made herself so transparent in order to help others. Thank God for testimonies such as this.Coach Richetta BlackmonEmpowering Women: “One Lady at a Time”www.womensupportwomen.ning.comwww.richetta.blogspot.comRead more…
Step Into BalanceDay 3: Calendar ReviewYour calendar is often the best reflection of the priorities and values you are actually living in the moment.Take Off Your MasksDay 3: God's AbundanceYour masks are a source of protection from the pain in your heart and the pain of dealing with and living in this world. However, being inauthentic and hiding your true self can cause all kinds of physical, mental, and emotional turmoil."Every woman deserves a Coach"Visit: CLICK HERE for more information.
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Posted by PB31 Woman on January 27, 2010 at 5:02am
With myriad challenges facing the global economy, small businesses, including minority-owned enterprises, increasingly are being turned to for long-term solutions to revive ailing economies. Long recognized by political and business leaders as the engine of growth for the economy, small businesses, and the entrepreneurial sector in general, are garnering a great deal of attention from policymakers and corporate decisionmakers alike.The TNJ/NMBC Entrepreneurship Boot Camp program takes into consideration the state of the current U.S. and global economies and how these realities are changing the roles and attitudes of today’s business and social entrepreneurs. Designed for two specific groups, the program is limited to 30 individuals to ensure that each participant gets the maximum benefit from the experience. The target groups for participation are:• Individuals transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. These could be victims of downsizing, retirees or just persons planning to make a change.• New entrepreneurs -- those who have been in business less than two years.Schedule for 2010A two-day class will be held in New York City each quarter this year, at Bank of New York Mellon, 101 Barclay Street, New York, NY, 10286. Classes run from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day. The schedule is as follows:• Friday, March 19 - Saturday, March 20;• Friday, June 18 - Saturday, June 19;• Friday, September 24 - Saturday, September 25;• Friday, December 3 - Saturday, December 4.Application/Registration Individuals who wish to attend the Boot Camp must submit an application (see below). A team comprising representatives of the three Boot Camp sponsors reviews all applications and selects the finalists for participation. Application forms are available on line at www.nmbc.org/newpage_05.html [1], or by calling 212-693-5050. The fee for each participant is $150.Program OutlineSession 1, Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.: This session covers Introduction/Orientation; Defining the Entrepreneur; Marketing/Sales; SWOT Technique; Introduction to Business Plan. Participants are given an overnight assignment utilizing the SWOT technique in the development of a Business Plan.Session 2: Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This session covers Business Plan Review (in break-out groups); Preparing the Business Plan; Managing Finances and Human Resources.Each session includes a summary of the topics covered and Q&A.INSTRUCTORSMichael GanslGansl is a successful, hands-on entrepreneur specializing in working with teams of individual contributors to implement revenue and business growth opportunities.His extensive experience includes developing sales teams and sales and marketing strategies for early-stage and mature companies. He was president and CEO of Netlan Interactive for 15 years and led the company to the forefront of the network systems integration market.Don Green, President CEO, Sunsplash ProductionsA seasoned entrepreneur and educator, Green has developed companies with a global reach and impact. He lectures at several universities in the fields of marketing, management, entrepreneurship and small business management and international business. He is the co-founder of the internationally acclaimed Reggae Sunsplash music festival, in Jamaica, West Indies.Fritz-Earle Mc Lymont, Managing Partner, Mc Lymont, Kunda & Co.Fritz-Earle started his entrepreneurial career in management consulting in the late 1960s, followed by ventures in manufacturing, transportation services and tourism. He currently operates an international trade and business development company, with clients in the United States, Africa and the Caribbean. He is a co-founder of the National Minority Business Council Inc., and creator of its Global program.Read more…
Tip 1 Welcome Kit (New Clients Only)A new client's first time experience with you will be critical for future revenues, the return on your acquisition cost (if attained through an advertisement or promotion), and for future referrals and repeat business.Click link below to read full articlehttp://expostylesnetwork.ning.com/group/beautyindustrymarketingtipsExpoStyles Marketingwww.expostyles.comRead more…
Everything you do on your journey for spiritual and financial wellness will require wisdom and courage, along with action and reaching toward the victory and promises of God. Your role as a woman and business-owner in the 21 Century will require wisdom and courage in every area of your life to run the race ahead to achieve victory for your life. Courage is the attitude of mind and spirit that helps you to face challenges firmly and calmly. The time to have courage is when you are waiting on God, facing and surrounded by obstacles. To develop wisdom and courage you must meditate on the word of God.To meditate on the word of God is to hold God’s word in your heart and mind and to receive God’s word as truth and His final decision about your life. To meditate is to deeply think on Gods’ word and promises, to actively look for God’s solution in His word for every area of your life. Courage is obeying God despite your fears- it is the ability to perform acts of bravery while overcoming your feelings of fear. The primary source of courage comes from the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you. Courage is the first step you need to take in full trust and confidence in God as Lord over every detail of your life. (Joshua 1: 6-9) (Deuteronomy 3:16) Be Strong and of good courage.Wanda C. ThomasSelf-Care & Direct Marketing Trainerwww.wisewealthywomen.bizRead more…
Posted by Robin Tramble on January 26, 2010 at 11:15pm
Have you ever come into contact with a woman and thought I don'tknow what it is but I like her. She had an ability to motivateyou and brought out the best in you. Just being around her made youwant to reach higher and the energy she had was contagious and leftyou longing to achieve a new level of women's empowerment. Could it be thatshe discovered her gifts, rose above her challenges in life, discoveredher uniqueness and this was partly due to her tapping into her brillianceand learning the life skills enabling her to acquire an unmistakableclient magnetism??A diamond starts off as a coal and goes through severe pressure tobecome what we see as a beautiful diamond shining with brilliance. Howcan you use the challenges, disappointments and set backs in life toyour advantage. How can the seasons of your life possibly cause you tohave a competitive advantage? This is all possible.In my upcoming teleseminar Tap into your brilliance and transform your world,I'll share simple secrets to do just that.Some of what I'll share on call #4 includes....* How you can tap into the rich uniqueness of you and become a client magnetAttracting your ideal client.* Keys to empower you to step out in FAITH with courage to realize exponential growth in every area of your life.* Why you must discover and present your authentic self for a competitive edge in your personal and business relationships* Help you identify how you are setting yourself up for self sabotage causing you to start projects or tasks only to stop at any given point* How you can transform your world by tapping into and unleashing your brilliance* How tapping into your brilliance can help decrease the overwhelmSecure your space on this transformational call by visiting the registrationpage hereLimited phone lines available.I'll also be doing a gi.ve away during the call.When: Thursday, January 28 at 5:30 PM PSTCan't make the call? Call replay available to all registrants.Tap into your brilliance, transform your world so you can live big, bold and beautiful!!
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Karen Callaway Williams - Author/First Children's Book Patricia A. Carroll - Illustrator" Gabriella is a precocious, clever and funny little girl who is intrigued with the sounds of tap shoes."About The Author:Soloist: An original member of the New Jersey Tap Dance Ensemble, Karen Callaway Williams was the company's first dance captain. She can be seen in the documentary, "Been Rich All My Life"(The Story of the Silver Belles). Broadway credits include Play On! and Riverdance, in which she was the first African American female dancer and dance captain.A special guest artist on Sesame Street, she was also interviewed in "Bojangles, the Legacy" for Showtime. Karen tours nationally and internationally with Tap City on Tour and Tap Tel Aviv. She has performed at the Cotton Club and the Apollo, has been featured in Essence, and is on the cover of Flow Magazine's Summer 2007 issue. She has been a guest tap soloist with The Duke Ellington Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony, Detroit Symphony, Toronto Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, Cincinnati Symphony, and the Cincinnati Pops.A graduate of Spelman College with a degree in psychology and dance, and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center, Karen was a charter member, featured dancer, and dance captain of the New Jersey Tap Ensemble. She appeared with Duke Ellington in Italy and at Lincoln Center in the MAJESTY OF TAP (the lone female tap artist), and in JIMMY SLYDE & FRIENDS at the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival. She has been featured in Lincoln Center's Reel to Real Series, including YANKY DOODLE BOYS, THE BROTHERHOOD OF TAP and STORY T'ELLINGTON, and was heralded by DanceMagazine as “a graceful dream with taps as happy as a song” for her performance at the CHICAGO TAP FESTIVAL.http://www.njtap.org/company/artists.shtmlTo order additional copies: www.booksurge.com• Patricia A. Carroll • - Illustrator; has always took ownership with her artistic skills and talents in bringing life to her creations, truly an artist at heart. Her precise attention to detail is impeccable. Seeing Patricia's work in the past I know to expect more in the future.Read more…
Posted by Tracey Fisher on January 26, 2010 at 3:55pm
The following is a re-print of an article that I found in the NY Times and I wanted to share it with you. Please take a moment to read it and let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy!Greg Sailor for The New York TimesKristiauna Mangum, left, an Ohio State University student and the campus sales manager for Mark cosmetics, with Amanda Heintzelman, a sales representative.By CAMILLE SWEENEYPublished: January 13, 2010
KRISTIAUNA MANGUM, 22, a senior at Ohio State University in Columbus, said she always had a flair for makeup, but never considered it a professional calling. Then she heard about a pilot college program offered by Avon’s little sister brand, Mark, two years ago. “My mother was an Avon Lady, so I thought, huh, maybe becoming a Mark Girl could really be the way to go,” she said.
Greg Sailor for The New York TimesDIGITAL TOOL A Mark iPhone app.Now Ms. Mangum is the sales manager for Mark at Ohio State, and manages 155 other Mark Girls who roam the dormitories and sorority houses, selling Mark beauty products and fashion accessories for a commission in the range of 20 to 50 percent.“It’s really a grass-roots kind of thing, hitting the dorms, sororities, Facebook,” said Ms. Mangum, who uses her share of the profit, about $800 a month, to help settle her student loans. “I even rented space at local high school fairs — with 16- and 17-year-olds, you can move a lot of lip gloss,” said Ms. Mangum, whose major is marketing.She is one of more than 40,000 Mark Girls in North America, mainly 18- to 24-year-old women who are changing the nature of direct sales by using the brand’s personalized e-boutiques, iPhone app and new Facebook e-shop, one of the beauty industry’s first forays into Facebook e-commerce.“We’ve taken the same DNA of direct selling that has always been a part of Avon’s history and applied it to the digital world for our Mark reps to reach their customers,” said Claudia Poccia, president of Mark at Avon, which introduced the brand in 2003. “Now, we’re offering our Mark reps the opportunity to sell products not just door to door, but on Facebook, wall to wall.”The Mark brand is evolving. It has its own spokeswoman, Lauren Conrad, the former reality TV star of “The Hills,” now a fashion designer and best-selling author of “L.A. Candy.” Its Facebook fan page has over 84,000 fans. According to estimates from Stifel Nicolaus, an investment bank, Mark’s revenue last year was about $70 million.Unlike other companies involved in direct sales — including Amway, which may dedicate a product line or two to a more youth-oriented market, or Mary Kay and Avon, whose products are geared toward middle-aged women — Mark focuses almost exclusively on teenagers and women under 30.The younger demographic, at least concerning sales representatives, has its drawbacks. “The fact that the reps are younger can mean different rules apply as to how a direct-selling company is going to have to manage them,” said Linda Bolton Weiser, a managing director of consumer equity research at Caris & Company, an investment bank. “There could be questions about volume limits and credit — a younger rep may be cut off earlier. And, if a rep is under 18, obviously you would need parental permission.”Still, Mark’s motto — “Make your mark” — seems to resonate with its zealous representatives.But can Tweets and news feeds from Mark Girls compete with over a century of Avon Ladies’ experience?Because of the difference in how the products are branded and the separation between Avon and Mark representatives (those selling Avon can also sell Mark products, but not the other way around), there is some internal competition among representatives.On the mark.girl discussion board on Facebook, the Mark-versus-Avon topic sparked a lively debate when one Mark representative wrote: “Has anybody else noticed Avon reps not taking the Mark product seriously?” An Avon representative replied: “A lot of Avon women I know don’t push Mark because it has a lower profit as compared to the Avon core product line.”Some experts in the beauty business are fans of Mark. “It really helps that Mark has such low price points,” said Elaine D’Farley, beauty director of Self magazine. “Visually, it’s fun. The products hit the trend.”Indeed, products such as the magnetic refillable color palette compact ($4) and Hook Ups (about $10) — two-ended cosmetic dispensers that can be customized to connect, for example, lip gloss and lip pencil, eyeliner and mascara — are so popular, as one Mark representative said, that “they’re impossible to keep in my purse.”But some products have been criticized online, where a bad review may resonate more negatively than an item quietly returned to a store. On the Mark Web site, one reviewer said that a cheek tint left “zero shimmer on my cheek but plenty on my hands.” And on Makeupalley, a forum for comments on beauty products, a reviewer complained about Mark’s Good Riddance: “I have under eye circles and it didn’t even come close to covering them.”But when it comes to using social media tools to sell services or products, Annemarie Frank, director of digital media and strategic alliance of Mark at Avon, said the viral nature of Mark’s brand presence is what company executives are after.“Mark Girls can advertise their ability to sell products right on their Facebook profiles, and the widget functionality of Mark’s e-shop enables us to drop the shop into other places to give the brand a presence wherever people hang out online,” she said.Of course, Mark is not the only beauty company to use digital marketing. Direct-sales firms like Mary Kay and Avon are also using social media and online tools. Both companies have a presence on Facebook as well as apps for cellphones and hand-held devices that their representatives can use to make sales.Other skin care companies like Jafra, which also sells cosmetics, and Arbonne do less with social media.But this might be changing.The Direct Selling Association dedicated its annual communications seminar last month to new media strategies. “Attendance was double our usual number,” said Amy Robinson, an association spokeswoman. “If you’re a direct-selling company and you’re not on the Internet or making use of some of these new technologies, you’re already behind.”For college-age sales representatives, Mark’s digital and mobile offerings can inspire any number of approaches.One Mark representative, Hannah Parish, 20, a senior at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, S.C., has been selling Mark products since last January, when she ordered a Speedway Do Everything cover stick ($8) and signed up for her Mark Girl starter kit two weeks later.“I fell in love with it,” Ms. Parish said.This fall, when the Mark Rewards Program advertised a contest for all-expense-paid trips to this year’s Sundance Film Festival (a guest included) for the two highest-selling Mark Girls, Ms. Parish said, “That forced me to be really creative.”She created a Facebook event, “Send Hannah to Sundance,” and invited 600 people in her network to join. She made numerous special offers, including one to bring her best client along with her to the festival in Park City, Utah.Ms. Parish sold $6,000 worth of products; she and a friend will be traveling to the festival in two weeks.“I’m a film buff and I’ve never seen snow," she said. “When I answered the phone and heard, ‘Congratulations,’ I started screaming. My friend who bought $617 worth of merchandise and gets to come with me is still screaming.”
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Neo_SoulZ is seeking performers of all kinds to come out to vibe on a Sunday night. My event is hosted by the funniest comedian with clean cut material to make you laugh all night. While the performers will make you sing, snap your fingers, groove to the soul music and just relax your mind to the mellow ambiance in the air.We have the hottest location in Newark, NJ where the creative folk hang out on a Sunday night to vibe musically, poetically, through lyric of song and it's a mental vibe that flows throw the atmosphere.Neo_SoulZ hosts musical events consisting of live entertainment with special guest performances by singers, poets and bands from all over. We jam to covers and original material by artists, we snap our fingers to the words of poets that leave us in deep conversations and thoughts. If you have something to say and a vvoice to be heard then Neo_SoulZ Sundays is for you.All of my events are positive uplifting and encouraging. We are here to entertain those who maybe going thru emotionally, physically and spiritually. Our job is to take the focus off the audience problems and let them feel the love, peace and blessings that surrounds them. Neo_SoulZ is about making and releasing positive energy and focusing on the blessings that are around us through music and poetry.The ambiance of a Neo_SoulZ event is mellow, soulful and classy. The tempo of music at a Neo_SoulZ Sessions is a soulful, jazzy, funky neo soul with a touch of old school hip hop to add flavor.If you are are a singer, poet, musician or band that's looking for a hot, soulful, funky, classy, place to vibe on a Sunday Night in North Jersey please email video footage of performances to neo_soulz@yahoo.com and/or call 973-280-1902 leave a message and a representative will get back to you.BlessingsZenobiaNeo_SoulZ
Step Into BalanceDay 2: True ValuesIn an ideal situation, your priorities and choices would be based on your deepest, most authentic values.Take Off Your MasksDay 2: Origin of MasksThe issue of fear and hiding from those around us goes back to Genesis 3:1-8, when Adam and Ever first ate from the apple."Every woman deserves a Coach"CLICK HERE for more information!!
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2009 came to an end and I am reviewing the year for all that I have encountered. What a year this was for me! There were exciting moments and of course the ever consistent challenging moments. My year began with the completion of my first audio book The Day That Changed My Life Cancer an uncertain journey which was completed in January and by April it was available on line. In June, the audio book was translated in French and German and also being picked up by other on line audio book stores.I traveled quite a bit for professional and personal reasons. I spoke at symposiums and conferences. I became a mentor and I am actively engaged in mentoring which by the way is quite rewarding.In August, the second audio book The Day That Changed My Life Cancer an uncertain journey (Parents Edition) was released, translated in French and German and available world wide all on the same day. While celebrating the accomplishments of the audio books, I began working on the book which will feature many more stories submitted by survivors. As I have worked on my assignments, more have things were added and I now have three big projects that are currently in progress.With all of the exciting achievements, there were also those family moments of celebration, health related concerns, graduations, deaths and births. My nephew who is more like a son, joined the army and left for Korea. I became a guardian of a wonderful 2 year old boy. My mother and I shared some great conversations that gave a deeper insight to her life as a little girl all the way to her present day. My husbands' grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday! My daughter gave birth to her daughter and I became a grandmother!!And for all the years that have passed, I have noticed that they have all had the same things in common - unfinished goals. I will continue to set my goals but I am so pleased that there are things that are not on my list but will somehow become a part of a great achievement and I am open and I look forward to it!2010 I say -- Bring It On!!!!!!!
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Girl Are You Too Independent For Your Man?Have you or someone you know ever muttered these words: “I’m a strong Black woman.” “I can take care of myself.” “I’m an independent woman.” “I don’t need a man to raise my kids.”In the minds of many women, these statements are a testament to the inner strength, power and resilience of Black women. Black men, on the other hand, receive a very different message. They often interpret these statements as “She doesn’t want me, and she certainly doesn’t need me, so, if she can do it all by herself, then she should be by herself.” Whether perceived as good or bad, independence has caused a wedge in many African American relationships.To Read More Go to http://womenwhowin.ning.com/profiles/blogs/girl-are-you-too-independentRead more…