Ezine Article by Denise R. McCoyEmployers have it tough these days. In the everchanging world of employee relations, how can you be sure that your employees are truly happy with you as an employer? Are you gauging their happiness by using the traditioanl checks and balances?Do they show up everyday?--check! Are they well groomed?--check! Do they report to work on time?--check! Have they told you how much they appreciate their job? During the last employee review, was it an improvement from the previous 6 to 12 months, or has there been a change in their performance?Well, let's hope this New Housing Employee Benefits: Building Moral, Retaining Employees & Recruiting Top Talent can help shed some light on a traditional subject with an innovative spin.Remember the game, Family Feud? During the 30 minute game show families from all over the United States would compete for a chance to win $10,000.00 by guessing what America thought about certain topics. The questions would go something like this...."Name something found in your mother's purse?" "This is something you might consume after you eat a spicy meal." "Name something a teenage girl looks forward to?" Truly, there was never a wrong or right answer. The only answer was YOUR answer.Imagine you invited me to visit with you this afternoon. Let's say, I stopped by during the lunch hour. The purpose of my visit is to help you gain a better understanding of how your employees see YOU as their employer. The core focus of my discussion is your current benefits package. I might ask your employees, "How would you rate your employers' benefits package? How do the benefits offered match up to the needs of your family? Are there any benefits not being offered that you would like to see offered?Again, this is a hypothetical scenario. By walking you through the exercise, I'm sure your wheels started to turn. You began to think like the employee for just a moment. Employee relations is just that--relating to your employees.Traditionally, 401(k), medical, dental and vision benefits were the norm for any job. However, alot has changed. Employees are looking for a benefits package that is tangible with the ability to build long term stability and growth. Although the same old benefits program is still widely received by most employees, offering an innovative alternative could change the landscape of your business model tremendously.The National Association of Realtors is the largest trade organization in the world. To date, they have over 1 million Realtor members. They are the "Voice of Real Estate". The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® was founded as the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges on May 12, 1908, at the YMCA Auditorium in Chicago, IL. Their code of ethics was adopted in 1913, as the "Golden Rule." Visit www.Realtor.org. After 101 years in existence, NAR remains the most trusted name in Real Estate.Recently, the National Association of Realtors made history during the launch of one of the most innovative employer assisted housing benefits program (EAH), known as Home from Work. The program encourages employers to help their valued employees realize their dream of home ownership by assisting them with the purchase process.To help get the word out about the program, Realtors are trained by Certified Trainer/Instructors in the benefits of the Home from Work program. They are shown how to introduce the concept to their local associations, non-profit housing agencies and employers. As you can imagine, Realtors are more than just agents. Many consumers see real estate professionals as housing advocates. The Home from Work program allows Realtors the opportunity to become leaders in their community with the power and ability to effect positive change.Employers may wonder how they may benefit by offering such a program. There are three key benefits of the Home from Work Employer Assisted Housing Benefits Program:*On-site home buyer education workshops conducted by Realtors and lenders*On-one-one counseling administered by a non-profit housing agency*Financial incentive (matched savings, grant, deferred loan.Traditionally, potential homeowners face 3 hurdles. Lack of information, lack of confidence and lack of funds are barriers to homeownership. It's only fitting that the 3 benefits of the HFW programs, cancel out these barriers.Employers like Kaiser, Agilent, National Bank of Redwoods, Novato Hospital and the North Main Water District have developed a successful EAH benefits campaign and so can you. Housing benefits help build moral, retain employees and adds a new flavor to your recruitment efforts. Not only that, employers that are proactive in building good employee/employer relations are seen as leaders on the cutting edge of what's new and what's next for their respective industries.Still not convinced your employees would respond favorably to such a program? I would encourage you to devote 5 minutes of your time by asking them. Not sure how to do that? Email a request for the "Employee Homeownership Survey", to Denise.McCoyTilson@ReaRealtors.com.com.The survey only takes 4 minutes to complete. You will be amazed at the responses and well on your way to becoming a better employer.Think your employer might like this idea? Share this article with them or connect with me directly:denise.mccoytilson@rearealtors.com.
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Getting a home loan does not have to be cumbersome and daunting. All you need is a trusted loan expert who can give you honest advice on the best financing for your needs.Here are the simple steps involved in the loan process:Get an Estimate of What You Can AffordFind out how much you can afford to pay for a new home, second home or investment property. Strengthen your bargaining position and make your offer stand out by getting prequalified.Request a PrequalificationGet advice on different home loans and ratesWork with a lender to discuss the best financing for your needs.Request a Free Consultation with a Mortgage expertGet Pre-ApprovedPreapproval makes you look like a serious buyer and is favored by home sellers when they are considering bids. Contact you Mortgage Professional to find out how you can get preapproved.Find a HomeFind a home in a specific location or price range. Search the MLS and get new properties emailed to you. Work with a real Estate Professional.Apply for a LoanOnce you have decided on the home that you want to buy, the most important step is the loan application. Prepare ahead of time for this and ask your mortgage professional to provide you a checklist that will help you with the loan application.Request a Loan ApplicationComplete the paperwork and DocumentationYou will need to provide a completed loan application and the requested documentation to your loan agent. The loan application form typically asks for information about the property, the terms of purchase, and the employment and financial history of all the loan applicants. After you apply the lender will start verifying all the information that you have provided.Complete the Appraisal, Title & UnderwritingTo calculate the mortgage payment, the lender will begin by asking how much you are looking to borrow. The property value and your personal finances will determine the maximum loan amount. To estimate the property value, the lender will ask a real estate appraiser to give an opinion about its value. The appraiser's opinion can be an important factor in determining whether you qualify for the amount of mortgage you want. The loan agent will be the intermediary between you, the borrower, and the underwriter.Get Approved & Lock Your RateOnce the loan is approved, the loan papers will be sent to the escrow/title company or your attorney. The escrow officer or attorney will include other documents to the file created from information received from the lender. Once these documents are prepared, the escrow officer or attorney will contact you to set up an appointment for you to come in and sign your papers.Close the DealYour loan advisor will get in touch with you to schedule a closing date. The date will be specified on the purchase agreement. Closing is the last step and involves different types of fees like Title Insurance, Appraisal, Origination Fees/Points, Homeowners insurance, credit report fee etc. At the closing you will sign all mortgage documents and take possession of your new home. If you are refinancing, you will get a lower interest rate, or cash ou
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Be a Winner! Be a Homeowner!You have probably thought to yourself that you will never be able to own your own home. Lots of people have doubts about being able to own a home due to credit issues and lack of cash on hand. Owning a home is a big decision and it requires a lot of thought and careful planning. Don’t allow the above mentioned personal issues to keep you from purchasing a home. Be a Winner! Be a Homeowner!If you are concerned about the lack of knowledge you face when getting ready to purchase a home, there are plenty of resources out there for first time home buyers. You don’t have to make your decision alone. The first thing is to get educated and know what you’re getting into. This is your money and your happiness on the line. Don’t be afraid to ask questions before making your decision. Talk to friends and family members that you trust and have become homeowners. They may be able to offer you some insight about the journey to home ownership you are about to embark on. The idea is to stay positive. Be a Winner! Be a Homeowner!Once you have decided to become a home owner, there are talented professionals that can help you make your home buying experience a swift and happy one. There are many resources available to you in your community and online that can aid you in your quest for a home. Owning a home is a very rewarding and phenomenal feeling. It means being able to do certain things that you are unable to do when you’re renting or living with someone else. It is truly great to be able to have something that you can call your own! Be A Winner! Be A Homeowner!The ins and outs of purchasing your first home can be challenging but the benefits are surely worthwhile. Home ownership represents a sense of stability and commitment. Also, the pride that you feel once you have purchased your first home is priceless. You have proven to yourself that you can achieve your goals and that you are able to provide your family with the security it needs. Once you have built up equity in your first home, you can leverage your equity to purchase a nicer home later.Working with a full-time professional real estate agent is a must. Ask questions of your agent. Find out how knowledgeable he or she is about houses currently for sale in your price range and also of houses that have recently sold. Can your agent recommend a good lender that has the reputation of excellent customer service and low rates? Does your agent ask questions of you to have a full understanding of what you are looking for to help you get the most home for the money?If you are ready to make the first move in becoming a homeowner and would like to speak with someone who has a proven track record of success, call Vision Investment Corporation Today! Let us handle all of your real estate needs. Call 1.877.799.0820 now to schedule a free appointment with a Vision Investment Corporation representative.Be A Winner! Be a Homeowner!Annetta PowellVision Investment Corp.