Http:// 1-800-652-7157 In this video, I explain the new departments the that Good Credit Union have opened up to it's clients.
Good Credit Union has added a Tax elimination dept. with a CPA and IRS Registered agents. As many of us understand that a CPA is the blood line of the business. Understanding having access to a CPA is one of the best resources a growing company needs to be profitable.
Our CPA works right along side of our IRS Registered Tax Agents to make sure your company financial documents and taxes are looking good to financial institutions.
GCU Group also offers employment verification for people that work off of 1099 and need regular pay stubs created. This is great for someone that trying to purchase a vehicle or get into an apartment.
Check out our other services 1-800-652-7157
Author (38) 1-800-652-7157 In this video Houston with th GCU Group, Inc. explain why many people should fix their credit instead of getting a CPN or SCN.
1st you no longer have to find a co-signer to help you get an apartment, car, or student loan. I understand this is embarrassing for many adults with bad credit.
2nd If you have good credit you could add a child or family on you credit cards as authorize users and they could inherit your credit. This is one of the best gifts you can give someone if you're not rich or wealthy. Your 18 year old could inherit your credit and you will not have to co-sign for them an apartment, car loan, or student loan.
3rd You could buy real estate in which you could not do with a CPN or SCN. Many people want to get into real estate investing but they must understand that having good credit will make it easier to purchase that property.
4th When you fix your credit you don't have to show as much paperwork to get funding. With a CPN or SCN creditors want to see the id or drivers license to go along with the file. Creditors are asking for social security cards for that SCN or CPN, they are also asking for employment verification. This is alot of personal information they are requiring now for an SCN or CPN.
5TH It's much more easier to get funding when you have good credit to do you investments, succh as buying a car from the auction instead of having to finance it from a car dealer.
This is Houston with Good Credit Union. You can call me at !-800-652-7157 or email me or Alex
This week's feature entrepreneur is Shaneisha Dodson. She is the founder of Mahogney Ink Publications L.L.C. and Black Girlz Productions L.L.C. Currently residing in Virginia, Shaneisha holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Grambling State University, a master's degree in counseling from Dallas Baptist University, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in education. Shaneisha was the first person in her family to graduate from college. In showing how important education is to her, every year she gives a $500 scholarship to a deserving student. After college, Shaneisha wrote her first novel. It was like so much by friends and family she was encouraged to continue writing. That eventually led to the start of her publishing and production company. Being an accomplished author herself, today Shaneisha publishes 4 authors, 2 poets and has produced one stage play. Her story is truly one of accomplishment. Find out how Shaneisha started her companies and where her inspiration came from. Enjoy!
1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?
I am a country girl born and raised in Arkansas. I was raised in a matriarchal household. I developed a passion for writing at a young age. I started writing my first book after I graduated from college. Prior to starting my business, my life consisted of school, school, and school. I have been a student my whole life. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Grambling State University and a master’s degree in counseling from Dallas Baptist University. Currently, I am pursuing a doctorate degree in education.
2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?
I have always had a passion for writing. After graduating from college, I penned my first novel. My family and friends loved it so much they encouraged me to continue writing. Therefore, I decided to take it a step further and started my own publishing company in 2009, Mahogney Ink Publications, LLC. My works have been featured in online magazines, selected as book of the month by numerous organizations, selected as top 25 fiction books of 2009 by Conversations, and earned a spot on an African-American bookstore best sellers list. My first teen book was selected as best book 2011 in literary excellence in the teen self-help category. In addition, I was nominated for a 2011 African-American literary award. My publishing company is home to four authors and two poets. In 2012, I took my love of the writing to the next level and started Black Girlz Productions, LLC. My company’s motto is “Dream BIG or go Home!” My first play recently debuted: Cheating on my Mistress “When One Woman is not Enough”. My mission is to entertain by any means necessary.
3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?
Life inspires me. I am passionate about my work. Each day I strive to do better. I believe in taking my time to make sure everything is as close to perfect as possible. Each year, I can clearly see my companies’ growth. We are moving at a steady pace. I am very satisfied because I believe in quality not quantity.
4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?
I used to have a mentor, but we went our separate ways. However, I believe it is important to have a mentor because no one has gotten where they are without the help of someone else. When you choose a mentor, make sure you choose wisely. Mentors are people who are doing what you want to do in life. They should be full of wisdom and knowledge.
5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?
Research. Research. Research. If you want to start a business, learn as much as possible about the business. Don’t depend on other people to give you all the answers. The biggest issue I have with the publishing company is finding a good editor. You will come across a lot of people who will make numerous false promises in this type of business. They will offer you an opportunity to be a part of a national tour, claim to be the best editor in the business, and will guarantee that their marketing campaigns will take you to the number one spot on the best sellers list. Be leery. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…
6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?
My advice is to follow your dreams. Don’t be scared to succeed. When you hit a hard spot in the road, keep pushing. Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities.
If you are an up-and-coming author looking to be published, visit Shaniesha's website at Mahogney Ink Publications. For information on her stage play show times and Black Girlz Talk visit Black Girlz Productions. Also follow her on twitter at @blkgirlz I want to thank Shaneisha for sharing her story with us. I hope you have been inspired by her accomplishments.
Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.
I speak to authors regularly to help them organize their writing and create publishing plans that fit their goals and economic status. While one of the biggest barriers to self-publishing is usually funds, the second usually is lack of information or research. Traditional publishing is nice if you have the patience for it and don't mind letting someone else take over, but for those who like be in charge here are a few good reasons to self-publish, as well as some major pitfalls.
5. No Rejections! This is one that resonates with every author. No one likes to be told no, especially if there is not a clearly identifiable problem with your manuscript. While this is a perfectly good reason to go the self-publishing route, which will ensure your publication, rejections are a motivation for some authors to improve on their work.
Pitfall: Without an honest, third-party assessment of your manuscript before publishing, you can end up with a sub-par product that destroys your reputation as an author.
How to Avoid It: Find a professional editor to provide you with honest feedback. Some have a process for this type of review, while others charge an hourly fee. The goal is to not only get feedback, but also suggestions on how to resolve your issues. Companies like EverFaith Press provide a Rubric with their manuscript assessments which allow you to see your problem areas and how you can fix them.
4. Editorial Control. This perk of self-publishing is great for authors who like to be in the know. You have the ability to interview and select your own editor, or at least set the parameters for success and their interaction with you.
Pitfalls: Selecting the wrong editor by going for the lowest cost only. Another big mistake is ignoring your editor. If you have selected your editor wisely, it is important that you take the time to weigh and value their input.
How to Avoid It: First, make sure that you request a sample edit. Any editor that takes on your book without first reviewing your manuscript is no one you should work with. They need to see your manuscript to determine if they can help you or not. Second. when selecting your editor, have a conversation with them about their editing style and how they work with authors. Vibes are not sufficient, but if you combine your "personality assessment" with their assessment of your manuscript and sample edit, you will have all of the pieces needed to make an educated decision.
3. Design Input. Many traditional publishers work on your design for you, and your input is limited if allowed at all. When self-publishing, depending on how you go about it, you are able to veto covers you do not like and creative control over the design concepts.
Pitfall: Design input is only a plus if you have options and are working with a skilled designer. Using a self-publishing press can be a benefit here, because they typically make deals with quality designers based on book quantities to get you the best pricing. When approaching the same or similar designer, your costs can triple and push you towards a cheaper more sub-par choice.
How to Avoid It: Look for promotional specials when you review the work of graphic designers, and make sure that they have experience with creating at least 5 book covers for print publications. Don't hesitate to interview them, and if you really don't have the time to do the legwork then visit small presses like EverFaith Press and Believers Press. They both have contractors who can provide sample work from established designers for you to choose from.
2. Higher Royalties. It's good to get paid, and it's even better when you can set your own rates. This is the number 2 best reason to self-publish, because you see an immediate return on your investment. It takes a while to recoup the publishing costs, but to many authors it's worth it.
Pitfalls: There are four major pitfalls here 1. Not setting your own royalty rate, 2. Setting your rate too high to reinvest in your work, 3. Not setting your royalties aside for personal use and 4. Not using the book revenue to reinvest.
How to Avoid It: Being a smart business person is one of the key skills you will need to be a successful authorpreneur, but it's not something you can learn overnight. The quick lesson (or reminder) is that you have to both pay yourself and set money aside to further your book marketing plans. Creating your own contract to set your royalty rate lets you make a little money back from your work, while reasonably setting aside the remainder for a business account. You can save that money and use it invest in any future book plans that you may have.
1. Access to Final Files. There are no major pitfalls here, and honestly It's the most important reason to self-publish carefully. Many companies are happy for you to pay them to produce your work, and are only satisfied if they can keep you coming back for more. They force your hand by not providing you with your final files so you have to go through their more expensive channels for any print needs. EverFaith Press has the advantage on most self-publishing companies here, as it is in their standard agreement to provide the final files to their authors. They keep you coming back because their print costs are one of the cheapest in the POD world, and the turnaround time is phenomenal.
Pitfalls: If you do get a copy of your final files, make sure not to corrupt it! If you do not have the knowledge of InDesign or whatever layout tool they use, do not try to figure it out using your file. If you destroy it, you most likely will need to pay to have it recreated.
How to Avoid It: Maintain a back-up copy of all publication files, then make a back-up of your back-up. Preferably, you should store your files on a Cloud drive and on an external drive. This protects your investment and ensures that you have a copy of all final files for future changes or editions.
These are just a few good reasons to self-publish, and there are many reasons to traditionally publish as well. In the end it is up to you the author to decide what will work best for you.
Have you been published, or self-published your own book? What helped you to make your decision? Share your answers below!
Rochelle Carter is the President/CEO of Ellechor Media, LLC. Ellechor is a Christian media company with three imprints: Ellechor Publishing House- a publisher of Inspirational Christian books, EverFaith Press- a self-publishing imprint offering Coach2Publish, Publishing & Marketing Services, and E2 Books & Co.- an eBook only imprint. She also blogs marketing, publishing and writing tips twice weekly at The Savvy Authorpreneur and runs Christian Books Today- a community for Christian book readers and authors, featuring an independent bookstore.
What keeps you focused? What do you say when you feel ready to give up? There are moments when as women we simply get drained, and maybe even ready to throw in the towel. However there is a powerful restorative beauty in daily reminders of what is ultimately important to you.
“YOU.WILL.RISE. ->The myth of the phoenix describes the fire-bird who is burned to ashes with its nest. Out of the ashes a new egg is created and a new bird is born, who lives longer and more powerful than the original bird. Your ability to “reborn” after a personal set-back or failed business venture is important to remember. You may fail at some point, but it’s what you learn from the experience that will raise you to another level of excellence that ultimately creates the powerful businesswoman you are.” ~Excerpt from Embrace Your Journey: 180 Day journey of Spiritual Transformation for the Woman Entrepreneur-Day 1 (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell
Below of 107 powerful mantras, reminders and affirmations for you on your wealth journey. Read them print them, share them, commit some of them to memory.
- 1. Though it hurts…I will fight
- 2. Through my cry…is my triumph
- 3. Though I stand out…I’m the missing link
- 4. Through my sweat…is my breakthrough
- 5. Above all the things I need, is courage
- 6. Though I waiver, I shall not fall
- 7. Though I pause, I shall not stop
- 8. Though they laugh , I shall smile
- 9. Though I’m heavy, my burdens are light
- 10. Though it challenges me…I am victorious
- 11. There is beauty all around me
- 12. There is power in the dark
- 13. BE. Is a complete sentence
- 14. The seed is the blessing
- 15. Sowing the good seed is the purpose of all..
- 16. Do not rush the harvest
- 17. There is power in incubation
- 18. Though it is hidden, it is transforming
- 19. Your breath is your life
- 20. You only have TIME…to be present
- 21. Through your haste, you spoil
- 22.Through your quiet you are loud
- 23. Through your faith you shall persevere
- 24. Though they may appear better, you have yet to shine
- 25. Your inadequacy is your power in the wrong space
- 26. Protect your peace, create your abundance
- 27. They’re not haters, simply the confused
- 28. Those that “hate” are confused about their own power
- 29. Clean your home…clear your mind
- 30. Your abundance is in your home
- 31. Your home is the manifestation of your universe
- 32. A messy mind creates a messy environment
- 33. Treadmills lead to nowhere, but the journey on the open road reveals abundance
- 34. Do not desire others to change, desire others to know who they are
- 35. The journey is in discovering that we all have the mind of God.
- 36. When in doubt…stop and clean
- 37. You do not need an answer…you simply need to be BE the answer
- 38. Lack of money is lack of order
- 39. When you receive the calling…do not shout it aloud…there is power in silence
- 40. Your calling requires cultivation
- 41. Do not compare that which is incomparable
- 42. You have everything you’ve ever asked for…stop looking, start seeking.
- 43. An upset stomach is an unbalanced life…
- 44. There is power in stillness
- 45. There is no lack, only the clog in the flow of abundance
- 46. The secret to success is in creating your system
- 47. Focus on the process…not the end result
- 48. You do not know what you do not experience
- 49. You do not understand what you do not learn
- 50. Wisdom requires courage
- 51. It is great to be seen…but better to be effective
- 52. Do not shout before it’s ready
- 53. Tears are the windshield cleaner of a cloudy soul
- 54. Perception is like a computer…it only outputs what you input, true or not.
- 55. All the world is an analogy…should you need the answer, look within.
- 56. At the end…I am you, you are me.
- 57. No one cares about what you do…only in the energy you bring
- 58. In all the chaos…clear the plate
- 59. In all the noise…remain still
- 60. In all the confusion…most is non important
- 61. Do not wait for a wakeup call…
- 62. Set the standard to which you shall live by
- 63. Even though it hurts…do not stop
- 64. Even though they pass you…continue at your pace
- 65. Even though they do not respond…continue to love
- 66. Even though they do not desire you…continue to grow
- 67. Though you may stop…you shall not quit
- 68. Though you may fail…you shall pivot
- 69. There is peace in a smile
- 70. There is power in empathy
- 71. Being who you really are…requires courage
- 72. Being who we agree to be, requires motivation
- 73. Worrying clogs the flow
- 74. Though there is not enough, there is plenty
- 75. Though they do not see, I shall reveal
- 76. Through they do not respond I shall…praise
- 77. Though they do not feel, I shall embrace
- 78. Though I am complete…it is not done
- 79. Though it is not perfect, it is ready
- 80. Though I still lack, I am abundant
- 81. A lion does not consult the bird
- 82. The bird does not request the permission of the worm
- 83. The worm does not fret its fate
- 84. A confused life is a confused business
- 85. A confused business is a wasted purpose
- 86. The secret to success is in what you eat
- 87. Lose the weight…gain your abundance
- 88. Wealth is your birthright
- 89. Liberation is in letting go
- 90. People do not hear what you say…they feel what you are
- 91. They do not need to know your every movement…only your every result
- 92. Over planning kills the flow
- 93. Control is fear of success in letting go
- 94. There is only one thing you must do…be present
- 95. Your creative energy is like the ocean…therefore do not haste
- 96. Control creates fear
- 97. Though you may not fit in…you are the secret ingredient
- 98. Children are the good seed…
- 99. Without faith…there is no life
- 100. If the seed does not harvest…evaluate the soil
- 101. Anxiety is the body telling you to slowdown. Stop, refocus on what’s important now
- 102. They do not “buy” you because you are not BEing “you”
- 103. The blessing is in the fight…the pull, the push, the tenacity…don’t give up
- 104. The greatness you see in others…is indeed the greatness you have yet to see in you.
- 105. Though they resist, you continue to push
- 106. You already know…you simply need the courage to agree and act.
- 107. The answer will not come by staring at the computer…but it will come in the stillness of a deeply rooted tree, the lean of the blade of grass towards the sun, the stretch of your limbs in stride, the peace in your mind a midst chaos, the chirp of the bird at the top of the morning, the wind we do not see, the moon that is ever present, the sun that sustains and nurtures, the perfection of the fruit, the restorative beauty of rest, the fall of the leaf, the spoil of the fallen fruit that resurrects new fruit, the laughter of our children. The peace you chose to embrace…no matter what.
(c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell
There is infinite wisdom inside of you, waiting to unleash itself. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together. Visit for a groundbreaking best seller written for the spiritual journey of Women entrepreneurs.
Click on the button to read her exclusive interview:

Introducing the FIRST "" featured entrepreneur, Rochelle Carter, SPHR. Since starting Ellechor Publishing House in 2009, she has signed 12 authors and released six books! Ellechor is a royalty paying/no author investment, Christian book publishing company. She also started Live.Write.Publish! which is a self-publishing imprint for authors who want to maintain full control. I have had the privilege to ask her a few questions and hear her inspirational story and share it with you!
She answered a few questions about herself so that we may get to know her.
1.Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?
I was, and still am, a Senior Professional in Human Resources and a Project Manager. I had a great job right out of College and was blessed to work with many great people at a great company.
2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?
I started this business as an investment and for the long-term satisfaction of a family business. I needed to put myself in a position where I could have a business that I loved and create opportunities for others. I chose publishing because reading is my passion and writing was my hobby for a long time. I thought it was time we made our relationship official, plus I had always wanted to be an editor!
Our mission is to produce quality Christian Fiction and Non-Fiction that changes lives while entertaining, and to provide hope/support to aspiring authors in a company that will dream big with them.
3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?
My love for books inspires me, and my authors keep my motivated daily to do my best and to keep growing this cause. They have put their faith in God and in me, and I pray that God continues to bless me so that I can bring inspiration to them. I ask myself daily, what have I done for my authors today? What have I done to promote Christian books today?
4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?
This is a surprisingly tough question! One mentor is Demetria Hayes, because she brought me into Human Resources and the world of helping people. Without her guidance, I may not have been motivated to find my true joy in work. I do a lot of career counseling and resume writing because she showed me how I can use my skills to help others. My second and all-time favorite mentor is my mother. She worked hard to get her Masters while raising four children, started her own business in a time of need, went to the Philippines to gain her PhD later in life. She is always getting things done!! It's so important to have a mentor, because they are the one person you will never compare to and therefore your motivation to keep moving. If you no longer see the value in your mentor, you need a new one! You should never be without a positive influence.
5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?
Call me! Or, just jump right in. Thinking about writing a book? Just start! Want to be an editor? There are plenty of college students who need help. Offer your services free of charge to an author with a completed manuscript in exchange for a reference. There is no great starting point. I have met with many professionals in my journey who wanted to set me back, and I refused. I have not regretted it for one moment, because God has blessed me with a great team and we are getting things done right!
6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?
If you are looking for something lasting, forget the get-rich-quick plan. What do you LOVE to do? What can keep you up hours at night with no regrets? Do that! Write the business plan- it doesn't have to be pretty but cover the basics in 4 pages or less. You can refer to it as a basic outline until you work out the details. Find others with your same passion, always keep learning more and be willing to adjust to new situations.
I just want to thank Rochelle for stepping up and taking the plunge of telling her story. It is so refreshing to hear other people's stories sometimes for many reasons: 1. to learn from their mistakes. I know, may sound a little harsh but it's true. That's why these people share their stories, so that you don't have to go through some of the same hardships they went through. 2. to gain, rebuild or sustain your motivation. If they can do this, surely you can! So, make sure you're reading successful and prosperous people's stories often to keep your fire burning!
Again, thank you Rochelle for sharing how you became so prosperous.
Til next time!
Hear Rochelle's story on PeopleWhoProsperTV
We are always looking for people to feature on PeopleWhoProsperTV and So, if you're bold enough and proud enough of yourself and your accomplishments in business, then I dare you to share your story with us! Just email PeopleWhoProsper to for more details!
Tamara Garrison-Thomas
It's here, it’s done and I’m so excited. I’m sharing my excitement and sense of accomplishment to inspire, motivate and encourage each and everyone of you.
I’m excited because I’m sharing knowledge that has opened doors for me, knowledge that has put me before great leaders. Knowledge that has changed my life and now I’m given the opportunity to share this knowledge with young women around the world!
Other authors in the book include Sharon H. Hill, Phyllis Clark and Tracey M. Booker to name a few.
Excerpt from "A Guide for African American Girls:
Why Grace and Charm?
Getting along with family, friends, enjoying dates, doing well in school, preparing for the future – these are the things that matter most to young girls. Social skills are the foundation of today’s girls personal and career development. It is therefore important for girls to acquire and learn how to apply social living skills on their road to success.
Sugar and spice and everything nice, is that what little girls are made of? What an awesome time to be a girl! The possibilities are endless. A girl today can become the President of the United States, an astronaut or anything in between.
Today’s girls have so many pressures...they want to fit in, achieve, compete with boys and live up to societies expectations of what and who she should be. Pressures from the media can also hinder a girls self-perception, especially when she doesn’t feel she is pretty, popular, talented or socially accepted.
This chapter is designed to lay the foundations and ABC’s toward:
• A healthy, positive self-image that fills one’s life with confidence and develops one’s leadership skills
• Etiquette and social graces that ensures one’s continued success
• Self-esteem, academics, and positive behavior You can learn how to make more friends, get along with family member AND be more attractive to others – all with The Power of Grace and Charm.
With proper etiquette and a polished image you can achieve anything you want in life – increased income, freedom, the lifestyle of your dreams, influence and the ability to persuade others.
Whatever it is you are inspiring to do, you can do it with ‘Grace and Charm.’
Pre-order your copy now @ and give a young girl the gift of ‘Grace and Charm.’ Encourage and empower her to know she is worth and deserving of the best. Available June 28, 2011.
Coming June 14, 2011
"Kiss My A@@! - This is Not Your Typical Self-Help Book."
Getting endorsements for your book from published authors or experts in your field is key to establishing your credibility, and we advise that authors start soliciting endorsements as soon as possible.
Benefits of endorsements:
- They lend credibility to your work
- They pump up your publicity
- Bookstore buyers consider them when deciding whether to place orders
- Consumers look at them when deciding whether to buy a book
Step 1: Evaluate your contact network.
Consider experts in your field. Do you know any potential endorsers? If not, do you know anybody who can put you in touch with a potential endorser? Look at the bestselling authors in your genre. Do you have some way of contacting them directly? If all else fails, you can try contacting them through their publishers or agents.
Step 2: Determine which celebrities or experts are appropriate for the book’s subject.
The most effective endorsements are from other authors, particularly bestselling authors. Celebrity endorsements may also be helpful, but only if the celebrity is known to have an interest in the subject matter of the book. For business books, well-known business leaders are also good endorsers. Consider the different audiences for your book and work toward a variety of endorsements that, together, speak to all of your readers.
Step 3: Request endorsements by preparing a clean copy of your manuscript or an ARC along with a cover letter.
It’s a common practice to write a sample endorsement or two and include them in the cover letter. Indicate that it is a sample endorsement, and the endorser is welcome to use it, modify it, or write an original endorsement. Pre-written endorsements not only improve your chances of receiving an endorsement but also help emphasize the selling points that you’re interested in publicizing. Keep endorsements short and sweet. A couple of sentences is an ideal length to capture readers’ and buyers’ attention.
Rochelle Carter is the President/CEO of Ellechor Publishing House. Ellechor is a publisher of Inspirational Christian books, including Adventure and Romantic fiction, and non-fiction/devotionals dealing with Relationships, Suicide Prevention and General Self-Help.
- Publishing professionals (e.g., your editor, publicist, or agent)
- Booksellers in your genre
- Other writers
- Members of industry or trade organizations to which you belong
- Media personalities (e.g., reporters, radio hosts, or producers)
The Author Power Team
As an author, you are always on the lookout for new ways to improve your marketing strategy and grow your platform. One of the best ways to do this is by developing your power team.
What’s a power team? A familiar term among business networking professionals, a power team is comprised of individuals and/or businesses with whom you share common goals or a common client base.
How can it help you as an author? The members of your power team can help you improve your strategy, connect with more readers, identify more opportunities, hone your message, and expand your reach.
Let’s look at key members of an author power team and how they help you build your career.
- Publisher: Your publisher is an industry insider. If you have chosen wisely, your publisher should have a track record of producing successful books in your genre and should be able to provide you with tips and insights to help you get on bookshelves and in front of readers. Keep your contacts at the publisher in the loop so they are aware of all of your marketing and publicity efforts. This helps them keep your book stocked when and where it needs to be available. They can also give you feedback on publishing best practices.
- Publicist: A publicist helps you develop your marketing strategy and puts you in front of big media—radio, television, print, and online. A publicist also helps you hone your message and clarify your brand so you can reach readers. They have spent years cultivating relationships with media and industry professionals and have access to contacts you may not be able to reach on your own.
- Other Authors in Your Genre: Wait—they’re your competition, right? Not necessarily. If you have differentiated yourself well, your work will stand out when compared to other authors’ work. Each author has something unique to give to the reader, but authors in the same genre share the same audience and are marketing to the same people. If you have been growing your platform and marketing your book, you should already have a following. Pull your efforts together with another author doing the same and you can double the strength of your platform and gain twice the reach.
- Bloggers: Bloggers who write about your topic or genre also share face time with your audience. They often have an open dialogue with a following that listens to their advice and trusts their recommendations. Develop relationships with bloggers in your category and offer to write guest posts, send them a free review copy of your book, share links, or come up with cross-promotional activities.
- Industry Gurus: No matter what topic or genre your book covers, there will be some movers and shakers already commanding a strong following in the same area. Cultivate a relationship with these people. They’re connected and know what your readers are looking for. They can get you into events and speaking engagements that will put you directly in front of your target audience.
These are the primary members of your power team, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box while choosing members. Each book and genre has special needs and interests that are served by many people. Aligning yourself with those people will help you engage your audience and, in turn, sell more books.
Remember, just as with your audience, be willing to provide value before you ask for anything from your power team in return. You are looking to cultivate relationships, not just take what you can get. Here are a few key things to remember as you build your team:
- Be sincerely interested in the other person.
- Find ways to help them meet their goals.
- Be willing and able to promote and/or endorse them.
- Relationships are a series of meaningful interactions. Make time to check in and see how they are doing, without looking for something in return.
Above all, treat them as you would want to be treated. If you are truly interested, considerate, and helpful, they will reciprocate.
Keeping Track of Opportunities
As an author, you’re constantly chasing down opportunities to share your book, speak to a crowd, serve as a resource, and perform other platform-building activities. People will often say no to your first request—but don’t let that discourage you or stop you from pursuing a lead after the first contact!
It takes at least six points of contact for a message to sink in—six—yet more than 75 percent of the time, people stop pursuing leads after the first point of contact (Good Day 2009). Sometimes authors stop pursuing because they receive a no on the first try, other times because the number of leads to manage is overwhelming. Cultivating relationships is crucial to your career, but it doesn’t need to take up all of your time.
The first thing you need to do is gather contact information. Every time you meet a lead or come across someone in a search, collect his or her contact information or business card right away. Enter them into a simple database such as Microsoft Outlook, PlanPlus, or Salesforce. Spreadsheets and Rolodexes can be hard to manage effectively, but databases like these allow you to classify your contacts, set up reminders, add notes, and keep track of all interactions. You can also consider adding new contacts on LinkedIn if you feel you know the person well enough to engage them online.
Next, you want to categorize your leads. Not all leads are created equal, and each group requires a different type of interaction. Here is a simple way to classify your leads:
- Hot or “A” Leads: These are people interested in having you speak or scheduling you for some other event. These contacts are ready to go and need to receive frequent, personal contact in order for the relationship to develop into an event or opportunity. These contacts go to the top of your list.
- Warm or “B” Leads: These are people who showed interest, but who have not yet decided whether they want to work with you. You will need to provide them with more information and work to cultivate the relationship.
- Cold or “C” Leads: Cold leads are people with whom you have no rapport, such as those you find on the Internet or find out about through third-party sources. These contacts are usually managed through what is called “drip line marketing.” Drip line marketing consists of things like newsletters or emails you send out to a distribution list on an infrequent basis. You may need to send an introductory email and then a reminder a few months later or add them to an informational newsletter until they opt out or say they are not interested. Setting up a drip line campaign is to help you cultivate those six points of contact and to educate potential clients who may turn into A or B leads.
Sorting your leads into these categories will help you better identify and manage opportunities as they come. Don’t forget to provide value first, and remember that your leads are people. Treat them with respect and consideration, and always show your appreciation for their time.
Rochelle Carter is the President/CEO of Ellechor Publishing House. Ellechor is a publisher of Inspirational Christian books, including Adventure and Romantic fiction, and non-fiction/devotionals dealing with Relationships, Suicide Prevention and General Self-Help.
It's here, it’s done and I’m so excited. I’m sharing my excitement and sense of accomplishment to inspire, motivate and encourage each and everyone of you.
I’m excited because I’m sharing knowledge that has opened doors for me, knowledge that has put me before great leaders. Knowledge that has changed my life and now I’m given the opportunity to share this knowledge with young women around the world!
Other authors in the book include Sharon H. Hill, Phyllis Clark and Tracey M. Booker to name a few.
Excerpt from "A Guide for African American Girls:
Why Grace and Charm?
Getting along with family, friends, enjoying dates, doing well in school, preparing for the future – these are the things that matter most to young girls. Social skills are the foundation of today’s girls personal and career development. It is therefore important for girls to acquire and learn how to apply social living skills on their road to success.
Sugar and spice and everything nice, is that what little girls are made of? What an awesome time to be a girl! The possibilities are endless. A girl today can become the President of the United States, an astronaut or anything in between.
Today’s girls have so many pressures...they want to fit in, achieve, compete with boys and live up to societies expectations of what and who she should be. Pressures from the media can also hinder a girls self-perception, especially when she doesn’t feel she is pretty, popular, talented or socially accepted.
This chapter is designed to lay the foundations and ABC’s toward:
• A healthy, positive self-image that fills one’s life with confidence and develops one’s leadership skills
• Etiquette and social graces that ensures one’s continued success
• Self-esteem, academics, and positive behavior You can learn how to make more friends, get along with family member AND be more attractive to others – all with The Power of Grace and Charm.
With proper etiquette and a polished image you can achieve anything you want in life – increased income, freedom, the lifestyle of your dreams, influence and the ability to persuade others.
Whatever it is you are inspiring to do, you can do it with ‘Grace and Charm.’
Pre-order your copy now @ and give a young girl the gift of ‘Grace and Charm.’ Encourage and empower her to know she is worth and deserving of the best. Available June 28, 2011.
Let start with what networking is not. Networking is not handing out a bunch of business cards, and hoping someone calls.
Business networking as described by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time.
Technology makes it easy for us to expand our circle of influence. However, the most powerful connections are made face to face.
Master these powerful networking skills and you will gain respect and credibility from your colleagues and clients.
1. Take a positive and deliberate approach to networking, you will find this extra level of attention makes it easier to establish relationships.
2. Your business image should reflect your abilities, values, goals, and business mission.
3. Build brand loyalty one fan group at a time.
4. Exude energy and passion to command respect and grab attention.
5. Be honest about what you can do and cannot do. If something has gone wrong be honest and upfront immediately.
6. Focus on following up and following through while you’re still at the meeting.
7. Asking this one questions will increase your bottom line. “Who is your ideal client/customer, and how can I help you.
8. Remember the name. We all like to hear our name, but don’t use first names unless you are asked to.
9. Always defer to the other person. Don’t monopolize the conversation or talk about yourself too much. Allow the others to have the spotlight.
10. Using the terms “ma’am and sir”, shows the utmost respect.
11. Be well informed.
12. Perfect your “30 second commercial.”
13. Remain standing as much as possible-you will appear more approachable.
14. Remain in control even under pressure.
These techniques and tactics will allow you to seize opportunities that otherwise would not be possible.
“Take the time to be exceptional, it will show in how you make others feel, and in your bottom line.” Walethia Aquil
I know how vital it is that you leverage your unique knowledge, experience and brilliance. I definitely want to help you expand your business development and growth experiences, enhance your professional profile, promote your business and create visibility to attract those who want more from you.
Schedule your complimentary discovery session today. Send request to: Put Discovery Session in subject box.
Make sure you get your copy of the free report “How to Network Effectively: The Key to Power, Influence and Wealth.”
Upcoming Seminar: Monday, January 17, 2011
You might be saying... I am ready for my CD to blow up or I am ready for my book to be featured on Oprah (yes, even the new network)! My question to you: are you "media" ready?
So many people want to be on various radio shows and others want to have maximum media exposure for their business, products or services B U T are they "media" ready? Can the media find them online? When they do find them, what impression will they have? This Teleseminar is great for anyone seeking media exposure ( radio, TV, print media etc). This foundational seminar will give the beginner the tips that enable "media" readiness!
Special Admission: FREE ---> Click here to Register!
Time: Monday, January 17th at 7:30pm Eastern - 30 minute seminar
Listening method: Phone OR Web Simulcast
Facilitator: Sharvette Mitchell
For more information, visit
Well, here is your chance, because on Saturday, October 23, 2010, the worldwide Black community will honor one of its greatest living treasures, 92 year-old, Dr. Edward Robinson. Every positive, Black person needs to see this to learn Amazing Black History Facts directly From The Man Who LIVED IT!
He is 92 years old, Black and very proud.- He has accomplished more in the last 30 years than most people accomplish in a lifetime.
- His Black history books are read by thousands worldwide (even in some school systems.)
- He knew W.E.B. DuBois personally.
- He was good friends with..Paul Robeson.
- He was appointed by the U.S. Senate as first Black member of a Federal Reserve Bank Board of Directors (Philadelphia)
- He mentors some of the most successful Black people alive today.
- He is an author
- He is a movie maker
- He is... the most interesting Black man in the world.
Visit and click on Events for 10/23/10 to register to view this event! Note: This event is only available for members of the Black Business Network. But don't worry, there is no charge for general membership to watch this historic event with your family.
Darlene Robinson
Independent Marketer
TAG Team Marketing International, Inc.
will honor one of its greatest living treasures, 92 year-old, Dr. Edward Robinson. Every positive, Black person needs to see this to learn Amazing Black
History Facts directly From The Man Who LIVED IT!
- He is 92 years old, Black and very proud.
- He has accomplished more in the last 30 years than most people accomplish in a lifetime.
- His Black history books are read by thousands worldwide (even in some school systems.)
- He knew W.E.B. DuBois personally.
- He was good friends with..Paul Robeson.
- He was appointed by the U.S. Senate as first Black member of a Federal Reserve Bank Board of Directors (Philadelphia)
- He mentors some of the most successful Black people alive today.
- He is an author
- He is a movie maker
- He is... the most interesting Black man in the world.
worldwide for the masses to take part in this historic event, at no charge, on TAG TEAM Marketing Internet TV. The event is perfect for the whole family, and every Black family should see. Register now to reserve your viewing slot for this amazing, historic event. Also, spread the word.
Visit and click on Events for 10/23/10 to register to view thisevent! Note: This event is only available for members of the Black Business Network. But don't worry, there is no charge for general membership to watch this historic event with your family.
Darlene Robinson
Independent Marketer
TAG Team Marketing International, Inc.
In these very tough economic times, emotions and mindsets are stressed out and challenged to the MAX! This is especially true for teens, pre-teens, and single parents. In this day and age of reality TV...wouldn't you like to finally see a show or program that is not only entertaining, but actually (and I mean REALLY) help families going through tough emotional and mental trials? AND ... see these same folks have their DREAMS COME TRUE in the process?
Of course you do!
That is where The C.H.A.M.P. Experiment comes in to your life.
The C.H.A.M.P. Experiment is a new documentary / reality show based on the book and workbook program, The C.H.A.M.P. Within, by author and advocate, Traci S. Campbell. Teens and their families will be featured that need help in some area of their lives: mentally, emotionally, financially, you name it! And you will see them put the practical and spiritual practices outlined in The C.H.A.M.P. Within program to work in their lives. For those who stick to it and make a real effort for change ... you will see Traci S. Campbell and her team do whatever it takes to make the dreams for these deserving families come true.
How COOL is that?
You can check out our introduction video at:
Add your city to the map by letting us know what issues are challenging your community:
Show your support for C.H.A.M.P. by joining us at The C.H.A.M.P. Within on Facebook
* For more information about the show, The C.H.A.M.P. Within program, and the creator/author, Traci S. Campbell call us at 1-888-519-2299 or complete the form at