physical (5)

Does Eating Rigt=Weight Loss?

Does Eating Right = Weight Loss?


Yes it does.  But the only catch is, knowing what eating right is.  And trust me it is not what we have been taught.  Such things, as soy, pork, nuts, sport drinks, diet sodas, low calories foods, and fat free foods, are not the foods and drinks for eating right.  Your body, as I have stated before, is not made of chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors and flavorings, these things should be avoided. I read the status of a young woman on facebook several weeks ago.  Saying that she eats right, but still can't lose weight.  And she mentioned how frustrating it was for her to try so hard and still not be able to lose weight.  Well I wanted to make a comment, but I opted to write an article instead.  Because I realized that it was more than just this young woman out there having this problem.  As the saying goes, it is not your fault, but it is your problem.  And unfortunately a lot of us fit in this category of problems, problems, problems.  When you are unable to fix a problem, it means that you have reached the limit of your knowledge in that area.  And it is up to you to seek and find the solution to your problem(s).  Running into this invisible wall on your weight loss journey, can really take the wind out of your sail.  Doubt, frustion, the loss of will-power are fast eroding the core of your desire.   It makes you question yourself...why is it not, working?  It's not working, because there are food items in your diet that does not allow you to lose weight.  And if you are extremely over weight you may be exercising, when you should be stretching.  Whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, plenty of good water, coconut water, fish, and chicken,


minus the sugars, breads, alcoholic drinks, smoking, potatoes, and hard to digest meats, is the only way that the weight will began to shed.  Despite popular belief, you can't lose weight eating what you want.  There has to be a letting go, a cutting lose, never to return again of certain items, and foods from your life.  You should never try to obtain weight loss by taking chemicals.  Once you stop taking the chemicals the weight will return with an attitude, meaning more of it and quickly.  You have to change those habits, and those foods.  So, the young woman's problem is still with what she is eating and her exercising program.

The difference between exercising and stretching, is that exercising is mostly for cardio, and stretching is for toning, improving circulation of blood through all organs of the body, strength building of your core, and rapid weight loss.



The next time that you are comfronted with a problem.  Just seek more information in the area, and keep reaching for success.  Remember, success is not on a earthly plane.  You have to reach up to touch the stars.

Read more articles like this:  B-Magazine

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my fairytale #2

DJs Unique Sound Charities

It was my fairytale

Everything I ever dreamed of.

After all that I had been through,

After all the neglect, abuse, lying and cheating,

I finally found the man that would love me for me.


It started with a phone call to help a friend.  The calls were short with messages to a mutual friend about his son.  Until one day we started to talk about the Bible.  We connected in such a way, it was like a whirlwind.  We were so alike and yet complete opposites.  It had been a long time since I felt this type of connection, the feeling of being accepted for being the person I am. The phrase “you are too nice” has been told to me all my life. Being nice was the one thing I liked about myself.  I couldn’t understand why this was always said to me in a negative way.  Maybe I was “too nice”…… I always tried to find the good in people and I always tried to believe in people.  You would think I would have learned since every relationship I was in proved to me,  that I was wrong.  Every relationship that I believed in turned out to be a lie.  Now I found someone that could relate to my every hurt.  I found someone who had been hurt and betrayed to the same degree as I had.

 We were exactly the same and completely opposite.  We had both recently been in the same type of relationship on opposite sides.  He was in prison and his significant other left him, cheated on him and did not stand by him in his time of need.  I was engaged to a man in prison and I stood by him for 10 years until he cheated on me and left me as soon as he got out.  He is black, I am Hispanic.  He is in his early 40’s, I am in my mid 50’s.  He grew up on the street, I had a “normal” childhood. We both knew the same type of hurt and understood each other.  Our two opposite sides…our two halves could be put together to make a whole.   He was tired just as I was.  God brought us together for a reason.  We could help each other to get over our insecurities and the hurt that had built up in our hearts. 

We talked on the phone for about a month and a half and then I flew to St. Louis to meet him.  We got married the same day…My fairytale had begun. 

All my life I felt left out.  I felt like the “black sheep” in every situation……like I was different, like I didn’t fit in.  The weekend in St Louis was one of the best weekends of my life.  I felt like I belonged and like I was accepted.  I will not ever forget the way he held out his hand for me when we walked.  I will not ever forget the way he held me when I told him my stories of being abused, the way he told me I would not ever have to flinch again because he would always protect me and not ever hurt me.  These things probably seem small to most people, but they were HUGE to me.  These were the types of things that defined love for me because I had not experienced them in my past.  There are no words to explain the feelings that these two actions gave me. The way he made me feel; took away the pain of my past relationships.  He told me he would treat me like a queen and that is exactly what I felt like.  I knew i would not ever be alone again.  I knew we were one and our love would only grow stronger as we got to know each other and share our lives.  It is not often  you can find someone that understands your inner most feelings because they also have those same feelings.  My husband is a singer/songwriter, he expressed his love for me in songs he wrote and he sang them to me with so much love in his eyes that my eyes would fill with tears when he sang them.  I was in a fairytale dream...


I felt special

I felt like I belonged

I could believe, hope & smile again

I could love again

I could be me and still be loved


Fairytales do come true

or at least I thought they did...



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I have been abused
Mentally, Emotionally & Physically
I have been betrayed
Lied to and cheated on
I have had my belongings and money taken from me
I have lived with a crack addict And had to live his life instead of mine
I have been hurt so bad All I could think about is how to end my life.
                                                                        Worst of All ...
I have lost myself
The me that was is no longer In my mind, the only way out was to get out.  My mind was consumed with what I needed to do in order to end my life and be sure everything was in order so no one would be left with any of my problems.  I had these thoughts on two different levels.  1st I knew I had to do something to myself before things got so bad that my husband would do something to me and he would have to pay for it.  I couldn’t let my death be on his hands.  2nd I knew that I caused my children too much pain and stress and they would be better off without me.  The hurt I felt for causing my family pain and stress was too much to handle and this was the only way to make it up to them.
I know some of the things I am about to disclose are considered taboo.  I know this because when I tell my story, I suddenly have no friends left, no one wants to associate with me for fear my bad luck might rub off on them. 
I’m telling you these things in hopes of helping someone else who may be going through the same types of pains.  My life was turned upside down and I was ready to give up.  The things I will be telling you in the next few posts may not seem real and may detail some shocking events, however I can guarantee they are real.  Please don’t judge me until you hear the whole story.
  If you have ever been abused…If you have ever been betrayed…If you have ever been hurt so bad...If you ever felt like dying was an option to relieve the pain… Have you ever wanted to be loved so bad, you turned to someone or something that harmed your life in ways you never thought possible?
Everything in life is a gift from God.
He has allowed us to live through every experience
He has given us knowledge and wisdom from every experience.
We do not know his reason
Maybe it is so that one day we can help someone else in the same situation.
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Are you ready to lose some body fat?

Are you eating enough? Are you eating too much? These are two important questions if your goal is to lose body fat. To determine your daily caloric intake visit and input the required data. It’ll also tell you the number calories you need to consume if your goal is to lose body fat. The goal is to reduce your calories by 500 each day. You can do so by a combination of eating less than your target daily caloric intake and exercising.


If you’re unsure about the number of calories in your favorites, simply visit You’ll discover that your favorites like a Chef Salad… or that blueberry bagel…or that raspberry tea may not be the low calorie food or beverage item you thought.


Have a healthy day!!!

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Love Is A Choice - NOT An Emotion

Like most people, I have often heard the all-too-common refrains, "you can't help who you love", "it just happened", or "one thing led to another". Most often, I hear this from women who are attempting to justify their ill-advised involvement in some situation that has come back to bite them in the behind.Ladies, I'm about to set you free!! None of these assessments is accurate. The truth is - you absolutely, unequivocally "help" who you love; it did not just happen; and one thing did not lead to another. You either made it happen or you allowed it to happen. Now, you're free because either way, the situation is in your control. For purposes of this entry, however, I will focus on the 'who you love' issue as it concerns unhealthy romantic love.Contrary to popular opinion, love is not accidental, incidental, or happenstance. It isn't random, arbitrary, or evolutionary. It happens by the sheer force of two independent wills focused in the same direction. It happens because the two people involved wanted it to happen, and have usually expended considerable effort to make sure that it did happen. Love is not a hole in the sidewalk waiting for you to blindly fall into it. Love is the by product of mental and physical time and effort deliberately put forth to create and continue feelings of infatuation and romance.We've all seen the situations where people have gotten involved in emotional and/or physical intimacies with someone they were "just friends" with. The usual protests go something like "I don't know how it happened", "I never intended for it to happen", or "I couldn't help myself". The facts are that these relationships never just happen. They occur after days, weeks, and months of finding big and small ways to perpetuate the ectasy of illicit attraction.That fact alone begs the question, is it really love you've created? You might think it is. Your partner may even agree. The truth is you've created a fantasy that can only survive in the bubble of the manipulated realities you've invented. That's why the magic dies under the stresses and strains of real life. No longer able to shield your "love" from the side effects and consequences of real life, you usually soon find that your "love" fades.In short, true love is a series of choices that you get emotional about. It is not merely an emotion or a feeling that you just helplessly fall into like a hole in the sidewalk. True love is deliberate. It lasts, not because of how you feel about eachother - but because of your dedication to your commitment to eachother.Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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