Truths about Blog Marketing Online That you should know

Do you struggle with marketing your blog online? Many struggle with marketing their blog, website, products etc. online and are frustrated with all of the information out there. As a result of this you may come close to giving up.
If you’re new to blogging this can get complicated. Marketing of any sort takes dedication, hard work and consistency. If you’re just starting out it may look like a lot of work and it may appear not to have much reward. Always remember that it is a process that takes building. You will have to be persistent and consistent.
So how do you get your blog out there? Take time to visit other blogs. Not just any blog, visit those that are relevant to yours and leave value added comments. . When you do this it will allow you to get your blog out to those who would be interested in your topic. Some will actually post the title of your last blog post.
Be consistent with posting on your blog. You may gain visitors, however, they won’t return if it seems that you use the “hit and miss” schedule.
How often should you post? You can post daily, weekly or biweekly but you want to be consistent. Now if you want to accelerate your results post at least two times per week minimum but be consistent so your readers can expect to return at a particular time and be rewarded with updated content.
Know where your traffic is coming from. Know which search engines are directing people to your blog and which are not. Find out what keywords are bringing people to your blog as well. If you know all of this all ready, use it to your advantage. Write more content on the keywords that are working for you and monitor where you fall on the search engine pages that are sending visitors.
What do you do when you get comments on your blog? Smile and say how nice or do you respond to the comment? If someone leaves a comment on your blog, be sure to acknowledge it. No one wants to have a conversation with themselves, and it will only take a brief moment to reply and let them know you appreciate them. Otherwise if you have a section full of comments and you have not replied, chances are that you will not be getting many more. The readers may even drop you off of their list of blogs to visit frequently as well. Using your head and treating others, as you would want to be treated is a big part of marketing.
If you happen to be quoting an article from another source or blog, always be sure to provide a link back to the original. Other wise this is known as plagiarism and something that is looked down on in the world of marketing. Stealing someone else’s content is not a good idea and not something that you will get away with. You will get caught if you try to say someone else’s work is your own of it is not. This is not a good way to start off in the blog marketing world as well.
As you can see there are many truths you should be aware of when considering marketing your blog. You can get your blog out there, known and monetize your efforts. Use these techniques above to get your blog more traffic and readers and you will eventually reap the rewards.
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