All Posts (132)
If you would like to take advantage of our specialrates on credit coaching, call 321-287-0986. Also, join our Credit Empowerment for Woman Movement.
Every month in 2012, we will be assisting woman with free services to help them rebuild their credit and start the pathway to becoming DEBT FREE. Call us to find out if you would like to be one of our 3 ladies selected MONTHLY to get FREE CREDIT COACHING and FREE CREDIT SERVICES.
Be blessed and start the pathway to becoming financially free.
The Hardest Working Woman in Credit
Be sure to get more information about credit traps and Read the book Innocent Victims.
Multiple Purposes…
Join, a Social Network, to connect with positive individuals, communicate with friends, listen to informative radio and watch inspirational and business TV.
Take it a step further and join to develop groups of people with individual and group goals. Support each other and work with one another to build networks for one another that will allow each person to accomplish their goals. Everyone has a something to share, a useful talent or skill.
I am personally looking to build a family. The priority is to help the members meet their needs and accomplish their goals, whatever that may be, through support, accountability and networking.
If you wish to take it even further, Monetize what you are already doing. If you wish to Make money from networking with friends/associates, sharing information and building groups of individuals that support one another, you can.
We all have options.
What’s your purpose?
Join Let me know when you have completed your profile. If you are interested you may contact me, through the Mighty people network, FB or
Wings of Love Women’s Ministry (WLWM) is a network of Christian women from around the world. Our endeavor isto create an online atmosphere where women can realize healing andspiritual growth, while cultivating their God-given gifts andministering in their local churches and their communities and the world.
Women have been a vital part of the ongoing ministry of the Body of Christ since its early beginnings throughout the scriptures. Theirministries now reach around the world with a variety of vision and focusincluding Prayer, Bible Study, local and world missions, team ministry(providing assistance to mission states and regions), Benevolence,Prison Outreach, and Youth.
Godly women are making a significant impact in their cities by their commitment to devote their gifts, time, and finances to promote thevision of Wings of Love Women’s Ministry.
WLWM’s desire is to connect with other women of faith who have battled abusein their lives, and who have been held back from moving forward forwhatever reason. We seek to encourage victims of abuse to go forth andgrow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ with morecommitment & boldness, knowing that through healing and restoration “the good work God has began in them He will complete.’’
Motivated solely by the gospel, WLWM exists to help women discover that they are God’s Masterpiece, intricately and divinely created for the glory of God, and to assist congregations in nurturing, encouraging and equippingwomen to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.
WLWM, always using Scripture as its guiding principle, has the following objectives:
- To provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal
- To provide crisis response advocacy, along with the critical resources needed for victims of abuse to take the first step
- To elevate women as persons of worth
- Address the concerns of women
- Build networks among women
- Mentor women
- Challenge Godly women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community
Women are encouraged to:
- Accept their calling as Women of God who will offer themselves daily as living sacrifices, acceptable and pleasing to God;
- Serve God with zeal, keeping their spiritual fervor and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ;
- Be faithful in prayer; and
- Share with God’s people who are in need.
“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts andplans for prosperity and peace and not for evil, to give you hope inyour final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come andpray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me,inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when yousearch for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
Hello & Happy New Year Ladies!
I was recently introduced to Jockey Person 2 Person, a division of Jockey, Inc. This is a direct selling business where you hold parties to show the line of clothing for women. The compensation is quite generous because they are looking for 1000 new distributors!
It usually costs $220.00 to become a consultant but now it's only $19.95 to join and you'll receive about 9 pieces of clothing to get started.
There's a 75% off sale going on right now and the Spring line debuts in about 3 weeks.
Not many that look like us in the group right now so let me know if you're interested and pass this message on to anyone that you know who might be interested in working this business for play or real money.
Warm regards,
Adrienne Jackson Wright, Ed.D
Jockey Distributor #201073
In 2011 Riland Educational Corporation will award the first of each of it's scholarships.
check out our site to keep up with scholarships, internships, and deadlines.
Join our facebook group!/group.php?gid=129597552800
Like our facebook page!/pages/Riland-Educational-Corporation/119611257258
Join our cause to help use education to help people free themselves from the welfare system
Black Enterprise Partners with BBWO
Black Enterprise forms content partnership with Black Business Women Online, the number one social network for women entrepreneurs of color. Starting January 2011, the BBWO network and official blog ( will include exclusive and featured content from Black in the areas of entrepreneurship, careers, small business, and personal finance. Members will also receive updates on BE events and opportunities ideal for black professionals and minority business owners. (continue reading).
New Year, New You! Join My Pledge Towards Personal Prosperity in 2011
You want to be prosperous right? You want your dream life, your dream business, all your dreams – period? If yes, then I want you to do two simple things for me. Tell yourself that you are going to make BIG changes in your life in 2011 and then leave a comment to this post and tell me your are in. Pledge today that you commit yourself to working towards personal prosperity for 2011. I want to hear you and know that we are moving forward together, so you have to leave me a comment. I want to know you are listening and you are in.
Only 2 Days Left!
The 2010 Closeout ends in 2 days! My Grab Everything Bundle is now $49,
but not for long. It will be $197 after January 1st. Don’t Miss out. Download now at
Saved the BEST for last ... 7 Money and Marketng Must Reads from Black
More to come! Enjoy your New Year!
LaShanda Henry
My intentions were to NOT write another blog post until 2011 but having some time on my hands has allowed me to reflect back not only on my business but over my personal life as well.
As I look back upon the hurdles and trials I have endured this past year, I’m able to appreciate what those experiences have taught me, how they’ve allowed me to grow and have influenced my decisions to make some uncomfortable, yet extremely beneficial changes to help me get to where I want to be.
That is why I’m writing this post.
Maybe in 2010 you lost some of your initial passion for your business or it was hard for you to keep focused on your tasks because of life and every day circumstances. Whatever the case, there is a reason so, I want to share with you a little about how our personal circles of influence can affect our business excellence.
Your Circle of Influence....[continue]
Solo professionals are like big businesses when it comes to the need for a solid marketing strategy. The distinctive thing about solopreneurs, however, is that you get to be the head decision maker for every part of the business. That means it is all the more important to take your strategies from complex to simple whenever possible.
Now is a great time to develop your branding and marketing plan. While you definitely need to consider mapping out a strategy that is more comprehensive to cover you for at least the next twelve months, here are four simple questions you can answer in order to set a basic foundation for promoting your distinctive brand and services you provide:
How will I generate leads?
This is one of the most critical steps to developing a solid branding and marketing strategy. Assuming you have already identified who your ideal clients are, you must now figure out where to find them. Immerse yourself in studying your target market - find out what they read, where they frequent, and what they buy - and put yourself in front of them.
How will prospects get to do a "taste test" with me?
Before a potential client will buy BIG from you, they will want to know what your services are like. Depending on the business you're in, you will need to decide what is most effective and most practical to give away. For example, you might offer a free strategy session, or a free audio, or even an e-book. What can you offer that will be of interest and take little effort or investment on your part?
How will I direct them from one point to the next?
Now that your prospect has had a taste of what you do and they want more, make it simple for them to know what is next. This involves some thinking on your part of what your marketing funnel looks like. Whenever you engage a client in your product or service, be prepared to promote the next thing and make it easy. At the end of your teleseminar, share the next program or info product. This is the time where you can extend even greater value to your new customer - at the point that you have already made good on your initial promise!
How will I follow up?
The client engagement process usually follows a certain path - suspect --> prospect --> client --> advocate/evangelist. In order to move people through these stages, you need some idea of how to continuously follow up and stay in touch. Whether this looks like a series of autoresponder emails, a regular ezine, postcards, etc. consider how you will stay in front of your leads. The key is to add value to their inbox, not being pesky.
I now invite you to claim instant access to a free video and audio download, 5 Secrets to Successfully
Starting a Solo Business While Working Full Time at: to learn even more about great solo professional business branding tips. - Tanya Smith, The Solo Business Brand Coach at Be Promotable.
2011 is right around the corner, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to start planning! Here are a few tips that may help:
- Write down your goals. Think about each area of your life (financial, spiritual, career, health, etc.), and write down a few goals for each one. Just be sure you don’t have too many because that may cause you to feel overwhelmed and decide to give up. Also, be very specific about your goal. So, for instance, if your goal is to lose weight, don’t just write I want to lose weight. Instead, write I want to lose 15 pounds by July.
- Create an action plan to achieve your goals. Once you’ve written them down, you need to come up with a plan to achieve your goals. Using the above example, if you want to lose weight, ask yourself: What am I going to do to get to my ideal weight? Your plan could be to throw out all the junk food in your house, bring your lunch to work three days a week, and hire a personal trainer.
If your goal is to start a business, your action plan could be write a business plan, create a website and marketing material, and work with a business coach. - Create a vision board. So, you’ve figured out what you want to achieve next year. Now, it’s time to visualize your goals coming true. One way to do this is through a vision board. To make one, you’ll need a poster or cork board, tape, glue or tacks and magazines (or other photos). As you flip through magazines, cut out images and words that resonate with you and/or things related to your goals. Some things I use are pictures of women I admire (like Kimora Lee Simmons and Oprah), words like ‘success,’ ‘inspire’ and ‘fabulous,’ and photos of women doing things I want to do more of such as exercising.
- Affirm. After you’ve done the above, it’s a good idea to write some affirmations concerning your goals. Of course, at the beginning of the year, you feel super positive and optimistic, but sometimes, if things don’t go as planned or in the time frame you want, you may start to feel discouraged. This is where affirmations come in. So, if you start feeling discouraged (or you just need an extra push), read and/or write some affirmations. Some tips for writing them:
– Use present tense. Positive affirmations work better when stated this way. So, instead of saying, “My new business will be successful,” say, “My new business is successful.”
– Keep them positive. Instead of saying, “I don’t eat junk food anymore” (a negative affirmation), try “I eat healthier everyday,” or “I am motivated to eat healthier.” Affirmations work best when you actually feel yourself being joyful when saying them. Additionally, use words that have power.
– Make them short, and be as specific as possible. By keeping them short, your affirmations will be easier to say and to remember. And by being specific, you’ll get exactly what you want. So, if you want to make more money, affirm an exact amount, i.e., “I make $1500 through my business each month.”
– Repeat your affirmations often. Especially when you’re feeling down.
– Believe. Now, you don’t have to necessarily believe your affirmations initially, but as time goes on, you should definitely start believing what you’re saying sooner rather than later. The quicker you start believing you can have what you want, you will.
Do you have more tips to prepare for a successful new year? Share them below! : )
Forgiveness Workbook
Start your 2011 off with a Forgiveness Workbook. This Forgiveness Workbook or Life Workbook, is a great way to bring the power of your thoughts, good energy and a generous way to express your true feelings on paper. This journal can be used for writing down situations and how you have experienced them. These journals are good places to record your positive outlook, your goals for achieving a path to your truths and your daily affirmation. It can allow you to look at that information later for understanding inspiration and guidance.
Tips for Understanding Forgiveness
1. Upon waking, write down the name of the person you are forgiving. Write down what it is you are forgiving them for.
2. It is a good idea to write words such as I am, I can, I will.
3. Write down your perception of the misunderstanding.
4. Jot down significant words/phrases that signify your mindfulness, today. "My partner", "my great career", "my respect for myself".
5. List what negative feelings you are still holding on to. Explain in your journal.
6. Now learn about the power of letting go of these feelings. Write down each day, something new that you find forgiveness in doing, seeing, saying, hearing...
7. Understand, it is now time to let go, which you do by____________________... (write them down). Look at it periodically. What impact does it have on your thoughts?
8. Do you see failure as a stumbling block or a stepping stone to forgiveness? Find three things in forgiving that make it a stepping stone to the next level! List them now.
9. Be sure and write the time and day on the top of the page.
10. Make this journal your own! Buy or make a book that you are eager to go to each day. Use stickers, color, doodles that all express your journey to forgiving yourself and others.
For the month of December I decided to work on myself and join up for 31 Days to Rest Your Life Challenge. One of the exercise was to ditch your tv for 24 hours. I didn't think I could do it. I am addicted to watching/listening to the tube. Plus I am currently home-bound due to the slow clean up NYC is experiencing after a nasty blizzard on Sunday.
So yesterday, I woke early, turn the tv and sat at my computer to do some work. After about an hour I realize there was nothing interest is on. So at 9am I turned it off and it's been off ever since. I was tempted but I knew had better things to do.
I did some cleaning. I want to de-clutter as much as possible before the New Year comes. I did a little blogging. I attended webinar. However, majority of my day was spent working on my business. If you haven't purchase the Sista Sense 2010 Closeout Bundle, you need to get on it. I did! I am about 1/3 through the entire bundle and there is more files to listen, watch, and/or read. Thank you LaShanda. I am pump and ready for 2011. I am motivated and already started putting some ideas into motion. Why wait til the ball drop?
Putting it out in the the universe: I am going to have a successful business.
Have a great day and Happy New Years!
Authors - Would You Like to Win A Publicity Package (Valued at $1,000)
Whether you are a speaker who dreams of increasing your fees and selling more products, or an author who strives to sell more books and gain national exposure, publicity is your answer
Enter the Contest at
Send this to all your friends and let's see who wins
Would you like to earn $1,000,000 in 2011?
Million Dollar You for the New Year
An interactive course consisting of a series of 4 live webinars designed to lay the foundation for the participant to generate a MillionDollars in income over the new (2011) year.
The webinar topics:
1. Assessing your present situation,
2. Setting your sails for change,
3. Establishing your Goals and Objectives,
4. Your Millionaire Action Plan.
The webinars take place on 4 Mondays at 9PM eastern: January 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2011.
Lesson sheets are provided in advance to each participant.
A Millionaire Success Assessment is provided to each participant prior to starting the course.
The course is FREE to all members of the Millionaire Success Team - those who purchase the Twelve Universal Laws of Success Ebook SuccessPackage for $19.95 at
The cost to non-member participants is $69.95.
Million Dollar You for the New Year
More info at:
Please pass the word to your friends who need a change in their lives.
Upcoming Seminar: Monday, January 17, 2011
You might be saying... I am ready for my CD to blow up or I am ready for my book to be featured on Oprah (yes, even the new network)! My question to you: are you "media" ready?
So many people want to be on various radio shows and others want to have maximum media exposure for their business, products or services B U T are they "media" ready? Can the media find them online? When they do find them, what impression will they have? This Teleseminar is great for anyone seeking media exposure ( radio, TV, print media etc). This foundational seminar will give the beginner the tips that enable "media" readiness!
Special Admission: FREE ---> Click here to Register!
Time: Monday, January 17th at 7:30pm Eastern - 30 minute seminar
Listening method: Phone OR Web Simulcast
Facilitator: Sharvette Mitchell
For more information, visit
Are you ready for a successful 2011? What will it take to design a powerful plan and actually implement it? Business owners know all too well that planning is essential. The fact is, you really can't determine where you're going if you can't put together a plan of action. So, instead of being stuck on cruise control, here are 5 ways to speed your business through a successful new year.
Write a book and get it published! Writing a book can be time consuming but a very critical step in your success as an entrepreneur. It’s a great way to position yourself as an expert, thus, allowing you to create additional income streams and charge higher fees for your services. As an author, you will expand your exposure and add credibility. According to a recent survey the New York Times reported, 81% of people feel that they have a book in them and should write it. To get started writing your book, it's important to establish a clear vision, topic and purpose for your book.
Conduct a SWOT Analysis. A SWOT Analysis is a great way to access the state of your business. When conducting a SWOT, you are analyzing your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal conditions of your business. According to experts, most small businesses are great at looking at the internal aspects but fail to look externally, which are the threats and opportunities. Taking a closer look, here are some key questions you must be able to answer when creating your SWOT:
1. What do you do well? For example, review your sales, operations, marketing and management.
2. What are your core competencies?
3. What experience do you bring to the table?
1. Where do you lack resources? For example, evaluate areas such as customer service, marketing, accounting and business planning processes.
2. In what areas can you make improvements?
3. Where are you losing revenue?
1. What new requests are your customers asking for? Can you fulfill their needs?
2. What are the technological advancements?
3. What are the economic trends that benefit you?
1. What are the negative economic trends?
2. What are the negative political and social trends?
3. Where are your vulnerabilities?
If you aren’t sure how to get started, starting January 2011, National Association Women on the Rise (NAWR) will provide monthly tele-seminars and programs for women in business. Some topics include:
· SWOT Analysis
· Access to Capital
· Certification
· Public Relations
· Personal Branding
Invest in a coach. It is important to align yourself with a professional coach to help you identify where you are NOW and where you want to be in areas of your life, such as; career, health and wellness, relationships, financial wealth and spiritually.
Working with a professional coach can help you in clarifying your vision, goals, values and purpose while supporting you in mapping out a strategy to achieve your dreams. For years, my focus has been on helping others rather than investing in a coach to help me overcome some weak areas of my life so that I can better serve my family and clients as well as develop and create a plan for my personal and professional goals.
One of the unique benefits of NAWR’s membership is access to professional group coaching. Having access to monthly group coaching is a phenomenal opportunity to gain increased confidence, goal achievement and increased awareness.
Each month a NAWR member can receive “hot seat” coaching during the group coaching session. A “hot seat” coaching opportunity is when a participant comes to the group session and brings an issue to the table that needs exploration, development and solutions.
Set SMART Goals. Goal setting is crucial if you want to remain successful and competitive. Once you identify what goals you want to implement for 2011, you will need to find a way to review and measure progress. Some goals will take time to achieve, so it is important to measure your progress regularly. Try implementing SMART Goals into your planning. SMART Goals is a simple tool used by businesses to formulate an actionable plan for results. SMART illustrates the 5 characteristics of an efficient objective:
S - specific
M - measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – timely
A common reason for failure in completing goals is having too many on your plate. Determine what your priorities are and then focus on them. By prioritizing your goals, you are focusing on those that are important to the overall success of your company. The key to success in setting goals for your business is making sure they are attainable and measurable.
Create a stellar customer service strategy. Providing quality customer service is vital and should be an important part of your business model. What is quality customer service? It involves relationship building, establishing communication, building trust and resolving potential problems or conflicts.
Are you at the top of your customer service game? Do you have processes in place to handle customer complaints? How do you measure quality service? According to most consumer surveys, a typical business hears from about 4% of its unhappy customers; while 96% just go away and 91% will never come back.
Don’t sit on your morals! You should never get too comfortable, instead, regularly assess the strengths and weaknesses of the quality of your services, your processes and your customer approach. As a business owner, you should make it a practice to over deliver and under promise.
In conclusion, by incorporating these simple yet effective strategies into your plan, you can position your business for significant growth. Here’s looking at a great 2011!
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sylvia Browder is CEO of Browder Consulting Group, a virtual small business consulting firm. In her role, she helps Women in Business grow and succeed. She is Founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. The association’s mission is to provide professional and personal resources while uplifting and empowering women entrepreneurs through collaboration, education, mentoring, spiritual and peer support, leadership and networking. She is ‘employed as Project Director and business consultant for the Women's Business Center, Inc, a non-profit economic development organization with a mission of empowering women to start and grow successful businesses. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. She also serves as a Technical Assistant Provider for SBA’s Community Express Loan Program. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, She can be contacted at
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