Marriage – The First MinistryStatistics reveal that about 45 – 50 percent of all marriages will eventually end in divorce. These numbers are staggering to say the least. These numbers include Christian marriages as well.Why are these numbers so high? The answer: marriages have stopped being a priority in the lives of many busy couples.Work, children, and social activities have been substituted for the number one ministry between a man and a woman - that is the ministry of marriage.What is ministry? Ministry is from the Greek word "diakoneo", meaning "to serve" or "douleuo", meaning "to serve as a slave". In the New Testament, ministry is seen as a service to God and to other people in His name. Jesus provided the blueprint for the pattern of Christian ministry – He came, not to receive service, but to give service (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; John 13:1-17)In marriage, couples are to minister by meeting the other's needs with love and humility on Christ's behalf (Matthew 20:26; Mark 10:43; John 2:5,9; Acts 6:3; Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:10; Colossians 4:12).When we think of ministry, we think of the minister or the pastor of a church or the different functioning organizations within the church. As married couples, it is our obligation to be the minister in our spouse's life.Counseling and Life Coaching are wonderful tools to assist couples and individuals who are in desperate need of these services and are very much necessary for the help they provide. If couples would not only think of themselves as just husbands and wives but think of themselves as ministers to their spouses, the counseling load would not be as great. Ministering to your spouse can and should include ministering to the physical, emotional, mental, vocational, and financial needs of the other.Marriages today have become self-centered when the marriage is no longer two people being one, but two people remaining as two. My money, your money, my car, your car – couples are living more separate and divided lives within the same home. Today solid and happy homes are becoming a thing of the past. There are no more Ozzie and Harriet's, Leave It to Beaver's or Father Knows Best households. In these homes husbands and wives were both in the home, fathers took the roles of headship, provider, mentor and the disciplinarian in the home, and fathers were looked up to as the children's hero, not an action figure on television. Wives could be at home to raise the children and not rely on daycare to nurture and care for the family. In these homes, husbands and wives were the staple of the family and took active roles in the lives of their children and their communities. Times have changed so drastically. Today there are one parent households, children being raised by television, the drop out rate for high school students is at an all time high, and a major part of the criminal activities in our society are committed by our youth.The Cosby Show tried to depict a solid family image to American families and some did not buy this as reality, especially for the African American community.I can think of couples who were happily married five years ago, who today are no longer married or are now living emotionally divorced and living separated lives within the home. Marriage is the foundation to a great family life and God's greatest tool for ministry.Great marriages with their priorities in order depend on these elements to remain fortified: honesty, communication, commitment, and sacrifice. Placing our spouse as our first priority will produce true prosperity in our homes. There will be nothing missing, nothing lacking and nothing broken.The Bible speaks of several action verbs in Genesis 2:24 which models some priorities in marriage. The first verb is to "leave". Man is to leave his mother and father and to establish a new beginning with his wife. The second verb is to "cleave". Man is to leave his mother and father and to cleave to his wife. Cleave means to weld together or stick to like glue.Marriage is not only a priority- it is preeminent. It is superior to, and surpassing above all other human relationships. Husband and wife are to be bound together and should not be cut apart. The third verb in this passage of scripture is the verb "be". First, man is to leave then to cleave and to be one flesh. Becoming one is more than being physically one, but also psychologically one which is communication.Most marriages break down for a lack of communication with their spouse. The lack of attention and communication will eventually result in both parties involved to struggle, which will finally cause a break down in the home. Couples must stay committed to the vows they took on their wedding day before the Lord, to be committed "for better or for worse". There will be difficult times in the marriage and that is not the opportunity for the husband or the wife to bail out of the marriage. We are to stick it out and give that situation over to God. Be committed in "for richer or poorer". In these tough economic times that we are facing, when some are just getting by, when the prices are high and the paychecks are low, commitment is essential. Lastly, be committed in "sickness and in health". We do not know what challenges or sickness either spouse may face in the life of the marriage. We are to continue to love and to cherish our mate til death does part us.Ministry can and should be carried out daily in our lives with our spouses. God set the example of how much He loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to come to earth and die on a cross for us. It was God's priority to send us a Savior. We in turn, are to love and meet the needs of our spouse as a priority, setting the example in our marriages and sharing our love just as God has done for Glyniel GarnerGlyniel Garner is a Professional Certified Life Coach, Board Certified Biblical Counselor and Certified Marriage Mentor. She is the founder of New Horizon Coaching Associates in Ocala, Florida. Glyniel can be reached at
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When you wash your hair, does it seem really dry and brittle? Have you ever avoided washing your hair for weeks at a time, some of us for months, because you just knew it was going to take a few days for your hair to come back to life; to soften up or feel moisturized?Well, the reason for the excessive dryness is that washing the hair with certain shampoos strips it of all its moisture because of the "bad ingredients" the majority of shampoos contain. Further damage is actually being done to the hair if you "repeat" as the bottle suggests.Approximately 90% of all shampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES), and Sodium Lauryl Sulphates (SLS), which can be found in common household detergents such as dishwashing liquids, hand soap, washing powder, and many others. These ingredients function is to create foaming action. I use to think that the more suds, the better the shampoo was working, when actually this is just a myth. SLS and SLES may lead to deficient hair property, corroded hair follicles and inhibited hair growth, contributing to hair loss.SLS and SLES are possibly two of the most dangerous ingredients in personal care products and according to American College of Toxicology. Both SLS and SLES can cause malformation in children's eyes. Other research has indicated SLS may be damaging to the immune system, especially within the skin.I know 90% is a huge number of shampoos that you must stay away from, but that still leave 10% and fortunately you only need one or two good ones. Any local health food store will have a wide variety of different shampoos you can use. Or, you can purchase some awesome, ultra moisturizing shampoo from me! www.fabulousblackwoman.comNow that you know the correct shampoos to use to benefit your hair's health, you no longer have an excuse to go more than a week without washing your hair. I know every week sounds like a lot to the women that are used to washing their hair on relaxer day only, but the benefits will far outweigh the small inconvenience. Water is our hair's best friend and many Black women who have realized this have started to wash their hair daily or every other day, resulting in healthier hair.Moisture is the number one component to growing long black hair and all moisture is derived from water. Not only does washing the hair cleanse the hair and scalp but the massaging motion will stimulate circulation in the scalp. Increase the benefits by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your shampoo.Even after finding the perfect shampoo, it is a good idea to either use a clarifying shampoo which will cut through any buildup. An apple cider vinegar or a baking soda rinse can also clarify the scalp and can be done as regularly as every six to eight weeks and then you can return to your regular shampoo.
I'm probably late as HECK, but I LOVE snapevine...I love to blog and TALK; what better way to combine the two than through snapvine! IF yo uare a member, hit me up and add me to your friends list
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I didn’t really make any New Year’s resolutions, but I did set a goal for my hair for this year. I am going on an exciting vacation in July and I want my hair to be at its absolute best. For the first couple of years of my hair journey, I took impeccable care of my hair. I washed, deep conditioned it and twisted it faithfully. I experienced growth OUT OF THIS WORLD. My hair grew longer in two years than it had ever grown during my lifetime. Since I’ve become and entrepreneur and I pretty much working around the clock, I’ve neglected my own hair terribly. I’ve gone from washing it weekly to every other week! Sometimes it gets deep conditioned, sometimes it doesn’t. I use to take time to separate my hair before washing it to avoid the dreadful detangling process, now I just jump in the shower, wash and go! Before I go any further I would like to take this moment to apologize to my lovely tresses and to tell them that I do love them and I am begging for their forgiveness! Fortunately my hair didn’t get too damaged because it was in such great condition to start, but I am looking to gain 4” of new growth (trimming 1” so ending with about 3”) by July. I want my hair to be SUPER soft, manageable, and healthy so here’s what my regimen will be:•Get braid extensions•Wash EVERY Friday (Sweet Nature Natural Shampoo)•Deep Condition Every Friday (Sweet Nature Stimulating Deep Conditioner)•Moisturize Daily (Sweet Daily Growth Spray)•Apply Growth Serum every other day (Sweet Nature follicle stimulator)•Massage daily for 10 minutes•Take vitamins Daily•Get extension re-done every 6-8 weeksCheck out OVER 120 Testimonials on Sweet Nature products!
Sweet Nature by Eddie is the MOST comprehensive hair care system to grow your hair to lengths never before achieved. Sweet Nature is formulated with the finest African Butters, Oils, and Herbs that will not ONLY leave your hair soft, moisturized and healthy, but will do the same for your skin. Check out over 100 testimonials on these products at (FOR RELAXED OR NATURAL) more information, please go to or e-mail me at
Check out what my customers are saying about Sweet Nature by Eddie. 20% off sale through Christmas AND a stock up sale...The MOST comprehensive to growing and maintaining healthy Black hair. My products are made from the finest butters, oils and herbs for a soft, manageable, nourished hair!copy/paste link to order! hair care products are formulated with the finest African Butters, Oils and Herbs that will leave your hair soft, manageable, healthy and strong. I am giving 20% off of all SUPER sized products as well as having a stock up sale. Check out my testimonials