Teleseminars (6)

Free Transcription Services

Do you have a Podcast, Teleseminar, Interview, or any audio that you would like transcribed? Done Write Transcription is offering up to 30 minutes of transcription services for free. Done Write Transcription will officially launch on March 15, 2012. As I prepare for the official launch I am looking  for 3 to 4 more projects to complete to be sure I have worked out as many kinks as possible and to get feedback on what can be done better to ensure I am offering the best possible service. 

There are so many reasons why you should get your audio transcribed but here are just a few: you can offer it as a free resource to your subscribers, you can create an e-book to sale, use the information for articles or blog post, reach a whole new audience (not everyone wants to listen to audio) and sometimes people just want both!

Interested in taking me up on this great offer? Email me today at to get all the details. Worried that your audio is more than 30 minutes? Don't worry with rates starting at just 0.83 per minute this is still a great deal that you don't want to miss. 

Once I get the number of projects I feel comfortable with I will not be taking on any projects until after the offical launch so contact me today!


Yolonda J.

Done Write Transcription

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Upcoming Seminar: Monday, January 17, 2011

You might be saying... I am ready for my CD to blow up or I am ready for my book to be featured on Oprah (yes, even the new network)! My question to you: are you "media" ready?


So many people want to be on various radio shows and others want to have maximum media exposure for their business, products or services B U T are they "media" ready? Can the media find them online? When they do find them, what impression will they have? This Teleseminar is great for anyone seeking media exposure ( radio, TV, print media etc). This foundational seminar will give the beginner the tips that enable "media" readiness!


Special Admission: FREE  ---> Click here to Register!

Time: Monday, January 17th at 7:30pm Eastern - 30 minute seminar

Listening method: Phone OR Web Simulcast

Facilitator: Sharvette Mitchell


For more information, visit

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This post originally appeared on the blog, where SistaWAHMs (Tiffany & Tamara) regularly share tips, ideas, and news on leveraging entrepreneurship and frugality for an abundance of life.

What exactly is it that we do, you ask?

In its simplest form, we answer questions and give advice on ways to leverage entrepreneurship and frugality in order to obtain abundance in life.

We answer emails, chats, tweets, comments, you name it.

We are wealthy in the sense that we are giving to those in need and providing value all while doing so for free, but, we must also value our time something that is not in abundance.

The answers we provide to the questions we receive are always detailed, resourceful, and down right good.

Do you find yourself freely sharing advice but wishing you could find a way to monetize your efforts?

If so, you’ll want to read on to see what free tool we found to make this happen!

As the old saying goes, “time is money”, and if you don’t want to waste anymore time or money then you’ll want to consider selling advice over the phone.

Consultants, therapists, stay at home moms, and Internet marketers alike can all benefit from a free online service called Ether. allows you to “sell what you say”.

Before now, the only way to get paid for what you said was done by coordinating teleseminars, webinars, and live events.

Now, Ether gives you a way to hold one-on-one sessions and still get paid.

You will want to tell Ether exactly how you wish to be paid – consider now how much your time is worth.

Set your price, what will it be $5? $100? Then set whether you are paid this amount per call, per minute or per hour.

When you sign up to Ether you will receive a unique 8-digit phone number that can be forwarded to the phone line of your choice. If you have a blog or website you can get an Ether button that lets your customers know whether or not you are available to take calls.

For those of us with children or outside the home jobs, just set the hours when you want to take calls or simply turn your Ether phone number off with a click of a mouse.

If you happen to be a stay at home mom with babies or small children and the phone is not a viable option right now, Ether even uses email versus phone which allows you to sell any digital product you possess (i.e. audios, videos, interviews, etc).

The only way a customer can reach you is after they’ve prepaid your rate. So, the one thing with Ether that you can always count on is that you will only receive phone calls that are from paid customers!

To sign up to Ether takes 2 minutes and it’s free to start, no monthly fees, setup fees, or connection fees.

All Ether asks for is a 15% commission fee which you can recoup or include in the fee you specify.

How payment works is:

Ether collects the customers credit or debit card information.

Once the customer has paid, the call is transferred to you and your money is sent to you via direct deposit or check – you are paid at the end of each month.

Now you can sell advice over the phone, set your own schedule and pricing, and receive only paid phone calls!

While it will always pay off to freely give and share advice you also need to understand your worth. You never know just how much someone else is willing to pay you to better themselves in exchange for your expertise.

You can learn more about Ether - like how you can market your services and get paid right on their site. Be sure you come over to FMT after you’re done here and share your experience and earnings with us!

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Attention Authors! Sell Lots of Books with Teleseminars!If you’re an author, speaker, coach or consultant, it’s likely you know how important it is to market your products and services. The challenge for many professionals is not only what to do, but how to do it. Additionally, knowing what is a wise investment in their marketing and what is not.Take authors; Countless numbers of authors have the dream of selling lots of books, becoming well known (and even reaching celebrity status), and making their fortune through their craft. Yet, most will not succeed due to lack of how to develop and implement an effective publicity plan. It takes more, much more, than a well-written manuscript to succeed as an author, at least if you want to make money through your writing.You Have To Gain VisibilitySuccessful authors understand how essential it is to gain visibility within their market; visibility that equates to more readers, more books sales, more market reach; and ultimately more revenue.One of the most common beliefs uninformed authors have of how to gain market visibility is through paid advertising. The fact is, most book advertising does not work. Besides most authors don’t have huge budgets for paid advertising campaigns.Yet, many waste untold amounts of money on ad campaigns that don’t get them a result that justifies the expense of paid advertising. Still others do nothing at all to gain visibility and promote their books.Why Readers Buy Your BooksThe majority of readers buy books based on word of mouth advertising; the title of a book and Continue Here
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6 Benefits of Teleseminars and Webinars

If you’re on Twitter or any other social media site for any length of time, you’ll certainly run upon advertisements for teleseminars and webinars on many different topics. Ever wonder why many business owners and entrepreneurs work as speakers for these outlets? Well, it’s because they know that these methods can be used to advance their business in more ways than one. As a business owner or entrepreneur, you should truly consider using teleseminars and webinars to your advantage.1. Present your business, product or brandOne obvious benefit of participating as a speaker in teleseminars and webinars is that these outlets can be used to introduce a previously unknown company, product or brand. New business owners, especially online business owners may find it difficult to introduce themselves to their target audience because of their lack of history or background in their field.Teleseminars and webinars allow the new business owner to represent his or her business and give it a personality. As many business owners understand, customers are buying your product or service because they trust you. By participating in teleseminars/webinars you can give your business the personal boost it needs to reach your target market2. Brand yourself as an expert in your fieldAs a featured speaker on a teleseminar or webinar, you are building your reputation as an authority in your field. This is important for new business owners who are new to their industry and are attempting to create a buzz about themselves or their product.A successful teleseminar/webinar will assist you in building a solid following in your target market. In addition, further successes will help you to expand and reach a wider segment of potential clients and customers.3. Promote products and/ or servicesThese seminars may also be used a vehicle to promote a product or service. While not as “pushy” as an infomercial, they can serve the same purpose, as many speakers will have books, e-books, podcasts, videos and other products that they market to their target market via these outlets.The key is to reference the product in the discussion with the audience. The audience is then motivated to purchase the product to be used as a guide or instructional material to achieve the end results.4. Increase salesA well-delivered teleseminar or webinar can assist in encouraging sales of the product or services. Because you are working with potential customers in real time, it increases their knowledge of the product or services and thus may be more motivated to purchase.5. Allows you to personally communicate with clientsBecause you are selling yourself as a person as well as your product or service a good teleseminar or webinar is a way to communicate with your potential clients on a more personal level. They can hear your voice, get a sense of your personality and by doing so decide whether they like you or admire you enough to purchase your product or service. If there is an open discussion period included in the teleseminar, then customers are able to get their questions answered on the spot, without waiting for a phone call or email.6. Low overheadIn order to truly succeed in business, money has to be spent. For many business owners, however, money is tight and often sunk back into the business for necessary expenses. A teleseminar or webinar can be a low cost way to provide a lecture over the phone or via the Internet. Furthermore, if done well, they do help to raise a customer’s awareness of you, your brand and your products or services.
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The answers to this question can be found when you join us on Wednesday, June 11th at 11 a.m. (EST) on You join us by phone, "dial - in" number is (347) 205-9229 or in the chatroom on the host page.Believe me...people are still buying and selling homes! It may be at a slower rate but it is being done! Or, it's summertime and want to spend more time with family but, you have got a business to run....hire a virtual assistant! Find out more on what a virtual assistant can do for you!Here is a little information on our radio guests --Melissa L. Newton is one of our newest WBO members and owner of the website, She currently is employed with Exit American Eagle Realty. Ms. Newton has been with 2 other companies and has found each to have very different approaches in helping their agents succeed. She attributes her success in this business to Exit American Eagle Realty because she feels treated as an asset to the company. This company has also implemented a new program that supports nonprofits in the community. Each agent will donate 10% of their commission, in the name of the customer, to a charity of their (buyer's) choosing. What an awesome idea! Would you like to hear more about this offer? Tune in to the show on Wednesday.Mary "Kate" LaFrance is a WBO member and owns Ms. LaFrance is a veteran of the newspaper business within the trenches experience in graphic design, copywriting, ad sales, management and editorial marketing instincts. All of these skills/talents led to the launch of her own successful virtual assistant business in 2006. Her company has underwent a name change to HELP Virtual Mktg+Admin to reflect her internet marketing focus. On this broadcast, she is announcing the launch of her new website,, where she shares her marketing ideas and advice with other entrepreneurs. Come find out more about her new upcoming teleseminar, "Enough to be Dangerous" and how to get a special discount!They are offering special discounts if you utilize their services. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
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