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I received a call yesterday from a friend that ask me about harassment from bill collectors.Her situation was quite interesting. She called the company to come and get her car, because she could no longer afford the car. The company refuses to come and pick up the car and is harassing her for payment. Also, ruining her credit with the loan. She basically did a voluntary repossession. They call her own her job and visited her mothers house looking for her to pay the loan. They will NOT come and pick up the car.Just to let you know you have rights and our country is in a mess right now.Although, we are seeing changes, it will be awhile before many of us recover.I truly believe NO consumer should be harassed by companies during this time.You have several rights that protect you as a consumer. Make sure you review the Debt Collection Practices Act. I will be posting more about this later. However, if you are being harassed. Write the company a letter to stop harassing you and send it out certified mail. Explain in the letter that you ONLY want to communicate via mail.They have certain rights as well. However, they can only call you after 8 am and before 9 p.m. If they are calling you in the correct time frame it is o.k. UNLESS you notify them not to call you.On a finally note, just because they stop calling or harassing you, YOU still owe them. So try and pay your bill to improve your credit rating.****Remember you have six months to pay a bill BEFORE they can legally report the debt to your credit file.Make sure you read prior bogs to find out more about your rights.Good luck and I hope this helps.
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Encouragement for MOMs!!!The efforts, the fruit, the reward, the seed: the child... of all your work, production and activity rises up, succeeds and is accomplished to prosper causing you to be blessed, wealthy, affluent, influential, accomplished, successful, powerful and prosperous!You are suppose to succeed..Your blessings of wealth comes through your seed.


This word is ...Bought to you by K-Love Radio~ Encouraging Word and Love on the Radio! 94.9 or 94.7 on your radio!Uninterrupted, Inspired radio.. praises of God w/ no commercialized interuptions!!

YOUR Encouraging Word:Friday 5/1/2009So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.~ Colossians 1:28, NLT

Now read the note.. written byDyanner Brown~ YOUR BLESSING IS IN YOUR SEED!With mothers day coming up, I thought this would be a great word to share with all the moms, moms to be, grand mamas and all spiritual mothers.. who have ministered into the lives of so many!!!

"Your children rise up and call you blessed.." ~ Proverbs 31Whether you are a mom in the physical or the spiritual realm, odds are you have ministered, encouraged, helped, assisted, taught, empowered or just gave life to someone in some way. If you gave someone an encouraging word, smiled at them, gave someone a hug when they were down, wiped someone's tears when they cried, went to see them when they were sick, taught someone something, ministered or witnessed the love of God and the word of God to... YOU then have ministered to someone and have mothered them in someway..You see, mom's have a never ending, no days off, on going job 24/7. Moms are cooks, helps, teachers, motivators, encouragers, intecessors, mediators, refs, waitresses, maids, chauffers, doctors, comforters, supporters, banks, bakers, designers, stylist, ministers, prophets... and even dads sometimes. So beloved.. for all you beautiful moms.. THIS WORD IS FOR YOU FROM THE LORD!!

PROVERBS 31, states, your children [those who you have ministered to in some capacity, nurtured, nourished, mothered, helped, assisted, supported, caused to grow, mature or be encouraged, natural children, those you have given birth to; whether in the natural, emotionally or in the spiritual] rise up [progress, go forth, grow up, mature, are developed, prosper, arise, go higher, ascend, are uplifted, are encouraged, are accomplished, succeed, win, triumph, overcome, are victors: successful, prosperous: wealthy, powerful, rich, affluent, influential, great] and call you [declare, make a command, order, request, decree, cause to be, make happen, bring about, you.the woman who has given life: natural life, spiritual life, Jesus; the way, the truth and the life to them; to be, is, and has been] blessed [prosperous, empowered to get wealth, enabled to succeed, a blessing, aspired to arise and go forward, accomplished, successful, powerful, influential, afluent, and great].Therefore go forward in your day knowing that you are truly blessed.... because what you have done in the lives of your children causes them to rise up to be.. the reasoning and the manifestation of your being blessed.. How we treat our seed.. cultivate it, nourish it, water it, take care of it, ensure its growth and developement... comes back as it grows, developes and spring forths.. into our blessing!! We are blessed to be a blessing to be blessed!!!

As long as the earth is here, there will always be seed time and harvest time; thats time to plant and cultivate the seed, our children, those you minister to and the time to bring in the harvest, the return the prosperity and the reward, the reproduction and fruitfulness, the bounty of what we have done, said and planted...

So moms .. Dont give up. dont you sin... dont turn back and dont dare give in..With tears sometimes in your eyes..Just keep believing.. God..In the end beloved, you win!!Your past is gone. today is right now..

Tommorrow will come,just wait and see..How beautiful and marvelous your future is.Your children rise up and walk in their God given, prosperity..


Mom just stands for..M.otivated to pray, love, inspire, assist. uplift their children and others.O.ptimistic always in and by the love, truth and word of God!M.ust keep on moving forward progressing, succeeding, prospering and praying for her children!be blessed today and always as the beloved of God... AGape'

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Staying Above the Yellow Line

If you are a client of mine, read my blog or receive my newsletters, you know that I am a fan of “The Biggest Loser,” NBC’s reality TV show about weight loss. So what you’re about to read is no secret, but if you’ve not been around me for very long, I wanted to enlighten you on the ups and downs of weight loss.

Since January of this year, the media has reported on a number of celebrities falling below the yellow line by gaining back pounds and pounds of previously lost weight.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join me on Tuesday as I discuss "The Journey to Health and Fitness: Staying Above the Yellow Line" on Fit4Life Radio
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FYI: Government Employees (TSP)

A detail on CRSR/FERS which also includes the offsets. Below is March month end TSP returns by fund.TSP Monthly Returns for March 2009Rates of Return were updated on April 1, 2009.G FundF FundC FundS FundI FundMarch 20090.24%1.38%8.81%8.64%7.20%Last 12 months*(04/01/2008 to 03/31/2009)3.49%3.25%(38.01%)(38.97%)(46.40%)Percentages in ( ) are negative.* The returns for the G, F, C, S and I funs for the past 12 months, assuming that, with the exception for the crediting of earnings, unchanging balances (time-weighting) from month to month and assuming that earnings are compounded on a monthly basis.The monthly G, F, C, S, and I Fund returns represent the actual total rates of return used in the monthly allocation of earnings to participant accounts. The returns are shown after deduction of accrued TSP administrative expenses. The F, C, S, and I Fund returns also reflect the deduction of trading costs and accrued investment management fees. The most current G, F, C, S, and I Fund rates of return are shown above. Returns are updated after the monthly allocation of earnings, usually by the fourth business day of the month.L IncomeL 2010L 2020L 2030L 2040March 20092.06%2.82%5.35%6.30%7.08%Last 12 Months(5.80%)(10.74%)(24.04%)(28.96%)(33.16%)Percentages in ( ) are negative.
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ShaChena Gibbs - Founder/CEOOffice # 801.760.4293info@realsistersrising.comhttp://www.realsistersrising.comWomen are the foundation in most homes. They provide for the family in many unique ways. In the mist of the “handle it all mode” women forget to rejuvenate them selves and work on their goals. In today’s society everyone is working on maintaining or gaining knowledge, certification or a new expertise to help them get to success. It is more evident that knowledge is power in the U.S.Real Sisters Rising has taken notice to the need for women to remember in the mist of all that is going on they have the opportunity to still pursue their dreams and make sure they are ready for elevation.On May 1, 2009 Real Sisters Rising will be launching RSR University and the first conference of RSR University is the Virtual Women’s Conference "A women’s guide to good health and financial wealth."Some of the speakers for this monumental conference are:v Rachel Rhoden ~ Rachel Rhoden Enterprises, Inc.v Cheryl Donovan ~ Worth More Than Rubies Ministriesv Marguerite Wright ~ Mother’s Herbsv Lynda Crooms ~ mPower Onlinev Cee Cee Caldwell-Miller ~ A Healthier U / Be In Good HealthRSR University will offer affordable & effective online education to members and affiliates. At RSR University you will have access to virtual conferences, workshops, tele-classes, e-books, and e-courses. Some of our courses may require homework from one of our experts/professors.Real Sisters Rising purpose has always been to work together to provide resources, education, networking opportunities along with advocacy and promoting self-awareness within our communities. When women improve the quality of their lives, the communities to which they contribute also improves. It is only right for them to launch the RSR University to go even further in the organization and world.To learn more about the conference or register visit
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Ladies of Christ Sister's Foundation Presents: Ladies of Christ Supports Stay at Home Mom'sLadies of Christ Sister's Foundation is hosting it's first event. "Ladies of Christ Supports Stay at Home Mom's" We are hosting an event that allows stay at home moms to advertise their business, hobbies or the things they do all day long while taking care of their children.For the month of June, we are allowing mom's to purchase space to advertise their work. *you do not have to sell anything to purchase a page. You simply need to be a stay at home mom that has something to advertise.*The purchase of this page costs only $5. This includes:Space for 3 pictures of your choice with a descriptionA picture of you and a logo (optional)Space to tell us about you and your business (optional)Give details on sales, future events etcLink to your business.The deadline for reservations is May 22nd and we will not accept payment for the space after that.If you are interested, find out more details here:
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Making your own natural oatmeal and brown sugar body scrub is fun, simple and easy on your budget. It smells great too. Read on to learn how.Things Needed:Ground OatsMedium BowlBrown SugarAloe VeraLemon juice1. Place 2 tbsp. of ground oatmeal in a medium bowl. Oatmeal is hypoallergenic and full of amino acids that nourish and moisturize the skin. Oatmeal is perfect for people with sensitive skin, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory; it gently exfoliates and cleans, and soothes dry itchy skin.2. Measure 2 tbsp. of brown sugar and add it to the bowl. Brown sugar contains a number of the finest oils from all over the world, and for that reason it is used as a natural moisturizer in many skin care products. Brown sugar will rejuvenate skin while gently removing dead skin cells.3.Add 2 tbsp. of aloe vera to your scrub mix. Aloe vera is famous for it's burn soothing effects, but it is also a gentle cleansing agent and moisturizer. Be sure that you purchase 100 percent aloe vera gel or squeeze the aloe directly from a live plant.4. Squeeze in 1 tsp. of lemon juice. Lemon is a natural gentle astringent that will help to clear and refine pores and eliminate acne without over drying the skin. If you have oily skin, add an extra tsp. of lemon juice to the mix.5. Stir the ingredients until your oatmeal and brown sugar scrub has an even creamy consistency. Apply the scrub to damp skin, gently massaging with circular motions. For added benefit, you may allow the scrub to set for 10 minutes before rinsing.Feel free to leave a comment.Until next time…Have a wonderful day!
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