What do we need to do to build our confidence?Confidence is key for our businesses, our jobs and our personal lives.When you walk into a room full of people you don’t know, do you feel comfortable to go up to someone and start a conversation?To read the rest of this article, click here.Here's to your success!
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Do you want to find the key to financial prosperity? I have written this article to help you to tap into your full potential, go way beyond your goals and realise your dreams.To read the rest of this article, click here.
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Posted by Anna D. Banks on November 30, 2008 at 11:56pm
Dr. Ralph F. Wilson Web Marketing TodayNov 4, 2008 - 10:50:50 PMIn this video, public relations expert Sally Falkow explains how to discover the 'story' in your business. Once that story is understood and honed, it can become the business' Unique Sales Proposition (USP) on the homepage, can be expanded in the About Us page, and exampled in the Projects section. Sally Falcow is with Expansion Plus, in Pasadena, California.
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I have decided to write this article in light of the recent closure and/or collapse, of Indy Mac and Bear Stearns. Those of you that have been directly affected in some way due to one or both of these unfortunate events, you are in our prayers. Could you imagine working hard each day and putting your earnings into a bank that you trust only to find out one day that bank is gone and any excess of funds over $100,000 are gone as well. Now imagine owning stock in one of the biggest firms on wall street or even working and making great money with that firm, only to wake up one day to find out that your job is gone or again most of your money is gone. It doesn't stop there. Some of the mortgage companies are in trouble as well.How quickly we have forgotten the lessons learned from Enron. The leaders may lose vast fortunes, but most still have to find a way to get by on "a few million dollars". For the average worker, every penny from a lifetime of work is sometimes wiped out entirely. Retirement plans and even everyday living plans, are gone in the blink of an eye.When I was in California, I always wondered why so many of my Asian friends and their families did not use banks. When I moved to NY I learned about the Jewish community and their belief system. Not only did they not keep all of their money in banks, but they invested their funds in a lot of gold, silver, other precious metals, fine art and paintings. In addition to that they purchased their homes in a lot of cases outright. To a great extent, a growing sector have decided to insulate themselves as much as possible from the wildly swinging pendulum of the economy. When your home is paid off, you can ride the winds of change a lot easier, because there is no mortgage to concern yourself with.If our eyes are not open already it is time to open them very wide, and see that the economy is very unpredictable at best. Now I did not say that to scare anyone. Instead, now is the time to pay attention to and manage your own money. And no I am not saying that as an expert, I have had to again change my way of thinking from my thoughts as a teenager into my early twenties. At that time I used banks mainly because I did not feel comfortable in having to keep track of my money. Now it is a way of life for me. And remember that the dollar depreciates so even when we do have large amounts of money it is only short term, in that the funds are used to pay for appreciating assets that we use in our daily lives; Antique Sterling Flatware, Fine Art, Classical Furniture, Rugs, Bone China, etc. Why put your $1000 in someone else's hands to earn maybe 3% interest when you can take the same $1000 and pay for a sterling or coin silver tea set worth $1500 or a Period Federal table worth $2,000.The challenge for the week is to use money from a bank, a stock, a piggy bank, etc, and invest it into an appreciating asset. Also, if you have access to your money or other assets, set it up where you don't have all your money or assets tied up in one place. While precious metals, antiques, fine art, real estate, stocks, etc are great ways for your money to appreciate, we still recommend that you do not put all of your money in one vehicle. If you are worried about the having quick access to your money, investing in precious metals would be the best route to take. Sterling silver would be the cheapest. Thank-you for taking the time to read the blog. Have a prosperous and blessed week.Shalom,Tamar
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Posted by Dominique on November 30, 2008 at 6:50pm
I currently have an organization called Take the Challenge....I Dare you! I'm looking to empower others on working on their trouble areas. Many of us struggle with fears, patience, past hurts, addictions. I want to encourage those who are suffering to work on their trouble areas and work towards being free of their demons.I've created a website for this organization and I'm looking for those who would like to help me in this movement; those who feel they have the power to empower someone and help them get through their troubles.If there's anyone who's interested, check out my site. Add your name to the mentor list or add your name to the list of people who's looking for a mentor in the forums.We've all got to stick together and work together to help each other overcome our battles. Remember we are all children of God.Let's take the challenge!Check out the site at www.takethechalleange.webs.comSign up for newsletters and become a member! I look forward to hearing from you!Thanks, Dominique
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Posted by Ms.Divine on November 30, 2008 at 5:30pm
-Ms.DivineRegardless of the occasion, nothing is worse than getting a gift that you can't use. I am sure some of you have a bottle of wine that has manifested into grape jelly. LOL Well, stroll down "Spice Avenue". Here you will find everything from affordable electronics to health/beauty. If you have any suggestions on a particular product let us help you. Just Email: Info.Msdivine@yahoo.com[Visit] SpiceAvenue
Hello Everyone,Stylz 4 a DIVA is having a winter sale, everything is 25% OFF the original price. Keep checking for new items as well as great sales.Happy ShoppingStylz 4 a DIVAwww.stylz4adiva.netRead more…
COME ON OUT AND LETS HAVE A BBWO NETWORKING NITE AT OUR UPCOMING 2ND ANNUAL DENIM AND DIAMONDS HOLIDAY BENEFIT WEEKEND FUNDRAISER IN THE MOTOR CITY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008 at the Detroit Riverside Hotel located at 2 Washington Blvd, Downtown, Detroit, Michigan. We are hosting our Meet 'n Greet Networking Nite to kick off our Denim and Diamonds Weekend.Go to our website at www.freewebs.com/detroitweainc for more information.Vendor tables are still available!IT WOULD BE GREAT TO MEET SOME BLACK BUSINESS WOMEN ONLINE MEMBERS AND NETWORK YOUR BUSINESS. IF THIS IS SOMETHING YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN, PLEASE EMAIL ME AT weainc2002@yahoo.com.We would truly like to invite you all to our Denim and Diamonds Holiday Benefit Fundraiser in support of "women in transition" of the Greater Detroit Community. Tis the Season and portion of our proceeds will go to the Bethlehem House, www.bethlehemhouse.org.Looking forward to hearing from any of BBWO Detroit and surrounding community members.Thank you and God Bless!
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I just wanted to quickly let interested freelance writers know that MomSense Magazine is accepting submissions.Here is the link to the magazine: http://www.mops.org/page.php?pageid=547:)
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Posted by Dominique on November 30, 2008 at 12:24am
As many of you know, I am the owner of an online magazine for writers called From A Writers POV. I am currently looking for article writers on a particular subject. I want to add an article section on just writing. I'm looking for an experienced published author, business owner etc that can write a monthly article with advice and great tips on writing, publishing, promoting, editing etc. I want this article to include all there is to know about writing.The target audience for this article will be writers. Those who are looking to write their first book or those who are simply looking for more advice as they continue their journey as a writer/author.In order for you to be able to write this monthly article for From A Writers POV, there are a few qualifications:1. You must be a published author. If you are a business owner, preferrably a publisher, editor etc that would be great. The more experience the better. But if you are simply a published author, that is fine as well.2. You must be able to commit to writing these articles every month and if you feel that you can no longer commit to the magazine, you will let me know a least a month in advance.3. You must follow all the rules and regulations for monthly article writers and these rules can be found here: http://fromawriterspov.webs.com/becomeawriter.htm We do have other columns but we are in more of a need of this particular column than any other.4. You article will be read. If we feel there are some changes that will need to be made, we will ask that you do so. Your article must be about writing and it must contain advice as well as tips for all writers.If you feel that you can commit to this project and this is something you would like to do, please contact us here: http://fromawriterspov.webs.com/contactus.htmWe are looking for only one person and we will ask for additional information about yourself in a separate email.Thanks, Dominique
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greetings Family,I am pleased to let you know that I have published a book of poetry. it is entitledSoul Searching Confessions. It is a book of emotional confessions/poems dealing with Life,Love,and Self Discovery. This is something to curl up with under your winter blanket & hot chocolate. $13 for Downloads 7& $20 for a Hard Back Bool
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Booty Parlor's new product is made of a rich blend of natural soy wax, vitamins A & E, jojoba, olive and coconut oils.The silky long lasting formula nourishes and softens the skin, while the intoxicating aphrodisiac fragrances stimulate your desire.Use it as a candle and enjoy it’s seductive glow, or blow out the flame and playfully drizzle the warm waxon that special someone…and let your hands do the talking....This product will be available starting January 6 in two (2) aphrodisiac fragrances: Spicy Chocolate Cinnamon and Exotic Sandalwood Vanilla.
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You all know how it is when you see that family member that just LOVES to say that one thing to rattle your nerves to your core! All you can do is scream, shriek and cry in the corner--or go out and do something questionable, such as over-indulging in the holiday punch or connecting up with old flames you know you ought not even speak, too.However, what happens when you have experienced a severe mental and nervous breakdown? What should you do?If you are around family or friends and you have a compelling need to get out, then what you do is say, "I am going to get out" and just leave the hot situation. For every minute of heated arguing, it takes 20-30 minutes to cool off and speak from a more serene place.If you are alone, know that you are not alone in your place, there are kindred spirits that need you to succeed and if you feel like you may harm yourself, please go to the following website and email/call The Samaritans for a lifeline. There is also 1-800-SUICIDE a 24 hour crisis line.Know that if you are under holiday stress or seasonal affective disorder, as to why you cannot "just feel joyful" this season, it is not unusual and there are resources for you.Stay blessed,Dr. G-Ariafya LLCMental Zeal for Spirit & Well-BeingWithin Unity There Is Strength
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According to the IRS, you must provide them with a current valid address by today (Nov 28) in order to receive any stimulus payment check you are due. The USPS has sent back over $266 million in rebate and tax refund checks to the IRS because the addresses were invalid. That is a lot of money that could be used to bail out all us sistapreneurs and our communities.To contact the IRS to give an updated address, go to http://www.irs.gov/.Click on the http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=181665,00.html (Where's My Stimulus Payment?). By law, the IRS must send rebate checks by December 31, 2008.
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Posted by April Mason on November 28, 2008 at 5:34pm
Sistas, welcome to my new blog. I will be providing you sistapreneurs with tax planning and personal finance news that will hopefully benefit you in the long run. I have been a tax professional and authorized IRS electronic filing provider since 2002. Although I am based in NY, I can efile any taxpayer's return from any part of the US. If you are looking for a new tax professional, please contact me. I have experience in individual and business returns, from the simple to the complex.
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Sweet Nature by Eddie is the MOST comprehensive hair care system to grow your hair to lengths never before achieved. Sweet Nature is formulated with the finest African Butters, Oils, and Herbs that will not ONLY leave your hair soft, moisturized and healthy, but will do the same for your skin. Check out over 100 testimonials on these products at (FOR RELAXED OR NATURAL)http://public.fotki.com/angelnapps/guide-to-growing-yo/book/viewcomments.htmlFor more information, please go to www.fabulousblackwoman.com or e-mail me at eddie@fabulousblackwoman.com
Good Better Best...
Are you offering these options to your customers?
Studies have shown that the buyer will take the top or BEST option 20% of the time when offered. If you are not offering a tiered option in your business you are losing out.
Look at even Gas Stations.... even though gas rates are crazy, they still offer 3 options. The Mercedes driver still wants the best for her investment.
In a service business - this is easy. Offer a basic version or a done for you version. A dance studio can offer classes with the regular instructor for $89 per month, an accomplished dancer for $129 per month and private classes with the owner for $249 per month. This is an easy way to get more money for providing the same service.
Your assignment, find a way to give Good, Better and Best options in your business.
For the other 6 tips, Listen now to the FREE pre-recorded Recession Proof Tele-seminar with multi-million dollar mompreneur Richelle Shaw and Successful Web Entrepreneur, LaShanda Henry: http://sistapreneurs.ning.com/forum/topics/listen-to-recession-proof
Much Success
Richelle & LaShanda
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PLEASE GO HERE AND READ MY STORY AND VOTE.It is by activistval and a story about Caleb and his brothers, on the second page of this blog.http://digg.com/arts_culture/Can_t_Sell_house_I_m_giving_it_away_on_DiggTELL EVERYONE YOU KNOWThank you and I love you allNamaste
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