parents (10)

Parenting with Purpose


Let's face it, being a parent is not an easy job! Deciding on making a difference in the life of your child and the function of your family as a whole, is a step in the right direction.

Research has shown parenting with intention and leadership result in a more positive outcome, and isn’t that what you want?  Join Dr. Angela as she teaches seven things you can do, because you too, can Parent with Purpose.

In this teaching, Dr. Angela reveals…

  • What parenting is and how to effectively teach your children.
  • The dangers of old habits and why we need zero tolerance for it
  • What it means to be true leaders while parenting
  • Four actions you can do to start your new parenting style now


Don’t settle for a so-so family, have the family God has planned for you - it's so much better. Discover how today!

Get instant access. 

Visit our website to pick up your copy today.

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Every Stabbing Death

10744104057?profile=originalIn order to empower our children, we first need to empower the parents. 

This mother says that every stabbing death brings back the pain of her son's killing. 

Click here for my blog on Why I Am Committed to Nonviolence

Plus click here to add your blog to the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence

I wrote about Nonviolent Communication, NVC, in Success Strategies for Black People and in my new ebook, Affirmations for Parents

Together, we can make a difference. 

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One Of Our Passions - Mom's With Deadbeat Dad's

We created the Mom's with Deadbeat Dad's Booklet as a resource for single working mothers. We tried to find creative ways to relieve some of the financial burden that single working mothers carry while raising their children and waiting on support from the absentee or non-custodial parent.




Great information for only $10 at

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Written for Quaylynn Dabney

I heard about a 14yr old boy killed during a store robbery. Even though it was him and his friend doing the robbery, my heart goes out to him and his family. I wrote this poem in remembrance of Quaylynn. I do not know him or his parents personally but God gave me the gift and so I use it to help others. I'm hoping this piece will save other teens. This poem is written to be spoken from the mouth of Quaylynn Dabney.

Sometimes we find out the hard way...

On that day I decided to take things into my own hands

To find a get rich quick skeem seemed to be the plan

But things didn't turn out the way I had visioned

A shot to my body made by someone's instant decision…

to take my life.

I know that my reasoning for the robbery wasn't right

Didn't think that the decision made would take my life

Didn't think that I would be the one laying there motionless

Didn't think I would be in a position that would leave me helpless.

Hanging with the wrong crowd could've been why this took place

Didn't know that my life would end this way

So now how do I ever get a chance to change my mind

How about I paint a portrait of my forgiveness in the sky.

When we hear of children losing their lives we think we're invisible

Living like it will never be us will have us doing the unthinkable

I bet you wonder why I was out at that time of night anyway

God was getting ready to call me home is all I can say.

I know the tears fill the eyes of my family and friends

And I know the hurt and the pain has only began

I know that it'll be hard to open up your hearts and forgive

But God knew on that very day that it would be the last moment I live.

And as we know, things truly happen for a reason

And I know that my death to ya'll wasn't all that pleasing

And I know that the blame weigh heavy on your hearts

But maybe If I was standing in their shoes that shot may have not been that hard…

to take.

And me saying that, I know doesn't replace the fact that I'm gone

And no matter how I try to make it sound, my death will always seem so wrong

And we may say that there were other ways around this

But at that single moment, I found that…

God called me home to be with Him that day

He sent one of the most beautiful angels to come and carry me away

He left with you memories to enjoy

And gave me away to try and help every young girl and boy by…

Sending these words to say that life is really precious

And you don't have to die so that others learn a lesson

While you have the chance it's time to turn things around

And we need to stand up and put the guns down

And we need to learn to make better decisions

And watch who you hang with and don't let peer pressure have u wishing..

you would've made better choices.

Let these words as you read them be a positive voice that says,

God wants better for our lives and our parents love us more than that

Take your spare time and give that love back

And though my life is no longer, these words to you I give

Let my death be the reason that you live.

I'm out,

Qualynn Dabney

(Written by Leukemiona Daniels, 2010)

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Hello, this is Traci S Campbell - Hope that everyone is well :) I wanted to stop by and let you know that my video shoot in Houston was successful - it will launch soon. We have also begun accepting applications for our Houston Guide. We are developing this as a resource guide for parents in this TX area. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a featured business, please let me know. Additionally, I am asking Houston parents to submit their "topic" suggestions for our new videos and radio show. The goal is to discuss subjects that will help teens, tweens, married and single parents, as well as to feature C.H.A.M.P. Kids and single parents that are doing "exceptional things" in their lives. Please feel free to visit my blog: and complete the quick poll on the left hand side of the page. I look forward to receiving your suggestions ...
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I Love You, My Child

Just as parents love their children and want to protect and keep them, so is God. He desires to do us good all the days of our lives. I have to take moments throughout the day to remind myself of that. When crazy stuff happens, thinking on how God loves me like I love my children and far greater is comforting.
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