Who wants to receive FREE information to help take control of their clutter? It's Get Organized Month(SM) and organizing professionals from around the nation have worked together to deliver the GREAT ORGANIZING GIVEAWAY on Monday, January 25th. I'm honored that I was asked to be a part of the event.Participants will be able to sign up to get e-books, audio downloads, tip sheets, complementary consultations, software samples and much more! This is a great opportunity to get some free stuff!We want to spread the positive message that you can gain control of your time and space to as many people across the globe as possible, so please pass the word on and have people visit the Ask the Expert Organizers page (link below).Here's a sampling of what you can get for free, starting today, Monday, January 25th!•On a Clear Day You Can Find the Top Of Your Desk Audio and Transcripts•Use LinkedIn to Significantly Grow Your Business & Explode Your Profits! Audio•Productive & Organized: Finding Your Way - Special Report: Priority Setting - Working on the Right Things•Residential Record Retention Guidelines Special Report•Take Control of Your Clutter Goals Worksheet (my giveaway)•Fully Functioning Trial of The Paper Tiger software - "The best filing system ever invented!" plus a chance to win•Quick-Start Guide to Writing Profitable Articles•Simplesizing® Snapshot•What better way to increase peace and harmony than a little "om" in your home?•Get Your E-mail Organized!•AboutOne Your life organized•Time in Motion Action Planner•101 Ways to Attract Ideal Clients Build Your List and Raise Your Profile•51 Creative Organizing Solutions Found in Every Day Items•7 Warning Signs You're About to HIre the Wrong VA•10 Easy Ways To Organize Your Home•Simplicate Your Office!•Get It Together Girl - Quick Tips for Organizing Your Home•"Downsizing Dilemmas - Solved!" workbook•Using Core Values as a Foundation in Organizing Your Life Workbook•Organizing Tip Sheets•Making Being Green Easy: Eco organizing tips for the Home and Office•13 Perfect Products for Frantic Families•Top to Bottom Hanging Closet Caddy•Scared of Filing: 38 Easy Organizing Tips for Your Home Office•A Home For Everything You Own•Timely Tax Tips•Getting Things Done - How to Set up Chores•Make Your Office Work Better eBook & Consultation•Three Ways to Start Simplifying Your Life Today!•Remedease for Organization and Productivity•Nine Strategies for Simplifying Your Business•Free Organizing Tips•Saving You Time is Not a Crime!•10-Step De-Clutter in a Day Action Plan•It's Time...Stop Procrastinating NOW!•112 Tips to Organize Your Workday•Mess is Stress!•How to Set Up a 'Command Center' to run an efficient home and a free phone consultation•Coupon for 2 Hours of Organizing Services.•Finally Filing Made Easier•Get Organized : Get Revitalized Ebook•5 Proven Ways to Organize and Simplify Your Life•Transform Your Combat Zone Into A Comfort Zone•FREE Subscription to Monthly Clutter Clearing Tips e-mail newsletter•Don't Toss My Memories in the Trash•Top 10 Strategies to Increase Productivity in Your Business•Free consultation to get rid of your clutter•Organize Now! a week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life•33 Tips to Get Organized Add Space To Your Life and Master Your Muck!•101 Simple Tips to Organize Your Life!•Fast Track To Organization-Tips and Resources•OrganizEZine - Fast Tips for the Office•How to have your Weekends FREE!•Organize YOUR World video•Earth-Friendly Organizing•6 Steps to Freedom from Clutter Paralysis!•Stress Buster Two Service Pack•A Professional Organizer's Favorite Tips & Products!•Your Life . . . Uncluttered!•Home Organization Secrets for Busy Moms•Parenting Time Management•Jump Start Your Organizing Project•Clear Your Clutter...Clear Your Mind•Coaching Through The Clutter•Top 5 Organizing Mistakes•Stimulate your clutter away!•Finding Life Balance the easy way•Organizing for Dummies booklet and a free subscription to "Let's Organize It"•25 Tips to Get Your Life Organized•Shape Up Your Kitchen and Release the Weight!•Joy's Jumpstart to Getting Organized•Top 3 Secret Tips to Getting Organized•Dealing with Mail•[ real neat ] ideas : 35 home organizing tips•Accomplish Your Resolutions in 2010•Tastes of Organized Living Tip Sheet•"Help My Home Match My Heart" Consultation•Control Your Paper CHAOS•Top-10 Tips For Instant Feng Shui!•Conquering Paper Clutter Teleclass Recording•The "Simplify Your Life" Collection! Free ebooks and audio classes with ADD-Friendly Strategies that Work for EVERYONE!•Pile to Files•Couch Potato Organizing•Organizing Tips E-Newsletter•See Mike Holmes from HGTV Holmes on Homes/Home Inspection•Personal Medical Organizer•Helping You to Move Forward•10 Easy Ways to Liberate Time Report•FREE Report on "What Papers to Keep & How long" + WIN free 30 min Phone Consultation•Change Your Life One Minute at a Time•Top 10 Quick Tips for Getting Organized•Your Organized & Productive Office May Be Only 30 Minutes Away!Click here get your free Take Control of Your Clutter worksheet.Click here to go to the Ask the Expert Organizers Great Organizing Giveway page! See you there!Jacquie RossProfessional OrganizerCastAway the Clutter! Organizing ServicesContact me to speak to your groupServicing Baltimore/DC metroFollow me on TwitterBecome a Facebook Fan
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Do you own a home-base business? Let’s be honest – many of us who own home-base businesses are focus on marketing and profits. If we don’t get customers, we are headed for failure. In the December 2009 issue of Home Business, there is an article that talks about the Six Sigma.Like many of you – my first question was what is the Six Sigma? Six Sigma process is used to identify issues and opportunities within your business. Each step is used to ensure that your business obtains the best results. It’s a progression from start to finish.This process is used by such companies as Motorola, Home Depot and Toyota to name a few. This is a five step process in which is known as DMAIC.Define: We must define our customers, their issues and core processes which involves these issues. Also project boundaries including mapping the flow of the process, stop of the process must be defined.Measure: We must measure the performance of the core of our business process. This involves the collections of data to determine defects and metrics in the processes. Once this data is collected it is compared to customer surveys to determine shortfalls.Analyze: The data collected and the processed used to identify gaps between current performance and ideal performance. This involves prioritizations of issues and opportunities for improvement and reasons for observed variations.Improve: This process will target the development of innovative solutions using technology and discipline to correct identifies issues to prevent problems.Control: Involves the improvements by developing, documenting and implementing and ongoing plan to monitor changes and prevent employees from regressing back to their old ways of conducting themselves.To find out more about Six Sigma process, pick your issue today and change the way you do business.
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THE GOALIt’s like reaching for something far away. If you keep on reaching and running without stopping, you will obtain what you are reaching for. Persevering, not quitting, but going after it with all your might, as though you have to have it; that’s the driving force. Don’t look at time as a barrier. Look at it this way, the years are going to pass anyway, so why not accomplish what you wish.The battle starts in your mind, that’s where it is. It is a war between your spirit and your mind. (Your mind being your common sense) Once your mind is working in cooperation with your spirit, the struggle ceases.It is almost like going down a long tunnel. You don’t see anything on your right or on your left. You only focus on what’s straight ahead.You are determined to get to the end of the tunnel because at the end of the tunnel the light appears. The sun looks like the dawning of a new day, with new opportunities. Nothing distracts you; you are staying on course.The word procrastination is not a part of your vocabulary. Most of the time that is the problem, people don’t act. Whatever needs to be done should be completed and taken care of in a timely manner. As a matter of fact, it should be done before the required time to make sure there are no slip-ups.Some people would say, “I’ll start when the kids grow-up, or when I attain a certain amount of money”. “I’m too old, or I will wait 2,5,10 years from now”. Well, those years are going to come and go and then you will think about the things that you could have accomplished but didn’t. Why not look back and be able to say you have attained your goal and dream.Another way is to go at it one day at a time. Instead of looking at it as a long haul, look at it as taking little leaps. You will be surprised at how, in time, you will be closer to your goal.You must understand that no one else controls your destiny. A lot of times people confide in others and ask their opinion on what they should do. The person or persons they confide in may not have any ambition to succeed, and jealousy steps in. They discourage and cause them to remain immobile. Stay away from those types of people. As soon as discouragement is thrown at you, throw it back. Don’t allow it to seep into your thinking and bring back the battle in your mind.Success is determined by your actions not anyone else’s.Brenda Farrar-Ejemai(c) 978-1-58909-485-7No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission of the publisher.
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I Quit - I Give Up!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008I Quit - I Give Up!Yes, I am a quitter. I am giving up. I am no longer making to do lists only to do other things rather than focus on my list. I have great plans and I recognize that I am not accomplishing anything by keeping those plans hostage in my mind.Today, I am going to make some great accomplishments.- make the phone calls- send out the emails- research informationIt's early and I have a lot of work to do. I promised myself that 2008 will be a successful year. Today, I am making sure that I follow through with my to do list - I am holding myself accountable. I must go - there is work that must be done.
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