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I have had many people to ask me how do I stay so organized or how do I accomplish so many things with my company, Women About Biz. The answer is that I have learned "the power of using systems"!For anything that you want to accomplish you have to have a system worked out from beginning to end. This means from the start of an idea or project you must first sit down and write out your system.Below are 8 ways to develop your system:1. Write down the end result of what you are wanting to achieve

2. Write down the milestone or deadline of when you would like to see your idea or project completed.

3. List all tasks that are associated with completing the goal

4. Plot all milestones (deadlines) and tasks on a master calendar

5. Identify which tasks you'll complete and which ones you'll delegate. Note: when you delegate or contract someone to do a tasks always set a deadline to hold that individual accountable.

6. List any challenges that might prevent you from accomplishing the goal

7. Find solutions to the challenges

8. Make a list of people that can serve as support or assist you in making it happenCreating a system prior to implementing an idea or project will help to decrease procrastination and help you to stay focused, as well as organized. The master calendar mentioned above will help you to hold yourself accountable and others.One other thing that I would like to mention is that you can't do everything yourself. You must know how to positively use the talent of other people to help you.Here's to making it happen through planning your system!Trina NewbyYour Business & Success
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WELCOME ABOARD... A NEW LIFE STYLE AND BUSSINESS OPPORTUNITY..IS AWAITING FOR YOU!Drink it, Feel it, Share it!What is MonaVie?MonaVie is a functional beverage that was created under the watchful eye of a distinguished group of health care experts.The FruitsMonaVie is comprised of a blend of 19 different friuts. More than 100 fruits were tested and 19 were selected for their natural benefits.Serving SizeThe recommended serving size of MonaVie is 1-2 ounces, two times a day.Açai BerryThe açai berry (pronounced ah-sah-ee) is the "Crown Jewel" found in the MonaVie blend. The ingredient label on the MonaVie bottle indicates the fruit that is most prevalent is the amazing açai berry...found only high atop towering palm trees in the lush, Amazon Rain Forest of South America. Learn more about tha açai berryThe Importance of PhytonutrientsPhytonutrients are dietary components that are somewhat new to the field of nutrition.Phytonutrients are generally described as chemical components of plants that favorably alter the structure or function of the body. They have been shown to have beneficial effects on health and disease prevention. In an era of remarkable nutritional discoveries, it is appropriate to broaden our definition of a nutrient to include substances proven by rigorous scientific methods that are involved in disease prevention.MonaVie includes 19 deeply pigmented fruits from around the world, since this provides the widest spectrum of disease-fighting, health-enhancing phytonutrients and antioxidants.Mona Vie is a delicious and energizing blend of the Brazilian Acia berry - one of natures top super-foods - and other Nutrient dence fruits. Mona Vie produces the phytonutrients and antioxidents you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.Contact InfoEmail:Website:, OH
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Need Help! Read all about it in Homebuying 101!If you are ready to purchase your first home, I have compiled a few things that you should know before making that big purchase. Owning your own home is great but there are lots of things you will need to consider. Here is your guide to home ownership!1. Can you commit!If you can't commit to remaining in one place for at least a few years, then owning is probably not for you, at least not yet. Make sure that you are ready to settle down. If you are married or single, you can purchase a home. You just need to make sure that you are ready financially and mentally.2. Pay off your debt!Since you most likely will need to get a mortgage to buy a house, you must make sure your credit history is as clean as possible. Be sure to obtain copies of your credit report. Make sure the facts are correct, and fix any problems you discover. This could be the difference between you owning and renting.3. Find a house within your price range!The rule of thumb is that you can buy housing that runs about two-and-one-half times your annual salary. But you'll do better if you use a mortgage calculator. You can find them online. If you input the information, it will tell you exactly how much house you can afford for your salary.4. Qualifying for a loan!There are a variety of public and private lenders who, if you qualify, offer low-interest mortgages that require a down payment as small as 5 percent of the purchase price.5. Search wisely!Be sure that you find a great area that has everything you need nearby. If you are a parent, make sure you find an area with great schools. It would be wise to go online and do research about the area you are looking into. As a parent, this is a very important component in searching for the perfect home.6. Seek the help of a professional!Even though the Internet gives buyers unprecedented access to home listings, most new buyer, you can also use a professional agent. Start to ask friends and family for great leads on someone you would be able to trust to help you out. Look for an exclusive buyer agent, if possible, who will have your interests at heart and can help you with strategies during the bidding process.7. Choosing a mortgage!When picking a mortgage, you usually have the option of paying additional points -- a portion of the interest that you pay at closing -- in exchange for a lower interest rate. If you stay in the house for a long time -- say three to five years or more -- it's usually a better deal to take the points. The lower interest rate will save you more in the long run.8. Get pre-approved!Getting pre-approved will you save yourself the grief of looking at houses you can't afford and put you in a better position to make a serious offer when you do find the right house. Not to be confused with pre-qualification, which is based on a cursory review of your finances, pre-approval from a lender is based on your actual income, debt and credit history.To get professional advice and more information on purchasing a home call Vision Investment Corporation at 877-799-0820! Feel Free to visit the website at www.visioninvestmentcorp.comAnnetta Powell

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For a Limited Time...Free Shipping

Hello Friends,For a limited time, I am offering free shipping (within the U.S.) on the purchase of any one of my novels.To get an autographed copy, please visit my website at:http://dimartin01.books.officelive.comReader Review:Making Choices and Keeping Secrets Can Be DeadlyIn Autumn Leaves, author Diane Martin, introduced readers to a unique and interesting story of forbidden love, secrets, revenge, and choices. Claire thought she had everything she wanted – she was in love with the man of her dreams and she had a great best friend. Yet, there was still something missing. After being introduced to Autumn, a high school friend of her boyfriend, Claire began to experience desires that she never felt before. Claire began to make choices that affected her relationship with her boyfriend. She also began to keep secrets and tell lies that became deadly to them all.Martin has written a very sensitive story. Readers will become involved in the lives of the characters as they made choices that affect everyone. Many of the topics discussed are considered taboo despite being considered mainstream by others. Martin discusses the consequences and options that character Claire had to face and the impact her choices had on her everyday life. I found the book to be very entertaining and l literally dropped my jaw when I got to the end. This book is a must read for anyone that likes drama mixed with some mystery.- Priscilla C. Johnson
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Three Kinds of Business People

A new blog I am following, created by Lorrie, separates her daily posts by subject.Why didn't I think of that? Oh, well.I came across here post for Sunday, called Spiritual Sunday. Now, don't get confused or start laughing at me. Yes, this is under the Business Section.Why?Because when she blogged about the subject of 3 Kinds of Christians, originally a blogpost topic from Proverbs 31, the title of this post popped into my head.Let's go through them one by one. The scripture references are just for the curious. I used the Amplified Bible version, but there are others you can use.1. The Fruitless Business Person (John 15: 1-2)The fruitless Business person is the one who has all their office supplies, the latest computer and upgraded software, but spend his/her entire day fiddling with these things. They spend more time picking out the right executive-looking chair, the right landing page theme, the perfect Twitter app, but don't actually work on creating prospects, gaining customers and performing a service or providing a product.According to the scripture, these people are cut off as dead branches.And that is just what the market does.The phone only rings with telemarketers. The emails are all spam and friends. You are dead and cut off; producing nothing.The great thing about this scripture (for those of you who clicked the link and read it), is that there is another part to this. The branches producing fruit get cut, too. But, not completely off.They get pruned.And, that is exactly what "fruitful" business people do. They get rid of dead weight (services, products, employees, anything that is not contributing to growth). In this way, they know they will be leaner, straighter and achieve their goals.2. The Lukewarm Business Person (Revelations 3:16)We all have friends like this. They have a fantastic idea. You hear about it over and over again. For about three months. Then they seem to dry up. When you ask them about the business, they are wishy-washy in their answers. They hem and haw for awhile...until they are off with another idea.They are neither hot or cold about something. They think they can sell it, but never give it enough time, or their entire guts.They are not sold out. They are not committed and it shows.I don't care how many DVDs they bought or how much product sits on their shelves.And, because they are this way, they get spat out of the market.No one buys from a lukewarm business.3. The Wordly Business Person (1 Corinthians 3:1-3a)If you read the scripture before reading this, you might say, how is she going to tie this to business?Simple.There are some business owners who have been in business for many years and still they are acting like start-ups and newbies. They attend every workshop, seminar, business meeting, networking event and association event, and still they (and their company) do not grow.Perhaps they are worldly, because they are not really concentrating in developing a niche. Perhaps it is because they are stuck doing business in a dead or dying way.Whatever the reason, they are still digesting the preliminaries. The How-To manuals. The e-books.They never get to the meat of their business. They never become a resource; an expert.They are still drinking the milk. And, in my opinion, missing the meat of their industry. And, of course, the bulk of their potential customers as well.Don't be one of these. Instead, do these three things:
  1. Let the market prune you.
  2. Grow your business with a sold-out spirit.
  3. Become an expert running a mature business.
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Boost your business profits for FREE with 21 eBooks by International business guru, and author Brad Sugars…“Now you can transform your business into a commercially profitable enterprise that works without you, and not have to worry about paying a large sum of money to make this happen. By the end of this page you will agree with me that it is the most important letter you’ve ever read” – Brad Sugars.CLICK HERE to find out what it is all about…
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Marketing Strategy Is the Foundation for Business SuccessIn today's business environment, budgets are tight, resources are limited, and organizations are forced to cut corners. The directive is to economize in order to increase profitability or just to remain competitive.Some organizations are also reacting to a previous over-reliance on high-priced strategy consultants—many of whom have not provided clear value or return on investment—by decreasing the amount of time and resources they put into strategy or strategic processes.Unfortunately, the failure to first build a solid strategic foundation is counter-productive, risking costly mistakes later on not only for marketing but also for the entire organization.But today, strategy is out, and execution is in. Witness the popularity of the book by Larry Bossidy (former CEO of Allied Signal) titled Execution: the Discipline of Getting Things Done. First published in 2002, it's now ranked No. 168 on the best-seller list.This emphasis on execution at the expense of strategy is on the rise in marketing organizations as well. Many executives question the value of spending money for marketing strategy, especially if they have already defined an overall business objective. They want the marketing team to simply go out and execute a marketing plan.Too often, the success of a marketing plan is judged by the tangible marketing deliverables that the team produces—a series of events, press releases, marketing collateral, websites, etc. Since these deliverables draw attention inside and outside the organization, considerable effort is put into making sure they look good, whether they are hardcopy or web-based.Packaging, or look and feel, is a key part of deploying a marketing strategy. Many important and on-target messages have been lost because they were delivered in plain-vanilla, or worse, hard-to-read, distracting, or downright ugly packages. However, attractive packaging, when combined with content that is not well thought out (or more importantly, not on target strategically), will fall flat on its pretty little face.Because a "pretty face" will only go so far, it's extremely important to spend the upfront time to be sure that your marketing programs are built on a solid foundation, that you have nailed down the key elements of your marketing strategy, and your team can clearly articulate them—before going off to create those highly visible (and often highly expensive) marketing deliverables.Before executing a big-picture strategy, such as "we want to enter XYZ market next quarter with ABC product line," take the time to understand what is required to really make a key marketing initiative successful:Be sure you really know and understand your target customers, including what motivates them, what causes them pain, and why they would be interested in even considering your solution or offering.Have a solid understanding of the current market situation. Know the competition, where they are successful, and where they are struggling. (Remember that the status quo can be your biggest competition!)Play devil's advocate. Ask what could go wrong, what countermoves you can expect from competitors, what obstacles you can proactively plan around. Be honest. The time to consider possible pitfalls is before you begin the project, not once you are stumbling into them.Once you have done this analysis in a logical and well-thought-out fashion, clearly define your value proposition or unique differentiation. Your positioning should be captured in a neat, organized, succinct manner and communicated throughout the organization. This way you can be sure everyone involved in the initiative, including key vendors and suppliers, will buy into the same messaging, understand it, and be able to use it appropriately in their marketing activities.What happens if you don't take the time to do this? The answer is quite simple. If you don't understand exactly what you're executing, you may find yourself way down the wrong path fairly quickly. You might be executing a plan effectively—even impeccably—but against the wrong set of objectives. Doing so in marketing can quickly become costly, not only in terms of dollars but also in lost time to market, limited market share, and damage to the corporate reputation.Consider this analogy: Your organization can spend much time and money getting your team suited up with terrific mountain-climbing gear, instructing them how to use it, and motivating them to go climb a specific mountain... only to eventually find out that you are on the wrong mountaintop—or, worse yet, that you really should not have been climbing mountains in the first place, but deep sea diving instead.Take the time to ensure you have a well-thought-out, fully developed marketing strategy. It may require more work upfront, but it will pay off in the long run. After all, about the only thing worse than not knowing where you're going is starting out for your destination, only to find out later that it's not really where you want to go.
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Allow Your PassionWhen you are doing what you know you are meant to do, there's no need to struggle. Instead of difficult or challenging or frustrating, there is simply doing.When you are merely interested, or when you're following someone else's dream, anything can distract you. Yet when you're pursuing your very own passion, nothing has the power to stop you.True passion is not a matter of gritting your teeth and forcing yourself to take action. True passion is allowing all your words, thoughts and actions to resonate with who you most authentically are.There's no reason to fight against yourself. Instead, allow yourself in every moment to live out those interests, qualities, longings, ideals and purposes that you value most.There is a reason why some things feel right and other things don't. Pay attention to those feelings, for they tell you who you truly are.From you own beautiful, unique spirit can flow a wealth of goodness and meaningful achievement. Feel it, know it, allow it and it will come.R. MarstonAnd Please Remember what we have been taught:"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"Philippians 4:13God Bless You,"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."Ecclesiastes 9:10"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."1 Corinthians 9:24
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Talk about missing out on something truly delicious! Believe it or not I’ve been talking about trying Sushi for quite some time now and haven’t given myself the chance to do it until recently. My sister-in-law Gina R. called me the other day and invited me over for some girl talk and mimosas and low and behold took me for my first sushi experience.

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This Weeks Healthy Meal

Here in Los Angeles the sun is shining and it's time to bring out the grill but this time lets create something from the tropical regions of the world. Mangos have been in season and we should use them up, what a great way to create a delicious drink to relax with to go with my Mango Salsa recipes of the week. Check out these recipes, non-alcoholic drinks, and most importantly the food!Virgin Mango Colada

Ingredients:4 tsps Diet Sprite6 tsps Crystal Light Lemonade2 cups Crushed Ice½ cup Pineapple juice2 tbsps condensed Coconut Milk1 Large ripe Mango, peeled and slicedMethod:1. Blend the mango, pineapple juice, light lemonade, coconut milk, and ice in an blender until smooth.2. Pour the drink into two glasses and pour two teaspoons of the diet sprite into each glass.3. Garnish with the cherries and lime wedges.Tip: To rim a cocktail glass with sugar or salt, run a piece of lemon or lime around the edge and dip in salt or sugar
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Buying property for your kids!One of the many reasons that we decide to become an Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor is because we want to be able to provide a great future for our children and families. We want to be able to pass something on to the next generation. Many Investors have the idea in mind that long after they are gone, they will be able to leave something to their offspring. Property is about the best gift that someone can leave behind. The recipient can remodel and sell or if selling isn’t the way your family member wants to go, they could always keep the property within the family for years to come.There are quite a few reasons why buying property for your kids could be a great idea. For example, once you have decided to purchase real estate for your college kid, you can begin to teach them about buying, owning and selling a real piece of property. Investing allows you give them valuable lessons, showing them all of the ins and outs of the real estate business. It is important to teach your college bound kid the basics of investing. Being able to teach your children how to handle money and property is a great way to teach them about responsibility, the importance of handling business and being responsible for their own financial future.Imagine sitting your teenager down and telling them that they could own a home. They will probably look at you like you’re crazy! They will probably tell you that they don’t know the first thing about owning a home. This is when you will begin to teach them all that you know about Real Estate. Even if you don’t know all the info to teach them, you can learn together. Imagine the sense of pride and motivation you will give them by helping them to become homeowners. Of course, there are some things you will need to help them with but the fact that you are assisting them with one of life’s greatest challenges (being responsible) can definitely have a great affect on the rest of their lives.Many college bound kids may not be interested in becoming Real Estate Entrepreneurs but you can certainly show them the positive outcomes to home ownership and if they like the idea of buying and selling for a profit, then great! This will mean that they will be able to start out with a clear business sense. The number one mistake that young adults make when they go off to college is being financially irresponsible. But this is a behavior that is taught and can be learned before they step out into the real world.Buying property for your kids to inherit is also a great way to insure financial stability. There are houses all over selling for just pennies! Buy one, two or three if you can!! These prices are too good to pass up. So when you think about buying real estate, think about your kids and show them the way to financial prosperity!!Want to learn more about Real Estate so that you can teach your children about financial stability and prosperity? Take my free seminar. With my free seminar, you can and will learn about how to purchase your first property. The best advice you can ever receive doesn’t cost a thing! To register, visit my website or call 866-758-3555 to attend the FREE Training Seminar to uncover the truth about becoming successful in Real Estate investing and get on the path from Rags to Real Estate!Annetta Powell

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My So-Called Marketing Life: How Do I Extend the Reach of My Brand?by Susyn DurisI've been in marketing for years—products as well as services. I have seen some great marketing and some not-so-great marketing. When I think of great marketing companies, BMW, Apple, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Anheuser-Busch, and select others usually come to mind.Though you don't have to have a great brand to have great marketing, it helps. We would all be hard-pressed to name a successful company with bad marketing or an unrecognized brand. The point? Brand matters.I have always been interested in brand and decided to do some sleuthing on what brand means. So, I checked in with Mr. Webster. The definition that stuck out for me was "a kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic."Although I've been successful in promoting and extending corporate brands, I entered into another chapter of my life a few years ago: re-energizing my acting career. So, I had to don a new hat—promoting my actor brand. My new product is me.I thought about the "rules" for how I needed to market myself and the "rules" for how I needed to market myself according to the entertainment industry's idea of the rules. As a result, I ended up spinning my wheels, becoming frustrated, stressing myself out, and throwing everything against the wall to see what stuck.When I let go of all that pressure, I was able to see the light—marketing myself as an actor is the same as marketing any other product or service. I revisited common-sense ideas on how to extend my brand, which is helping me on my acting journey.These common-sense ideas, usually known but put on the marketer's back burner, should always be top of mind to help you get noticed and extend your brand:1. Treat a brand for what it isThe uniqueness that makes you who you are today is what helps bridge the gap between today's you what you want to become tomorrow. Branding is communicating how only you can help potential buyers solve their dilemmas and become more effective. Everyone has a "brand"—their uniqueness—and it is what you do with it that separates you from the real deal vs. a wannabe.What is your uniqueness? Run a SWOT analysis—what are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats? If you're still stuck, ask customers, colleagues, vendors, suppliers, and the like how they would describe you to someone.Then, craft your message. What are three things you want to convey about you? Develop your 30-second pitch so you will be ready when asked. And remember the three Cs of messaging—clarity (do they get it?), concise (is it short enough that they'll remember it?), and consistent (is it the same so they will identify you with it?).2. Network, don't schmoozeWhether you are networking online via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and other social-media tools or networking in person, be a great listener and a great helper, and stop the urge to promote yourself or whip out your business card before being asked.Ask for advice. You will be remembered. Remember when someone last asked you for help? Didn't you feel good?Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your network. It takes time to build—so replace the need for getting the gig today with helping a colleague. It's OK to tell them about yourself, but remember that the No. 1 goal in networking is to gain a colleague's trust—not merely promote yourself. Most important, be honest and genuine; that will lay your foundation.3. Follow upFollowing up, otherwise known as Networking, Part II, is crucial to your success. When you meet someone online or at an event, stay in touch regularly. Forward that person information of interest; ask how he or she is and how you can help; and, yes, then let him or her know what's going on with you. Don't be a pest. Be professional, and gauge the appropriate frequency of follow-up.4. Be in the same place as your target marketResearch where your target customer is and go there. Look at your current marketing channels and tweak them as necessary. When you are there, don't just lurk and leave; stay there a while. Remember, it takes a new buyer at least 10 times to see you before he or she will even remember you. Be creative. If you don't have a social-media play, get busy and develop one. A recent article on Twitter stated that extending brands would be one of the Top 10 effective ways to use Twitter.5. Be visiblePromote yourself as a subject-matter expert (SME) by writing a blog, articles, and whitepapers, and by being quoted in articles. Other ideas include writing press releases, contributing to blogs, contributing to industry-specific message boards and distribution lists, and attending and participating at events. Again, be creative; the sky's the limit.6. Be a problem-solverInstead of putting all your energy into your "About Us" page, focus on treating your buyer as your employer and answer these questions: "What keeps my customer up at night?" and "How can I help my customer positively affect his or her company's bottom line?" This requires thoroughly researching your prospective buyer. Remember to look at the tangibles and intangibles.7. Test, test, testTest different ways to extend yourself. Capitalize on the ones that worked and tweak the ones that didn't work out as you planned. Be creative, and look for ways to make yourself stand out.* * *We interrupt this scheduled program to bring you important news about—your website. Remember the website Power of Five:Make your website user-friendly.Use keywords in your website copy that a prospective buyer would use to find you in a search. Make sure your website appears high up in search results pages.Offer tools, resources, and other nuggets that your buyers can use to help them on the job.Always be tweaking your website to make it better.Be approachable. List all the ways customers can contact you (your physical address, telephone number, online contact form, email address, etc.).And, above all, understand that brand extension begins and ends with the following mantra: "I am a trusted source that adds value to whoever I come into contact with."
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Celebrate successIf you wish to be successful, help others to be successful. If you wish to help others to be successful, be successful yourself.Success does not occur in a vacuum. Success is most reliably created in a successful environment.One person's achievement does not prevent or detract from anyone else's opportunity to achieve. Quite to the contrary, every achievement creates more possibilities for all to achieve.There's no reason to feel guilty for having achieved more, and there's no reason to feel envious for having less. Instead, be inspired by every achievement you see, and be inspiring in your own creative efforts.Envision, create and achieve in your unique way. Encourage and celebrate the work of others who seek to do the same.Success is not built on envy or resentment or punishment or guilt. Success is built upon success, so let the building begin.R. MarstonAnd Please Remember what we have been taught:"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"Philippians 4:13God Bless You,"Then the LORD your God will prosper you abundantly in all the work of your hand, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your cattle and in the produce of your ground, for the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, just as He rejoiced over your fathers."Deuteronomy 30:9"Then He will give you rain for the seed which you will sow in the ground, and bread from the yield of the ground, and it will be rich and plenteous; on that day your livestock will graze in a roomy pasture."Isaiah 30:23"Moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor - it is the gift of God."Ecclesiastes 3:13"The LORD will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your beast and in the produce of your ground, in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers to give you."The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow."The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you only will be above, and you will not be underneath, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefully."Deuteronomy 28:11-13"Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from them and to receive his reward and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God."Ecclesiastes 5:19"Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold, and my yield better than choicest silver."Proverbs 8:18-19"Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever."Psalm 112:3"And place your gold in the dust, and the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks, then the Almighty will be your gold and choice silver to you."Job 22:24-25"They will build houses and inhabit them; they will also plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They will not build and another inhabit, they will not plant and another eat; for as the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of My people, and My chosen ones will wear out the work of their hands."They will not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they are the offspring of those blessed by the LORD, and their descendants with them."Isaiah 65:21-23"All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God:"Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country."Blessed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your beasts, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock."Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl."Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out."Deuteronomy 28:2-6
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Are You Living the Life You Want?

Living the life you want can be achieved by anyone. It all starts with your mind set and believing that you can have, do and be anything that you can imagine. Walt Disney once said, “if you can dream it, you can do it.” This is exactly true, but you must take action. One of the coaching exercises that I like to suggest to my clients is visualization. In this exercise, I ask my clients to take in a couple of deep breaths to help them relax and clear their minds. Then, I ask them to visualize themselves doing something that they are truly passionate about in which they see themselves living the lifestyle they want. In further creating the lifestyle you want, you can begin to ask yourself the following lifestyle questions:Am I living up to my full potential?Am I satisfied living this way?What am I tolerating?What am I waiting for?What do I really want?What would it look like to wake up happy and excited every morning?What is presently consuming my time and energy that I wish I could eliminate?Am I eating the right kinds of food?If I could change my lifestyle what would I do differently?Am I tolerating something that I could eliminate?What would really make me happy right now?Who can help me create the life I want?Lisa Willis
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Greetings Family,(Contact Information At Bottom Of Page)It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again (smile)There has been a rash of new Phishing attempts on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Ning networks. Cybercriminals follow popular trends. Wherever There’s A Crowd….There’s MoneyOne of the three schemes that have suddenly appeared on Twitter, appears to have begun last Thursday with the creation of a few bogus accounts utilizing the age-old lure of “Hot Women”. The trick went like this; You look up and see some young gorgeous women is now following you…hmmm You take a look at her profile and click on her web link to find out more (hopefully pictures).The web address takes you to a fake Twitter site where you’re prompted to enter your password. Once you’ve fallen for the trap, you’re passed back to the real Twitter and surprise, surprise…you have even more “Hot Women” following you. Once they have you in the loop, it seems all these women’s web links take you to X-rated “dating” sites. Where the scammers get paid (pay-per-click) for providing traffic.These Phishing attempts have proliferated in social networking sites based on the age-old sucker lures of vanity, greed, and curiosity. The reason they’re going after your account is to maximize their hook, utilizing the creditability of your name or Brand. A person may not trust the subject line, they may not trust the URL, but they trust YOU!If they receive a message from you saying “there is this funny blog going around”….naturally your friends want to be in on the joke. Once again after you click on the link, you’re asked for your password. Never enter your password behind following a link. Open a new browser and access the page from your account….if they ask for a password again, it’s a fake!Always double check URL’s before entering confidential information (name, address, etc.). In the case above the URL was (notice the double “v” and single “t”). This is a common trick amongst cybercriminals. The IRS, Banks, and Network administrators will never ask you for confidential information over an unsecured webpage. Always look for the “Lock Icon” to indicate that the webpage is using standard encryption security or SSL (see the URL/link is shortened by URL compression services like Obfuscated URL’s are becoming the tool of choice for cybercriminals. Shortened URL’s are the norm on micro blogging sites like Twitter. You should consider using browser plug-in’s like ( as a way to see the true destination of shortened URLs. Twitter and others should consider not counting URLs as part of the 140 character limitation. This would make links safer.I recommend the following steps if your account has been hacked by a Phisher1. Notify the network (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) immediately2. Change your password immediately. And if you have used that password for other sites, change those too.3. Protect your friends by deleting phishing or spam messages from your Twitter feed, Facebook Wall or wherever they were posted or by warning them not to click on URLs in a scam email seemingly from you.4. Run an antivirus scanner, especially if you have a Windows PC. There are many free ones, including from Symantec and Microsoft.Remember, We Must Share The Knowledge (Network)...To Share The Dollars!!!***************(Advertisement)*********************Need some great ideas for corporate or personal gift-giving?Then go to City Lights Software( see some of the most unique afrocentric gifts available online!We Deliver ONLINE - Direct To Your Desktop for just $14.95Please take the time to purchase one our afrocentric screen savers TODAY!Don't Just Talk the Talk...Let Your Dollars Walk the WalkIf you have any problems with purchasing online contact me direct at sales@citylightssoftware.comor call (213) 944-4176***************************************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. We do not indulge in or encourage Spamming. We never send unsolicited emails. You are receiving this message as part of our opt-in subscriber mailing list or you are a member of an affiliated newsgroup.For comments or suggestions please contact us at the following;Jim Neusom ( Director/PublisherInterServe Networks/City Lights Software, subscribe to our opt-in mailing list simply send an email to; on Myspace go to
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Hello Members!!If you are some one that love to shop or taken vacations? Well, I got something to tell you!! I got a business that I want to share for all of you. There is a discount and a cashback going for all the shoppers and vacation lovers. I know the economy is not doing too well like it suppose to be. But I belive in God's strenght and blessings there will be a way we all just pulled together and work things out. I know you can not afford trips, vacations, or maybe shopping. But, I would love to help you save your money and get some more of it back. I just want my shopppers and vacations lovers have a bit of freedom to shop and take trips again. I am also one of them. I want to go out have fun shopping and take my son to Walt Disney Land in Orlando, Fl. I know if i want to do all of that. I know have to work hard and make difference for my son and me. If you would give me and business a change, you will see what the diffence and change on how you spend your money on shopping and vacations. When you shop throught my business, you can shop at your favorite store your like. Your will get a discount and cashback on how you spend your money alot cheaper and lot more in your wallet. If you like to know more informations about my business then go to so you can go to sign up and become of "Vacations And Shoppers" member. You get more details and more informations on how you can save your money and get more money in your pockets. You can get your questions answered right away and insured. If your love to shop, vacations on a wonderful island, or trips, then i would to make that happen to you. Anything is possible!! Unless you make it happen for you and your family to enjoy. Be apart of my business.Thank you-Marjorie
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This weeks healthy meals!

Mango Papaya Salsa: Goes Great with a nice piece of Grilled Fish or ChickenINGREDIENTS1 mango - peeled, seeded and diced1 papaya - peeled, seeded and diced1 large red bell pepper, seeded and diced1 avocado - peeled, pitted and diced1/2 sweet onion, peeled and diced2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro2 tablespoons balsamic vinegarsalt and pepper to taste1. In a medium bowl, mix mango, papaya, red bell pepper, avocado, sweet onion, cilantro, and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Cover, and chill in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before serving.
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Virtuous Woman

I used to read Proverbs 31:10-31 and think, this lady is phenomenal and there is no way I can be like her. Then one day as I was preparing a message for Prison Ministry I realized: Before God formed me in the womb, He knew me. Hmm… He knew me before I was in the womb? That means when He created me I was predestined to be this virtuous woman I read about. As I take time to renew my mind with the Word I am transformed into the virtuous woman. Virtuous means: a force of means or other resources. Oh yeah! I’m a supernatural force of means and other resources. I like this. I’m a virtuous woman.
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