families (4)

Every Stabbing Death

10744104057?profile=originalIn order to empower our children, we first need to empower the parents. 

This mother says that every stabbing death brings back the pain of her son's killing. 

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I wrote about Nonviolent Communication, NVC, in Success Strategies for Black People and in my new ebook, Affirmations for Parents

Together, we can make a difference. 

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Emancipation from public education

As parents we must make tough decisions in regards to our kids. The decisions we make will impact their lives even after they are all grown up. Just imagine for one moment that a decision that you made ruined or deeply impacted your child’s life in a negative way. How will you deal with knowing that your decisions may have harmed your child.Well, believe it or not the decision to send children to public school has proven to have some major negative ramifications. Many children pick up some very bad habits and ways from being in public school. Many of our young people are exposed to drugs, alcohol, sex, homosexuality, violence and more just from going to public school. Some children face the pressures of bullying and not being able to keep up among other things. All of this is the result of being in an unstable and hostile environment.When a child is in a hostile environment they are unable to function properly. There is no such thing as telling your child to merely concentrate and ignore what‘s happening around them. A statement such as that , suggest that you don’t have an answer for your child and therefore can only put the situation on the back burner. Many parents find out the hard way that this decision may ultimately harm their child’s future. The instability in the public school environment has helped lead to the rapid decline in academic achievement in our schools. This is why there is such a huge increase in home education. The public school system has failed our children.Home education has such a rapid increase, especially amongst African Americans, which is primarily due to the insufficient educational process of the public school. It is estimated that more than 2,000,000 American children are home schooled. This number will continue to increase as parents awareness is sparked. More and more parents are taking the plunge into home schooling as they realize that they can better educate their children.Black home schoolers are especially motivated to take on the role as parent-teacher seeing that African American children have a higher dropout rate than any other race. The only way to protect your child from becoming a part of this dropout statistic is to become and early dropout through emancipating yourselves from the state institutional education. Please understand that I’m referring to having your child drop out of a failed institution and reviving their learning through home education. We here at The Black Home Schoolers Association would like to help in every way we can. Please feel free to contact us or visit our website at: www.BlackHomeschoolers.com
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There was a time when I used to be amazed at the number of seemingly grown men who were unwilling to be responsible for their own lives and for those of the families they made. Like everyone else, I’ve seen the increasing dismal statistics of fatherlessness in the American community. I would even go so far as to say there is pandemic manlessness as well. Men in our extended families are also becoming increasingly rare. What seems to be commonplace now are families with lots of women, young children, and old men. Young men are few and far between – and getting fewer all the time.Many women have rushed to blame the men for this. After all, ultimately it is their choice to leave; their choice to follow the examples, or the lack thereof, that preceded them. These are grown men and entirely accountable for their action and/or inaction – granted.However, I submit to you that many women – particularly many single mothers – are in the deepest denial about their contribution to this pandemic. In their zeal to raise good sons they have often neglected to raise responsible men who would actually be suitably productive husbands and fathers. So many single mothers, mothering from the own pains and issues, often deliberately or incidentally surrogate their children into “pseudo-spouses”. In the process, these children often receive severely mixed messages. On the one hand, they are constantly reminded of how much they resemble all the worst traits in their fathers. On the other, their mothers are quick to lay guilt trips on them if they dare to establish an independent identity or a different significant female relationship. These boys get angry and resentful, so the mother’s remedy is often to indulge them. They are rewarded with material things in return for their faithfulness to fulfilling their mother’s wishes.And so the cycle continues until the sex drive takes over. Now, these same young men start “mating and procreating” with no significant grasp of the level of responsibility that creates. However, thinking that they do, they often “try” to be there. That usually lasts until he gets overwhelmed and/or it’s not fun anymore. She wakes up one day without him; and grandma is raising babies once again. Why? Because we have spawned yet another generation of people who believe the universe exists solely to serve them. If it doesn’t, then there is clearly something wrong with the universe – it couldn’t possibly be something wrong with them. We’ve created yet another generation of perfect pimps and then we get mad at them when they behave accordingly. We often create the monsters that come back to kill us.How do we stop it? Here are three things we can do: 1) Put them out of their parents’ house by age 21 – sooner if they don’t go to college at 18; 2) stop letting them have sex in a home they don’t have a lease/mortgage on; and 3) stop letting them move their girlfriends into that same house.Brain surgery – it is not!Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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