Most of us have goals for our businesses, however few of us have goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART). I've developed a discussion, example, and worksheet for using SWOT Analysis with SMART Goals to help you focus on your business. It's a simple, quick 3 page document that will make you think about your business in new ways.Download it at on the home page and let me know what you think!PEACE,Shay OlivarriaSpeaker/Group
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Hello Everyone,With prices continually going up, I have had tomake some cuts.I have been looking through the stuff I am in andcanceling a lot of it.Sound familiar?I have also been deleting a lot more emails - you too?If it doesn't have a good return - I do not need it.I only need things that can make me something upfrontand for the longhaul.I do have one thing I am in that I will be keeping andI highly recommend that you take a look. It does nottake anything to look and you will definitely lose ifyou don't. It can help you through the rough patch andget you on your feet.Read more about this keeper here: out some of the products available; your future,Teresa
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Peace,Listen to the new inspirational Hip Hop and R&B song "I Will Make It" by Kamal Imani and Niva!One Love!Kamal
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The New Spoken Word Poetry CD “The Lost Scrolls of Eastern Philosophy Poets” feat. Kamal Imani is now available at : The CD Features “Loving Her Nappy Nappy”, “All She Really Want’s Is Love”, “Revolutionary Diva, the Police Protest Song “Citizens Arrest Po Po”, and never released songs “Shake A Foot”, “Typical N”, “Da Nu Frequency”, “SaFari” & much more! Also includes the bonus track and the sisters favorite “Ms. Melanin” (A Dedication to the Sisters).Friends, fans and supporters please feel free to write us a review on our CD baby page.One Love!Kamal Imani & Eastern Philosophy Poets!
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