attract (17)

Empowerment Diva Launches New Facebook Marketing Training for Christian Women In Business

The Empowerment Diva is taking the mystery out of Facebook Marketing for Biz and Ministry and bringing ease to your Business, Ministry and marketing efforts using Facebook Marketing


 Jun. 8, 2014 - What are your thoughts about Facebook?

Some people like Facebook, some dislike it and other’s don’t understand it.

While that is true Facebook is now considered one of the most popular social networks in the world. You’ll find people everywhere checking Facebook on their mobiles, in waiting rooms, at restaurants and they’ll stop to check in via apps to keep their Facebook friends updated on their whereabouts.

Are you using this phenomenal tool? Are you using the power of Facebook to help you with positioning as an expert, branding or establishing you as a friend? “If you have a business and have identified that some of your market is there you’re basically turning your back on your business.” Says Robin Tramble Certified Social Media marketing  Campaign Specialist

Here’s the great part: Using Facebook pages to grow your business doesn’t have to be hard.

There are a few things you want to keep in mind, including Robin’s T.I.M.E. ™ formula which allows for ease in navigation and increased profitability when followed.

Robin states that one thing you want to do is optimize your Facebook page that’s if you have a Facebook page and if you don’t that would be the first step; Get one! Optimizing your page will assist you in getting a higher placement in the search engines.

Maybe you’ve identified the value of Social Media and more specifically using Facebook but don’t know where to start.

Robin’s Brand New Webinar (online event) is for you!

"Finally, Attract The Clients You Need Via Profitable Facebook Marketing and Mindset Mastery!

Robin is also being very generous with her invitation to download her Get Clients With Facebook Take Action Guide (Value over $37)

Are you ready to increase your knowledge of Facebook for Business and Ministry and manifest some of your desired results for your business and/or ministry?

This event is designed with Christian Business and Ministry Owners such as Christian Women in Business, Christian Women Entrepreneurs,Coaches, Speakers, Authors and Leaders in mind.

Claim your spot here

About Robin Tramble International

Robin Tramble International is founded by Robin Tramble Internationally acclaimed Authentic Empowerment Coach, Mentor, Speaker & Music Extraordinaire. Robin empowers busy Christian Women In Business, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers and Authors Who may be frustrated with the slow growth of their business and/or desire to manifest an Extraordinary mindset and healthy internal structure to get unstuck, focused and go BIG while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!”

Robin Tramble International
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This is the  JMCC way to grow your business!!

Here is one of the reasons, being a Juniques Multi Cultural Connection member can be so powerful for your business, network, personal, and professional growth.  

There NO COST to being a Juniques Multi Cultural Connections member!!!

Juniques Multi Cultural Community , using the Attract, Sort, Assign system to help grow your business

I am using the ATTRACT, SORT, AND ASSIGN system  to promote many of the activities I am involved with. 

Most people struggle with  HOW to promote their business. 

You can promote any business/service ( so you can share this with those, not interested at all, in any MLM business)

The system is designed to ATTRACT, SORT, AND ASSIGN  this a my success formula.

We can speak more on this. 

This supports the ONE CLICK MARKETING approach.  

People like free and you have to plenty to offer with juniques multi cultural connections.

People like options, business or otherwise ( regardless if they share with you or not, they are looking)

People like low cost ( programs are under $30 per month)

People want help - The Attract,Sort,Assign System provides training and support for any business (on or off the net)


People want to grow - The Attract,Sort,Assign System develops one personally and professionally

People want real - The Attract,Sort,Assign System shows how getting 20 people following you into your business choice guarantees financial improvement - yours and theirs. 

Reality - most people, especially those joining MLM companies, quit within 90 days

Most people, especially those joining MLM companies, will not recruit more than 3 people

Most people, especially those joining MLM companies, do not make any money to talk about.

There is  an extremely low percentage making "real" money. ( 1% to 3% of a distributor base)

Most people, especially those joining MLM companies, QUIT OUT OF FRUSTRATION.

Most people,especially those joining MLM companies, continue to repeat this scenario, too often. 


Stick with me, I will show you what works.

No hype, No crazy promises

No guilt tripping (you should do better, just because, you should do better), 

No unreal expectations ( join my business in less than 90 days you will be making "walk away" income - gimme a break!). 


We will use a lot of 4 letter words





Yes, I have more, LOL

Get back to me.

Lets discuss your progress. 

At your service,


Get Started Today

PS I use the Attract, Sort, Assign system at Black Business Women Online.

This system can be applied many different ways, and it is a benefit to all who use it. 

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Are You Flirting With Me?

I thought I would get your attention!

Whether you love it or hate it, marketing and sales are critical to the life blood of any business. You can make it more fun, if you take the approach that you want to seriously flirt with a growing list of prospects.

Marketing attraction. It sounds like flirting doesn’t it? And in a way, that’s exactly right.

You do want to flirt with your prospects, to allow them to get to know, like, and trust you. Since it takes upwards of 7 touches to make a sale today, you need to attract them to your product, service, or program in many different ways.

One critical element you must have in your basket of attraction tools today is a fully developed web presence.

People are most likely to Google for you or your service or the benefit/solution they seek first. They are less likely to open the telephone book and flip through the yellow pages. The future of your marketing reach is the internet.

Even with the internet, you need an arsenal of marketing strategies to reach your prospects and attract them to your product and services. You can’t flirt with them, if they can’t find you.

Here are a few ideas which you can do quickly and on a budget. They are culled from the likes of Mitch Meyerson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Seth Godin, and Bea Fields.

On your website:

  • Build a powerful direct response entity
  • Make sure your headlines are engaging with a problem/solution approach
  • Direct their eyes to the one thing you want them to do

On your email signature:

  • Include your business contact information, of course
  • Promote one thing – a new product, service, newsletter, auto-responder series, article, free conference call.

This is your best and first opportunity to ask everyone to engage with you and your company

Develop relationships for referral business – complementary services serving the same market niche and get listed on their websites

Include client testimonials – use them in all your printed and online collateral materials.

The hottest new thing is audio and video testimonials you put up on your site.

Use audio and video conferencing from your PC for sales, presentations, meetings. They work effectively for a prospects, clients and vendors.  It’s no longer novel. It’s cost effective, timely, direct, and can be very interactive.

Write articles and press releases about everything you do and get them published in print but more importantly across the web.

Yes, all of these are ideas you can do yourself, burning the midnight oil.

But what’s even better, is that these tools and systems can be delegated and automated – one more way for you to generate more profit in less time.

We have NEW Autoresponder Courses in which you can use for your subscribers to show them how to use quick tips to help grow their business online. 

Click Here >>>Check them out!

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Fire Up Your Client Attraction now via Social Media - Surefire Keys to Get Clients, Visibility and Profit Using Social Media

Are you tired of worrying about attracting clients?
You're About To Discover Surefire Keys to Get Clients, Double Your Business, Gain World Wide Visibility and Profits via Social Media Faster and Easier than Ever Before.
In this exclusive, premium, powerful training series, Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist Robin Tramble aka "The Empowerment Diva" shares. . ...
  • Proven strategies to attract ideal clients without feeling salesy
  • Three things you must do daily to set yourself up for realized client attraction
  • The Power of a sales funnel+list building+Social Media for increased Revenue opportunities
  • One thing you must do to realize increased conversions
  • How to get found and become the go to person in your industry
  • The Power of being very clear on your target market
  • Effective strategies for increased visibility to the right audience
  • How you can leverage your time, realize empowering social media success, increase sales and profits without the overwhelm so you can have time for what matters most
And More!
PLUS… Robin will share one thing that totally turned her life and business around
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Got Clients? Quick and easy tips to help you attract clients.

Do you have a plan in place to attract your ideal clients? I know attraction is not the end all in your client getting strategy, however, you do need to attract them to sign them or ask them and better yet wow them so that they ask you where they pay or sign on the line?

As a woman entrepreneur it’s easy to get side tracked and major on
the minors. One of the things you may not spend enough time on is
marketing, but without marketing you won’t have clients/customers and
without clients/customers you’re not in business for long.

So how do you attract clients? Great question.

I’m going to share a few tips with you below. Some you may be aware of but
just aren’t doing them or you may be new and don’t know where to begin.

One simple way is your signature. You can add a small blurb at the end
of your outgoing emails. Most providers have it set up where it automatically attaches to the end of your email. You want the most prominent information at the top. If you most want them to visit your website to get your free report, audio etc. then you want to put that at the top and maybe your title beneath.

Another place is in forums and network blogs. A caution on network blogs make
sure that this is allowed. Depending on the mission of the network you may not be allowed to add your signature at the end of your posts. Don’t start off promoting immediately in the forums. Get to know the people there. Watch for conversations that you can lend your expertise to and post. Attach your signature to the end of your posts.

Provide an IFO on your blog or website
What? No opt in box on your blog or website? You bet. There are many sites I visit that don’t have any way to capture their leads or the information from prospects that show up to their site. Most individuals will never invest in you products upon their first visit, so you must have a value added IFO (irresistible free offer) ready for them to raise their hand to provide their information in exchange for your value added IFO. Notice I said value added.

There are many ways to attract clients, however, if you start here you will find that it makes a world of difference. I wasn’t adding my signature at one point not because I didn’t know but because I just didn’t take the time to do it. Once I did I started adding more people to my list.

There is a lot more that goes into attracting clients and one thing is to make sure you are attracting your ideal client. Your ideal client wants your solutions, is ready and willing to pay you for your results driven solutions.

The key is being visible to the right market, niche, sending the right message, showing yourself as an authority in your area, adding value and building relationships.

Want to learn more about attracting your ideal clients? Join me for my ULTIMATE “Marketing YOU” party! 21 JUICY ways to Confidently Get Your Message Out There, Get Leads, Clients and Profits “Authentically!”

This will be one of the most electrifying and empowering training events that I’ve done and I’ve facilitated a few.

Register, put this on your calendar, and commit to showing up. Success is 80% showing up. Get Your favorite glass, champagne glass and fill with your favorite nutritious drink and get ready for my BIZ Rockin’ Event because that’s what superstars do right? Talk to you soon “superstar! Click here to request your VIP access to my “Marketing YOU” TRAINING event!

As always I welcome your comments.

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing
Campaign Specialist

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Authentic Business and Marketing Strategy: The Power of Autoresponders and Articles

First let’s talk about what an autoresponder is. When I first was introduced to an autoresponder years ago it didn’t catch my attention long enough for me to go through the learning curve needed to set one up.

Well you can imagine that my community and list wasn’t large enough to experience the pain of manually managing my lists. That was then and about a year later I found myself with the need to learn how to set up an auto responder. it was my new welcomed friend. It’s well worth the time to learn the ins and outs of setting it up, although we now offer a Done for you (done for you) service if you prefer not to deal with it.

Most complimentary offers, teleseminars etc. send you a welcome email once you opt in and if it’s a double opt in you will receive the welcome once you confirm. Now imagine having manually sending out the welcome emails or manually sending a newsletter/Ezine to your list of even 100 subscribers. Now multiply that 10 times. Ha! That’s why you need an autoresponder. So that your new friend can auto respond to your contacts, subscribers etc.

Now that you have a basic intro to autoresponders let’s talk about using articles to market your business, product, product or service.

Writing articles to market a product or service is an excellent way to build business. The articles should be very informative, providing the reader with information that is relevant to a specific topic. The article usually includes a link to a webpage for more information. The webpage, of course, is designed to sell a product or service that relates to the topic of the article.

These articles are commonly submitted to article banks, websites, and ezine publishers. This is one of the most effective ways to market a service or product on the Internet, and it can become even more effective when it is combined with the use of an autoresponder.

Begin by setting each of your articles up in your autoresponder. It is important that each article have its very own autoresponder address, so you will need an autoresponder service that will allow you to do this. Next, make a master list of your articles, with the autoresponder address for each article listed beside the title. You can even add descriptions of the articles on your master list if you want to.

Advertising your articles one at a time can take a great deal of time…but advertising one autoresponder address – the one for the master list – won’t take very much time at all. Simply put it in your newsletter and on your website. You can even allow other ezine publishers to use this is as a free resource for their subscribers!

There you have it an Authentic Business Marketing Strategy using the power of the article and autoresponder.

Want to learn more about marketing your business online? Register here for my FREE training call “How to Market Like a Superstar on a Shoestring Budget!” It’s not about a scarcity mindset but rather a “smart marketing” mindset.

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Make Your Business Noticeable [FREE Training] Build your list  - Attract Clients in 30 days

It’s Robin here again.

How’s it going with you and your business?

I’m sure you might be working your ”blessed assurance” off right now trying to make more *money* with your business – but you’re struggling, right?

It doesn’t seem to matter how much you work, how many
clients you take on, how much you charge, you just
can’t seem to get out of the revenue rut you’re in.

I know that personally because I was there. My schedule
was booked, but I still wasn’t making the kind of *money* I should have been making with my own
service business.

It was frustrating.

But you know what I finally figured out?

I realized that no matter how much I worked, or how much I marketed my business, it was going to be
impossible to break through to what I truly wanted.

So I had two choices:

I could throw in the towel and just quit the business altogether.


I could reinvent the way I was running the business.

Well, I ended up creating a winning formula :)

My Preview Teleseries is designed to give you a glimpse of what I’ll share in my upcoming Training Boot Camp.

You don’t want to miss Teleseries. The treasure chest of many businesses is their list or some would call it their community. If you’re serious about your business you must be involved in actively and effectively building your list/community and this leads to a super-charged client attraction!

You’ll experience a Slide Presentation and energized sharing of value added content that you will be able to implement immediately following the calls, however, some of you are done with reinventing the wheel and dragging along you’re ready to connect to an accountability partner, have someone take you by the hand and lead you step by step via an easy learning, fresh approach and results driven training boot camp!

It’s supported by checklists, templates, assignments, email support and training calls with me your Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Specialist. You might be saying “yummy” I’m ready to secure my place now. Great! Find out more and enroll in my Jump Start Social Media and Online Marketing Success Boot Camp here.

Join your other dynamic sistahs! Let’s get your message out there.

If you’d rather get a taste, then I invite you to request your VIP access to my FREE Training call here

You don’t have to be a slave to your business. You don’t have to work with clients you don’t like. You
don’t have to sacrifice your life just to pay the bills.

There’s a better way to market your business, and I want to give you my system so
you can copy it for your own business. Get a taste of the next components in my Boot Camp by being on the call with me.

I look forward to welcoming you.

Talk soon!

Empowering you,

Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist


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Register =>
Only 90 phone lines available!

Are you having challenges with starting or growing your business as a new and aspiring Woman Entrepreneur?
This call is for you.

Realizing some level of success but know that you could do so much more?
This call is for you.

You're invited to be part of my FREE laser coaching call for Aspiring ,New and Enterprising Spiritually minded Women Entrepreneurs. This call is to support those who may feel a little overwhelmed and experiencing information overload and simply need to know where to begin, make sense out of all the information out there, grow your business etc.

3 Simple secrets to Online marketing breakthrough and laser focus so you can chart your course, realize results faster than you ever have with unshakable confidence, fear-less, faith-full, more time and more money and manifest your best year ever.

I will share content and answer your question and provide you with laser coaching. Plus I'll be making a special announcement on the call.

You Don't want to miss this opportunity!

Thursday, May 5 at 1:00 pm PST, 4:00 pm EST
Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants.

Register now =>

Talk to you soon!


Only 90 phone lines available for this call

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Because I am a business and marketing coach and I work with entrepreneurs, who are by nature extremely creative people, I find that many of them get caught in what I've affectionately called the "cute syndrome." You know, cute little names for programs and services, a pretty website with lots of color and no content or call to actions that produce results and create income, catch phrases and buzz words and sometimes even jargon. The big challenge when you're stuck in the "cute syndrome" is that it is seldom clear and effective in getting your ideal clients to see you as the only solution to their problem, which after all is the reason we are all in business, right?

Once I explain to you what I explain to my private clients, they get it almost immediately. Cute doesn't attract clients, cute doesn't have money deposited into your checking account; cute seldom pays the bills. I assert don't be cute if clarity is the sacrifice.
To become a successful service based entrepreneur, you've got to move beyond cute and focus on clarity. People only take action when the next best step is crystal clear. To create an environment where your ideal clients can move easily and effortlessly through your prospect and sales funnel, you've got to get clear on the transformation you provide as well as the results and benefits they will experience in working with you and displaying it in a language that is compelling, engaging and action-oriented.
Here are a few quick questions/tips you should consider to ensure that your content, sales copy, programs, products and services are clear and not just cute:
1. When I visit your website, will I immediately be able to tell the transformation that I will experience if I opt to work with you?
Most first time visitors to your website will never look beyond the fold of your website so, your best stuff, the clarity of what you do must be laid out in a "power statement" making it obvious who you work with, how you solve their problem and the results they get from moment go. If you fail to do that, ideal client prospects will click away, never to return.
2. Is your marketing messaging and website content compelling, engaging and easy to read?
Again, don't be cute; be clear about your compelling marketing messages and case studies to illustrate what you do, how you do it and what others will gain when they hire you. To write compelling copy is essential if you want to allow your website to make you money while you sleep.
3. Do you have social proof to validate the transformation you claim to provide?
It's great that you say you can do something amazing for your clients. Really, it is. But who else is saying it? Are you previous clients singing your praises? are the signing up to work with you again after their program is complete? Do you have one page on your website designated to reflect success stories or testimonials?
4. Does your Incredible Factor (USP, HUG, secret sauce and signature move stand out)?
Your Incredible Factor is your unique selling proposition, value proposition, hot undeniable gift, secret sauce and signature move all rolled into one yummy client magnetic package. When a prospect lands on your website is it clear to them how you stand out in the marketplace or do they look at your pictures and whisper, "aaww, that's cute;" before they click away?
5. Are your call to actions clear, strategically placed so the prospect doesn't get lost of confused?
Do you clearly lay out a path for prospects to follow to get closer to working with you or do they need to poke around until they find that needle in your website's haystack?
6. Are your programs designed to make the results clear and are the next steps that should be taken clear and easy to follow?
Are you so focused on selling the contents of your programs that you never tell what participants have gained by being enrolled? Do you tell them what to do next if they'd like to enroll?
7. Do you have a way for them to sample your offerings that is irresistible?
An irresistible free offer is like the pink spoon at Baskin's just enough to entice them to buy the full you have one that they'd do anything to have?
As you can see, cute doesn't pay off in the world of entrepreneurship. So take my advice - stop being cute and get clear.
If you desire to gain clarity so that your cute creates cash, contact me for a Play Big Strategy Session - in 60 minutes I will replace your cute with clear so that you become an ideal client magnet.
©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit
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"I see so many women wanting to learn more about how they can tap into the Social Media phenomena, however, they are presented with the task of balancing their current roles with that of adding yet another item to the list. If I can convince them of the value of Social Media Marketing to their business the investment of time associated with empowering themselves with this skill would be the last thing allowed to hinder their endeavors." says Robin Tramble

Social Media is all the rage and is replacing many of the Marketing strategies in companies. Social Media has changed the way we do business, connect with friends,clients, prospects etc. and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere too soon. Social media sites give people the opportunity to connect with old friends, make new ones and expand their professional network with only a few clicks, from the comfort of their own home. Social Media includes Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin,Myspace and more.

Imagine being able to Finally attract 1000's of lucrative relationships online and Quickly EXPLODE your business results using Social Media without wasting time or money so you can increase your bottom line!

So what else could be holding women back from stepping up to empower themselves and thereby empower their business results?

"Some of the problem may stem from fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure and more! They must somehow replace that fear with vision for their ideal lifestyle, ideal business and the feeling that would result from finally attracting their ideal clients. Change your focus. Instead of focusing on the negatives, focus on the positives, focus on Faith." Says Robin

“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”
Mary Manin Morrissey

Robin has designed a brand new program just in time for the new year. "I Rock on Twitter and Facebook Social Media Empowerment Coaching club/program!"

Why should you listen to Robin?

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva was recently named as 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News. With a combined total of over 10,000 followers she is qualified to share with you how you too can rock on twitter "authentically!"

She has a nice following on Facebook and her likes to her fanpage are increasing by the week without much effort. She has plans to increase her efforts to greatly enhance the likes to her Facebook page.

You can learn more about this program by going to .
Get targeted followers on Twitter without stress and overwhelm. Targeted friends, and likes to your Facebook Page. Set up your Facebook page and more! Plus over $900 in bonuses.

                                                                                                    # # #

Robin Tramble works with savvy women,new,aspiring and enterprising women entrepreneurs who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, create achieve the results that they want faster than ever before.

Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, President and Founder of The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs. She's a Professional "Authentic LIfe" Empowerment Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment.
She recently shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as "Empowerment Diva" and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News.
Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women's empowering personal development.

--- end ---
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Are you using tactics that are relevant to the times? Or are you still using tactics from 1999?

Just a reminder that our coaching program, "I Rock on Twitter and Facebook Social Media Empowerment" starts tomorrow! This is your last official chance to join us for what promises to be an enriching experience.

The coaching program is... your answer to overcoming the fear, anxiety, overwhelm and possible information overload that you've been experiencing where it concerns using Social Media to accelerate your online success. Or maybe you have none of the above and have been looking for the anser to your needs. The coaching program is 6 weeks in length and we'll be meeting on select Tuesdays via live TELESEMINAR.

Check out the program and register here:

Remember, tomorrow at 12 noon PST, 2:00 CST, 3:00 ST is the absolute last day that we'll be accepting registrations with the current bonuses. You can register after that time,however, some of the bonuses may not be there for you as they were to be Early Bird bonuses (over $900 in value). Also the investment was to change, however, we may leave that where it is.

This is not a program in a box. You'll be empowered to explode your business and attract 1000's of lucrative relationships online using Twitter and Facebook.


I just created the secret group on Facebook today, which will add immensely to the effectiveness of this program. Plus you'll get access to my coaching and over $900 in bonuses including the new linkedin resource added.

Don't worry about missing a session as the calls will be recorded and you get access to them on the password protected page. And it's all from the comfort of your home .


POWER up your Social Media Marketing and Networking!!





P.S. Don't wait, do it today, right now.

If you're like me your intentions will be to register

only you'll step away and return with regrets because you

missed the time-frame you committed yourself to.

If you're interested you'll do what's convenient.

If you're committed you'll do whatever it takes.  ~John Assaraf

Join the other committed savvy woman entrepreneurs and aspiring

in the I Rock on Twitter and Facebook Social Media Empowerment


P.O. Box 13406, Des Moines, WA 98198, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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You can get my Social Media Empowerment Coaching Program/Club for $9.
But hurry, this ends Friday, January 21 at 12 midnight PST or until the quota for this promo is reached.

Social networking sites revolutionized the way we do business online since initially being introduced in the mid 1990's. 

With instant access to your target audience, and the ability to keep a steady pulse on what our market is currently interested in, it has never been easier to connect with potential buyers and long-term customers.


Get targeted followers,friends on facebook,create a facebook page,get targeted likes, learn about facebook ads, learn what to tweet, what to post on facebook, suggested apps,BIG mistakes made and what to do and MORE! Plus over $900 in bonuses.
I look forward to working with you and helping you explode your business using Social Media effectively.
Get a taste by requesting access to my no cost Tele-training audio here:
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Social media is all the rave and growing by the day or maybe even the minute.

Are you successfully using Social Media?

As Christian Women Entrepreneurs it is important for you do everything you can do to get your message out… in a BIG way. I’m going to share 3 tips with you that will enhance your use of Twitter. If you
don’t have a Twitter account you can go to

When choosing the username opt for your own name even if you’re going to have a business account at least reserve an account with your name.

I’ll share more about setting up and managing your Twitter account in my Social Media Empowerment Coaching program.

For now here are 3 tips that you can use.

1. The word Social is not in Social media just because. Twitter, like any other virtual conversation, is a two-way street. Pay attention to what other members are saying,
Add to the conversation where appropriate. This will also put you in front of their followers.

2. Make your Twitter updates available to busy people who are on the go, and for people who access your page solely on their iphones by utilizing the many tools available which also includes iTunes.

3. Strike up a conversation. One thing that is essential to gaining additional followers which will give you a larger audience to get your message to is to engage. One way to do this is to ask for feedback.
Don’t just tell everyone what you’re doing via Twitter, try to ask
everyone for their opinion or feedback. It’s a good way to start a
dialogue and open up a forum for new suggestions and changes that can
be made.

These are just 3 out of the many tips to maximize your results on Twitter.

Discover the power of successfully using Social Media specifically Twitter and Facebook by securing your seat in my “I Rock on Twitter and Facebook Social Media Empowerment coaching club!” Whew that’s a
mouthful, however, you’ll get a treasure chest full of empowering
insights and strategies as a member of this club.

You’ll also get an opportunity to take advantage of my Holiday Early Bird special plus bonuses.

Click here to secure your seat for Social Media Empowerment

Let’s Rock!!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Do you have a Facebook account? If not and you want one you can easily sign up for one at You’ll be given prompts which will include setting up basic information.

You’ll want to add a photo of yourself. Be careful here because a picture does speak a thousand words. It says a lot about you. If you’re aiming to build the know, like and trust factor then you want a picture that’s going to promote that. This is not the place to show your wares. Ladies you know what I mean unless that’s what you’re there for and still it’s always good to be discreet but that’s your option.

You’ll be given a couple of opportunities to add friends and you can do that now or later.

When you’re ready to add friends you can use this way and also include more intentional ways that will allow you to target the friends that you add. Adding friends is going to be beneficial to your fanpage activities.

Your profile is supposed to be more for personal, however, it’s also the place that some of your business associates will get to know you. Keep this in mind, your friends will end up hiding your posts if you post too many business updates on your profile wall.

So do you need a Facebook page also known as a Facebook fanpage or don’t you?

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Is your Mindset sabotaging your Social Media marketing success?

Any level of Woman Entrepreneur Empowerment requires continued personal, spiritual and business development endeavors.

Social media is playing a BIG role in business development. Believe or not your mindset also plays a BIG role in weather you are successful or not successful.

Your mind is a powerful thing and although there are many contributing factors the wrong mindset can hold you back from realizing the results you desire.

Here are three mindsets that will stop you every time.

1. Scarcity mindset

When you operate from a mindset of scarcity you see everything from a perspective of lack. You may resist trying to learn new tactics or even attempt to apply what you’ve learned because you feel there are already so many people out there in your field so why try? Truth be told there are many individuals out there who need your expertise and are waiting for you to step up and out so that they can resolve some of their problems with your solutions, however, how will they know if you never get out there. Also you may choose not to invest in additional resources that will empower your results but your scarcity mindset kicks in again causing you to hold on to every penny because there may not be enough for something else.

2. Inferiority mindset
Here you always size yourself up with others who are miles ahead of you. Stop! When you do this you will end up giving up and this is fuel for low self esteem. Instead tap into your brilliance. What makes you unique? What are you bringing to the table that gives you a competitive edge? It’s important that you take the time to discover this. Once you are clear on the value that you offer you will no longer practice the activity of comparison,however, you will arise and shine for all the world to see!

3. It’s too late for me
Sure things may not have happened the way you want them to happen, however, as long as you have breath in your body there’s hope. Take inventory of why things are not working. Don’t be a victim of time. There are many who started in there latter years and actually realized more in their latter years than their earlier years. Spend your time discovering new ideas, strategies and resources. Determine who it is you are here to serve. Develop an appropriate brand and make sure you have an online visibility plan that works.

Where are you in your Social Media Marketing endeavors? Do you recognize yourself in any of the mindsets mentioned? There are many more. Take inventory of some of the negative chatter that happens when you attempt to move forward with Social Media.

I’d like to offer you an opportunity to get in on my No Cost Social Media Empowerment Tele-training "Share your message and extend your reach to thousands using Social Media!"

When: Wednesday, December 15 at 1:00 pm PST, 4:00 pm EST
Can’t make the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants
Plus you’ll quality for my drawing.
Click here to secure your seat now!

Power up your Social Media Marketing! Join me for this call.

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Free Teleseminar: How to Attract Mr. Right

Are you having a hard time attracting Mr. Right? Well, no need to look any further. In this No Fee Teleseminar I will share with you all of my secrets I used to attract Mr. Right. If you don't already know I am in a loving relationship with my Mr. Right and we have been together for over 2 years. Plus we are expecting our first baby girl. I am so excited to be a mommy!

Well, in this no-fee teleseminar I will reveal to you all of the exact steps you can take. Everything that I tell you is step-by-step. All you have to do is one thing at a time.

I have made the steps super easy for you because I know that with all of the hustle and bustle of daily life you don’t want anything hard added to your life.

In this No-Fee Teleclass you will learn:

• What things that you may be doing now to attract Mr. Wrong and how to fix them NOW
• Step-by-Step system to attract Mr. Right
• Bonus: While on the call we are going to craft your Mr. Right profile

Mark your calendar

How to Attract Mr. Right
Date: November 11, 2010
Time: 7 pm EST.

Spots for this teleseminar are limited. Reserve your space today.

Sign Up Today

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If you are spending more time on social networking sites and not seeing enough results, this series of blogs and my upcoming ebook is for you!(c) 2008 Hits A Million, LLC all rights reserved. Please do hit the "share button" to send or email this to your friends but only I can copy and paste this.First impressions matter!! It's hard to overcome a first impression! People will quickly sum up their impression of you in less than 7 seconds. First impressions also stick. You will be quickly labeled, good or bad: Oh yeah, that's the girl or guy who had _______ on his profile. Or a visitor to your page might even forget your profile! You want exposure! You want people to talk about you! You want people to tell others about you!How do you do that? Give people an experience when they come to your page! They will stay longer. They will tell their friends to check out your profile. They will tell others to listen to your music if your music is available and something that they like. They will offer to collaborate with you if they are in the music business. They will ask you questions and the like. In other words, your visitors will become fans of you and your music. To do that you have to make the most of your profile.But many people believe that merely joining a social networking site is the magic key to winning and getting noticed on social networking sites. It isn't. Putting up several profiles on various networks will make you more googleable. You do want/have to be googleable!However, you will only be googleable if someone simply searches for your name in Google. You want people to be able to find you by searching other generic terms like "music artist" "recording artist" and the like. Additionally, people will find YOU only if your name is distinguishable enough. I'll talk about that more in a later blog. But you want to set up GREAT profiles on the social networking sites that you’re on.And when visitors get to your profile, what do they see?No profile pic.No activity.Hardly any comments.For musicians, a music player up with no music (which makes NO sense).For musicians, music that is not goodNo professional looking pictureLittle or no friendsFor musicians, nothing showing people like your musicNo insight into who you are through blogs, pictures, or videosNothing showing you value personal/professional development such as professional affiliations with PROs, groups, and the likeNothing showing you like peopleNothing demonstrating that you want people to talk to youNo graphics whatsoeverAn ugly backgroundOr here's the overboard king/queen:Too many gadgets on your pageToo many pictures of yourself that all look alike, e.g. all head shotsMaking all 5 of your music players and your videos auto play.An about me page with toooooo many paragraphs about yourself on it.Profile colors which make the words on your profile unreadable.These are mistakes because again first impressions matter, because you want to engage people, you want people to want to engage you, you want repeat visitors, you want referrals, you want respect in the industry, and you want to appear professional yet approachable. Having nothing up on your profile won’t cause repeat visitors. Having too much on your profile won’t make visitors stay because it takes forever to load your profile page. Make your profile interesting. With all of the great things out now that you can simply copy and paste, there’s no excuse for a boring profile. Just don’t overdo the bling!Continue reading my other blog posts on this topic and get ready for my upcoming ebook on attracting people to your profile page.
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