All Posts (137)
Hey Fellow BBWO's (Black Business Women Online)!
Here’s another piece of the internet marketing puzzle!
You’re gonna love this…
There are a ton of different ways to get traffic to your blog but today I wanna give you an extra traffic tip just for being a fellow BBWO (Black Business Women Online).
Today’s puzzle piece is........
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Have you found yourself at one point trying to share files that were just to large for your email service or for your recipient's email service? Occasionally I find myself at the point in some of my projects.
In the past I would use or File Dropper to share those large files. Several weeks back I learned about a new file sharing service called Let’s Crate that I’ll be using in the future and thought I would share with you..........
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Now playing on
See how happy that lady is up there? That's exactly how I feel today.
I've been working on my exquisite spa and skin care line for about a year now. Taking one step at a time and getting things done. I honestly think that if I had known how much work it would be, I might have been intimidated and probably discouraged. I'm by no means a lazy person, but I think I would have been scared that it was too much task for one person. So to me it was a blessing that I didn't know what was ahead of me, but I'm glad that I'm taking this journey.
Today, I got a glimpse of my label designs and even though I know I've been working hard, seeing those labels has made it more real for me, and I feel that all the hard work is finally coming together. I can't wait to launch!!!......but the irony is......that's when the real hard work begins.
I'm sooooo ready!!
I’ve had several friends to post an unexpected message on my wall -and on the walls of numerous mutual friends. I recognised the message as a typical watch-this-video survey scam, and stayed well away from it.
The message says, “Hey, [name]!! What the heck are you doing in this video! LOL”, and links directly to a Facebook application:
You might think that clicking the link just to have a peek might be....
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Users are seeing updates from their online Facebook friends saying things like:
Amazing how such a harmless prank could cause something so bad! [LINK]where the link points to a page on Facebook.

If you are tempted into clicking on the link (as many people have been) then you are taken to page...
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A reader of my blog contacted me asking for suggestions about displaying YouTube videos on her blog without sharing a “related video” to pop up. Below are the resources I recommended for displaying YouTube without the sidebar advertisments and related videos.
Continue reading.....
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"I see so many women wanting to learn more about how they can tap into the Social Media phenomena, however, they are presented with the task of balancing their current roles with that of adding yet another item to the list. If I can convince them of the value of Social Media Marketing to their business the investment of time associated with empowering themselves with this skill would be the last thing allowed to hinder their endeavors." says Robin Tramble
Social Media is all the rage and is replacing many of the Marketing strategies in companies. Social Media has changed the way we do business, connect with friends,clients, prospects etc. and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere too soon. Social media sites give people the opportunity to connect with old friends, make new ones and expand their professional network with only a few clicks, from the comfort of their own home. Social Media includes Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin,Myspace and more.
Imagine being able to Finally attract 1000's of lucrative relationships online and Quickly EXPLODE your business results using Social Media without wasting time or money so you can increase your bottom line!
So what else could be holding women back from stepping up to empower themselves and thereby empower their business results?
"Some of the problem may stem from fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure and more! They must somehow replace that fear with vision for their ideal lifestyle, ideal business and the feeling that would result from finally attracting their ideal clients. Change your focus. Instead of focusing on the negatives, focus on the positives, focus on Faith." Says Robin
“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”
Mary Manin Morrissey
Robin has designed a brand new program just in time for the new year. "I Rock on Twitter and Facebook Social Media Empowerment Coaching club/program!"
Why should you listen to Robin?
Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva was recently named as 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News. With a combined total of over 10,000 followers she is qualified to share with you how you too can rock on twitter "authentically!"
She has a nice following on Facebook and her likes to her fanpage are increasing by the week without much effort. She has plans to increase her efforts to greatly enhance the likes to her Facebook page.
You can learn more about this program by going to .
# # #
Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, President and Founder of The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs. She's a Professional "Authentic LIfe" Empowerment Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment.
She recently shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as "Empowerment Diva" and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News.
Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women's empowering personal development.
--- end ---
Married, Widowed, Single or Divorced...
You Are Still GREAT!
Your being GREAT is not based upon your Female/Male Relationship Status. Your Being is Great is based upon what is INSIDE of You! Greater is He who is IN US than he who is in the world! Have a Beautifully Blessed and GREAT Day/Night Lovely People!
I have some suggestions about how to research Black shopping and buying habits. Click here for more information.
Click here for more free advice for Black-owned businesses.
Want to manifest or attract what you want quickly? Click here for more about manifestation.
Have a great day!
I have been looking into ways to research the buying habits of Black consumers. Click here for some suggestions.
I welcome your comments about this.
Click here for more free business advice.
Here's to your success!
Getting freebies is like getting presents and ladies we definitely deserve presents right? This blog was created to become a resource for other Sistas like myself to find freebies. I have found out that taking advantage of free samples and other promotions by major companies has been a great way for me to try new products for free, save money with coupons and rebate offers, get free full size samples and spoil myself all for FREE!
I invite you all to begin your journey with me and other Sistas because we deserve freebies ladies!!!
Don't forget to 'LIKE" us on Facebook.....and check out THE DEAL OF THE WEEK tab on FACEBOOK.....
There has been a lot of questions asked about the Suge Knight arrested for Tupac’s murder app. So we have decided to give you the scoop of this scam.
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There have not been too many times that people have not been able to login to their Facebook account but when/if there is do you know how to workaround it?
A simple workaround you can use to access facebook is......
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