wife (6)

It's been a wonderful Summer and I can't express enoughmy gratitude for all of the support and words of affirmationthat I received over the course of the summer and this yearfor that matter.I've had this question asked by many women and it is simplyhow do I get started? Or how do I continue even when it seems like nothing's happening?I've been sharing about the army of empowered women that I'm building, are you ready to join the revolution?This Thursday, October 1 marks the beginning. I'm going to shareeverything I can to motivate and challenge each and everyone of you to take the leap of faith to begin living the life of abundance that Father God designed for you. We're just about in the last quarter of the year, however, this is not the time to retreat. Power up!Let's make Father God's dreams come true for you. Dreams alive is about His dreams for you being activated by your burning desire and re-dedication of your life to His purpose for you. In essence your dreams will ultimately manifest as you partner with God.Join me Thursday, October 1 at 1:30 PM PST 4:30 PM ESTThere will be a recorded audio replay for each registrant.Plus discover how you can write your own empowerment-successsong for your life and participate in my upcoming session fre.e .Go to: http://www.RobinTramble.com/Dreamsalive.html"It's never too late to redeem your dreams." ~ Sharon Williams
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You might be wondering what group coaching is and I'm happyto share a little with you.Life Coaching helps you get where you want to go. Many people findthemselves stuck unable to move forward. Coaches hold you accountableand responsible for taking steps while cheering you on.With group coaching you tap into the collective genius of others.Partner up with a coach and a group of individuals to co-create the GroupCoaching Conversation. Group Coaching combines the power of thecoaching conversation with the gift of group support to create life youwant and to live life intentionally.A synergy of energy,commitment,and excitement is created by what theparticipants bring to the group. One of the many bonuses to Group Coaching isthat the participants raise the standards by challenging each other tocreae and implement targets/dreams/goals.Not only will you gain tremendous insights, which can improve yourbusiness,personal and spiritual lives. Group Coaching is highly effectiveand an efficient use of time. You call from the convenience of your homeor office or any location. There is no need to drive anywhere,dress upor hire babysitters.Group coaching is another way to receive double the coaching at half the cost!Take this opportunity to learn more about my brand new program"Dream launch Mentoring and Coaching program."Click here to get started by listening to the preview call.Or... you can jump in now and secure your space while they're still available for mytransformational Dream Launch Mentoring and coaching program.. If you're tired of the same ol' same ol' are ready to take action and connectwith an accountability measure and realize the power of connecting with like-minded womenfor synergy energy don't wait Get started here"It's never too late to redeem your dreams." ~ Sharon WilliamsDon't let your fears sabotage your dreams.Here's to you.... An Extraordinary Woman leading an Extraordinary life!Here's to you.... An Extraordinary Woman leading an Extraordinary life!
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Women are searching for relief from overwhelm, fear and reliable resources to assist in the realization of empowerment “Spirit, soul and body.” Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva Provides Mentoring, Coaching, Expert Education,and Advice Through networks, her websites and Free Tele-seminar Series.Elk Grove, CA June 3, 2009 – Women are becoming overwhelmed as a result of the economic downturn. Some are becoming sole earners in their homes as husbands are in transition from either being laid off or other reasons that have led to their current unemployment. Although it has been stated that we may see relief from the recession this year, women are still needing and wanting programs and systems that will assist them in their endeavor to live their best empowered life, allowing them to thrive in the midst of any financial crisis, according to Robin Tramble, founder/owner of Robin Tramble International.“I've heard it from women across the world, in my neighborhood, online and offline.... a sound of fear, confusion, discouragement and possible defeat. You can choose to survive or take action and thrive in 2009! Empowerment is a choice and women must become decisive action taking women if they're going to manifest their best empowered life.” Having experienced some of the same things and now living a life of empowerment through learned systems and experience I can passionately share strategies and keys to get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, fear and how to stay focused in crisis. I have also been rewarded with witnessing the impact it has had on raising 4 children who are now all successful in their own rights including my youngest daughter graduating with her BA and immediately following her graduation travelling to France for the Cannes Films program.”The Empowerment Diva mentors,trains and coaches savvy entrepreneurial women ( and thoseaspiring to be) as they strive to realize their personal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin offers weekly ezines, a community/network where members can participate in forums, blogging and networking. Robin Tramble The Empowerment Diva is currently hosting her free “DynamicWomen of Faith Telesummit” http://www.dynamicwomenoffaith.com , an online mega-event providing keys and strategies for exponential growth and maximized empowerment.13+ Christian women entrepreneurs will share insights on staying fired up in the home, Kingdomand the marketplace. They will cover areas such as internet marketing, social media, communications, blogging, pr/ministry marketing, staying fired up in the midst of chronic illness, health and fitness, personal and spiritual growth including Image development.“The Dynamic Women of Faith Telesummit is an excellent resource for women who desire to have a business and/or ministry but are confused by all of the information out there. They will learn from successful Christian women who share their same values and principles where it concerns the Kingdom life,your home life and the marketplace.It’s the place to be for breakthrough results and to experience the power of like-minded women from across the world in one place striving for their best empowered life”“The Dynamic Women of Faith Telesummit “ runs from June 23 through July 23 with one to three speakers weekly. To register for a complimentary pass to the entire event, go to: http://www.dynamicwomenoffaith.com .For more information visit:http://www.robintramble.comAbout Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva The Empowerment Diva is a definitive resource for savvy entrepreneurial women. The Empowerment Diva passionately empowers women to live their best empower life via a vast array of empowering resources for the express purpose of assisting them as they strive to realize their dreams and desires.Robin Tramble is qualified to mentor women in their life empowerment journey through her experience in the work force, working at home and personal experiences. Robin Tramble is also an author and recoding artist and plans to creatively combine her music into another empowering resource for women.Connect with Robin Tramble (EmpowermentDiva) and realize your best empowered life today!
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Marriage - The First Ministry

Marriage – The First MinistryStatistics reveal that about 45 – 50 percent of all marriages will eventually end in divorce. These numbers are staggering to say the least. These numbers include Christian marriages as well.Why are these numbers so high? The answer: marriages have stopped being a priority in the lives of many busy couples.Work, children, and social activities have been substituted for the number one ministry between a man and a woman - that is the ministry of marriage.What is ministry? Ministry is from the Greek word "diakoneo", meaning "to serve" or "douleuo", meaning "to serve as a slave". In the New Testament, ministry is seen as a service to God and to other people in His name. Jesus provided the blueprint for the pattern of Christian ministry – He came, not to receive service, but to give service (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; John 13:1-17)In marriage, couples are to minister by meeting the other's needs with love and humility on Christ's behalf (Matthew 20:26; Mark 10:43; John 2:5,9; Acts 6:3; Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:10; Colossians 4:12).When we think of ministry, we think of the minister or the pastor of a church or the different functioning organizations within the church. As married couples, it is our obligation to be the minister in our spouse's life.Counseling and Life Coaching are wonderful tools to assist couples and individuals who are in desperate need of these services and are very much necessary for the help they provide. If couples would not only think of themselves as just husbands and wives but think of themselves as ministers to their spouses, the counseling load would not be as great. Ministering to your spouse can and should include ministering to the physical, emotional, mental, vocational, and financial needs of the other.Marriages today have become self-centered when the marriage is no longer two people being one, but two people remaining as two. My money, your money, my car, your car – couples are living more separate and divided lives within the same home. Today solid and happy homes are becoming a thing of the past. There are no more Ozzie and Harriet's, Leave It to Beaver's or Father Knows Best households. In these homes husbands and wives were both in the home, fathers took the roles of headship, provider, mentor and the disciplinarian in the home, and fathers were looked up to as the children's hero, not an action figure on television. Wives could be at home to raise the children and not rely on daycare to nurture and care for the family. In these homes, husbands and wives were the staple of the family and took active roles in the lives of their children and their communities. Times have changed so drastically. Today there are one parent households, children being raised by television, the drop out rate for high school students is at an all time high, and a major part of the criminal activities in our society are committed by our youth.The Cosby Show tried to depict a solid family image to American families and some did not buy this as reality, especially for the African American community.I can think of couples who were happily married five years ago, who today are no longer married or are now living emotionally divorced and living separated lives within the home. Marriage is the foundation to a great family life and God's greatest tool for ministry.Great marriages with their priorities in order depend on these elements to remain fortified: honesty, communication, commitment, and sacrifice. Placing our spouse as our first priority will produce true prosperity in our homes. There will be nothing missing, nothing lacking and nothing broken.The Bible speaks of several action verbs in Genesis 2:24 which models some priorities in marriage. The first verb is to "leave". Man is to leave his mother and father and to establish a new beginning with his wife. The second verb is to "cleave". Man is to leave his mother and father and to cleave to his wife. Cleave means to weld together or stick to like glue.Marriage is not only a priority- it is preeminent. It is superior to, and surpassing above all other human relationships. Husband and wife are to be bound together and should not be cut apart. The third verb in this passage of scripture is the verb "be". First, man is to leave then to cleave and to be one flesh. Becoming one is more than being physically one, but also psychologically one which is communication.Most marriages break down for a lack of communication with their spouse. The lack of attention and communication will eventually result in both parties involved to struggle, which will finally cause a break down in the home. Couples must stay committed to the vows they took on their wedding day before the Lord, to be committed "for better or for worse". There will be difficult times in the marriage and that is not the opportunity for the husband or the wife to bail out of the marriage. We are to stick it out and give that situation over to God. Be committed in "for richer or poorer". In these tough economic times that we are facing, when some are just getting by, when the prices are high and the paychecks are low, commitment is essential. Lastly, be committed in "sickness and in health". We do not know what challenges or sickness either spouse may face in the life of the marriage. We are to continue to love and to cherish our mate til death does part us.Ministry can and should be carried out daily in our lives with our spouses. God set the example of how much He loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to come to earth and die on a cross for us. It was God's priority to send us a Savior. We in turn, are to love and meet the needs of our spouse as a priority, setting the example in our marriages and sharing our love just as God has done for us.by Glyniel GarnerGlyniel Garner is a Professional Certified Life Coach, Board Certified Biblical Counselor and Certified Marriage Mentor. She is the founder of New Horizon Coaching Associates in Ocala, Florida. Glyniel can be reached at www.ourchurch.com/member/n/nhca www.myspace.com/newhorizoncoaching
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Ingredients To A Good Marriage

Marriage is hard work. In order for marriage to really work, God MUST be at the center of the relationship. We are unable to know how to love our spouse unconditionally, unless we have God's love and know of His love. There will be ups and downs in marriage. After 22 years of marriage, I have seen both sides. When the storms clouds enter into your marriage, keep God as your "spiritual umbrella". He will not allow your marriage to get "wash out".Show appreciation for your spouse daily. Encourage each other every day. Is that easy always, I give you a resounding "No", but you must not allow your flesh to rise up to tell you not to do this and know that God wants us to speak good words to each other always.Stay best friends. That is what helped me. My husband is my friend. Some make their children their friends and the spouse is like an outsider or a foe. The devil tried to tell me at times that my husband was not my friend. You have to look past the flesh of the individual and look at the root of the situation. We don't fight against flesh and blood but against powers, and principalities and rulers etc. If we keep that in mind, we can fight off the devil that is ruining Christian marriages everywhere.The Christian marriage is to be the example to all marriages and to the world. We represent the relationship of Christ and the church. If the enemy can enter into our marriages, we would set a poor example to the world of Christ's relationship with the church.Learn to prioritize the important things in our lives. Some spouses put their work before their marriage, some Christian leaders have put the church or ministry before their marriage and this will put a strain on the marital relationship and can foster resentment to rest on the marriage. The order we must operate in is: God first, spouse, children or family, then work or ministry. Marriage can not fail in this order, this is God's order.Forgiveness is another important ingredient to keep in your marriage ALWAYS!!!! There will be many times you will say "I sorry" and hear "I'm sorry". In your heart there should always be a cup of forgiveness to offer to you spouse in return. Giving forgiveness is not letting your spouse "off the hook" for what he or she did, but it frees you from bitterness that could later raise its ugly head later on in the marriage. Forgiveness also stop the enemy from having an entry point in your marriage and in your life personally.I am passionate about marriage and the lives of people,I desire to see us reach new levels in life, to come out of frustration, which is a place a lot of people live, to "become" into the person you know you should be but do not know where to start to be it, and to growing into Christian maturity.Marriage is a journey, with winding roads and some rocks and pebbles along the path, the kind that get in your shoes sometimes. But just like when that pebble get into your shoe, you take it off, shake it out and put it back on and go on to your designation.In marriage we need to do the same, shake off the rough stuff, put on the good stuff and GROW on ! ! !Living Life Through Him,Glyniel Garner
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How to relax on a tight budget

How to relax on a tight budgetWe all need a break away from all the stress at work and not to mention the husband and kids. Being a mom, wife, cook, driver, gardener, cleaners, maid and don’t forget being a business professional is hard work and you need time to relax. You must take time for your self. When you are taking time for yourself you become a better mom, wife, and friend.When you are on a tight budget it’s hard to find $100 just to blow on fun with friends, but this cannot be an excuse. You have to strive to budget $150.00 a month for you to relax and not for your family fun time. Don’t make any excuses like little Johnny needs extra lunch money for the week or my husband needs a new briefcase. Let your husband use that same briefcase until there’s a holiday or when you need a birthday gift to buy. Making excuses is the beginning of your failure to meet the goal of relaxation.Being a mom we are nurturers by design and we always put our self last. For one day a month we have to push that aside and think of ourselves. Explain to your husband and family that you will be taking some me time out for your self each month. Also explain to hubby that negotiated in this agreement is that the kids and the house are his responsibility for the day. Now ladies, let me prep you on line of defense number one that will surely come from your husband. He will say, there’s no way I can make it without you. It may not be in those exact words but it will be in some derivative of it. You rebuttal should be to simply tell him that he will also be getting something out of it. You will become a much better person to be around.Taking time out for your self can be cheap. A few things you can do are:1) Get a 30min. massage. Massages are my favorite as they are a great stress reliever. You can also catch up on old times by having a friend join you for the massage. You can create friends night out spa party and invite all of your friends.2) Go to the park and feed the birds and fish for free, assuming that you already have the bread at home. Just being by your self can relieve a lot of stress.3) Take a drive around the town to clear your mind.4) Get a gym membership which runs you about $30 a month. Look out for specials here in Nashville where you can join for $1.00. Working out at your local gym is a great way to trim up and relax.These are just a few ideas that could help you stay healthy and have a balanced life. It’s imperative that you take time for your self. If nothing else lock your self in your room with a huge bowl of fruit and your favorite movie or book.Author Erica Johnson is a mother and wife that focuses on healing the body mind and soul. She is the owner of three business in Nashville, TN. Pampered Luxury Mobile Spa, Young Leaders Preschool and Warm Spirit. She is a business expert and her goal is to see women succeed. She helps mothers with taking care of themselves by helping them learn how to relax and achieve overall wellness. If you would like to contact Erica Johnson please contact her at www.pamperedluxurymobilespa.com
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